
Archives for : Alpha

Baldur’s Gate III

So, I am not usually one to pay into early access of games because I’m always worried that they won’t finish the game ect ect. Well, I broke that by getting this game. I want you to keep in mind that I have been patiently waiting for this game and I was so excited to see that it was in a playable state and I just had to get into it.

As of the time of this review (10/13/2020) this game isn’t completed. It is in an Alpha/Early access launch so this review will not be complete as of yet. I will be going over that I like, dislike and had problems with so you can make your own choice. Obviously I am somewhat bias right now and I think you should get it, but read what I have to say and go from there 🙂

So let’s get started with Character creation. There isn’t *that* many customization options. It’s not very in depth. Each race has preset faces, hair, horns ect. I wasn’t expecting a lot of customization right of the bat. But I personally find the faces are bleh, and I’m not excited about most of them. Each race has their own eye colors though that are pretty unique. There are about 6 classes right now to choose from which is also ok. I was excited to be able to make my D&D character in the game.

Movement is hit or miss. You can swap between free movement or turn based movement when out of combat. I did have a slight issue with movement where sometimes it wasn’t registering it, but I got around it. I just shrugged it off, made a note about it and moved in. I know what I was getting into when I got the game. I’m not going to be petty. If you can’t handle the game not seeing you click or moving then don’t get it right now. Wait until it comes out or more things are fixed.

The voice acting is very well done in my opinion. Sure sometimes the mouths don’t move and the character T-poses but that’s not anything I can’t get past. In fact, I think it’s hilarious and I think it gave the game charm. To match the voices, the graphics are super beautiful when they render. Sometimes you get those weird smooth graphics on characters or scenes. Though it takes away from the immersion….it’s not like I couldn’t get sucked back in.

Combat is also interesting. I think my horrible RNG followed me into this game. I found my rolls didn’t always work, which is fine. I died quite a few times because I didn’t make my saving throws or I just made bad moves. The combat is turned based, which I am partial to. I like the idea that I can see what my options are and I don’t feel that rushed. There are some mechanics you have to get used to and TK is a thing you can do. Trust me I did it many times on accident. RiP Us T.T

Level up is similar to that of D&D. You have skill points you can manually place or have the computer place what they think is best. There are also archetypes in the game as well and a spell book with a decent size. Sure you can’t just go around and pick any random spell but I do like that you can start with Grease. Who doesn’t like grease?! Synths. That’s who.

I made sure to keep in the dark about the story until today. I can tell this is a new era in the Forgotten Realms. From what I gathered from the intro, Mind Flayers (eeeeeeeeee!) have found a way to travel across the area on massive ships and you were captured. During the scenes a tadpole from their pool was given to you and your goal is to find a cure. There are several other side quests you can go on but at the same time you can just go about your business and get that thing out of your eye.

Over all, I’m happy with my purchase. Some of the weird ass bugs, glitches and other things can be annoying but it didn’t ruin my experience. I’m still rather happy with my purchase at the moment and I encourage you to check it out. Whether you wait or get it now is up to you. You can also check out my life stream from 10/7/2020 to see the game play and listen to me complain about Us dying or having to reset the game a few times to fix errors I made.

This early access gets 7/10 stars. I like the game but there’s still a lot that needs fixed. I knew what I was getting into when I got the game and I’m still happy with it.

Edit: While the game is staying at 7/10 stars I would like to add I have been experiencing some weird lag with some combat that caused me to restart my game to fix. So make sure you save when you can.

The Forest

I don’t know about you. But the words Cannibal and Forest intrigue me. Now this may be because I am a huge fan of The Hills Have Eyes. Or any sort of horror film that involves anything like this….I think? I think it’s more, this is an idea I can get behind and support. So, with that being said. Let’s get started!


You start off in a neat little crash scene where some big guy steals your kid. Most parents would try to save them, you just kinda pass out. Some father….Anywho, once you wake up your “to do” list says that you need to build shelter, find food and water ect ect. Basic survival things.But then it says to find passengers, and Timmy. What have they done for you? I dunno but eh.


Build build build a fort, and eat all the legs!

Building is time consuming, but it’s so much fun because ti adds to the difficulty in my opionon. The more you clear cut the forest, the more upset the cannibals get and they more they want to getcha! The trick is to build a Log sled. I know it seems like such a silly thing but they can carry like 9 logs! And when a simple log cabin requires like 13? You do the math. 😉


Once you get your base set up, next would be to focus on food and water. Hopefully you’re not far from a lake or a turtle (Sorry PETA) or legs and arms will be on the menu for you. If you don’t mind losing your sanity, then this is a gret rout to go. Not only will you have a steady food supply you can also get bones from the limbs you chow down on and you can use them to build things. I’m currently working on build a bone fence around my Cannibal Witch house. But that is just me 🙂


Now, let’s get down to these Cannibals. These are what make the game on edge and exciting. There are about 5 different types of cannibals each more deadly than the last. You have the skinny ones, that are some what harmless. They don’t do a lot of damage solo, but in a big group, watch out. Virgina and Cowman though, are dangerous no matter how you look ta it.  The trick is to Dodge. Oh….wait THEY dodge. Silly Lily!!


But let’s get down to business right now. You can’t defeat all the cannibals and mutants with your silly little axe you get from the dead flight attendant.  You have the Bow and arrows, stone axes, and you can steal the maces off some of the cannibals. It’s really up to you. Do you survive or conform?! I tried to conform but then my friends started to give me sacrifices of human flesh so I could spare them and then it just got funky!


Any who…it’s always better to just survive and explore when you feel it’s right! I mean you can’t just stay in your safe little fort with endless food, when there’s a WHOLE island to explore! WHAT?! A entire Island inhabited with cannibals and mutants and Cannibal Witches (Me. I’m referring to me).


The true end goal, is to find the passengers and your son. Or, you know you can just kinda do whatever you want. Survive, Thrive, Die. Whatever floats your boat! DO IT! JUST DO IT!

Long story short, this is a great survival horror game, and I like it. It’s fun to play with friends, but at the same time it’s fun alone! I give this game a 8/10. Thought it is sill in Alpha, it’s still so much fun! I cannot wait to see the final prodcut and I will be keeping this under watch 😉


Wanna play the Forest?

Dungeon Defenders II

I have always enjoyed tower defense games, and I must say I have had more fun with Dungeon Defenders more than any other game I have played, even the Star Craft II ones.


The beautiful installation do the Dungeon Defender line brings the legacy to a new beginning. I don’t think I have enjoyed a DD game more than I have this.


Those who know about the franchise knows that in the first game you play as children of great heroes and its up to you to save your parents. This game is a bit later and you play as an older version of the children you played years ago. With that being said, the gameplay is almost identical to the first game, same controls same fancy things but don’t let that fool you!!!! This is a new game!


With every game there’s more and more things to explore and defend. The maps have to be one of my favorite things with this game. There are more interactive things. Many of the maps require a fair amount of teamwork and strategy that I find intriguing. What’s the point of games like this if you don’t have to actually think? I don’t know about you guys but I like games that make me use may Britain!!!


I started playing the apprentice, but I have changed to the huntress since then. I like the thought I have to put in with her traps and I like her special moves. Thought I like the idea of powerful continuous bursts of magic, I like the idea of strategy. Each character has their own strengths that compliment the other characters but its a matter preference and how much fun you’re having.


There is only one complaint I have about the game. Why is this game not out yet? I love the idea of starting from fresh I love the new story line I can literally think of nothing negative about the game. Well maybe the fact the squirrel on the first map doesn’t come out of the tree when I wanted him to.


I am also a little confused by the censor in the game. There a few everyday non curse words that are blocked and it makes working with other people a little hard.


This game gets a 9/10 Crystals! I loved this game I want to forever play it until a 3rd one comes out!!!!!  Its really the chat system that knocked off a 10/10 game. If it wasn’t some this that didn’t interfere with the game I would not have cared too much, but it happens. This is still a fantastic game and would recommend it!!!!!!


Want to play it?


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Trendy Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Catlateral Damage

Have you ever wanted to be a cat? Not just any cat but a cat that really wants to destroy things? Sure you have! Who hasn’t!? Am I right?


For those who have this dream, I present you with Catlateral Damage! The fun First person Cat game where the object of the game is to completely destroy all of your masters worldly possessions in two minutes! How exciting?!


I absolutly adored the game! It’s not only simple but addicting! I was introduced to this game but a facebook friend of mine who had shared the link, and I just had to try it out!


The game itself is totally 100% free! It’s also very small so if you don’t have a lot of room on your computer this game iis perfect for you!


The graphics are fairly simple with a lot of repeating content, like books, CD cases toys ect. All you see of the cat, like I said before it is first person, it a little black and white paw swiping objects onto the floor!


The sound effects are fairly simple, but this is a simple game!.  The controls go with the sound, very simple. It’s WSAD controls with space to jump and you swipe using your mouse buttons!


Now, this game is new and still in Alpha so you may run into a few bugs. I ran into a few, but I let the creator know about them.


If you really enjoyed the game, they are trying to get it onto steam so that more people can find out about it! If you want to Vote for it, Please go to:


I give this little game 7/10 paws up!

Want to enjoy being a cat?


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