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New World Closed Beta

I love the story and the idea of it. You were sent off to find a lost land where no one has come back from. Those who venture just disappear. No debris. corpse nothing. Just vanished. You set off on your adventure where you find out, first hand, what has happened the the crewmen before you and some how survive the grim fate that has befallen those before you.

There is a bit of character customization but it’s not as in-depth as a few other games. There aren’t any number dials like for noses and such but there are quite a few faces, hair styles and a glorious color wheel so you can customize as much as you want with those regards. I am a little sad you can’t change sizes of facial features ECT but I was able to make a super kawaii Viking with twin buns and a glorious beard. uwu =^.^=

I find the play style appealing and you can pretty much okay whatever you want to play. Magic classes seen to suck mana but I’m a tank class so that doesn’t do much to me. The fight style is very similar to other click fighters like Black Desert Online and Tera.

The talent tree is pretty linier. It’s more based off stats and the weapon you want. Example you need strength to use axe sword mace shield. You select different alternative attacks but you have to make sure you keep the weapon type or you just are kinda stuck. But this brings up the fact you can basically multi class. Example: You can alt-weild a staff with a sword level up your intelligence and strength and be a spell sword. You do need to swap weapons though too use the alternative attacks but you can do that. Weapon skills and usage are all based around your basic stats like Dex Strength Int ect.

You can pretty much do whatever you want in the have as well. Farming materials is a thing and you level up those skills like any other profession. Nodes are single use first come first serve so you can wait for the spawn or move on. Though I find this very annoying, there are so easy fixes around this. I understand mobs being one use only but Nodes and what not shouldn’t me. You are able to pretty much see what anyone is doing at any given time and it can create some…clutter in the overworld.

The idea of a campsite is nice as it allows you to rest, cook craft basic items and such but with how many people are playing and the fact you can see everything another player does, it can take away from the immersion when you see 100+ camp sites in one area. A perk with having so many in one area though is you always know where a town is and it looks like it’s ablaze. So that’s interesting but at the same time I don’t enjoy clutter in games…. But I suppose that could be a personal taste.

I haven’t seen any mounts yet but I’m not sure if they are going to include them. So far it hasn’t made the gave boring to just walk to the objective points.

There is also an economy system in the hand as well as factions. There if I remember correctly wars that you can fight with other affections to gain control of territories and depending on which faction owns a territory will affect auction house pricing and taxes how much experience you gain in an area etc.

There is a lot this game has going for itself and I am sad that it got pushed back. I was hoping this would be a release review but sadly we have to wait a bit more for that. I do suggest giving it a try though as it does have some things to get used to and what not that could make the game a terrible experience for you.

Destroy All Humans

There was something about this game that I just love. I’m not sure if it’s the silly humor from the 50s or Crypto’s phrases. When I think of aliens, this is where I go to. Named after disease and anal probes just make this game one of my favorites. I know this is a little behind but I’m playing catch up. Don’t worry I’ll have a post about it soon 🙂 But for now, here we gooo!

This game is exactly how I remember it when it first came out. The graphics are nostalgic and how I remember them. I will admit, the cutscenes really made it for me. The details in their faces really make the game memorable. The voices in the game add is almost word for word from the original as well…both the silly and the awful jokes. Really though, I am a huge fan of the silly dumb jokes and I don’t care what others think. It really adds to the game if you ask me even if it’s just a small chuckle or an eye roll.

The thought of being a destructive protagonist isn’t lost on me. You are able to pretty much have your way with the areas as long as you are prepared for what happens next. Sure, the maps may not be as open as one would hope but the amount of damage and torment you can cause but I think the vast arsenal you have makes up for it. You can replay the levels and try out new skills, weapons or even game styles. Some maps even allow you into your ship to cause havoc. Remember, you’re cool if you don’t look at the explosions, but I will still think you’re cool if you do.

When you start off, you start learn new skills as you progress. It’s not all Ray guns, anal probes and throwing people, cows…cars…the usual for an alien arsenal. With each new skill, you have a quick tutorial before you are sent off to the world to collect brains and intel for your domination of the world!! Not everything in this game is about going out and just attacking. There are also stealthy approaches you can take as well to make missions a little easier or to progress through the mission.

I will say though, for the most part the quests are similar to the original release. Because of that, I found some of the areas easier than others. I did notice a new quest where you are to destroy something the Air Force is working on and it caused me a little headache. Not having prior gameplay knowledge really made it a challenge to me and I rather liked it! Each area has it’s own main story line quests, but don’t forget to check your side quests!! Each zone has several for you to finish like “Exploding heads with your skills and take 8 brains” and other stuff along those line! They are all easily doable when doing the main quests too.

Honestly, there’s something about a Jack Nicholson type alien who’s goal is so explode heads, collect brains and throw cows (and other things if you wanna play the game that way hehe) Sure some of the quests are repeats with new skins but I feel like the game did it’s job making a remake without redoing everything completely. I wish some remakes took this root but I understand the way they go.

I did make this game a GOTY for 2020.

DOOM Eternal

There hasn’t been a DOOM that I haven’t liked. The mix of ambient metal music the the straight carnage there is something for every FPS gamer in the game known as DOOM Eternal. Unicorn Costume not included but it made the game better. JS.

Doom has been a staple in my gaming world for a long time. Though I wasn’t able to enjoy Doom 64 when it launched, I was able to savor the flavors of the game and appreciate it more now I think then I would have back then. Doom Eternal is just another entrée for us to enjoy.

This game, is hard. Though I have always been a fan of games that offer me some short of challenge…DOOM Eternal most defiantly gave me a good run for my money. There are a lot of power ups, and such around and with the fancy kills to replenish your health, ammo ect it was very hard for me to get frustrated with this game. There are plenty of new enemies and return of some old favorites.

Not a lot, like I said before, upset me with this game. I will admit though, there were some mobs in the game that I dreaded to face. The Marauder comes to mind….*eye twitch* I..I can’t even talk about it with out feeling the anger and screaming when I say it’s name. Marauder. Going with the aspect of the game being difficult there are a lot of puzzles and platforming in this game. If you know me, you know platforms aren’t my thing. So right off the bat I wasn’t a big fan but I didn’t let that ruin my game experience. After all, I was a Unicorn Doom guy. A UNICORN!!!!

Exploration has been a good thing in this game. It isn’t as closed as some of the other games have been. Sure you have your path to follow but there’s so much to explore. You even have a home base area where you can upgrade your things and even explore it. Exploration leads to codex that lead to lore. I must admit, the amount of lore you can find is amazing, and it’s so well put together it’s easy to follow and understand the events of Eternal much better. If I don’t stop talking about this it won’t ever stop. After all, I am a Loremaster hehe I love things like this.

The story is pleasantly long. I want to say maybe I spent close to 11 hours on my first play though but the open story makes it more fun to replay and explore areas you might have missed. If it’s one thing I love it’s ability to be replayed and have a new experience. I do like to take my time with the game because I want to savor everything it has to offer. With that being said, that 11 hours wasn’t me rushing, but I wasn’t exploring every nook and cranny. My second play through was a bit longer as I took the time ti find all of the Codex, all of the new areas and just see where I could and couldn’t go.

When it comes to shooters and just plain hack n slashers, I will always recommend DOOM to anyone, and this one is no exception. All in all, This game get’s a solid 7/10 from me as well as a GOTY award. I don’t have any links if you want to play the game. It’s out there on every current generation system except the Switch (that got canceled sadly 🙁 )

Nioh 2

I am a huge fan of the Darksouls series. From the lore to the game play, you can probably call me a glutton for punishment. This game, is literally no exception. I don’t know how many times I died, but I can assure you it was a lot. A lot of screaming, groaning and just plain anger. However, with the beauty of the game mixed with the game play and combat style, this is easily one of my GOTY choices for this year.

I would like to give this game props and I feel like we were heard when it came to this game. Being a prequel of sorts, this is worth the pain you get from playing it. We went from a set character from the west to one that you can make yourself but is silent. Think Jade Empire interactions with people. You have no voice, but you’re heard by all who speak. Though the landscape is beautiful, there are always some greener grass on the other side. There are some real life historical figures in this game as well.

Every new area offers a lot to you. From beautiful scenery all the way to the combat. Everything about this game has a purpose. There is a lot to do in this game and I can see how it can overwhelm some people. There are so many items in the game it can possibly take you a bit of time to sort everything and do your basic inventory management (If you’ve seen me play WoW, you know I struggle hard with this) There are also a lot of customization options you have. Like I said before, you are able to create your character. The amount of thought it takes to make your guy is intense. So many options. So little time.

Combat is one of the most important things in this game, it’s almost centered around it. Normally, I’d have something to say about this but frankly, combat is very impressive. Not only do you have new pieces of gear that help increase your damage, you have a lore more yokai skills you can use now, including a realm just for them. There is also a chance for items to drop that let you use enemy skills against them when brought to the right places.

You have a few different things you can do in combat. You have Soul Core moves, which I talked about above. These are very powerful attacks but they can leave you open to counter attacks and other damage. You also have Burst Counters which is a bit more exciting to me. These are just fancy parries but you can stun your foes with ease while dealing a great amount of stamina loss to your foes preventing them from using strong moves against you. Both can take some getting used to but I tell you what…when you learn this shit you’re golden.

I mentioned Darksouls earlier….well this game is just like it difficulty wise if you ask me. The one thing I will always give props to Team Ninja is their attention to difficulty and they do what they can to balance it even if it means there’s a secret to certain things in their games. You have an option, in most cases, to avoid combat. In fact, I don’t remember coming across anything in “the wild” as I did with the story, I feel like I can stay on a road and not get attacked.

There are a lot of things you can skip. Side missions is a big thing, but like with more challenges, they are rewarding. Though you can expect to be challenged, you don’t every have to really do them. You can just stick to the main storyline and you won’t really miss out on much except some currency and maybe some loot. I applaud this company.

All in all, this game is great and it is something I suggest you play. Obviously if you are easily frustrated with hard combat you may want to hold off or watching a gameplay video for it. Though challenging, this game is as beautiful as it is creative. The reimagination of Japan and the history of the country is a great little insight to the realm of Nioh.

Nioh 2 get’s a solid 9/10 from me. Play it! Nuff said!

Resident Evil 3 Remake

This year has most definitely been a year for remakes and rebirths of my childhood. With the hype and my undying love for the remake of Resident Evil 2. I must say this game didn’t fall short scaring the crap out of me and keep my eyes looked to the screen. You never know what’s going to be around that corner.

With Raccoon City in ruins and with some of the best bosses in the Resident Evil series it’s really hard to say anything bad about this game. With the environment being so detailed from flickering lights to ambient sounds, the game really keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Compared to the Resident Evil 2 remake, the combat here is a lot more entertaining. Jill has a new move that’s like a fast side step now so she can dodge some attacks. Jill can also use a few different weapons in the game with upgrades available for you as you progress through the story. You can never go wrong with shot guns though. Just saying.

Nemesis is back…he is strong….and quick….and like holy shit excuse me? For being as BIG as he is he can’t do that…or can he? When he does show up it’s so unexpected. He got me to squeak a few times in fear…this is one of two games that I can never feel completely safe in. The first being Deadspace.

Just like with Resident Evil 2, you are able to play as Carlos. I felt like he was a bit of a hardmode character as it wasn’t as easy to dodge or do other things as him. Sure you can be a bad ass, but if you can’t dodge outta the way…what are you good for ;P I must say, thought I enjoy a challenge…I do find myself playing Jill more than the Merc Carlos.

Keeping true the nature of the rooms and spots in the series, each room has a unique story to tell you. From useful items all the way to secrets there’s always something for you and a good reason for you to explore in the world. Sure, sometimes it can seem very tedious to do some of the tasks, but you are always rewarded for your time. Thankfully there is a map to help you find your way around but be careful….was that dead body here before?

Going into this game with just my memories to help, this game seemed like a torture room before now. Honestly at first I felt like it was going to be the same. I would push in areas where it was difficult to try to get past and with one wrong move, you are dead. Though this can be frustrating, I defiantly recommend taking your time with the puzzles and bosses to the best of your skills. Based on my level of knowledge from the original game, slow and steady survive the Zombie Hoards.

This game is a beautiful challenge. It brings back the amazing memories I have of the original game with adding modern age mechanics into it. It still feels like Resident Evil 3. This is a perfect game if you like to relive the glorious past but also if you fancy a scare.

RE 3 gets a 8/10. This is one of the games that I grew up with so I could be slightly bias. I like to give honest reviews and I honestly feel like this is a game you should pick up and play. The replay value is there. Maybe you missed this room on accident? Time to go back! Jill is EZ mode? Then play as Carlos. Just play until your little zombie loving heart forgets 2020.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

The Dragon Ball series has a lot of history. The whole series started back on April 26, 1989. Who’s would have known it would have over 30 games, and over 800 episodes with the name. It has to be one of the well known animes of it’s time.

But have you ever thought…what would it be like to have control over the world? To explore the world of Dragon Ball Z and defeat the BBEG of the franchise? Well fear not, for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is here to feed those urges. I must say, if you’re a fan this is a game for you! This year has been very hard on my wallet. With many games coming out that I have been watching for awhile it was hard to say no to this one.

I have always been a fan of the Dragon Ball Games. I love their unique fighters and some of their new ones added to the story. This game is no exception. I feel like there is a lot to do in this game over the others, but I still like that it feels like a DB game. The story mode for this game it what sets it apart from the rest.

Once you get through the start of the game, you can explore the world that is opened up to you. You’re able to explore the world while flying around as the good ol’ Kakarot. Between fighting minions, no names and other worthless NPC’s you eventually get through and fight the end saga bosses and hopefully you succeed.

Let’s talk about gameplay for a moment. Combat is a strong point in the game. You are able to pick and choose your combat style by what buttons or triggers you hit. Just like in the show, when you go Super Saiyan you become stronger. Over time, you run out of Ki and revert back to your normal state. Just like in their lore, you can’t stay Super Saiyan forever.

You have the power to pick and choose your attacks through the level up system and each character can have their own set. It’s a in depth system that involves level up as well as utilizing other characters you get to help progress your arc and your attacks. The more you play the more you can unlock, just like in the show.

The story line of the game, is a pretty good tie in for the show. If you haven’t seen the show or you have forgotten all of the fun parts of it this is a pretty good game for you. I can’t speak for everyone but I didn’t find the story boring. I remembered all of the sagas well so I would have assumed it would be boring to repeat it all but I loved the sense of power I had and feeling like Goku made it for me. Obviously, this is just for me but I still say it’s an enjoyable game and I think you guys will like it to.

It was so nice being able to see older characters from the arc as well as the new characters. I feel like this game has a lot to offer new and old fans alike. Though I did find the damage numbers to be a little annoying and the lack of outfit customization, I found the game to be enjoyable. I did, however, feel like there wasn’t a big call to be replayed right away but it’s a game I’ll keep in my library.

DBA Kakarot gets a solid 7/10 Dragon Balls from me. I loved the game itself but I could be picking on some details that are meaningless. Some of the arcs I found to be a little lack luster but it’s still solid. The good out weighs the bad in my opinion and I feel like you should check it out!

Darksiders Genesis

So, this game first came out on PC last year but I didn’t get a chance to play it and when it was launched on console I thought, why not. This was a game series I love and I was so excited to see it was going.

For those who don’t know, Darksiders is a hack and slash type series that’s been around for quite awhile. So far, you have gotten to play as 3 siblings in their attempt to free one of their own as you go on with the series. This game, however, is the start. This is about Strife. This will be the first game that you are able to play him as well.

The dual pistol weilding protagonist is a great addition to the Darksider’s Universe. I was quite excited about the change. I’ve grown found of War’s play style of running in and hacking up the bad guys and going on. Strife is more glass canon type. The best strategy is to keep your distance and pew pew.

This game, is from the first person prespective. I didn’t really even mind. I’m a big fan of Third person games like this and normally frown upon first person but truthfully I didn’t mind at all. I was able to control my character with ease and that was the most important part. It’s hard to get into a game where you can’t really see yourself and end up missing everything you’re trying to hit because you just can’t see. UGH!

Most of the time, to be honest. I don’t find too much replay values. Most games are just kinda meh. I buy them, I beat them and I check out end game before I quietly put the game down and move on. This game was different for me. I wanted to go back and see if there was anything I missed. The environments and the amazingly done levels kept me playing the game for quite awhile (mostly until the next game came out hahah)

Truthfully, this game wasn’t as finished as the other games that have come before it. It has it’s bugs and glitches and it’s other keybinds ect. This is almost pushed aside by the fantastic combat, the great puzzles that made you really thing about to solve. The massive levels make the explorer in my so happy and it drew me back to the places I’ve been just to ensure nothing was missed.

The play time is a little short, I think I put about 16 hours into it or something like that…but it was well worth it all. Though I’m a fan of the older styles, I still enjoyed myself enough to give my copy to a friend to play and so on.

Darksiders: Genesis is a great game and was super entertaining. I def think you should give it a try if you like puzzles, shooting and beating people over the head with a giant ass sword.

There are a lot of good things about this game I like and I really think you guys should check it out! It gets a solid 7/10 review!!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX

I have always had a love hate relationship with Mystery Dungeon. I have always found that if its not a cannon Pokemon then it wasn’t a real game. I was stupid back then. But that was then me, the new me is really open to this game!

So, lets get started with how the game starts. You are asked to take a personality test to see what Pokemon is best suited for you. If you don’t like result you can totally switch it up. I’m guilty. I didn’t feel like I would make a good Totodile… If you know me then you know I picked Eevee. I am so ashamed lol. I also chose Cubone as my partner and I don’t regret that at all.

The art style is something different. I wasn’t entirely sure how I was going to like the water color paper craft type graphics that honestly made the game for me. It’s really hrd to describe. I normally don’t like shading like that and prefer games that are semi recitalist ya know? But i feel like it helped keeping me emerged in the game and was able to focus longer on what I was doing and I kind of felt like I was a Pokemon. It’s weird and I can’t really describe how it made me feel but I really liked it.

The story line seems to be similar to the other games I have played. You’re a human now turned Pokemon and you and your partner have sworn to save any Pokemon in need by dungeon crawling and rescuing Pokemon. In the end though, what do you decide? Stay a Pokemon or go back to your human self?

The combat it pretty straightforward. It’s a semi turn based combat system with roaming enemies and just hitting the A button and have it alternate between the enemy Pokemon, you and your partner. There are several moves you can learn as well as some HM and TMs you can purchase with Pokedollars and build you up to be a bad ass.

Truthfully, I’m down for the dungeons changing. It reminds me of Diablo 3. You hve a set layout but it varies greatly depending on what you’re running. So you can keep running the one map, but it will always be different and worth it, You never know what you’re going to find or who you’re going to come across. Will the quest be on the first level? Last level? Who knows until you do it!

All in all, I have lost several hours to this game and I loved every minute I played of it. I have been able to sell it to several friends who were on the edge and I’m glad that I was able to share that experience with them. This is definitely a game that I recommend to play, if you’re on the fence. There should be a demo (as of the time of this pot) of it on the Nintendo Eshop. So give it a go!

This game totally get’s a 9/10 from me! I loved the game and it was almost perfect for me. I love the art, the gameplay and the story. It’s super cute and I totally think you all should check it out!

Want to play the game? Check out this link !

Have a review request or something you want me to check out? Send me an Email at Lily@unicornmuffin.TV!

See you all next review!

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

So hi guys I know its been while, so whats new?? I’ll blog abut it later for you guys heh.

So,this was one of two games that came out on my birthday this year and it was super hard to pick one. Truthfully it came down to the fact I was going to be very busy for awhile and I needed a game I could take with me wherever I went but don’t worry, I’ll play Kakarot here next! With that being said, let’s get this started!!!

I am going to start this off by saying that I love this series of games, and it’s developers. With the announcement of Byleth being in Super Smash, it made me even more excited for this. Now I know what you’re probably thinking. But Lily, I am so tired of Fire Emblem characters being in Super Smash, I want more thing. to that I say “meh….” Whatever though it’s time for the review.

I wasn’t lucky enough to play this game on the Wii U when it came up. I owned one but at the time I wasn’t able to play it. So the chance i get to play it now was a really exciting moment for me. I am a huge fan of Atlus and I have been for several years. So I already knew I was going to like this game. There were several things that really stood out to me.

You are, like in most JRPG, a highschool student out to help your friend find her sister. With her help and the help of interesting ghost type characters that are based on the Fire Emblem series. The game has a real focus on modern day Japan and the rich lore behind the ghosts that help you in battle.

I loved the combat in the game. the different moves you can learn and how some moves are stronger of weaker on certain mobs was a real plus. I really enjoy games that do stuff like this and it made combat more fun. When you exploited a weakness, your partner in fight has a chance to attack on thier own starting a session and taking out the enemy.

Outside of combat, the story line was a little light and fluffy. As you go on through the story line you find out there’s a few styles of quests that you can do with your friends. You will watch them turn into the stars you knew they could be. That’s kind of it. It’s easy to say that this game is mostly about combat. I can’t really complain though, but it would have been nicer to have a little more than fluff in between fights.

All in all, I had a lot of fun playing the game. I liked the extra content they released for the Wii U and that I was able to play it. Though I was sad at the fluff story, it didn’t take me out of the game. I still played it and I still recommend it for anyone who is into Atlus.

I think a nice 8/10 would be great for the game. I really liked it. Want to play it? Check out your nearest game retailer or go to the Switch Website and purchase it.

Want me to review a game you want? Send an email to! See you next post!

Pokemon Sword/Shield

So, before I start, I am aware that this game is under a lot of bad rep. Though I do agree with a lot of the fans complaining, they will no have a big part in the review. Even though I believe all reviews are based on personal opinions, like most of my reviews. Please be aware, there are SPOILERS in this review. If you haven’t played and want to, or haven’t beaten it yet just be aware.

The story is alright. Honestly the bad guys (Team Yell) don’t really SEEM like they’re bad. I never felt like they were out to destroy the world. Honestly, it just seemed like they were so into Marnie. Every time I’ve interacted with them as part of the story, they always used phrases like “borrow this” and “I”m just practicing my chant”. Nothing really seemed malicious…You really don’t see who’s really the evil villains until the very end of the game. Even so, were they really evil? I mean yea. Do I think they’re spoiled rotten royal pains in the ass? You betcha!

I honestly think the Wilderness is my favorite part of this game. I really liked it in Let’s Go Eevee/Pikachu. I really like that there are some Pokemon that are a little too high level running around. Why do I like this? Because it was fun being chased by a big HUGE Bewear that is screeching at you. Camping is also a lot of fun. Playing with your Pokemon, visiting random people and cooking just makes it feel real. Now, I am a HUGE fan of Cooking Mama, and cooking made me feel like I was playing it.

The reintroduction of Gyms made the game feel like my childhood. They did get changed up a little bit, but to me it’s a welcomed changed. They added some little trials at the start of the gym. Each gym had little puzzles or little strategy testers before you can fight the gym leader. I am a little sad that each gym leader has like 3 Pokemon though. I was sitting here like “I’m sorry what? I’m allowed to have 6 and you have 3? That doesn’t seem very fair to you…” Of course they respond with a full heal and I rage.

Don’t forget to talk to the Poke-ball man for your free fancy ball 😀

So boy, these Dynamax raids and fights are something else. As much as I adore new mechanics I feel like it’s kind of boring compared to what could be in the game, or what shouldn’t be in the game. I do like that you can invite your friends to the raids and how they will fill up the party with random NPC’s to fill it up and give you a chance at catching the pokemon. Something I found kind of strange but I think I understand it, is you can only throw a ball once to attempt to catch it. If you fail it is GONE. But Long Meowth kind of fills the void that Elgeym left in my heart.

To be honest, I rather enjoy this game. I’m glad it came out, though I am very sad that there’s not all of the Pokemon in it and I can’t really relive my childhood on this game, it doesn’t make it inherently bad. Recently, Pokemon games have been kind of a hit or miss for me. Either it’s an amazing game and I love it or it’s just a pokemon game.

With that being said, I enjoyed the game, I sat and played for hours when it launched. I laughed a few times and after I got through the gyms the story got kind of stupid..

Sword and Shield is going to get a 8/10. Though I really enjoyed it, it’s not really hitting the real nostalgia mark. I might just be getting to the point in my age where the new forms of X Pokemon are just stupid or what but I still liked the game enough to sit down for literally hours farming Pokemon and progressing through the story.