
There hasn’t been a DOOM that I haven’t liked. The mix of ambient metal music the the straight carnage there is something for every FPS gamer in the game known as DOOM Eternal. Unicorn Costume not included but it made the game better. JS.

Doom has been a staple in my gaming world for a long time. Though I wasn’t able to enjoy Doom 64 when it launched, I was able to savor the flavors of the game and appreciate it more now I think then I would have back then. Doom Eternal is just another entrée for us to enjoy.

This game, is hard. Though I have always been a fan of games that offer me some short of challenge…DOOM Eternal most defiantly gave me a good run for my money. There are a lot of power ups, and such around and with the fancy kills to replenish your health, ammo ect it was very hard for me to get frustrated with this game. There are plenty of new enemies and return of some old favorites.

Not a lot, like I said before, upset me with this game. I will admit though, there were some mobs in the game that I dreaded to face. The Marauder comes to mind….*eye twitch* I..I can’t even talk about it with out feeling the anger and screaming when I say it’s name. Marauder. Going with the aspect of the game being difficult there are a lot of puzzles and platforming in this game. If you know me, you know platforms aren’t my thing. So right off the bat I wasn’t a big fan but I didn’t let that ruin my game experience. After all, I was a Unicorn Doom guy. A UNICORN!!!!

Exploration has been a good thing in this game. It isn’t as closed as some of the other games have been. Sure you have your path to follow but there’s so much to explore. You even have a home base area where you can upgrade your things and even explore it. Exploration leads to codex that lead to lore. I must admit, the amount of lore you can find is amazing, and it’s so well put together it’s easy to follow and understand the events of Eternal much better. If I don’t stop talking about this it won’t ever stop. After all, I am a Loremaster hehe I love things like this.

The story is pleasantly long. I want to say maybe I spent close to 11 hours on my first play though but the open story makes it more fun to replay and explore areas you might have missed. If it’s one thing I love it’s ability to be replayed and have a new experience. I do like to take my time with the game because I want to savor everything it has to offer. With that being said, that 11 hours wasn’t me rushing, but I wasn’t exploring every nook and cranny. My second play through was a bit longer as I took the time ti find all of the Codex, all of the new areas and just see where I could and couldn’t go.

When it comes to shooters and just plain hack n slashers, I will always recommend DOOM to anyone, and this one is no exception. All in all, This game get’s a solid 7/10 from me as well as a GOTY award. I don’t have any links if you want to play the game. It’s out there on every current generation system except the Switch (that got canceled sadly 🙁 )

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