
Archives for : System

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Another installment in the Warcraft Universe has been released earlier this month. I was lucky enough to get into the beta but sadly, didn’t have too much time to play it. Now that it has been fully released I sat down and played a little bit.

If you enjoyed any of the Magic the Gathering games, then you will enjoy Hearthstone. You start out picking your heroes which defines your deck’s potentials as well as your special abilities.  You can pick about every class there is in World of Warcraft right now, and you are then a famous person from that class. Personally, Mage decks, Jaina Proudmoore, are fairly powerful when they get the right cards. Hunter decks over power you easily if you don’t concentrate on the correct cards.

The game play is fairly simple.. You start off, like with any card game, drawing your hand and deciding if you like the hand or not. Most of the time, you just skip your turns and you only start out with one Mana gem. You gain a gem every turn so you can summon more powerful monsters.  There are a few cards that have very special abilities.  Guardians, for example, have to be attacked first, and they normally have a lot of armor, similar to a tank.

The goal is to, defeat your opponent. Simple enough when you look at the big picture. You win new cards as you progress further up the ranking, making your deck better. The PvP aspect of this game, seems to be working at a fair level. When you que up to find a player, it will most likely give you someone who is a worthy opponent, which is someone around your level, as they don’t look at decks.

Currently, there is incentive to play Hearthstone.  If you play and defeats 3 people, you are awarded with a mount. The Hearthsteed, as well as given an achievement for this accomplishment.

This  game is very simple to learn and keep up with, it is just a luck of the draw. The real complaint I have is that I had to do the tutorials again. They were a bit long, and excessive in my opinion. You can’t even play against other people if you haven’t finished them either. Instead of the 5 different tutorials they have you do, it really should be just  the one that tells you the basics.

All in all, this game is fun iif you have free time between killing Horde or raid bosses. It’s a great time killer and it is free. There is talk of it being released to mobile phones, so keep an eye out!! I give this game 6/10!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Blizzard Entertainment and its subsidiaries.


South Park: Stick of Truth

*****Before I being this review, I want to warn you that there may be words or Phrases that may be offensive to some viewers.. I assure you that everything is part of the game. I found this game fun and amusing. I do enjoy South Park humor as well. I hope you enjoy this review*****


South Park Colorado. Home to Kenny, Cartman, Stan and Kyle.  For many years we have awaited this game!! And with it’s release a few days ago, I couldn’t help but get it! So, as soon as it was done installing I started playing!!!


You start off with your character creation. There are many options you can choose for to start off with.  Hair colors and styles, different outfits. I had a lot of fun making my character. (I posted a picture of him on my Instagram) The entire style of this game is from the TV show. For those who haven’t seen the show yet. It’s a paper based Animation with little movement., Almost like a Stop Animation. They’re basically paper dolls.

As soon as you leave the house, you get to see Butters  fighting an evil elf! You help fend off the elf and then Butters takes you to The Wizard, Cartman. There you pick your Name, but It really doesn’t matter what you pick, they end up calling you Douchebag. From there, you are to pick your class. There are four to choose from. Thief, Warrior, Mage and Jew.  I chose to play a Jew, but I did get to see thief Game play and when you  get the right stats, it is very OP. Jew feels like it would be more of a support class rather than a dps class.

As you go through the story, you get more options open to you, and you are given the Title DragonBorn. (Yes, like   Skyrim) You have the amazing power to control your farts. Yeah, I said that right. You control powerful farts to help you get around the town and defeat your enemies.

Battle-scenes are pretty fun too., when you get use to the controls. I had a difficult time mastering one of the first special techniques you are given. You have your basic attacks that are as powerful as they can depending on how you play/click your mouse.  You also have PP that you can spend on more powerful attacks. For example, my character has a special attacked called “Jew-jitsu”. You have a specific amount of PP, that you can get back by certain spells/attacks, Gear and potions and such.

You find new gear and weapons all over the place. Each gear set has special buffs. There are so many sets too. There’s Elf, doctor, Alien. Just so many!! One of the better weapons is actually a Dildo. It’s pink I believe. I haven’t gotten it yet, but I can’t wait.

Some advice, whatever has a yellow button on it, you can open it. I suggest you do, to get money and to get new items. Don’t forget to look for the chinpokomon that are located all around you, they don’t DO anything but they’re pretty fun to collect. There are 30 all together.


I enjoyed this game, and there is a high replay value. If you haven’t gotten it, you really need to!!! I give this game a 9/10! This is also one of my recommended games as well!!! So go out and have fun!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to South Park Digital Studios, Ubisofft, Obsidian and their subsidiaries.



Titanfall: Beta

I have been waiting for this game for awhile now and I had the chance to play in the Beta! Now, you may be asking “Why are you talking about a Beta? What happened to the NDA?”  Well, the creators have no issued a NDA, they want people to stream, talk about and just enjoy the game! Everyone should be able to enjoy this game. This is what I plan on doing! So here we go!

If you have not had the chance to hear about this game, then you may be in for a wonderful treat! This is the perfect mix of some pretty awesome games from Call of Duty to Halo. You are in charge of a Titanfall, a giant Mecha with awesome guns and cool powers! The Titanfall has this telekinesis power you can use to stop rockets being launched at you and what not.

When not in a Titanfall, you are a pilot with a pistol that auto-locks on your targets, yes multiple targets. With one pull of your trigger, your pistol can take down multiple enemy or just a single enemy hitting all of their vital parts.

The tutorial goes into vast details about your weapons, Titanfall and how to use everything to it’s potential. I really felt like I was being trained to go on a real life mission.


Lastly, the PvP seemed very fair, and very realistic. There were some people who seemed to be cheating but that did not ruin my game at all! It was very enjoyable. When it comes to the realistic points, if you were to come into contact with a Titanfall and it was to step on you, well you’re kind of dead.


This game was very well planned out and the people who made it showed a very obviously they wanted to make a great game!

This review is slightly vague, I know, but I want you to play this game! I want you to experience everything about this game!

I give this beta a 9/10!

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the game you are watching. The game belongs to Respawn Entertainment and its subsidiaries.

Path of Exile

Path of Exile has to be one of my top games for this year! The amount of customization you can do with your characters is simply amazing. I reccomend this game if you really enjoyed Diablo!


Each character you can choose from are set with no appearance customizations. Each has their own story as to why they have been Exiles.  Some of their stories are very absurd while others are simple. I happened to choose the Witch as my character. She was made fun of and taunted in her town but as time went on she got even and stole the towns children.


Questing is very fun in this game! You get the chance to explore the area, which changes when you log in and out. There are different areas you can explore each having a waypoint so you can return to town and then return to adventuring.


Leveling and gearing up are fairly simple to do as well. You fly by levels so quick it’s hard to keep track of what level you are! In just under 3 hours I went from level 3 to level 17! As you kill mobs, gear drops. But like a few games, what drops on the ground isn’t just yours. It’s shared loot. So if you’re playing with a fried, it’s best to work out loot rules. When I played with my Friend, we ended up quite lucky as we needed different stats on our gear so we haven’t butt heads yet.


When you level up, you gain points to use in the gigantic talent tree.Each time you add a point to a branch you get more powerful or gain more health/mana. When it comes to learning spells however, you have to find gems. Each Gem is a certain color and those colors coordinate with slots on your gear. Some gems are just for stats while other increase a spell you have or just grant you an al new spell. You also get the option to level up your gems too. This increases the stats of the gems making them more powerful. YOu can also remove a gem before you sell an Item so you are not at a loss of spells.


For the size of this game, it’s very neat and tidy. The graphics are pretty well put together. You feel like you are in the area you spawn in. Foot steps in the water, trickling sounds from the ceiling. The environment is fairly interactive in the sense that if you run into it it moves or makes a sound.


All in all, this game is pretty fun. I do feel that once the game is beaten there may not be much of a replay value. But this game is Free to Play so it never hurts to make new characters and try out the other classes.  I give this game a 7/10!


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Orcs Must Die 2

If you really enjoy games like Dungeon Defender and Tower Defense you will enjoy this game!

I will admit to you guys though that I have not played the first game, so I can’t compare the two, but I will be playing the first one sometime this week. I will review the first game and then make another post comparing the two, if there were significant differences!


From what I gathered, you play as a battle mage that fought the hordes of Orcs before and prevented them from entering rifts! You find out that the Orc’s Queen (who is playable as well) lost her seat of power and now is there to help you keep the Orcs from the portals.


The gameplay is very simple and easy. Both the Battle Mage and the Former Queen have unique abilities and items they can use. I played as the Queen. She had this nify door that when an Orc or Orcs got close it would slam them into the wall or just back. The battle Mage had this Dart wall they could put up.


The controls were simples. WSAD to move and mouse and numbers (or clicking if you don’t use a Gaming mouse ) to attack. You hold shift to run ect ect. The norm for most games.


Upgrading cost skulls. You get skulls by completing a level successfully. The amount of skulls that you get depend on how hard the level was as well as how well YOU did personally. I find that system to be fair. I don’t think you should be rewarded well if you don’t do a good job. But the skulls aren’t just based on you. If you are playing with another person, they help the skull count as well.


Skulls are used to Upgrade armor, weapons and traps.  Upgrading will make handling the hordes of Orcs, Trolls and Yeti’s way more manageable. You can only do so much on your character.


The game itself is very simple and easy to use! It takes about one click to do anything from starting a new game and inviting people to play with you! I like not having to search on how to invite people and end up getting frustrated because it doesn’t work or the game doesn’t allow others to join for some odd reason.


The graphics are pretty good! They were a bit Cartoonish, but I didn’t mind. I normally like Realish graphic types but I was ok with these. They were neat and well done! The Orcs were unique in their own way. When I think of Orcs, I kind of go back to WoW and picture those Orcs. These Orcs went from Buff to skinny little nothings. It was pretty awesome. They also added Yeti and Trolls to the mix, and they were unique as well! I really liked the characters and the NPCs. Good job guys!!!!


I didn’t have many problems with the game. It took my friend and I a few minutes to figure out how the traps worked, where they should be placed and how to do basic movement ect.  I reccomend this game to anyone who is new to gaming in general. It really relies on the most basic controls for  most PC games.


I really enjoyed this game! If you want to play, I will post the link below! It is currently $14.99 on the Steam store.  I give this game a 7/10. It was enjoyable but sometimes it got too hard. When you don’t upgrade your traps it makes it harder on you when the Orcs attack. And sometimes you just don’t get enough skulls to do anything.  I ran into that problem a lot. I had to focus on certain traps or we just didn’t do well.


I would also like to take this time to thank you all for your support. We’ve had an explosion of subscribers this week alone and I would not only like to thank you guys, but welcome you tto the UnicornMuffin team! We do this for you guys and give you a heads up about games!

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Contagion: Survival Shooting

If you really liked the Left 4 Dead* games then you will enjoy Contagion! This game was well put together and thought out by it’s creators. There are some elements that don’t make a lot of sense but you have that with a few games. I really enjoyed playing this game with my friends, and a few strangers.

When you start the game, you get the option to play on line with others or to start a new game for yourself. No matter what option you chose, you can pick between a few different characters, there were about 6 I believe. Each characters adds a new element to the story and made it easier to play with others. I was very fond of this one female character who was  a Biologic Engineer. She added some cool Technology to the game!

When you play with other people, that seems to be the most fun. You get to play Versus. Versus seems to be a Free for All. You can choose to work with other players or murder them and make sure you are the last survivor. But watch out, if you decide to betray your comrades, they come back as Zombies that are out to kill you! I got to play as both, and I must say, being a Zombie was pretty fun! I think I had more fun being a Zombie than I did a Survivor. I did miss shooting guns and such, but come on….You can seek revenge on the person that killed you and make them one of us! ONE OF US!

The guns are pretty accurate. I got to play with a few different guns starting with the basic hand gun. I also got to play with a Sniper Rifle and a Uzi. All three of these guns were accurate with both the sound and the point and shoot aspect of each individual gun.  The only problem I had was, you can’t reload when there are Zombie Around, so if you run out of Ammo and there’s a zombie just walking around, uh oh. Better hope he doesn’t find you!

All around, the graphics were really nice. Some of the animations are kinda eh, like when you’re a zombie and you run…that’s kind of weird. But Other then that I really enjoyed the game visual wise!

All and all, this game is pretty good! I’d like to play a lot more of it with my friends! It is $14.99USD to play. But it is on sale right for for $7.49USD .I encourage you guys to pick it up! The link is down below! If I had to rate this game, I would happily give it 7/10 Liy Points =D It is a fun game but the reload feature cost my life a few times =(

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*© 2013 Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. Valve, the Valve logo, Half-Life, the Half-Life logo, the Lambda logo, Steam, the Steam logo, Team Fortress, the Team Fortress logo, Opposing Force, Day of Defeat, the Day of Defeat logo, Counter-Strike, the Counter-Strike logo, Source, the Source logo, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Portal, the Portal logo, Dota, the Dota 2 logo, and Defense of the Ancients are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


Before I begin the review, I would like to apologize for posting late for not only my review but for my video. I have been very busy with the holidays coming up and I ran out of time and that’s why I’m sitting here now typing a review. Heh. So let’s begin shall we?


If you are looking for a game that really tests your mind, this is the perfect game. Anna is definitely a different type of game. It begins with you in a fenced in yard with a building that is obviously abandoned.  There is a puzzle to do about everything in this game. So it really makes you think. I got stuck a few times. They’re not very obivious puzzles like most games. You have to actually explore to get things done and you always have to check the what you least expect to be helpful to you.


The graphics are quite beautiful. The detail they put into everything really amazed me. When you interact with something, the effect it has or causes were very realistic. I felt like I was actually in the game playing. Literally everything do you causes something to happen in the game. Even a simple step causes grass to bend, ripped in the water, dust to stir. It’s very awesome!


The controls were very easy. I was use to them early on in the game and nothing was out of the ordinary. I did find that sometimes it was a little hard to move items in the game and target them but once I figured out where I needed to have my cursor, it was a piece of cake!! Hmm…Cake.


There were a few times where the game caught me off guard. You can be minding your own business and trying to solve a puzzle then your screen will flicker and a weird figure appears then it vanishes, like nothing ever happened. Sometimes you may hear a weird noise like something falling but when you turn around, nothing happened at all. Are you going insane? Who knows. But I do know that I jumped out of my chair a good amount of times with the “scary” things they threw at you. I won’t go into much detail because that will ruin the game. But just be prepared to get scared!!


The puzzles, like I said before, can be a little difficult. A good example is, to get into the Sawmill, you need to solve a puzzle on the door. The pieces are hidden somewhere in the yard that requires another puzzle to open. You also have to find items that you can use to move other items so you have access to new areas or create new items. It’s really a hit and miss sometimes. But if you don’t do a puzzles you might not have access to other parts of the game or even get items you’ll need later. It’s  a very detail oriented game. So look under everything you can!! You don’t want to miss out on the spooky scary stuff that awaits you!!!!


You control what happens. That’s right. You can decide what happens by how you act in situations. If you don’t do something, it may change the outcome. If you don’t explore an area or even read a book, that can change what happens. There are 8 different endings that can happen, and you decide what one.


This game, is available on Steam for $9.99 USD. If you are wanting a game that messes with your mind and makes you think, you need to check this out. I really enjoyed the game! And it even gave me some weird dreams afterwords too!!! I give this awesome game 8/10 Lily points!!!

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Neverwinter: The D&D MMO

I enjoy Dungeons and Dragons. Its  got to be my favorite table top game of all time. Becoming one with your character, going on amazing adventures and making new friends and enemies  along the way! I tended to befriend too many people..and..creatures in the last game we fully played. Heh. But I’ll get into that later =D


Neverwinter helps bring the idea of D&D to those who don’t have an imagination. An evil witch has come to overtake the world with her army of the dead. First, this sounds like Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft. She kind of looks like him too. So I’m already a little like “Yay..another let’s kill the evil lich before zombies eat my brains”


The controls..Its  the standard WASD movement keys with space to jump. You have 2 attacks that are linked to your mouse,  and then you have some keyboard attacks. One attack is q  then it goes 1 and 3. You have an F attack then its potions 4-6. You’re pretty much all over the keyboard, so I’m happy that I have a g13. Whoo.


For a free to play game now, the graphic are rather nice. They’re not as advanced and other games, but they create a beautiful atmosphere and really bring the NPC’s, Creatures and landscapes alive. I would have liked to see a free ranging camera added to the game and a tab targeting system, but mousing over your target works too. I found myself missing a lot  and hitting another group of mobs a few times. Whee..that was fun.


The Customization you can do with your characters are rather nice as well. Its almost like games like the Elder Scrolls. I really enjoyed that! You you choose presets if you want to get out and kill things quickly or you can take your time and make the character the way you want.  You have 6 races and 6 classes. They are working on another class, but its not been introduced yet. For those who like to complete every race and every class, you only have 2 slots available.  You can buy more slots or you can just make another account since they’re free to make.


Questing is a lot of fun, you have a sparkly trail that guides you to your objectives and on items that you need to grab. If you don’t want to quest, you can take jobs which are player created or you have qued up for skirmishes. There really isn’t an end of what you can do as Jobs scales with your level.  Playing with others is nice too as some loot is unique to yourself while there is also a rolling system. I find the rolling kind of difficult on my Wizard because the button you use also teleports me so When I’m rolling on loot Poof! I’m gone!  It wouldn’t be so bad except for the aggro range on some mobs are kind of large.

Social aspects? There are many different “servers” in the game and when you’re in a party with people you get put on the different servers often, but thankfully you can move servers.


Leveling up can be a little slow, and when you do you can level up your spells and become powerful. You can also get new spells with your points. So that’s kind of like DnD. But these spells are already set up for you to choose what you want.


All in all this game is fun, but it has its ups and downs.  I didn’t actually feel like I was playing DnD, it felt like an actual MMO where I worked with other people to do something or I worked on my own.

I give this awesome game 7/10 Lily points. You should check it out if you enjoy DnD =3 I enjoyed playing this game a lot with my friends =D

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Feed the Beast: Minecraft Mod Pack

Feed the Beast sounds like it would be one of those simulation games that you have to feed some sort of monster, does it not? I can assure you that it is not that. Infact you may be surprised as to what it is.


Feed the Beast is actually Mod packs to Minecraft. Though the items in the game are similar to that of the Technic Pack, the game is still unique in it’s own ways.


For those of you who have played Minecraft. The idea of the game has not changed at it, but with every mod pack, there are awesome additions to the game!!!


My favorite Mod pack would have to be Forestry. This nifty little pack adds so much to the game! It adds different ores, farming and new items! The item I found the most interesting was the Bee Keeping. You build a Apiary and mate bees to get better bees then you put them in the house and let them do their magic. they can produce special saplings for different trees and Honey! I have a few houses and Apiaries set up in my tree ranch =D They’re a Huge help!


FTB also includes IndustrialCraft2. This adds Solar Panels and such to the game for more ways to interact with specific blocks. If you played Technik, then you’d understand this Mod and why its so awesome =D


Another interesting feature this mod pack has, is texture packs built in. It’s rather nice not having to take the time and finding a pack then installing it, then if it’s not right having to use the patcher and fix it and go through that huge mess. You don’t have to do it with that =D It does it for you!

There is still so much I don’t know about the scary world I’m in, but I hope to explore it all very son! If you enjoy minecraft and Technic, you’d really enjoy this =D Give it a try, you really should!!

As always, subscirbe comment email whatever =D I want to hear more from you guys =3 Follow me on tiwtter ( @unicornmuffintv)!!!


Trine 2

An evil is awakened and only 3 people can save the world. A Knight. A Wizard. An Assassin. Three people who have worked together before to stop this evil have been called back together to save the world from the new evils that have been unleashed!


This is a 1 to 3 person platform game. You can choose between the three heros, each having a special power. The wizard can move items with his magic. Moving things can help solve puzzles or help you advance to the next level. Now, if you are not into Wizards, the Assassin would be a good second choice. She has the ability to shoot a grappling hook to lift herself up. It’s an easy way to avoid certain dangers. The knight…um…..


The graphics are beautiful! They’re colorful and cheery as well as dark and scary. The puzzles really bring the scenes to life and make them more important. A leaf can be used to move water or help you bounce to the next area. You really have to look at your surroundings and figure a way out.


Though the game is soloable, I still liked having someone play with me. We always make sure that one of us plays the Wizard and the other the Assassin. The knight is pretty much useless. His skill tree is decent but not really anything useful. He has a shield and a hammer. That’s about all he brings to the story. But if you have a 3rd person that wants to play and enjoys being a useless meatshield, then here’s the class for them =D


There is a lack of customization minus the spell tree that each character has the gives them specific talents that can be used in battle or in a puzzle. The trees are easy to understand and use that there’s not a lot of guessing as to what to take and when. You can build a very strong versatile character and be just total kick ass .


I really liked the music, it fit with the scenes well. They added emotion as well as excitement to each level, boss fight and puzzle. The sounds from your weapons, water and surrounds were also very realistic. Some sounds you can tell when they were made on a computer, but these sounded like they went out and swung a sword, dripped water and dropped metal boxes.


I found the controls a little hard to get in the beginning and some of the areas were difficult to maneuver. Sometimes you over jumped, got stuck in silly places or were plain unresponsive. Once you get use the the controls though,  the gameplay was quick and smooth.


There’s not a lot more to the game. The quest objectives are straight forward and fairly easy to obtain, and there is some moving away from the general platforming that is in the game. There are secret areas hidden in every level that can take some figuring out to do, but don’t give up. They’re normally very helpful rewards


If you are interested in seeing or playing this game for yourself, it is available on steam for $19.99.

I give this game 8/10 Lily points. It’s good for a playthough every one in awhile but to replay it right away isn’t going to bring out a lot of new content or fun =3 Still though, it’s more fun with others!


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