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Baldur’s Gate III

So, I am not usually one to pay into early access of games because I’m always worried that they won’t finish the game ect ect. Well, I broke that by getting this game. I want you to keep in mind that I have been patiently waiting for this game and I was so excited to see that it was in a playable state and I just had to get into it.

As of the time of this review (10/13/2020) this game isn’t completed. It is in an Alpha/Early access launch so this review will not be complete as of yet. I will be going over that I like, dislike and had problems with so you can make your own choice. Obviously I am somewhat bias right now and I think you should get it, but read what I have to say and go from there šŸ™‚

So let’s get started with Character creation. There isn’t *that* many customization options. It’s not very in depth. Each race has preset faces, hair, horns ect. I wasn’t expecting a lot of customization right of the bat. But I personally find the faces are bleh, and I’m not excited about most of them. Each race has their own eye colors though that are pretty unique. There are about 6 classes right now to choose from which is also ok. I was excited to be able to make my D&D character in the game.

Movement is hit or miss. You can swap between free movement or turn based movement when out of combat. I did have a slight issue with movement where sometimes it wasn’t registering it, but I got around it. I just shrugged it off, made a note about it and moved in. I know what I was getting into when I got the game. I’m not going to be petty. If you can’t handle the game not seeing you click or moving then don’t get it right now. Wait until it comes out or more things are fixed.

The voice acting is very well done in my opinion. Sure sometimes the mouths don’t move and the character T-poses but that’s not anything I can’t get past. In fact, I think it’s hilarious and I think it gave the game charm. To match the voices, the graphics are super beautiful when they render. Sometimes you get those weird smooth graphics on characters or scenes. Though it takes away from the immersion….it’s not like I couldn’t get sucked back in.

Combat is also interesting. I think my horrible RNG followed me into this game. I found my rolls didn’t always work, which is fine. I died quite a few times because I didn’t make my saving throws or I just made bad moves. The combat is turned based, which I am partial to. I like the idea that I can see what my options are and I don’t feel that rushed. There are some mechanics you have to get used to and TK is a thing you can do. Trust me I did it many times on accident. RiP Us T.T

Level up is similar to that of D&D. You have skill points you can manually place or have the computer place what they think is best. There are also archetypes in the game as well and a spell book with a decent size. Sure you can’t just go around and pick any random spell but I do like that you can start with Grease. Who doesn’t like grease?! Synths. That’s who.

I made sure to keep in the dark about the story until today. I can tell this is a new era in the Forgotten Realms. From what I gathered from the intro, Mind Flayers (eeeeeeeeee!) have found a way to travel across the area on massive ships and you were captured. During the scenes a tadpole from their pool was given to you and your goal is to find a cure. There are several other side quests you can go on but at the same time you can just go about your business and get that thing out of your eye.

Over all, I’m happy with my purchase. Some of the weird ass bugs, glitches and other things can be annoying but it didn’t ruin my experience. I’m still rather happy with my purchase at the moment and I encourage you to check it out. Whether you wait or get it now is up to you. You can also check out my life stream from 10/7/2020 to see the game play and listen to me complain about Us dying or having to reset the game a few times to fix errors I made.

This early access gets 7/10 stars. I like the game but there’s still a lot that needs fixed. I knew what I was getting into when I got the game and I’m still happy with it.

Edit: While the game is staying at 7/10 stars I would like to add I have been experiencing some weird lag with some combat that caused me to restart my game to fix. So make sure you save when you can.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

The Dragon Ball series has a lot of history. The whole series started back on April 26, 1989. Who’s would have known it would have over 30 games, and over 800 episodes with the name. It has to be one of the well known animes of it’s time.

But have you ever thought…what would it be like to have control over the world? To explore the world of Dragon Ball Z and defeat the BBEG of the franchise? Well fear not, for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is here to feed those urges. I must say, if you’re a fan this is a game for you! This year has been very hard on my wallet. With many games coming out that I have been watching for awhile it was hard to say no to this one.

I have always been a fan of the Dragon Ball Games. I love their unique fighters and some of their new ones added to the story. This game is no exception. I feel like there is a lot to do in this game over the others, but I still like that it feels like a DB game. The story mode for this game it what sets it apart from the rest.

Once you get through the start of the game, you can explore the world that is opened up to you. You’re able to explore the world while flying around as the good ol’ Kakarot. Between fighting minions, no names and other worthless NPC’s you eventually get through and fight the end saga bosses and hopefully you succeed.

Let’s talk about gameplay for a moment. Combat is a strong point in the game. You are able to pick and choose your combat style by what buttons or triggers you hit. Just like in the show, when you go Super Saiyan you become stronger. Over time, you run out of Ki and revert back to your normal state. Just like in their lore, you can’t stay Super Saiyan forever.

You have the power to pick and choose your attacks through the level up system and each character can have their own set. It’s a in depth system that involves level up as well as utilizing other characters you get to help progress your arc and your attacks. The more you play the more you can unlock, just like in the show.

The story line of the game, is a pretty good tie in for the show. If you haven’t seen the show or you have forgotten all of the fun parts of it this is a pretty good game for you. I can’t speak for everyone but I didn’t find the story boring. I remembered all of the sagas well so I would have assumed it would be boring to repeat it all but I loved the sense of power I had and feeling like Goku made it for me. Obviously, this is just for me but I still say it’s an enjoyable game and I think you guys will like it to.

It was so nice being able to see older characters from the arc as well as the new characters. I feel like this game has a lot to offer new and old fans alike. Though I did find the damage numbers to be a little annoying and the lack of outfit customization, I found the game to be enjoyable. I did, however, feel like there wasn’t a big call to be replayed right away but it’s a game I’ll keep in my library.

DBA Kakarot gets a solid 7/10 Dragon Balls from me. I loved the game itself but I could be picking on some details that are meaningless. Some of the arcs I found to be a little lack luster but it’s still solid. The good out weighs the bad in my opinion and I feel like you should check it out!

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ā™ÆFE

So hi guys I know its been while, so whats new?? I’ll blog abut it later for you guys heh.

So,this was one of two games that came out on my birthday this year and it was super hard to pick one. Truthfully it came down to the fact I was going to be very busy for awhile and I needed a game I could take with me wherever I went but don’t worry, I’ll play Kakarot here next! With that being said, let’s get this started!!!

I am going to start this off by saying that I love this series of games, and it’s developers. With the announcement of Byleth being in Super Smash, it made me even more excited for this. Now I know what you’re probably thinking. But Lily, I am so tired of Fire Emblem characters being in Super Smash, I want more thing. to that I say “meh….” Whatever though it’s time for the review.

I wasn’t lucky enough to play this game on the Wii U when it came up. I owned one but at the time I wasn’t able to play it. So the chance i get to play it now was a really exciting moment for me. I am a huge fan of Atlus and I have been for several years. So I already knew I was going to like this game. There were several things that really stood out to me.

You are, like in most JRPG, a highschool student out to help your friend find her sister. With her help and the help of interesting ghost type characters that are based on the Fire Emblem series. The game has a real focus on modern day Japan and the rich lore behind the ghosts that help you in battle.

I loved the combat in the game. the different moves you can learn and how some moves are stronger of weaker on certain mobs was a real plus. I really enjoy games that do stuff like this and it made combat more fun. When you exploited a weakness, your partner in fight has a chance to attack on thier own starting a session and taking out the enemy.

Outside of combat, the story line was a little light and fluffy. As you go on through the story line you find out there’s a few styles of quests that you can do with your friends. You will watch them turn into the stars you knew they could be. That’s kind of it. It’s easy to say that this game is mostly about combat. I can’t really complain though, but it would have been nicer to have a little more than fluff in between fights.

All in all, I had a lot of fun playing the game. I liked the extra content they released for the Wii U and that I was able to play it. Though I was sad at the fluff story, it didn’t take me out of the game. I still played it and I still recommend it for anyone who is into Atlus.

I think a nice 8/10 would be great for the game. I really liked it. Want to play it? Check out your nearest game retailer or go to the Switch Website and purchase it.

Want me to review a game you want? Send an email to! See you next post!

Ugly Dolls and the Imperfect Adventure

When I started to see commercials for this game, I knew that I had to play it. If you know me, then you know I enjoy random games like this. I think things like the characters in this game are adorable AF. I will also let you know before I get into this review, is I cannot wait for the cartoon!

So when the game starts the narrator goes over the story. It’s kind of interesting. they go to explain how there’s basically two city type areas next to each other. One was their town, Uglyville. Next to them, and was separated is Perfection. Well somehow, a robot got in and discovered how much chaos Uglyville had. So naturally, he called his friends to help clean up the area.

Your goal, is to find a way to send the robots back. At first, you’re able to do everything just fine. As you go around the town you collect materials and buttons from around town. You can use the buttons to summon friends for quests, or to purchase upgrades or other items from people in town. The materials are used to build things you need to complete your quests nd uch.

Questing is where I’m torn on. I loved how unique everything is, how you kind of have to explore or use the scouting item to find your objectives…but then after that it gets tedious. Most of the quests include you farming for items or crafting many different things that you need to collect from other things in order to finish. Now, I’m all for farming things. But when I have to literally spend hours trying to get the materials I need to make a bag to get a Wifi password it gets daunting.

Besides the mass farming I have to do to progress, I really enjoyed this game. Would i go back and play it again? Probably. Honestly, it’s not bad, but it wasn’t Cat Quests, or even BFA. It was a great game, and as always I encourage you to try it ut for yourself.

In truth, this game gets a 6/10. I really liked it, but the collecting of items became tiresome and I just couldn’t sit down and do a play through of the game. I don’t mind because I felt like I got my money’s worth out of it, so it wasn’t all bad šŸ™‚

Yoshi’s Crafted World

So, I need to be honest with you guys for a minute here. Unless this is a game I have been looking forward to for a year, or know the series itself is amazing I hardly every buy a game at launch. But here I am, writing this review about a game that launched today, so you can kind of guess what happened.

Let’s start off by saying it was very dead at work today, so I brought out my switch and was like “Why not try out Yoshi, it’ll be a great way to kill time before my relief gets here so I’ll have someone to talk to. It took me about 5 minutes of playing before I realized I needed to get this game in my life. This game NEEDED to join my library…and that’s what happened. heh….This is so unlike me, and normally I’ll wait a but but I just knew, this game needed to come home with me.

So let’s start with the story, as always there’s the bad guy. In this game it’s Baby Boswer and Kamek want to have all of the gems for themselves and end up getting into a tug of war of sorts with several Yoshi causing the stone to basically say screw it and burst all the tiny stones all over this new world. So you, brave little Yoshi, get to go on an adventure and pick up all the stones before Baby Bowser and Kamek.

So here I am, picking WHATEVER COLOR YOSHI I WANT to start the game off with and they throw you into the map area, and you can see where all the stones landed. You then go through the different levels to get the stones and then ya win the game, or something like that. That seems about right hehe. I was rather shocked that I could pick between about 6 or 7 different yoshi and they’re interchangeable throughout the game. Sick of being pink? Blue Yoshi will happily take over. Don’t want to be on Mellow mode? Fantastic! It’s easy to switch.

Wait Mellow mode? What’s that you ask? It’s a easier way to play the game. You’re able to fly around a little and enemies don’t deal as much damage. I found myself wanting to use Mellow mode when I have the switch as a handheld as it was hard to for me to see what was happening around me and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to die or something like that. Ya know, being lazy haha I’m kidding. When I got home thought I did turn it off and was able to enjoy the game like normal. I do enjoy that I can swap whenever I want between modes, it helped during a few parts to not get flustered.

So each map is different and filled with so many cute decorations it was hard for me to focus at first, Everything looks like something you could make out of everyday things and I think that is one of the few things that just made this game something I wanted. To top that off, all of the costumes are unique to the zones your in and are a barrier of sorts. Each costume as a set number of times it can be hit before it disappears, almost like a shield of sorts. Once you use up all of that costume, you’ll have to remember to reequip it before the next round or you won’t start off with it (poo) There are so many costumes to collect it’s insane. The fact that they added Amiibo support expands that closet EVEN more! My Yoshi is a cute little Poochy now with the amiibo from Poochy and Yoshi’s Wooly World šŸ˜€

Each level has many different puzzles for you to figure out using your eggs, and enemies to solve them. The game gives you hints on where the flowers are, but that’s about it. Are they above or below you? Maybe in a hidden event? Figure it out man. The idea that this game had me thinking about the same level as Captain Toad was fascinating. I rarely found myself frustrated with the game. Even if I managed to die several times in a row, or get stuck, the fun factor reminded for quite awhile.

The reverse side of the maps is fun too. It’s neat to go in reverse and see the area through a while new angle. I wish I could enjoy the map more personally. I say it like that because the reverse side is a timed quest to find all of the Poochy puppies. Now, you can totally ignore the time limit and just explore but if you want the reward that’s attatched to the area, you’ll have to obey the rules. Each poochy is hidden pretty well or sometimes not at all. Most of the time it’s a little bit of problem solving to find the pup and get him safely following you with a gentle smack of an egg or it’s brethren,

Each area doesn’t feel like the last one. With new types of bosses and new puzzles it kept my interest for hours on end. I struggled very hard to put my switch down. One more level I’d tell myself, and three later I’d realize what I’ve done. With the different ways to go about the problem solving required to finish, I just never felt bored. I loved how much I had to use my poor brain that was getting dusty from Pokemon Let’s go. Haha.

All in all, I love this game, The fact that it just has you do so many things and I never felt like a total failure (there was one time but I don’t have time to get into it ;P ) I love the collection of costumes and how unique every single one is special to the area as well as events (amiibo support btw!!!) I can’t wait to unlock everything in the game costume wise and it’s paining me to sit here and type this instead of playing the game. I’ve never been drawn to a game so quickly before and I think it’s just because of all the different things you can do and they do a lot to ensure you’re having fun.

I give this game a 10/10 Shy Guys. I absolutely love this game, and I love EVERYTHING about it. I highly recommend this game to anyone that has a switch.

Wanna check it out for yourself?

On a side note, I’m still working on some of the other reviews from some older games. This was just a very unexpected turn of events and I just had to get this down. I hope ya guys understand šŸ™‚

Black Clover: Quartet Knights

This is one my my underdog animes. It took me a few episodes to get into this, just my My Hero. So when I heard this game was coming out, I couldn’t help but get excited. It’s been awhile since I’ve played an Anime based game or a Japanese fighting game so I was super stoked when I got a hold of a copy.  I couldn’t wait to pop this bad boy in my PS4 and sit on the couch and play it!


So after I waited a long ass time for the game to install, and beat several dungeons on WoW in the mean time, I was excited to hit the X button (I think? Idk man controllers confuse me) and watched the credits roll and then BAM intro movie started. I was sitting on the edge of my couch right now, holding that controller watching in awe as an Anime I love came to life where I controlled what happened!


This game literally throw you into combat right as you start the game. You get a well made animation did some explaining with the story before it throws you back into a fight with Mars, and from there you fight a lot of familiar faces from the Anime like Vetto, Fana and Licht!


Each character has their own magic style like in the show and manga but to be it differed a lot from them as well. Now, yes I understand there are limitations with a controller and even a keyboard and that the wide range of spells everyone knows from the show/manga can’t be condensed into several buttons and such.. This isn’t what I’m getting at. What I am trying to say, is I noticed when I was fighting Vetto, it didn’t FEEL like the beast magic. I didn’t FEEL like he was the rhino or whatever animal that freaky dude becomes.


The same went for a lot of the other people, Asta has a few new moves that almost seem magical and Yami….for the sake of him not trying to kill me. Yami is the best IMO. He feels like what a Captain should be. I haven’t had the chance to play with many other characters but when I do, I wil revise this review. I also haven’t played online at all because I don’t have the extra funds to pay for online time. IMO waste of money, but we’ll talk about that sometime maybe.


So let’s get into the story. I had an interesting time trying to figure out when this was in the time line. But, this seems to be taking place with the anime in a sense but could also be an alternate timeline? Did they learn from Blizzard?! I hope not…at least when you play BC, it feels like your’e actually part of the story and you have to save Clover Kingdom from all of the bad stuff, but I also feel like they kind of just threw Mars in, and extra characters for the sake of having them. I’m not saying this is a terrible idea, I rather like that you learn a little bit more on the lore of the game. After all, I am the Loremaster and my learning never ceases no matter what I am playing.


I like the storyline, a lot. Like more than I thought I was going to as Blizzard left a weird taste in my mouth after WoD and Alternate time lines and yeah….But I like it. I like the new characters they added and I liked how everyone was involved someway or another and it just made it worth it IMO!


So, let’s talk about the combat. As someone that has not played on console in a long time, it was hard for me to get back in the grove of not having a mouse and keyboard to move fight ect. What made it worse is it was a PlayStation contoler, and I will be honest, besides the mouse and keyboard, I am use to the xbox controller. So I feel like I was at a disadvantage, heh. But once I sat down and got used to everything, combat was a lot easier. It took awhile for me to keep my thumb on the camera stick so at first, I couldn’t ever keep an eye on my enemies and it would cause me to almost lose! Now that’s not good for a Knight!


Boiling it down, you have a basic of 4 attacks using all of the differnet triggers then one special one that is triangle? I think that’s the shape.  Anyways, the biggest struggle for me was the use of the camera angle. Now call me Old Fashion but I dislike the full control of the Camera and to me, it causes problems. Now, thought I dislike this, I still very much enjoy the game. Again, once I got used to the controls, the game is so much fun (hell even when I didn’t get them down I was still having fun)


The last thing I wanted to talk about was the graphics. I mentioned above, I was greeted by an amazing cut scene that looked like it was straight from the anime. On top of that, it had amazing graphics both the pre combat and during combat scenes.  I was a little iffy on this style honestly, there are a few games that use it and I feltit took away from the game and what it was but honestly, I really want to say that it matched it perfectly and I loved it!


Though I had a rough start with the game  i love it! The amount of characters you can chose from and the storyline really make you feel like you’re part of the game!  This totally gets 8/10 sheep!  (I love Charmy js)


Want to check out this game?

Check it out on the Sony Store :


Pokemon/Ultra Sun/Moon

Another late game but here we go!!


So, this is going to be a two in one review. Let’s begin with the first game in this series, Pokemon Moon/Sun. Now this adventure takes us to the Alola region where there’s new Pokemon and variantsĀ  of Kanto (some are cool others..make me go WTF).

There are many new ways to enjoy this game, with multiple mini games to kill time as well as. There’s also the option to be a berry farmer where you and your Pokemon can raise berries to turn into the Pokemon treats and even have a chance to catch wild Pokemon who really enjoy your island so much in fact they want you to catch them.

So let’s get into some details about parts of this game I liked. I really liked the Poke Pelago, there’s a lot you can do with it from growing berries to collecting Pokebeans and random items. It’s a great addition and it’s a great way to kill time and feel like you’re doing everything you can to help your team be the best it can be. I really feel like the trainer I can be šŸ™‚

The hands on giving your Pokemon attention after a hard battle is also great. This is how I’ve always thought real trainers should act.Ā  I always felt that the more compassion you gave your Pokemon, the more they’d be willing to help you out where it counted, and I stand firm on that.

I am also a big fan of the customization you have with your trainer, and it also helps in making me feel like I’m the one in the game.Ā  The different colors and styles you can pick from really make it easy to make me a trainer. It’s great!


The idea of Ultra Beasts are pretty neat, but to be honest I really miss just having the regular Pokemon, then have the legendary and maybe a few super rare Pokemon. I think they could tone it down a little big because I feel like 700+ Pokemon is like whoa. Too much. I still remember the original pokerap. So let’s go!

Now, let’s get to the negatives I have. I miss the gyms. I miss training my Pokemon and REALLY feeling like I’m winning. I mean, I get what they’re going for but I just don’t feel like I’m making a big impact as I did when I’d fight gyms leaders and win. I kind of miss that feeling.


The tutorial is also awful for veteran players. Who wants their hand held for hours before being “set free” only to get caught by another hour or so of cut scenes with little to no action. I just I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m a fan of what direction this series is going. I’m a Pokemon fan, and I’m always going to be one. This was the first real game series I was into when I was a child and maybe this is my own fault. But I’m old school.


The story line is well I’m not sure….one person goes completely crazy and tries to take control of Pokemon for their own schemes and then you foil their plans and be the hero. Copy and paste almost every other Pokemon game.Ā  But I personally had more questions then I did answers. Like what really ARE the ultra beasts and why are they so damn special? Eh…..




So now about Ultra Sun and Moon? Please re-read the review and let’s add 20% different story adding new bad guys and new mysteries and the ability to collect stickers to get big Pokemon. That’s it. Worth it? Eh….Debatable.Ā  They only REALLY added a new organization that’s supposed to explain what’s going on from another perspective.


So I mean, I’ve played and beat this game, and I do enjoy it. I’m anxious to see what’s going to happen and how far this series goes what are they adding to it.


I give this game 7/10 Pokebeans!


I really like Pokemon, but I feel like they dumbed down these games. Now I wish they had options to skip tutorials or stop holding hands so much. But, that’s just me. I just miss the challenge from the older games. And that seems to be gone to me. I don’t really have motivation to keep playing after I defeat everyone.

Want to play? Check out the Nintendo game store, or any game retailer šŸ™‚

Super Mario Oddesy

There’s going to be several reviews for some older games on here for a few weeks. I apologize in advanced :3 Forgive me >.<~<3

Man, I really don’t know where to start with this game.  I also mean this in a good way. This is a game that has gotten a lot of hype over the year and every Mario and Nintendo fan was waiting for the next real Mario game. I mean let’s face it. Mario and Rabbids was alright but no replay value and RTS FPS? Really? Sorry, we’ll do this at a different time…really. I promise.


So, I want to start this off with the controls, because I feel like I can spice things up a little with chaning the order I do review, but I want I also want to make this a topic that you should cnsider when getting this game…It really uses the Joy Cons the way they were meant to be used with out taking away from the game itself, but fear not as you can also use the Pro Contoller, Hari Pad and any other sort of device on your switch without losing a lot of the aspects of Cappy and his sick tricks!


So, going back to the actual controls, you can control what Cappy does with a flick of a wrist or even a push of a button, you have all of control. To do a sick spin, move your wirst one way, to do a sicker spin move it the other way. I feel like they really used the Joycons and I feel like it made the game more fun.


There’s a decent amount of puzzles and problem solving in the game as well. Figuring out how to get the extra moons and get from one area to the next kind of makes you think. With the many different ways you can use Cappy, it makes the game a lot more fun and added elements that just make the Mario games more rich and fun to play.  I like games that make me actually THINK instead of “this is your objective. go here. Good gamer. Here’s your treat”

So, what does Cappy do? Boy…let me tell you. First, he gives you the option to jump on him, throw him spin him ect ect ect. But the most important part if you can use Cappy to take control of other creatures or objects!! The video with the T-rex with the mustache? Real. Mario turning into a ball of energy? Real. Goomba? Yes. Frogs? Ribbit! Almost everything living (or electrical) can be Mario! I love how unique this is and how literally every creature has it’s own powers and ways to play. Bravo guys! This is an amazing element to the game!!!

I will admit, I didn’t use any walk through or stuff during my initial play through. I wanted to experience everything in the raw. But when I got stuck, I was amazed on how many things I MISSED while playing. Luckily you’re able to go back and do them. Phew! With so much to do after you finish, this game was well worth the 60 USD and much more!


The story line is really the same as all of the other Mario games. Peach gets captured and you have to save her ect ect ect. I mean you get to crash a wedding and if you get the Peach Amiibo you can have Mario is a wedding dress. So that’s pretty fun. There’s not really much more to the story. I mean you meet Cappy and he tells you about the Odyssey and how it’s powered and what to do. But then it’s straight back to “Save the Princess Mario!”


All in all, I loved the game. I still do. It’s one of the few Switch games I own currently and so far I don’t regret it. Hopefully that won’t change šŸ˜€


I give Super Mario Odyssey 7/10 moons. I love the challenge, the puzzles and the game play.  It’s a fun game with decent replay value and so many hidden things you have to explore! Check it out!

Want to play this game?
Check out any game retailer or you can go here and get a digital copy for your switch!

Gears of War 4

The long awaited installment of the Gears of War series is finally here! Omg! šŸ˜€ Iā€™ve been waiting for a redemption. Judgement was a terrible place to end it! UGH!!!!


Alright so, letā€™s get this started!!!

A new story with new foes and new characters really help you immerse yourself into this game. I like the idea of playing J.D but at the same time, it was so great to see Marcus again. The idea is that the locust have returned but seem to be fascinated with kidnapping people from towns and doing whatever with this (turns out they were messing with their DNA or something and making the Swarm BUM BUM BUMMMMM)


Now, the storyline is short but very intense. You play as JD, who left the Cog and with the help of his friends, try to find out why the Swarm is taking their family and other humans. There you run into Marcus again and then a big mess appears and itā€™s just more fun to experience the fun at this point!!

Combat is very straightforward, and you rely on cover to make sure you donā€™t die. The accuracy of the weapons is always great and itā€™s nice to find a bad ass weapons laying around after you slaughter your foes, and thereā€™s nothing bad with a little blood on your boots.


Now, they do add some horde mode esc type deals in the story line as well. You have to set up certain things to help the story a long. A turret here, a barrier there. You are literally only as strong as your weakest link and itā€™s a make or break situation when itā€™s there!!!


The real awesome thing is the Multiplayer modes :O They have added a portable energy station so you can literally pick the best spot possible and that you are READY for the foes who dare threaten your life ecte ect.


Besides Horde Mode, thereā€™s a few new things they added to make the PvP in this game really competitive and really make you work your noggin to be the best (Like no one ever was DUN DUN DUN..To…wait, wrong game)


Now itā€™s also worth noting, there were some issues I ran into while playing. The major one was there were some situations where events didnā€™t trigger which left me to redo a chapter or an  area and it lead to kind of a boring experience. But who knows, maybe itā€™ll get fixed in the future That’d be awesome!!!!


This is a def. 7/10 cogs. Though I really enjoyed the game, the bugs kinda killed the game for a me a little. Now, donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€m going to keep playing it and until i finish all the levels, but the bugs turned me away a little. But itā€™s def.a noteworthy game šŸ˜€

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Creativerse is just one of those games that you use to kill time. A Minecraft Remake, it adds new lands, creatures and adventure to your gaming history.

I rather enjoyed the game, but I finished the story line in less than a day and it left me yearning way more. Ā It is an early access title, so I will be keeping my eye on it šŸ™‚

You start out at a spawn point with nothing in your inventory except a note…In my opinion, a super creepy note written by someone I donā€™t know that told me to run away from home and hopefully Iā€™d survive in the wilderness.

Yes, you read that right. Youā€™re a runaway. A runaway. I mean youā€™re literally a little kid alone in the woods hoping to survive the night. How? Why? No idea. Itā€™s literally one of those things where youā€™re scared to question it, but at the very same time…WHATā€™S WITH THE NOTE MAN COMMON! Whatā€™s in the note?!?!?!

The beauty of Ā the game.

The beauty lies with the blocks in this game. Everything is unique and different and not pixelates. It reminds me of Trove, but with more details. From the Bark on the tree to the spots on the giant crabs. This game is a great remake of classics and I think does some sort of Honor to the genre, for those who just do vanilla graphics and doesnā€™t touch mods. (JS!!).

The total amount of detail spend on this game is pretty nice. I can tell what dirt is, dying grass, logs animals. Iā€™m not sitting here like ā€œHm this looks like water, nope itā€™s a hole annnnnnnd Iā€™m dead. Crap.ā€

Taming, mining and farming. Oh my!

Thereā€™s a lot more to this game then surviving your first night. You can Thrive! If you follow me on Instagram (link in my contact section) Youā€™ve probably noticed me posting picture of things Iā€™ve tamed. Taming is HUGE in this game if you canā€™t find the right materials in a timely manner. If you know me, then Ā you know Iā€™m all about taming and farming and being one with Nature. Heh.

Taming creatures is beneficial only if youā€™re looking at drops. Right now, they donā€™t fight with you. But all creatures are tameable. If you have the health, patience and the time šŸ™‚

Farming is a bit fun. You gather Turnips, melons cabbage and wheat, grind them into seeds and Vu la! Food. Food that can be made into sandwiches, soups, weapons, bombs. Or you can just feed animals that like the veggie. That works too. When you feed your tamed companion, you can later harvest them and get what they would normally drop plus a few extra things. Who knew a sammich would be useful!

Oh where to start with miningā€¦.Mining. Ā Itā€™s just like it sounds. YOu start off mining wood and dirt. Ooo. Exciting. You have to mining a mining tool, that attaches to your wrist and sucks up stones and other things. I will admit, this is pretty neat. No more running around picking up blocks for me! Nope! This is when my only real issue with the games comes in. To advance, you have to FIND materials to make the more advanced tools. And I had a hard time finding the elements i needed to go on. I still trudged on tho and got to the third mining level, but then that was it. I was heartbroken.

It may have just been luck, but thatā€™s what made me change to my farmer-self that I know and love.

To play or not to play?

Though this game is in early release, there are bugs and a short story. Iā€™m sure as they start adding to the game, it wonā€™t be a let down. The game has the exact same aspects as Minecraft. Thereā€™s the surface layer, then you mine down and you get to an end layer called, Corruption. There are tougher creatures there to fight and phat loots. Ā 

Personally, I found it harder to gather materials, and was happy that i had a team with me. Like with some games, I ended up being the supplier of foods and good, in exchange for weapons, armor and mining tools. Ā Which Iā€™m OK with. It was still super fun, I got to follow people to the Corruption and just plain enjoy the game šŸ™‚

I give this game a 7/10. I do suggest to you guys, to give the game a try. If you donā€™t like it, youā€™ll only be out on time šŸ™‚ Itā€™s free to play! So common! Give it a gooooo!!!!!!

Want to play Creativerse?