
Archives for : 2020

Destroy All Humans

There was something about this game that I just love. I’m not sure if it’s the silly humor from the 50s or Crypto’s phrases. When I think of aliens, this is where I go to. Named after disease and anal probes just make this game one of my favorites. I know this is a little behind but I’m playing catch up. Don’t worry I’ll have a post about it soon πŸ™‚ But for now, here we gooo!

This game is exactly how I remember it when it first came out. The graphics are nostalgic and how I remember them. I will admit, the cutscenes really made it for me. The details in their faces really make the game memorable. The voices in the game add is almost word for word from the original as well…both the silly and the awful jokes. Really though, I am a huge fan of the silly dumb jokes and I don’t care what others think. It really adds to the game if you ask me even if it’s just a small chuckle or an eye roll.

The thought of being a destructive protagonist isn’t lost on me. You are able to pretty much have your way with the areas as long as you are prepared for what happens next. Sure, the maps may not be as open as one would hope but the amount of damage and torment you can cause but I think the vast arsenal you have makes up for it. You can replay the levels and try out new skills, weapons or even game styles. Some maps even allow you into your ship to cause havoc. Remember, you’re cool if you don’t look at the explosions, but I will still think you’re cool if you do.

When you start off, you start learn new skills as you progress. It’s not all Ray guns, anal probes and throwing people, cows…cars…the usual for an alien arsenal. With each new skill, you have a quick tutorial before you are sent off to the world to collect brains and intel for your domination of the world!! Not everything in this game is about going out and just attacking. There are also stealthy approaches you can take as well to make missions a little easier or to progress through the mission.

I will say though, for the most part the quests are similar to the original release. Because of that, I found some of the areas easier than others. I did notice a new quest where you are to destroy something the Air Force is working on and it caused me a little headache. Not having prior gameplay knowledge really made it a challenge to me and I rather liked it! Each area has it’s own main story line quests, but don’t forget to check your side quests!! Each zone has several for you to finish like “Exploding heads with your skills and take 8 brains” and other stuff along those line! They are all easily doable when doing the main quests too.

Honestly, there’s something about a Jack Nicholson type alien who’s goal is so explode heads, collect brains and throw cows (and other things if you wanna play the game that way hehe) Sure some of the quests are repeats with new skins but I feel like the game did it’s job making a remake without redoing everything completely. I wish some remakes took this root but I understand the way they go.

I did make this game a GOTY for 2020.

The end of 2020

Man, has this been a year or what? Everything going on and what not has really worn me out. But I’m sure you’re wondering what has been going on? I haven’t been streaming, posting or much of anything the past few months. I’m very sorry. I can assure you that I have a good reason πŸ™‚ With out any more delay here we go!

2020 has been rough on a lot of us, with everything going on it was a little hard for me to stay positive and with my town shutting down it was harder to see the bright side. But, that was last year. This year I have some big things to talk about, and I hope you get excited for them as well!!!

To start, I have offically decided that I will be a WoW Streamer. So a majority of my streams will be in World of Warcraft. But don’t worry! I will throw in some other games randomly, so check my weekly schedule! I will try to keep it up to date. I also added a basic schedule that gives you an idea of what my streamss will be like going forward. I’m so excited to get this going!

I also want to add, that I have also decided to call my followers guildmates, or guildies for short. Subscribers will be my Hardcore raiders and so forth. I am also going to be redoing some badges to reflect this status as well so look forward to all of that madness!

I am also going to keep up with my blogging, reviews and everything else. I still have a back log of reviews from last year I need to get out so I will be doing my best to do so in a timely fashion! This does bring up another point that I wanted to talk about and go into why they were delayed.

After one of my last blog posts, I had started to fall ill. Towards the end of December I had a covid scare where I had lost my ability to taste and smell for several weeks on top of feeling like total garbage. There wasn’t a lot I could have done during this time but I will do my best to make up for it this year! Trust me πŸ˜€

I am happy to have you all with me and I’m so happy to have a journey with you guys in 2021. Thank you for being a guildie and I hope to go on many adventures with you guys! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me at lily@unicornmuffin.TV

Nioh 2

I am a huge fan of the Darksouls series. From the lore to the game play, you can probably call me a glutton for punishment. This game, is literally no exception. I don’t know how many times I died, but I can assure you it was a lot. A lot of screaming, groaning and just plain anger. However, with the beauty of the game mixed with the game play and combat style, this is easily one of my GOTY choices for this year.

I would like to give this game props and I feel like we were heard when it came to this game. Being a prequel of sorts, this is worth the pain you get from playing it. We went from a set character from the west to one that you can make yourself but is silent. Think Jade Empire interactions with people. You have no voice, but you’re heard by all who speak. Though the landscape is beautiful, there are always some greener grass on the other side. There are some real life historical figures in this game as well.

Every new area offers a lot to you. From beautiful scenery all the way to the combat. Everything about this game has a purpose. There is a lot to do in this game and I can see how it can overwhelm some people. There are so many items in the game it can possibly take you a bit of time to sort everything and do your basic inventory management (If you’ve seen me play WoW, you know I struggle hard with this) There are also a lot of customization options you have. Like I said before, you are able to create your character. The amount of thought it takes to make your guy is intense. So many options. So little time.

Combat is one of the most important things in this game, it’s almost centered around it. Normally, I’d have something to say about this but frankly, combat is very impressive. Not only do you have new pieces of gear that help increase your damage, you have a lore more yokai skills you can use now, including a realm just for them. There is also a chance for items to drop that let you use enemy skills against them when brought to the right places.

You have a few different things you can do in combat. You have Soul Core moves, which I talked about above. These are very powerful attacks but they can leave you open to counter attacks and other damage. You also have Burst Counters which is a bit more exciting to me. These are just fancy parries but you can stun your foes with ease while dealing a great amount of stamina loss to your foes preventing them from using strong moves against you. Both can take some getting used to but I tell you what…when you learn this shit you’re golden.

I mentioned Darksouls earlier….well this game is just like it difficulty wise if you ask me. The one thing I will always give props to Team Ninja is their attention to difficulty and they do what they can to balance it even if it means there’s a secret to certain things in their games. You have an option, in most cases, to avoid combat. In fact, I don’t remember coming across anything in “the wild” as I did with the story, I feel like I can stay on a road and not get attacked.

There are a lot of things you can skip. Side missions is a big thing, but like with more challenges, they are rewarding. Though you can expect to be challenged, you don’t every have to really do them. You can just stick to the main storyline and you won’t really miss out on much except some currency and maybe some loot. I applaud this company.

All in all, this game is great and it is something I suggest you play. Obviously if you are easily frustrated with hard combat you may want to hold off or watching a gameplay video for it. Though challenging, this game is as beautiful as it is creative. The reimagination of Japan and the history of the country is a great little insight to the realm of Nioh.

Nioh 2 get’s a solid 9/10 from me. Play it! Nuff said!

Ugh this year I swear

There is a lot going on and I swear, this year is just trying to kill me. Or at least make sure that I am aware of how it’s treating everyone haha.

2020 has been a year for us all, hasn’t it? Between new health problems and everything it’s hard to get everything going and keep it going… I have fallen behind on a lot of things and it’s not on purpose.

I’ve got a lot more going on in the health field and I has been making things a little more difficult on me. It’s nothing I can’t make it through so that’s what you guys should worry about. The time I can’t fight and be me.

I am aware that I have fallen behind on reviews and I apologize. It has been a few months since I’ve written anything. I have been more active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter though so I’m keeping some promises I made at the start of the year hehe.

I have still quite a few things to work on. I have over 10+ reviews I’m going to work on and hopefully more fun games come out so I can keep up with it. I’ve found quite a few fun games to keep myself occupied while I”m at home trying to feel better. I’m going to try to review the games in the order they came out so it has some sort of order haha but don’t get mad if I don’t ;P

I’m attempting to make sure they post every Tuesday like usual so you guys know when to check back! I am also going to make sure the newsletter is working so you guys never miss a moment for UnicornMuffinTV πŸ˜€ There’s a lot that’s going to be happening in the next few weeks so hopefully…I can do this heh

But hey, here I’m here now! If you haven’t, check out Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and drop a like and a follow my way!!!

What a fun month

Hey guys, how is everyone? I hope you are all well! For the most part I know I have been quite silent this month and I apologize. I’ve been trying to focus on a lot of things and as of today (4/25/2020) it’s going to be changing.

With everything happening in the world, I am really and truly hoping everyone is safe and healthy. For the most part I am doing fine. Some of my health problems are giving me issues but it’s nothing I can’t handle right now. But I assure you all, as of right now it’s just my joints being a pain in my ass πŸ™‚ Now, for the bigger news…

For those of you that don’t know, right now I am working for the GameStop in my town. We’ve been “open” for awhile and today will be the last day before my furlough begins. What this means for me is I’m getting an unpaid vacation for at least a month. This suddenly came about yesterday and was a bit of a shock. As it stands, we will be reopening sometimes soon. I think the biggest thing will be money but that’s not something you guys need to concern yourself with. πŸ™‚

I’m going to take this time to reflect on a lot of things and take care of myself, my home and my family and friends. I’ve been having a steady job for most of my life and it’s going to be a weird shift to just suddenly stop with nothing to do. I just hope i don’t go crazy in the mean time. I’m a busy body who rather enjoys working (I’m weird I know haha) So I may be silent for a few days after today.

There was a DND Session yesterday so I have one of those post in the making but I’ve also been playing some new games so I can do those as well. But, this still goes back to, I will have a lot more free time to do things….

So what does this mean for you?

Quite a bit actually. I’m shifting my focus towards me. I have a few things that I need to take care of IRL before i shift focus to other things. I do have a few things planned.

I’ve began looking into starting a Patreon page so you can show your support when I am not streaming. I’m working on quite a few rewards for you guys and I hope they are worth while for you πŸ™‚ I have some art I want to throw in as well as some custom pieces for different tiers to keep it interesting. I have a bit more tweaking to do on it which I will try to finish next week and get it up and running.

I have also reopened Fallen Wish Art for all of your custom icon, emotes and gif needs. I have been trying to work on my digital style and have been also planning on redoing my emotes to reflect on it. I still want to do work for you guys! So, please, let me know if you need anything down Translations also have several slots open as well so I’m there for your Japanese needs. I prefer written translations but I can do audio (I can’t voice act for shit tho just a warning)

I’ll be doing a lot more streaming. I’m going to try to spice up everything and do some cooking, art and other random streams to keep my sanity in check while I am with out my job for a bit. I think now is the time were i can focus on having fun and enjoy everything I do. Though I’ve shifted my focus back to WoW I think I want to add more games to the list. I’ll get a schedule written up here shortly to go over what days are what to give you guys an idea of what I will be doing. I’m going to try to stick with my sleep schedule so there may not be too many late night streams.

As always, I want to thank you all for your support. You keep me going and remind me to do what I love and it’s nice to have that support. You are all amazing humans and I love every one of you! With out you, none of this is possible! Keep rocking it!!