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Ugly Dolls and the Imperfect Adventure

When I started to see commercials for this game, I knew that I had to play it. If you know me, then you know I enjoy random games like this. I think things like the characters in this game are adorable AF. I will also let you know before I get into this review, is I cannot wait for the cartoon!

So when the game starts the narrator goes over the story. It’s kind of interesting. they go to explain how there’s basically two city type areas next to each other. One was their town, Uglyville. Next to them, and was separated is Perfection. Well somehow, a robot got in and discovered how much chaos Uglyville had. So naturally, he called his friends to help clean up the area.

Your goal, is to find a way to send the robots back. At first, you’re able to do everything just fine. As you go around the town you collect materials and buttons from around town. You can use the buttons to summon friends for quests, or to purchase upgrades or other items from people in town. The materials are used to build things you need to complete your quests nd uch.

Questing is where I’m torn on. I loved how unique everything is, how you kind of have to explore or use the scouting item to find your objectives…but then after that it gets tedious. Most of the quests include you farming for items or crafting many different things that you need to collect from other things in order to finish. Now, I’m all for farming things. But when I have to literally spend hours trying to get the materials I need to make a bag to get a Wifi password it gets daunting.

Besides the mass farming I have to do to progress, I really enjoyed this game. Would i go back and play it again? Probably. Honestly, it’s not bad, but it wasn’t Cat Quests, or even BFA. It was a great game, and as always I encourage you to try it ut for yourself.

In truth, this game gets a 6/10. I really liked it, but the collecting of items became tiresome and I just couldn’t sit down and do a play through of the game. I don’t mind because I felt like I got my money’s worth out of it, so it wasn’t all bad 🙂