
Archives for : 2021

My thoughts on the recent Blizzard News

So, as I’m sure you are all aware, there has been a lot going on with Activision Blizzard in the recent weeks. Obliviously I know this has been going on for years but I want you all to know my thoughts on this because I feel like it is a very important topic to discuss. I’ve been asked a few times what my Point of View is about this so here it is. I’ve been sitting here trying to think of what to write so…I think it’s time.

I have been a Blizzard player for many years. Most of my fondest memories with gaming has been a Blizzard game. There has been a lot of things that I have stood behind them and didn’t think anything of it. Most companies do some shady stuff but this…this is a new level of heartbreak honestly. This is something that has actually hit very close to home as I am a victim myself of this kind of stuff and much worse, but I digress as this is not part of this post.

I took pride in myself being a long time supporter of World of Warcraft and Diablo. To me, the games were so much fun and just exciting. The fond memories I have have always been something I cherished as the years went on. My first step into Molten Core all the way to my first trip to New Tristram. Now, I just have this horrid taste in my mouth….

I am very disappointed in this company. To allow this disgusting behavior to go on KNOWINGLY is unacceptable. I have never been more saddened with a company than I have this one. What’s worse their initial apology was just so cliche…it was tone deaf. I could just feel their lack of empathy for this. So I ask them, how could you? Something so fucking serious…

The now Former CEO’s email was also disgusting. To say that there was no merit to the lawsuit really grinds my gears. my biggest fear is….nothing is going to happen…even typing those words made my eyes water. To think about the victims and how little he cares is so…UGH! Let’s now talk about him stepping down. Do I smell scapegoat? This entire situation is just so upsetting.

I am truly disappointed in AB right now. For the moment…I will play WoW during Raid times and for resets as I have canceled my subscription (I do 6 months), Diablo will be only when asked to play with someone. I have no interest in supporting the games I grew up with and it leaves a hole in my heart.

Get your shit together AB.

It is going to take a LOT to get me to come back…My faith is wavering though… but that’s a topic for another day.

The end of 2020

Man, has this been a year or what? Everything going on and what not has really worn me out. But I’m sure you’re wondering what has been going on? I haven’t been streaming, posting or much of anything the past few months. I’m very sorry. I can assure you that I have a good reason 🙂 With out any more delay here we go!

2020 has been rough on a lot of us, with everything going on it was a little hard for me to stay positive and with my town shutting down it was harder to see the bright side. But, that was last year. This year I have some big things to talk about, and I hope you get excited for them as well!!!

To start, I have offically decided that I will be a WoW Streamer. So a majority of my streams will be in World of Warcraft. But don’t worry! I will throw in some other games randomly, so check my weekly schedule! I will try to keep it up to date. I also added a basic schedule that gives you an idea of what my streamss will be like going forward. I’m so excited to get this going!

I also want to add, that I have also decided to call my followers guildmates, or guildies for short. Subscribers will be my Hardcore raiders and so forth. I am also going to be redoing some badges to reflect this status as well so look forward to all of that madness!

I am also going to keep up with my blogging, reviews and everything else. I still have a back log of reviews from last year I need to get out so I will be doing my best to do so in a timely fashion! This does bring up another point that I wanted to talk about and go into why they were delayed.

After one of my last blog posts, I had started to fall ill. Towards the end of December I had a covid scare where I had lost my ability to taste and smell for several weeks on top of feeling like total garbage. There wasn’t a lot I could have done during this time but I will do my best to make up for it this year! Trust me 😀

I am happy to have you all with me and I’m so happy to have a journey with you guys in 2021. Thank you for being a guildie and I hope to go on many adventures with you guys! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me at lily@unicornmuffin.TV