
Archives for : JRPG

Animal Crossing: New Horizon

I’m going to be honest in the start of this review. I haven’t really sat and played a REAL Animal Crossing game. I have kind of half assed played them and then I got tired of being yelled at by not showing up every day. This is what happened with Nintendogs too. So it’s not just this game. There’s something about this one though that really makes it something I want to play everyday. Whether it’s talking to people or spending bells. This one just feels better.

So let’s start off with the story. I mean it’s not a long one. Tom wants to try out Island life with you. Your goal is to make this island rock everyone’s socks off. Easy enough yea?? That’s it. Tom does go on to explain new things to the game….

Nook Miles are something new added to the game that’s an additional currency in the game. You get them for completing achievements or for jut doing everyday things like talking to villagers or fishing. These points can be used for a few things. New items, new clothes, Bells or for tickets to travel. The traveling is the fun part if you ask me. You travel to random islands where you can meet potential villiagers or new fruits. YOu can also get special fish and items as well by traveling around them.. Just make sure that you don’t leave anything you want to keep behind. Once you leave the island you cannot come back.

Crafting is a lot of fun in this game. you can learn many recipes through your villagers, the Nook Shopping and your friends. You can also shoot them from the sky or find them on your beach. I really wish you could craft multiple things at once, but holding down A speeds everything up and then you have to go through the dialog again. It’s a mixed feeling that’s for sure. But it’s not too bad honestly, just a little annoying.

With the game only being out for a few weeks, I haven’t had the chance to experience a lot of the holidays or seasonal changes. But so far they are pretty dynamic and spring with the cherry blossoms have been super pretty. Bunny day is here in a few days so I can’t wait for that one either. If the other holidays are like this one then I’m excited.
I really like the idea of a little world. It’s by itself but at the same time it’s not. Friends, villagers and you make it something special. The amount of time you put into this game is a lot and somehow, I feel like I can’t ever finish it. I fine more things I want to do, more places to explore. Everything. It’s so neat and just exciting.

Playing with friends is a lot more fun now. One thing that kind of gets me is you can’t swap bugs and fish with them so you just have to wish them luck if they want something you fished up. In my close group of friends we keep everyone up to date on what’s in our stores and our turnip prices so we can get things we like and make them sick bells!

Anything can come true in this game. You make your own style or just be whoever you want to be. There are costumes and clothes for almost anything thing you want. Like today I got some Togas because why not! Maybe I want to host a Toga party or eat a salad. Who knows! I don’t! There are so many silly things you can get but honestly, with being able to change everything about my character, I can change my looks with how I feel. If I want to be a bunny, I can. Geisha? Got it. Power Ranger? Hell to the yeah!! It’s endless. With those as well as custom designs you can be whatever you want to be!

I have nothing but praise for this game to be honest with you guys. Sure there are a few things that I might not like but they don’t effect the game that much. I can go on and one how I rather enjoy the fact I can change every aspect of my character whenever I want and have it be free. Or how I can fish or collect bugs all day and be happy. I can lose myself in this game and as quickly as I do, I can come back to the real world and go about my day.

Animal Crossing is a GOTY contender for me for 2020 as well as a 9/10 Bell rating. Everything is great about the game. I do wish there was a little more you can do with your friends and a little more you can give them. But I love this game and I don’t regret anything about it!!! 😀

Want to check out the game for yourself? Check it out here!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX

I have always had a love hate relationship with Mystery Dungeon. I have always found that if its not a cannon Pokemon then it wasn’t a real game. I was stupid back then. But that was then me, the new me is really open to this game!

So, lets get started with how the game starts. You are asked to take a personality test to see what Pokemon is best suited for you. If you don’t like result you can totally switch it up. I’m guilty. I didn’t feel like I would make a good Totodile… If you know me then you know I picked Eevee. I am so ashamed lol. I also chose Cubone as my partner and I don’t regret that at all.

The art style is something different. I wasn’t entirely sure how I was going to like the water color paper craft type graphics that honestly made the game for me. It’s really hrd to describe. I normally don’t like shading like that and prefer games that are semi recitalist ya know? But i feel like it helped keeping me emerged in the game and was able to focus longer on what I was doing and I kind of felt like I was a Pokemon. It’s weird and I can’t really describe how it made me feel but I really liked it.

The story line seems to be similar to the other games I have played. You’re a human now turned Pokemon and you and your partner have sworn to save any Pokemon in need by dungeon crawling and rescuing Pokemon. In the end though, what do you decide? Stay a Pokemon or go back to your human self?

The combat it pretty straightforward. It’s a semi turn based combat system with roaming enemies and just hitting the A button and have it alternate between the enemy Pokemon, you and your partner. There are several moves you can learn as well as some HM and TMs you can purchase with Pokedollars and build you up to be a bad ass.

Truthfully, I’m down for the dungeons changing. It reminds me of Diablo 3. You hve a set layout but it varies greatly depending on what you’re running. So you can keep running the one map, but it will always be different and worth it, You never know what you’re going to find or who you’re going to come across. Will the quest be on the first level? Last level? Who knows until you do it!

All in all, I have lost several hours to this game and I loved every minute I played of it. I have been able to sell it to several friends who were on the edge and I’m glad that I was able to share that experience with them. This is definitely a game that I recommend to play, if you’re on the fence. There should be a demo (as of the time of this pot) of it on the Nintendo Eshop. So give it a go!

This game totally get’s a 9/10 from me! I loved the game and it was almost perfect for me. I love the art, the gameplay and the story. It’s super cute and I totally think you all should check it out!

Want to play the game? Check out this link !

Have a review request or something you want me to check out? Send me an Email at Lily@unicornmuffin.TV!

See you all next review!

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

So hi guys I know its been while, so whats new?? I’ll blog abut it later for you guys heh.

So,this was one of two games that came out on my birthday this year and it was super hard to pick one. Truthfully it came down to the fact I was going to be very busy for awhile and I needed a game I could take with me wherever I went but don’t worry, I’ll play Kakarot here next! With that being said, let’s get this started!!!

I am going to start this off by saying that I love this series of games, and it’s developers. With the announcement of Byleth being in Super Smash, it made me even more excited for this. Now I know what you’re probably thinking. But Lily, I am so tired of Fire Emblem characters being in Super Smash, I want more thing. to that I say “meh….” Whatever though it’s time for the review.

I wasn’t lucky enough to play this game on the Wii U when it came up. I owned one but at the time I wasn’t able to play it. So the chance i get to play it now was a really exciting moment for me. I am a huge fan of Atlus and I have been for several years. So I already knew I was going to like this game. There were several things that really stood out to me.

You are, like in most JRPG, a highschool student out to help your friend find her sister. With her help and the help of interesting ghost type characters that are based on the Fire Emblem series. The game has a real focus on modern day Japan and the rich lore behind the ghosts that help you in battle.

I loved the combat in the game. the different moves you can learn and how some moves are stronger of weaker on certain mobs was a real plus. I really enjoy games that do stuff like this and it made combat more fun. When you exploited a weakness, your partner in fight has a chance to attack on thier own starting a session and taking out the enemy.

Outside of combat, the story line was a little light and fluffy. As you go on through the story line you find out there’s a few styles of quests that you can do with your friends. You will watch them turn into the stars you knew they could be. That’s kind of it. It’s easy to say that this game is mostly about combat. I can’t really complain though, but it would have been nicer to have a little more than fluff in between fights.

All in all, I had a lot of fun playing the game. I liked the extra content they released for the Wii U and that I was able to play it. Though I was sad at the fluff story, it didn’t take me out of the game. I still played it and I still recommend it for anyone who is into Atlus.

I think a nice 8/10 would be great for the game. I really liked it. Want to play it? Check out your nearest game retailer or go to the Switch Website and purchase it.

Want me to review a game you want? Send an email to! See you next post!