
Archives for : Simulations

Back 4 Blood Closed Beta

Many many years ago, a little game called Left 4 Dead came out. It was a game set in a outbreak zone where your goal is to survive the best you can with your friends. For the time, this game was advanced. With rumors of the 3rd game coming out brought the need for a game like this to come out. This game has brought back so many memories it’s amazing.

The game play is fantastic and really relies on you guys to pay attention to where the other people are as well as what is going on in the environment. There are the same type of events that force a horde, but there are also groups of birds, cars and other items that can summon them as well. The hordes can be very intense and if you are not paying attention to what is summoned it can be the end of the game. But you do have three tries to get to the next safe house so it’s not too bad.

They have added a card deck system into the game that will draw from them at the start of every game/chapter. Four cards are drawn and you select what ones you want and the game starts you in a room where you can pick up some free gear or you can open a store and purchase items with copper that you find out in the world as you play. Each player character you can pick have different group buffs that can help you out when you have a full party.

The store offers a variety of goods from health kits and pipe bombs. You can also purchase weapons and upgrades for them so you can increase damage, accuracy ect. Melee is also an option in the game. Each chapter offers weapon upgrades as the ridders get harder and stronger. I say check the stores and little crannies for weapons, upgrades and more. This game is all about strategy or you will struggle.

The game offers a unique array of special ridders from a one that will crush you to a half body pouncing from the walls and pin you down. Each one has a weak spot and it’s up to you to figure out how to make what’s best of what you have to get them down, get their weak spots and survive. It honestly took me a few downs to figure out a good strategy and keep at it.

Over all, my experience of this game is great. I honestly loved everything about it and it was just a trip down

nostalgia lane. Though there are some kinks, they’re not game breaking. It’s mostly some weird party bugs and such. I urge you guys to give it a try when it comes out to Open beta. The Closed Beta is a 7/10 Stars! Great game, I personally ran into some issues but nothing a quick restart or just starting a game over again.

Animal Crossing: New Horizon

I’m going to be honest in the start of this review. I haven’t really sat and played a REAL Animal Crossing game. I have kind of half assed played them and then I got tired of being yelled at by not showing up every day. This is what happened with Nintendogs too. So it’s not just this game. There’s something about this one though that really makes it something I want to play everyday. Whether it’s talking to people or spending bells. This one just feels better.

So let’s start off with the story. I mean it’s not a long one. Tom wants to try out Island life with you. Your goal is to make this island rock everyone’s socks off. Easy enough yea?? That’s it. Tom does go on to explain new things to the game….

Nook Miles are something new added to the game that’s an additional currency in the game. You get them for completing achievements or for jut doing everyday things like talking to villagers or fishing. These points can be used for a few things. New items, new clothes, Bells or for tickets to travel. The traveling is the fun part if you ask me. You travel to random islands where you can meet potential villiagers or new fruits. YOu can also get special fish and items as well by traveling around them.. Just make sure that you don’t leave anything you want to keep behind. Once you leave the island you cannot come back.

Crafting is a lot of fun in this game. you can learn many recipes through your villagers, the Nook Shopping and your friends. You can also shoot them from the sky or find them on your beach. I really wish you could craft multiple things at once, but holding down A speeds everything up and then you have to go through the dialog again. It’s a mixed feeling that’s for sure. But it’s not too bad honestly, just a little annoying.

With the game only being out for a few weeks, I haven’t had the chance to experience a lot of the holidays or seasonal changes. But so far they are pretty dynamic and spring with the cherry blossoms have been super pretty. Bunny day is here in a few days so I can’t wait for that one either. If the other holidays are like this one then I’m excited.
I really like the idea of a little world. It’s by itself but at the same time it’s not. Friends, villagers and you make it something special. The amount of time you put into this game is a lot and somehow, I feel like I can’t ever finish it. I fine more things I want to do, more places to explore. Everything. It’s so neat and just exciting.

Playing with friends is a lot more fun now. One thing that kind of gets me is you can’t swap bugs and fish with them so you just have to wish them luck if they want something you fished up. In my close group of friends we keep everyone up to date on what’s in our stores and our turnip prices so we can get things we like and make them sick bells!

Anything can come true in this game. You make your own style or just be whoever you want to be. There are costumes and clothes for almost anything thing you want. Like today I got some Togas because why not! Maybe I want to host a Toga party or eat a salad. Who knows! I don’t! There are so many silly things you can get but honestly, with being able to change everything about my character, I can change my looks with how I feel. If I want to be a bunny, I can. Geisha? Got it. Power Ranger? Hell to the yeah!! It’s endless. With those as well as custom designs you can be whatever you want to be!

I have nothing but praise for this game to be honest with you guys. Sure there are a few things that I might not like but they don’t effect the game that much. I can go on and one how I rather enjoy the fact I can change every aspect of my character whenever I want and have it be free. Or how I can fish or collect bugs all day and be happy. I can lose myself in this game and as quickly as I do, I can come back to the real world and go about my day.

Animal Crossing is a GOTY contender for me for 2020 as well as a 9/10 Bell rating. Everything is great about the game. I do wish there was a little more you can do with your friends and a little more you can give them. But I love this game and I don’t regret anything about it!!! 😀

Want to check out the game for yourself? Check it out here!

Little Friends Dogs & Cats

It was only a matter of time before we had some version of Nintendogs on the Switch. I have been patiently waiting for something to occupy my time when I don’t have my 3DS on me or busy playing World of Warcraft. I can hear it now….”But Lily, you have a real cat” Yes. But my need for a dog is fulfilled through this game haha.

Since the launch of the Switch, it was only a matter of time for a Nintendogs clone. When I saw the information about it, I was rather excited! I mean, how can this game be bad? I mean….it’s a clone, that’s for sure…

Little Friends, starts off the same way like the 3DS/DS games. You have a choice between a few dogs in a tiny little yard, and when you pick one, and name it you then make them comfortable in the house. The first time I noticed, it doesn’t matter what I name my dog, and even if I scream it’s name it doesn’t her me. The lack of mic is disturbing. One of the features I really miss honestly, besides some of the other lacking mini games.

There’s really only around 4 things you can do with your dog. Take care of it,walk it/train, dress it up, and disc competitions. I’ll go over the different things below. But I do have one question for you guys. You can get different flavors of food (and only food btw )….why would a dog want Fish flavored food? Or…better yet, Chicken Beef Fish flavored food? Personally I have never met a dog that enjoyed fish, but maybe I just met weird dogs. So I don’t know

Now, that you have this dog you have to take care of it. How do you do this? Well there’s quite a few ways you can do this. You can pet them, brush them and oh, and keep their toilet clean (wtf?) So there’s two ways you can do the petting and the brushing. The easiest one for me, want keeping the joycons on the console and using the buttons or the touch screen. There’s a little meter on the bottom of the screen that tells you how clean or happy they are. The other way to do so is use the joycons as motion controllers. I had a little bit of problems with this feature. I think it’s because the Switch doesn’t sit in front of me like the developers were hoping for. No matter how many times I “calibrated” the joy cons I was always off center and never could do anything right. It was frustrating and made it near impossible to keep Beuker clean.

Walking your dog is a strange mini game in itself. It’s an enclosed track where you have a set goal to achieve for a reward. Example, dig up two treasures, mark 5 locations and walk 200km. Pretty simple right? Not too hard. these are something you can easily do with little to no problems. The lack of different areas you can walks is a little boring. It’s one long track, and honestly by your 3rd or 4th walk, you have seen it all. You don’t encounter others, you can’t do anything besides dig at balloons, walk in a giant circle and pee on sign posts. Training your dog is super easy too. Since there’s only one event you can do with your dog, it takes no effort to train their secret catching stat to help you win the competitions. Once more, it was easy to do the motions with the Frisbee when the joy-cons were attached to the actual Switch, rather than me using the motion controls. Again, I’m not entirely sure if it’s just where my Switch is compared to me but calibrating never fixed my problem. Even so, this caused a few losses that I’m not going to get into right now.

So, like I said above, there’s only one event you can par take in and it’s disc throwing. I don’t know if Nintendogs just pampered me or something, but I like having multiple things I can do with my dog. I liked training new tricks with commands. Where as, tricks here and manually learned and you really don’t have any say in them. I mean, come on. Really? The disc throwing stuff is the same thing no matter what level you pick. From Armature to Master, the only thing that’s different is the AI have a high catching skill. You have to use tickets to participate in the events too. I was “lucky” to never have run out of tickets but I can’t imagine how screwed you’d be if you did. It’s strange that you have to pay to enter these games, but you do.

The did add a little bit of a dress up function to this game. They have hats, shirts, scarves, pants, ect ect ect. There’s a lot you can purchase, unlock or use tickets for. You can also spice up your house a little with set pieces of furniture, set layouts and that’s about it. Literally the most exciting thing was dressing up Beuker with nifty glasses and a weird onsies with spots.

Once you hit level 15, you can unlock the friend plaza, and all this place does is gives you the chance to unlock more breeds for you to own. I mean there’s not much more to this place then that.

Being honest. I think this game is lacking compared to Nintendogs, but I will admit to sitting down for several hours at a time to play this game. The one thing I want to note about this game is it is by a different company, but I think they were trying too hard to compare it to Nintendogs,l and ended up lacking in some of the features that made Nintendogs fun. Yes you can take care of a virtual pet, and you can do s few fun things with it. But that’s about it. The animal never feels any sort of real. I think the switch is a great system, but this is a game that deserves a mic.

I’m going to give this game a 4/10. I had fun with the parts that I played, but I didn’t feel fulfilled. I really needed more to keep my interest in the game more than a disc throwing event, and feeding the dog fish flavored food.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

If you’ve played a Mario Kart game, then you know what it’s all about. Pick your favorite character and race against your friends, mortal enemies, or NPC’s to earn point to upgrade and just have plain bragging right. So, what makes this game so fancy? It’s on the Switch, it’s got everything unlocked, and Tanooki Mario is a jerk. A huge JERK! I mean come on! How Dare you get Red and Blue shells! What a butthole…..


So the major thing that I wanted to type about this game, is everything is unlocked by racing. Everything is unlockable through game play so there’s no need to purchase anything extra to enjoy your game, and customize what you can. I will say though, I find it a little easier to use on the Switch, than the Wii U, and easier on my hands than the Wii and the N64..SNES….. Not that I’m dating myself or anything. I’m not old…..I just happen to have flashbacks to the original Rainbow road….*shudders* So, yeah….


The AI are, rather vicious…and I LOVE it! I mean, besides screaming profanity and considering throwing something at Tanooki Mario I realize that the AI knows what to do with the cheap tricks and dumb antics and I mean COME ON! How did they get so good? The Shells? Bombs? PEELS?! How evil…so very very evil….Hissssssss


So, is there anything bad to this game? I mean if you don’t like losing, racing, Mario, Karts, and the number 8 or word Deluxe. Then yes. Yes you will have a bad time. I’m sorry. But if none of that does anything, then fantastic! I have the game for you! Even with the tiny wheels and all 😀 And I mean TINY! So cute 😀


I do want to make it known, they did add a fancy feature to help the newer players. It’s like a Drive assist to help you not well, fall off Painful, I mean Rainbow Road, or into sand or anything bad. I mean, when I’m looking to just have a good time and secretly wish evil things to Tanooki Mario, I like to keep it on when I just want to relax. I mean, it’s possible in Mario Kart……Right?


All in all, it’s the Mario Kart from the Wii U just on a tiny, portable system. I’ve been a huge fan of this series since I was a kid, and I mean there’s not much you can do to mess up a MK game, at least that’s how I feel!

This game get 9/10 Blue Shells. 😀 As angry as I get, I love this game, and so far it’s a great hold over for Super Mario Odyssey 😀

7 days to die

7 Days to die, or as I’m going to call it “7 Days to die then respawn run back to your group then die again”. this Minecraft Apocalypse wanna be has got to be the most headache inducing game of all time.


I am all for the surviving death, disease and all of that. I find those games to be the most fun so My friends and I thought we would try this game out. I must say, this is something that I wasn’t expecting….and at the end of the time playing it, I made some tea and hit my head against my desk.


Let’s start off with what happens. You are thrown into some random location where you have to collect anything you can find to help build things and items while you dodge a lot of zombies to make sure you can live to make it to either your friends or a safe spot. Now, a lot of zombies is an understatement…a HUGE one mind you. In one area I came across 20+ zombies who all magically knew where I was and where I was going and I swear they were like rabbits…They kept multiplying.


It’s literally a “let’s see how many seconds I can live before I die” type of game, and if you watched my stream you say how many times I died so close together (and if you were watching I apologize for my words…It was super frustrating..)


The graphics themselves are decent, more like early 2000 graphics. YOu can easily identify what’s what and who is who but they’re still not clear or flowing. But this game is still in an early release so I’m hoping something will happen. Now the graphics aren’t detrimental to the game play though. But it reminded me a lot of Beast of Prey.


So now I’m sure you’re like “You said Minecraft but I don’t read minecraft!” I”m getting there! Gosh….


With  the resources you collect you can build things, like walls sleeping bags ect. The way you place things is very minecraft esk and like Beasts of Prey, the envrionment really makes or breaks stuff. I LOVE when my frames go through the ground and then everything looks off center. That’s always great!


The amount of difficulty in this game made it a real headache. We actually had a difficult time getting start and staying together. There were several times we had to pause and regather ourselves before going on.


I’m giving this game a 7/10 Cinderblocks. I liked the game for the most part. I didn’t enjoy having to walk to my friends only to get killed again. The zombie population in this game is too damn high. But since this game is in early access I will be watching it closely and will definitely keep you all posted on the game!

Want to give this game a try?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to The Fun Pimps and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


A Stanley Parable

This is a  game where you are controlled by the voice in your many ways to choose your fate.  The perfect way to end the work week.  I rather enjoyed this game.

You play as Stanley-number 427, a brain washed man who loves his job, or so he thinks.

You begin in your office and there is no one there, that is when youre introduced the voice that tells you where to go and what to do. There are a few different ways you can play.

If you choose to follow the voice you remain a brainwashed person, who does end up “leaving” the office and you are free to live your life…or are you? You are then brought back to your office, given the exact same paths You were given before.

If you choose to not follow your mind, you begin the story. You play a long for the moat part. Go up and down a hall way open doors. Over time the voice in your head gets very upset with you and “restarts your life” over and over again, trying to.get you to listen.

I won’t say anymore about the storyline as I.dont want to spoil Anything for you guys.


The controls were very easy to.use. WSAD to move and click on the mouse to move, but wait….when you mose creates a keyboard sound? Am…am I really dreaming? Or is this reality…..

This was a fun game. Listening to your mind talk was funny at times. I give the game a 8/10! This was a genuinely a fun game. If you get the free time you.really should check it out!




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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game.


Goat Simulator

Hey guys! Before I get this review started, I want to apologize for not posting for a few weeks. I got a new job and it has been taking up a bit of my time but don’t worry! I got into aa nice rhythm and once again I will be posting reviews!!!!


So let’s get started.


Have you ever wanted to be a goat? Living with other goats in a tiny fenced in yard with a goat castle? Of course not! You want to go out and explore and cause chaos!  Goat Simulator gives you a great insight to the might goat world! With it’s humorous takes on physics and the way a goat is, this will easily be one of my top 10 games of 2014.


You start off in a tiny pen with other goats, from there you can stay in your little enclosed area and play with the other goats or go out and explore! You can interact with many objects by licking them as well as gather up items in a gigantic ball.  Once you do the demonic Ritual, you have the option to fly. If you wish for your goat to stay pure, then you can find a jet pack. Please note, you can’t control where you fly so God’s Speed.

There is no real story. You run around, finding artifacts and destroying the entire cities with your crazy goat antics. One of my favorite things to do is to grab the ball shooter from the  batting cage and using it to shoot people and blow stuff up. It was even better in Slo mo. Watching the balls slowly hurl at something and watching what happens.

The controls are simple and easy to get a hang of. I did catch myself baahing a little bit in the beginning but that made it more fun for me. There is also a nice text to speak feature in the Microsoft SAM voice. I’ll be posting a video of it later this week about it. My friends and I had a lot of fun with this game’s feature.


I loved this game, and I feel that it is worth it!!! I give this game a 9.5/10.

Interested in the game you just read about?


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game.