
Archives for : Game of the Year

Farcry 5

Man, I don’t know where I start with this game. I’ve been talking about it for so long I really started to get nervous that Ubisoft could release a good game. Now that is all, of course, up to debate. So, what I’m going to do, is something a little different from my other reviews, so stick with me here.


The Ugly:

So there’s not a lot, in my opoion that’s wrong with this game. There are some glitches to where a Co-Op groupie can’t interact with items so you end up losing out on a lot of loot, or the ability to help your friends.


There is also, currently, a bit of a server issue. That may be causing the loot glitches, but I’m not sure. Honestly, it was a blast watching my friend take down a whole place by himself while I was struggling with the D/C. He was lucky to have Boomer though.


The Bad:

So, this is stuff that are in the game, but they don’t hinder anything yet I don’t know why they’re there.


Microtransactions: So this is in the game, but I really don’t see why? It’s rather easy to get money in the game. So I don’t see why people are throwing a temper tantrum about it.

My next complaint is about Boomer, HE DOES NOT SIT SHOTGUN! UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Why!! It’s not fair to watch him run behind a car/truck while I’m driving off 🙁

Random cut scenes kind of get in the way.  Now, they do add to the story, but when I’m in the middle of killing all of the bad guys, I would really like to finish the fight before I’m dragged away. Just saying.


The Good:

Man, this is going to be the best part, so thank you for humoring me with this review. I wanted to get the bad stuff out first because there’s a lot more good!

This game is very beautiful. Sometimes I struggle to remember if I’m in a game or if it’s real…I’m rather impressed with the graphics and just the over all appeal of the story and just over all environment!

The game play is similar to the other Farcrys.  So, it’s easy to get used to once you start which really helped with getting into the story.  I will say I was a little rusty at first but I got back into the groove quickly.

Let’s start with the story. So yes, it’s a typical here’s the bad guy you need to stop them blah blah…..but when you sit there and actually pay attention, it’s quite awesome. It’s really involving when you listen to the background conversations and then follow the main story line. You really get both side of the it when you play through and I will admit, it’s very immersive.  If I honestly had the choice, I would probably join Eden’s Gate. 100%

Now, the weapons are expansive and unique. You have your standard pistols, shotguns Machine guns ect ect. But the real quality lies in the melee weapons.  Why is this a good thing? Dude, metal pats, hoes, shovels ect. I mean there’s so many different object it just makes it so much better to play how you want to play, which leads to the next point…

You can literally play however you want.  With the different NPC’s you have (my personal favorite is Boomer) and the weapon variety you can be whatever you want.  You can be stealthy, or just go in an fuck shit up. Whatever you want it’s all you!


I could literally go on and on about every topic, but I really feel like this is something you guys need to check out. So far this is a top game for the year that I’ve had the time to play!


This gets 9/10 sinners.  Even with all of the down sides, the good notes make it a lot better. I must say, this is one of my favorite games!  So I recommend this game to everyone who isn’t scared of the fbomb or crazy God loving cultists.

I have a few more games in my list and several more to add here shortly. But yeah…


Want to play this amazing game? Go here

South Park: Stick of Truth

*****Before I being this review, I want to warn you that there may be words or Phrases that may be offensive to some viewers.. I assure you that everything is part of the game. I found this game fun and amusing. I do enjoy South Park humor as well. I hope you enjoy this review*****


South Park Colorado. Home to Kenny, Cartman, Stan and Kyle.  For many years we have awaited this game!! And with it’s release a few days ago, I couldn’t help but get it! So, as soon as it was done installing I started playing!!!


You start off with your character creation. There are many options you can choose for to start off with.  Hair colors and styles, different outfits. I had a lot of fun making my character. (I posted a picture of him on my Instagram) The entire style of this game is from the TV show. For those who haven’t seen the show yet. It’s a paper based Animation with little movement., Almost like a Stop Animation. They’re basically paper dolls.

As soon as you leave the house, you get to see Butters  fighting an evil elf! You help fend off the elf and then Butters takes you to The Wizard, Cartman. There you pick your Name, but It really doesn’t matter what you pick, they end up calling you Douchebag. From there, you are to pick your class. There are four to choose from. Thief, Warrior, Mage and Jew.  I chose to play a Jew, but I did get to see thief Game play and when you  get the right stats, it is very OP. Jew feels like it would be more of a support class rather than a dps class.

As you go through the story, you get more options open to you, and you are given the Title DragonBorn. (Yes, like   Skyrim) You have the amazing power to control your farts. Yeah, I said that right. You control powerful farts to help you get around the town and defeat your enemies.

Battle-scenes are pretty fun too., when you get use to the controls. I had a difficult time mastering one of the first special techniques you are given. You have your basic attacks that are as powerful as they can depending on how you play/click your mouse.  You also have PP that you can spend on more powerful attacks. For example, my character has a special attacked called “Jew-jitsu”. You have a specific amount of PP, that you can get back by certain spells/attacks, Gear and potions and such.

You find new gear and weapons all over the place. Each gear set has special buffs. There are so many sets too. There’s Elf, doctor, Alien. Just so many!! One of the better weapons is actually a Dildo. It’s pink I believe. I haven’t gotten it yet, but I can’t wait.

Some advice, whatever has a yellow button on it, you can open it. I suggest you do, to get money and to get new items. Don’t forget to look for the chinpokomon that are located all around you, they don’t DO anything but they’re pretty fun to collect. There are 30 all together.


I enjoyed this game, and there is a high replay value. If you haven’t gotten it, you really need to!!! I give this game a 9/10! This is also one of my recommended games as well!!! So go out and have fun!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to South Park Digital Studios, Ubisofft, Obsidian and their subsidiaries.