
Archives for : PC

DOOM Eternal

There hasn’t been a DOOM that I haven’t liked. The mix of ambient metal music the the straight carnage there is something for every FPS gamer in the game known as DOOM Eternal. Unicorn Costume not included but it made the game better. JS.

Doom has been a staple in my gaming world for a long time. Though I wasn’t able to enjoy Doom 64 when it launched, I was able to savor the flavors of the game and appreciate it more now I think then I would have back then. Doom Eternal is just another entrée for us to enjoy.

This game, is hard. Though I have always been a fan of games that offer me some short of challenge…DOOM Eternal most defiantly gave me a good run for my money. There are a lot of power ups, and such around and with the fancy kills to replenish your health, ammo ect it was very hard for me to get frustrated with this game. There are plenty of new enemies and return of some old favorites.

Not a lot, like I said before, upset me with this game. I will admit though, there were some mobs in the game that I dreaded to face. The Marauder comes to mind….*eye twitch* I..I can’t even talk about it with out feeling the anger and screaming when I say it’s name. Marauder. Going with the aspect of the game being difficult there are a lot of puzzles and platforming in this game. If you know me, you know platforms aren’t my thing. So right off the bat I wasn’t a big fan but I didn’t let that ruin my game experience. After all, I was a Unicorn Doom guy. A UNICORN!!!!

Exploration has been a good thing in this game. It isn’t as closed as some of the other games have been. Sure you have your path to follow but there’s so much to explore. You even have a home base area where you can upgrade your things and even explore it. Exploration leads to codex that lead to lore. I must admit, the amount of lore you can find is amazing, and it’s so well put together it’s easy to follow and understand the events of Eternal much better. If I don’t stop talking about this it won’t ever stop. After all, I am a Loremaster hehe I love things like this.

The story is pleasantly long. I want to say maybe I spent close to 11 hours on my first play though but the open story makes it more fun to replay and explore areas you might have missed. If it’s one thing I love it’s ability to be replayed and have a new experience. I do like to take my time with the game because I want to savor everything it has to offer. With that being said, that 11 hours wasn’t me rushing, but I wasn’t exploring every nook and cranny. My second play through was a bit longer as I took the time ti find all of the Codex, all of the new areas and just see where I could and couldn’t go.

When it comes to shooters and just plain hack n slashers, I will always recommend DOOM to anyone, and this one is no exception. All in all, This game get’s a solid 7/10 from me as well as a GOTY award. I don’t have any links if you want to play the game. It’s out there on every current generation system except the Switch (that got canceled sadly 🙁 )

Darksiders Genesis

So, this game first came out on PC last year but I didn’t get a chance to play it and when it was launched on console I thought, why not. This was a game series I love and I was so excited to see it was going.

For those who don’t know, Darksiders is a hack and slash type series that’s been around for quite awhile. So far, you have gotten to play as 3 siblings in their attempt to free one of their own as you go on with the series. This game, however, is the start. This is about Strife. This will be the first game that you are able to play him as well.

The dual pistol weilding protagonist is a great addition to the Darksider’s Universe. I was quite excited about the change. I’ve grown found of War’s play style of running in and hacking up the bad guys and going on. Strife is more glass canon type. The best strategy is to keep your distance and pew pew.

This game, is from the first person prespective. I didn’t really even mind. I’m a big fan of Third person games like this and normally frown upon first person but truthfully I didn’t mind at all. I was able to control my character with ease and that was the most important part. It’s hard to get into a game where you can’t really see yourself and end up missing everything you’re trying to hit because you just can’t see. UGH!

Most of the time, to be honest. I don’t find too much replay values. Most games are just kinda meh. I buy them, I beat them and I check out end game before I quietly put the game down and move on. This game was different for me. I wanted to go back and see if there was anything I missed. The environments and the amazingly done levels kept me playing the game for quite awhile (mostly until the next game came out hahah)

Truthfully, this game wasn’t as finished as the other games that have come before it. It has it’s bugs and glitches and it’s other keybinds ect. This is almost pushed aside by the fantastic combat, the great puzzles that made you really thing about to solve. The massive levels make the explorer in my so happy and it drew me back to the places I’ve been just to ensure nothing was missed.

The play time is a little short, I think I put about 16 hours into it or something like that…but it was well worth it all. Though I’m a fan of the older styles, I still enjoyed myself enough to give my copy to a friend to play and so on.

Darksiders: Genesis is a great game and was super entertaining. I def think you should give it a try if you like puzzles, shooting and beating people over the head with a giant ass sword.

There are a lot of good things about this game I like and I really think you guys should check it out! It gets a solid 7/10 review!!

Ugly Dolls and the Imperfect Adventure

When I started to see commercials for this game, I knew that I had to play it. If you know me, then you know I enjoy random games like this. I think things like the characters in this game are adorable AF. I will also let you know before I get into this review, is I cannot wait for the cartoon!

So when the game starts the narrator goes over the story. It’s kind of interesting. they go to explain how there’s basically two city type areas next to each other. One was their town, Uglyville. Next to them, and was separated is Perfection. Well somehow, a robot got in and discovered how much chaos Uglyville had. So naturally, he called his friends to help clean up the area.

Your goal, is to find a way to send the robots back. At first, you’re able to do everything just fine. As you go around the town you collect materials and buttons from around town. You can use the buttons to summon friends for quests, or to purchase upgrades or other items from people in town. The materials are used to build things you need to complete your quests nd uch.

Questing is where I’m torn on. I loved how unique everything is, how you kind of have to explore or use the scouting item to find your objectives…but then after that it gets tedious. Most of the quests include you farming for items or crafting many different things that you need to collect from other things in order to finish. Now, I’m all for farming things. But when I have to literally spend hours trying to get the materials I need to make a bag to get a Wifi password it gets daunting.

Besides the mass farming I have to do to progress, I really enjoyed this game. Would i go back and play it again? Probably. Honestly, it’s not bad, but it wasn’t Cat Quests, or even BFA. It was a great game, and as always I encourage you to try it ut for yourself.

In truth, this game gets a 6/10. I really liked it, but the collecting of items became tiresome and I just couldn’t sit down and do a play through of the game. I don’t mind because I felt like I got my money’s worth out of it, so it wasn’t all bad 🙂

Tom Clancy’s The Division

Another installment in the Tom Clancy series was released a few weeks ago. So, why is this review coming out so late? I had a lot of games on my list to play, so this review got pushed back a little. I apologize. Def. not something I’m happy about but it was something that happened. Before I start this review, I want to warn you there may be spoilers. So be warned!!!!!!


I know what a lot of you are probably thinking. But Uni, we haven’t seen you stream this game at all!! I know. I want to add that I am not sorry about it neither. Why? Because all you’d hear is me cussing and fuming haha. But that doesn’t mean I don’t stream other games.


So what is the Division? For those who haven’t seen or heard anything about it…the Division is a story about a virus mutation that took over NY and Brooklyn. You were a sleeper agent that was woke up to help the situation.


Who are you Agent?

The first thing I was to start with is the Character Creation, or lack thereof. I get it. I really do. I mean you don’t SEE the face of your agent all the time, but there are more CLOTHES in the game then Hair styles. The hell is up with that? I’m not asking for full customization but I want more.  LIke, I was aiming for a Panda Agent. And the face paint isn’t as dark as I want it.


But enough about looks. You can customize your guns as well. I rather enjoy having a bright pink, bright turquoise and bright purple gun. I feel empowered.


Taking small arms fire! SMALL ARMS FIRE!!!


Guns. They’re things you fill with bullets and shoot enemies, or if you like it, other players. There’s a lot you can actually do with the firearms in this game. From Mods, skins and shooting. I feel like it’s realistic for the most part. The reverb is there as well as shock.


The mods you get and help improve your aim, damage, stability among other things. I enjoy my Vector right now, now if I could replace my second gun that would be grand. Pistols are pretty much useless in my opinion. They don’t do a lot of damage so there’s no point in having them, besides they’re required for whatever reason. I would love to carry around another machine gun instead of a pistol, but whatever. Who needs three Useful guns? Not Agent Panda.


Many Agents go into the Dark Zone….not many come out.


There is a place called the Dark Zone, or as I call it, the place for people to be a piece of shit. The idea of PvP in this game is very welcomed. I like the fact that I have the OPTION to kill another player and steal their loot. But there’s a difference between wanting their loot and being a troll.


For the time being. The Dark Zone is end game. So there’s not a lot to do besides the daily missions. The dailies are repeats of quests you did during the story line but at a harder difficulty. This to me is very welcomed. I like being challenged. I like fighting harder NPC and the change at Phat Loots. I mean who doesn’t enjoy loot? No one. That’s who!


Now, let’s get back to the Dark Zone. The DZ is in the middle of NY, it’s the center of attention at end game. The NPC are a lot harder and require more skills. Skills? Why skills? If you accidently hit another player while fighting NPC, well guess what. You’re Rogue.


Now, a Rogue agent are those that go against what they were trained and kill other Agents. From what I gathered, sometimes Rogues are cool, other times they’re real jerks. I’ve come to the point where it’s best not to pick up loot until you can extract them immediately.  


All in all, it’s a Tom Clancy game. I liked the story, I liked the game play. My only actual complaint about the game is the Dark Zone. As it sits right now, there’s no punishment for the players who cheat and use cheats to go rogue. That takes the thrill out of the Dark Zone. I liked running around in a “trust no one” mind set. Now I’m scared of my own shadow because I finally get this upgrade and BAM! It’s all gone.


This game is going to get a 6/10. I enjoyed the game, but the Dark Zone kind of killed the score of this game. People cheating the system for gain, is wrong. I will revisit The Division when the xpacks come out, if i get them, It’s a little iffy now. But who knows. There’s always tomorrow.  Or is there?


Want to play The Division?

South Park: Stick of Truth

*****Before I being this review, I want to warn you that there may be words or Phrases that may be offensive to some viewers.. I assure you that everything is part of the game. I found this game fun and amusing. I do enjoy South Park humor as well. I hope you enjoy this review*****


South Park Colorado. Home to Kenny, Cartman, Stan and Kyle.  For many years we have awaited this game!! And with it’s release a few days ago, I couldn’t help but get it! So, as soon as it was done installing I started playing!!!


You start off with your character creation. There are many options you can choose for to start off with.  Hair colors and styles, different outfits. I had a lot of fun making my character. (I posted a picture of him on my Instagram) The entire style of this game is from the TV show. For those who haven’t seen the show yet. It’s a paper based Animation with little movement., Almost like a Stop Animation. They’re basically paper dolls.

As soon as you leave the house, you get to see Butters  fighting an evil elf! You help fend off the elf and then Butters takes you to The Wizard, Cartman. There you pick your Name, but It really doesn’t matter what you pick, they end up calling you Douchebag. From there, you are to pick your class. There are four to choose from. Thief, Warrior, Mage and Jew.  I chose to play a Jew, but I did get to see thief Game play and when you  get the right stats, it is very OP. Jew feels like it would be more of a support class rather than a dps class.

As you go through the story, you get more options open to you, and you are given the Title DragonBorn. (Yes, like   Skyrim) You have the amazing power to control your farts. Yeah, I said that right. You control powerful farts to help you get around the town and defeat your enemies.

Battle-scenes are pretty fun too., when you get use to the controls. I had a difficult time mastering one of the first special techniques you are given. You have your basic attacks that are as powerful as they can depending on how you play/click your mouse.  You also have PP that you can spend on more powerful attacks. For example, my character has a special attacked called “Jew-jitsu”. You have a specific amount of PP, that you can get back by certain spells/attacks, Gear and potions and such.

You find new gear and weapons all over the place. Each gear set has special buffs. There are so many sets too. There’s Elf, doctor, Alien. Just so many!! One of the better weapons is actually a Dildo. It’s pink I believe. I haven’t gotten it yet, but I can’t wait.

Some advice, whatever has a yellow button on it, you can open it. I suggest you do, to get money and to get new items. Don’t forget to look for the chinpokomon that are located all around you, they don’t DO anything but they’re pretty fun to collect. There are 30 all together.


I enjoyed this game, and there is a high replay value. If you haven’t gotten it, you really need to!!! I give this game a 9/10! This is also one of my recommended games as well!!! So go out and have fun!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to South Park Digital Studios, Ubisofft, Obsidian and their subsidiaries.



Orcs Must Die 2

If you really enjoy games like Dungeon Defender and Tower Defense you will enjoy this game!

I will admit to you guys though that I have not played the first game, so I can’t compare the two, but I will be playing the first one sometime this week. I will review the first game and then make another post comparing the two, if there were significant differences!


From what I gathered, you play as a battle mage that fought the hordes of Orcs before and prevented them from entering rifts! You find out that the Orc’s Queen (who is playable as well) lost her seat of power and now is there to help you keep the Orcs from the portals.


The gameplay is very simple and easy. Both the Battle Mage and the Former Queen have unique abilities and items they can use. I played as the Queen. She had this nify door that when an Orc or Orcs got close it would slam them into the wall or just back. The battle Mage had this Dart wall they could put up.


The controls were simples. WSAD to move and mouse and numbers (or clicking if you don’t use a Gaming mouse ) to attack. You hold shift to run ect ect. The norm for most games.


Upgrading cost skulls. You get skulls by completing a level successfully. The amount of skulls that you get depend on how hard the level was as well as how well YOU did personally. I find that system to be fair. I don’t think you should be rewarded well if you don’t do a good job. But the skulls aren’t just based on you. If you are playing with another person, they help the skull count as well.


Skulls are used to Upgrade armor, weapons and traps.  Upgrading will make handling the hordes of Orcs, Trolls and Yeti’s way more manageable. You can only do so much on your character.


The game itself is very simple and easy to use! It takes about one click to do anything from starting a new game and inviting people to play with you! I like not having to search on how to invite people and end up getting frustrated because it doesn’t work or the game doesn’t allow others to join for some odd reason.


The graphics are pretty good! They were a bit Cartoonish, but I didn’t mind. I normally like Realish graphic types but I was ok with these. They were neat and well done! The Orcs were unique in their own way. When I think of Orcs, I kind of go back to WoW and picture those Orcs. These Orcs went from Buff to skinny little nothings. It was pretty awesome. They also added Yeti and Trolls to the mix, and they were unique as well! I really liked the characters and the NPCs. Good job guys!!!!


I didn’t have many problems with the game. It took my friend and I a few minutes to figure out how the traps worked, where they should be placed and how to do basic movement ect.  I reccomend this game to anyone who is new to gaming in general. It really relies on the most basic controls for  most PC games.


I really enjoyed this game! If you want to play, I will post the link below! It is currently $14.99 on the Steam store.  I give this game a 7/10. It was enjoyable but sometimes it got too hard. When you don’t upgrade your traps it makes it harder on you when the Orcs attack. And sometimes you just don’t get enough skulls to do anything.  I ran into that problem a lot. I had to focus on certain traps or we just didn’t do well.


I would also like to take this time to thank you all for your support. We’ve had an explosion of subscribers this week alone and I would not only like to thank you guys, but welcome you tto the UnicornMuffin team! We do this for you guys and give you a heads up about games!

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