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Gears of War 4

The long awaited installment of the Gears of War series is finally here! Omg! šŸ˜€ Iā€™ve been waiting for a redemption. Judgement was a terrible place to end it! UGH!!!!


Alright so, letā€™s get this started!!!

A new story with new foes and new characters really help you immerse yourself into this game. I like the idea of playing J.D but at the same time, it was so great to see Marcus again. The idea is that the locust have returned but seem to be fascinated with kidnapping people from towns and doing whatever with this (turns out they were messing with their DNA or something and making the Swarm BUM BUM BUMMMMM)


Now, the storyline is short but very intense. You play as JD, who left the Cog and with the help of his friends, try to find out why the Swarm is taking their family and other humans. There you run into Marcus again and then a big mess appears and itā€™s just more fun to experience the fun at this point!!

Combat is very straightforward, and you rely on cover to make sure you donā€™t die. The accuracy of the weapons is always great and itā€™s nice to find a bad ass weapons laying around after you slaughter your foes, and thereā€™s nothing bad with a little blood on your boots.


Now, they do add some horde mode esc type deals in the story line as well. You have to set up certain things to help the story a long. A turret here, a barrier there. You are literally only as strong as your weakest link and itā€™s a make or break situation when itā€™s there!!!


The real awesome thing is the Multiplayer modes :O They have added a portable energy station so you can literally pick the best spot possible and that you are READY for the foes who dare threaten your life ecte ect.


Besides Horde Mode, thereā€™s a few new things they added to make the PvP in this game really competitive and really make you work your noggin to be the best (Like no one ever was DUN DUN DUN..To…wait, wrong game)


Now itā€™s also worth noting, there were some issues I ran into while playing. The major one was there were some situations where events didnā€™t trigger which left me to redo a chapter or an  area and it lead to kind of a boring experience. But who knows, maybe itā€™ll get fixed in the future That’d be awesome!!!!


This is a def. 7/10 cogs. Though I really enjoyed the game, the bugs kinda killed the game for a me a little. Now, donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€m going to keep playing it and until i finish all the levels, but the bugs turned me away a little. But itā€™s def.a noteworthy game šŸ˜€

Want to play Gear of War 4??