
Archives for : Mouse Town

Mouse Town

Have you ever wanted to be a mighty mouse with the strength to slay evil reptiles that are trying to eat you? Now you have that chance! Mouse town is a little RPG exploring strategy game available on Android and iOS phones, tablets and other devices. Your goal is to explore the area, gather  heroes and resources  while trying to fend off all sorts of reptiles who are out to get you and your mousey town.

When you first load the game, you will have to go through a simple tutorial. It explains  how to build places, fight and gather what you need. Each time you build something you get the chance to gain more mice which are used to build stores, explore and repair. The more mice you have the more you can do. But each time you use a mouse, it takes awhile for them to come back. I find that if you build a about 12 houses you will be ok in the earlier levels. You can always spend gems, which you are given a few when you start but you can always purchase them, to get better everything, like with most mobile games.

The combat mechanics are unique to the game in the sense you legitimately control who attacks and heals what. It’s a simple swipe motion to guide your little mouse to it’s for to slay him. You can also use power-ups as they are gained or you can use a gem to boost them up. As you fight you level your heroes and better gear becomes available.  I found that most of the gear you have to use gems for…which I find to be a bit silly. But when a game is free you have to think of a way to make it worth your while I guess.  But if you do end up playing for a bit every once in awhile you’re give 1-3 gems whether it’s from leveling or doing specific quests. At the end of every fight, your hero must sleep to renew it’s energy.  It can be a bit annoying especially when you’re trying to explore.

The exploration is very time consuming, and a bit annoying. You can only explore in a certain areas and it makes your town a strange shape and a bit hard to worth with in the start until you’re about level 10, when it’s a nice open area.  When you open a new area, you have to fight a lizard of some sort to open the area to get it’s resources or heroes. When you start out the exploration goes by quickly, but after that it drags on. The fights you had to do to unlock the area now require more than one go, but they’re roughly the same fight. Exploration is beneficial to you as you can unlock heroes for free. Other heroes can be purchased through their store using gems.

The graphics are simple. The mouse seem to be clip art type mice with paper doll like movements. Everything is made out of items you’d throw away or have somewhere in your house. A table made from a thimble and a spool of thread, a tea house  made from a tea pot. All little items a mouse could find useful.

Beside the fact that almost everything neat is only purchased with cash or gems, it’s a game that would be a great way to kill boredom for a few hours. Assuming you like waiting a period off time before you can progress in the game then it’s perfect! I feel like if the game didn’t have as much down time it could really be fun!!! I give this game a 5/10.  Though I do enjoy the game, the fact that I have to wait to do anything makes it slightly annoying. I feel that the  way the levels of exploration were poorly placed and made the area a little difficult to place objects you need to even go on in the game.


Interested in playing? It’s Free!

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Nintendo and its subsidiaries.