
Archives for : 5 Star

New World Closed Beta

I love the story and the idea of it. You were sent off to find a lost land where no one has come back from. Those who venture just disappear. No debris. corpse nothing. Just vanished. You set off on your adventure where you find out, first hand, what has happened the the crewmen before you and some how survive the grim fate that has befallen those before you.

There is a bit of character customization but it’s not as in-depth as a few other games. There aren’t any number dials like for noses and such but there are quite a few faces, hair styles and a glorious color wheel so you can customize as much as you want with those regards. I am a little sad you can’t change sizes of facial features ECT but I was able to make a super kawaii Viking with twin buns and a glorious beard. uwu =^.^=

I find the play style appealing and you can pretty much okay whatever you want to play. Magic classes seen to suck mana but I’m a tank class so that doesn’t do much to me. The fight style is very similar to other click fighters like Black Desert Online and Tera.

The talent tree is pretty linier. It’s more based off stats and the weapon you want. Example you need strength to use axe sword mace shield. You select different alternative attacks but you have to make sure you keep the weapon type or you just are kinda stuck. But this brings up the fact you can basically multi class. Example: You can alt-weild a staff with a sword level up your intelligence and strength and be a spell sword. You do need to swap weapons though too use the alternative attacks but you can do that. Weapon skills and usage are all based around your basic stats like Dex Strength Int ect.

You can pretty much do whatever you want in the have as well. Farming materials is a thing and you level up those skills like any other profession. Nodes are single use first come first serve so you can wait for the spawn or move on. Though I find this very annoying, there are so easy fixes around this. I understand mobs being one use only but Nodes and what not shouldn’t me. You are able to pretty much see what anyone is doing at any given time and it can create some…clutter in the overworld.

The idea of a campsite is nice as it allows you to rest, cook craft basic items and such but with how many people are playing and the fact you can see everything another player does, it can take away from the immersion when you see 100+ camp sites in one area. A perk with having so many in one area though is you always know where a town is and it looks like it’s ablaze. So that’s interesting but at the same time I don’t enjoy clutter in games…. But I suppose that could be a personal taste.

I haven’t seen any mounts yet but I’m not sure if they are going to include them. So far it hasn’t made the gave boring to just walk to the objective points.

There is also an economy system in the hand as well as factions. There if I remember correctly wars that you can fight with other affections to gain control of territories and depending on which faction owns a territory will affect auction house pricing and taxes how much experience you gain in an area etc.

There is a lot this game has going for itself and I am sad that it got pushed back. I was hoping this would be a release review but sadly we have to wait a bit more for that. I do suggest giving it a try though as it does have some things to get used to and what not that could make the game a terrible experience for you.

Portal Knights

This was a game that I went into enjoying the trailer then when I got to actually sit down and play the game, I grew bored. Granted, I’m aware this game is in early access but if you can’t draw me in now, I mean really? Once this game fully comes out, I will do another review, but here’s my thoughts on it so far.


The idea of this game is you’re some hero who goes through portals to various world and you find portal pieces to build new portals and then you go through those and have to find more pieces and it’s a never ending story.


There are a few classes you can pick from like Archer and  mage. Literally you find  abse so you can craft items and stuff then you head out into the massive world and farm mobs until you get a higher level and you find those portal pieces and then you go to a tougher world etc.


The concept is there, but I think the execution should have been a bit better. The big bad bosses they show off are easily missed and they’re pretty cool. I remember fighting this worm and had to figure out the mechanics of the fight to kill him but that was about it. Other than that fun experience, it was a normal boring grind where mobs could easily one shot you and then you’re back at the start of the map.


Granted, I felt like I was getting stronger, I didn’t actually think i was getting anywhere in the story and that was a little upsetting. I didn’t want to spend time in not progressing when that’s what I wanted to happen.


So far, I haven’t touched the game since I got to about level 16 I’ll be honest with you guys, this game is boring to me. The pure repetitiveness of this game just kills it for me. The portals are unique but a lot of mobs are copy and paste with different colors.


Right now, you can buy into the early access for 11.99 USD. IF you want to give this game a try, go ahead, I will post another review for this game when it fully releases and give my final thoughts on it.


So far, this game is a 5/10. The cool concept is there but I feel like there could be so much more to this game that just needs to be in there like a non locking combat system. An actual story line that isn’t a straight up and slash n hack.  Anything like that and I would happily raise the game’s score!!!!

Want to check out this game??

Slashy Souls

I literally don’t know where to start with this game besides it’s a mobile version of Dark Souls. It combines a series we have all come to enjoy/hate (depending who you are) and the epic thing we carry around with us that’s basically a way to bring Facebook out in public instead of sitting at home on a computer/console/laptop/where is my car? This review is going to be a little short because of the game but that’s OK! I feel like this is a game everyone should know about  and I do feel bad that I didn’t review this one right away, and chose to do Kingdom Hearts instead!!!

This game is a scroller where you, as the title state, “slash” your enemies. It’s a hard version of Fruit Ninja. What ever happened to that game….I kind of miss it and my lightsaber sword. Ah went off topic! Oops!!!! The over all feel of this game is a mobile Dark souls. I’m hoping that’s what they were going for…. It’s dark over tones, ghastly skeletons and a tiny adorable Red Knight and his epic sword. For a mobile game, it looks pretty good and easy on the eyes. The scrolling is kind of intense if you look away for a second or even BLINK! Oh man, this game requires all of the focus!!!

The sounds are just a regualr slash n hack game with generic sword tings ect. Nothing too fancy. The music though was pretty cool to me. This is one of the few mobile games I can stand having the sound on!!

The most interesting thing about this game, is it was released by Game Stop. With that being said, I heard that they were going to start game developing! Very interesting if you ask me.  They’re working on Song of the Deep right now, and I will admit I’m super stoked about it. But going back to Slashy Souls…


This was a great fix for Dark Souls. The game is still up and around so please give it a try, and it’s totally free!!! However, for the sake of your phone, it is a frusrating game and the controls are a little wonky or unresponsive. I came across that a lot with that game, and made me lose interest pretty fast. But all in all with everything being said ect ect. The game itself fed my need for Dark Souls.

The game gets a 5/10 though. The controls kind of made the game harder than it needed to be. But the Music made up for it totally!!!


Want to play?



Kingdom Hearts Unchained X

I want to start off by saying that I adore the KH series, but this isn’t a typical KH game so my passion doesn’t seem to want to interfere with this rating and review. Regardless let’s begin!!

When I came across this game, I got super excited! Like it was so hard to contain how I felt!! I came into this game, thinking it was a KH games, but I was slightly surprised. I know with it being a mobile game they cant actually MAKE the KH game, but it was close enough to make the Keybearer inside me squeal like a mouse!

Now, the story takes place after the KH series and you were born for this role. The darkness has returned and it’s up to you and your faction/kingdom to defeat the evil together and save the world!!! Wait…faction? Huh?! Oh yeah. You have to pick basically who you play with. What faction you want. The player system is like most other RPG games in this game. You take another players top medal to fight with, but you don’t actually play WITH them. So I was a little sad But this isn’t all.

With this being a Disney and Square Enix game, you do come across that will have you run around in a semi-open world area to kill remaining enemies or just do silly tasks for them. When you do get to run around, you do have options to avoid fights, but it’s kind of silly to do that.

The battle system is simple. You swipe to attack and during each attack, you have the option to use your medals, which are actually like a party system kind of. After you and the party have a chance to attack, it’s then the enemy turn to attack. Unlike a party system though, it’s all you that takes damage and dies. haha.

You are assigned missions to do, for bot Story purpose and XP, there are on average four to five battles and you run around the tiny area and collect things. The fights are all over in seconds and then you get the rewards. There are a lot of upgrade options in this game as well, so in case the game is getting too difficult, you can always try to make it simpler.

Now for the downside. Money. Money money money!!! Money makes this world turn. You can buy gems to use for new medals, restore stamina and increase your inventory for max storage! Other than the Jewel system, nothing else grabs my attention. A lot of  merchants are lacking items and it’s kind of sad. I may be expecting too much from this game, but at the same time it does have a KH feel.

All in all, this game was fun and exciting and I was super excited to play it, and keep playing it. I recommend this game if you have the time and are a big fan of the series 🙂 It gets a 5/10.

Throne Rush

Throne Rush is a mobile/Facebook game where you build walls, turrets  and armies to protect your castle as well as defeat other players  in hopes off gaining their riches and food. The game really centers around what you can build to make sure you cannot be defeated when you are attacked by other people. There isn’t much more to the game than that.

There really isn’t a story line to this game. There is a story mode which you just use the army you build and destroy NPC castles and get whatever they had stored. Certain NPC castles will give you extra items such as potions, and gems that you can use for magical spells, as long as you have a certain building. The goal of the game, like I’ve said before, is to build a stronghold to protect your castle. You also need to build a strong army so that you can defeat others who think they are not penetrable.

To get the strong armies, you have to upgrade your castle. It takes a while to get a high level castle. Building time is real time so when it tells you it takes a week…it takes a week. To get the different types of people in your army you have to level up your Barracks. There are many types of classes available for you as you level up. Dragons, Hawks, Gryphons, Orcs, Elves. Anything can be at your fingertips as long as you have the time and patience to level your buildings.

As I said earlier you have the option to purchase spells with Potions and other random things you get when you play against other people. You can have aa max of 5 spells that you will have to repurchase after every use. The same goes with your armies. Even if your game crashes during a fight, you still lose what you used during that game, so play wisely. It takes me an average of 30 minutes to get my army back to full when I play against people, and even in the campaign mode.

The game for the most part is free to play but you have the option to purchase Gems when you will need if you don’t want to wait for a building or to purchase Heroes.  Heroes are strong(ish) NPC’s that you can have to assist your armies during a battle.  When you first begin the game, you have an option to purchase gems at half the price plus get a few extra. I personally went for the 19.99 set which included 130 extra gems. It’s a nice way tto get started if you think you can apply the extra time so it wont feel like you wasted money on the game.

Throne rush to me is a novelty game. After a certain amount of time it becomes a waiting game and eventually turns into down time where you can’t really do anything because you are waiting for your stuff to build. All in all it’s a fun game if you can build quick and have friends to help you.I give this game a 5/10. I don’t really enjoy the down time., and it seems like everything you rely on as down time at certain points in the game and they really make or break you.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to NEXTERS LIMITED and its subsidiaries.


Mouse Town

Have you ever wanted to be a mighty mouse with the strength to slay evil reptiles that are trying to eat you? Now you have that chance! Mouse town is a little RPG exploring strategy game available on Android and iOS phones, tablets and other devices. Your goal is to explore the area, gather  heroes and resources  while trying to fend off all sorts of reptiles who are out to get you and your mousey town.

When you first load the game, you will have to go through a simple tutorial. It explains  how to build places, fight and gather what you need. Each time you build something you get the chance to gain more mice which are used to build stores, explore and repair. The more mice you have the more you can do. But each time you use a mouse, it takes awhile for them to come back. I find that if you build a about 12 houses you will be ok in the earlier levels. You can always spend gems, which you are given a few when you start but you can always purchase them, to get better everything, like with most mobile games.

The combat mechanics are unique to the game in the sense you legitimately control who attacks and heals what. It’s a simple swipe motion to guide your little mouse to it’s for to slay him. You can also use power-ups as they are gained or you can use a gem to boost them up. As you fight you level your heroes and better gear becomes available.  I found that most of the gear you have to use gems for…which I find to be a bit silly. But when a game is free you have to think of a way to make it worth your while I guess.  But if you do end up playing for a bit every once in awhile you’re give 1-3 gems whether it’s from leveling or doing specific quests. At the end of every fight, your hero must sleep to renew it’s energy.  It can be a bit annoying especially when you’re trying to explore.

The exploration is very time consuming, and a bit annoying. You can only explore in a certain areas and it makes your town a strange shape and a bit hard to worth with in the start until you’re about level 10, when it’s a nice open area.  When you open a new area, you have to fight a lizard of some sort to open the area to get it’s resources or heroes. When you start out the exploration goes by quickly, but after that it drags on. The fights you had to do to unlock the area now require more than one go, but they’re roughly the same fight. Exploration is beneficial to you as you can unlock heroes for free. Other heroes can be purchased through their store using gems.

The graphics are simple. The mouse seem to be clip art type mice with paper doll like movements. Everything is made out of items you’d throw away or have somewhere in your house. A table made from a thimble and a spool of thread, a tea house  made from a tea pot. All little items a mouse could find useful.

Beside the fact that almost everything neat is only purchased with cash or gems, it’s a game that would be a great way to kill boredom for a few hours. Assuming you like waiting a period off time before you can progress in the game then it’s perfect! I feel like if the game didn’t have as much down time it could really be fun!!! I give this game a 5/10.  Though I do enjoy the game, the fact that I have to wait to do anything makes it slightly annoying. I feel that the  way the levels of exploration were poorly placed and made the area a little difficult to place objects you need to even go on in the game.


Interested in playing? It’s Free!

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Nintendo and its subsidiaries.