
Archives for : Action

Mouse Town

Have you ever wanted to be a mighty mouse with the strength to slay evil reptiles that are trying to eat you? Now you have that chance! Mouse town is a little RPG exploring strategy game available on Android and iOS phones, tablets and other devices. Your goal is to explore the area, gather  heroes and resources  while trying to fend off all sorts of reptiles who are out to get you and your mousey town.

When you first load the game, you will have to go through a simple tutorial. It explains  how to build places, fight and gather what you need. Each time you build something you get the chance to gain more mice which are used to build stores, explore and repair. The more mice you have the more you can do. But each time you use a mouse, it takes awhile for them to come back. I find that if you build a about 12 houses you will be ok in the earlier levels. You can always spend gems, which you are given a few when you start but you can always purchase them, to get better everything, like with most mobile games.

The combat mechanics are unique to the game in the sense you legitimately control who attacks and heals what. It’s a simple swipe motion to guide your little mouse to it’s for to slay him. You can also use power-ups as they are gained or you can use a gem to boost them up. As you fight you level your heroes and better gear becomes available.  I found that most of the gear you have to use gems for…which I find to be a bit silly. But when a game is free you have to think of a way to make it worth your while I guess.  But if you do end up playing for a bit every once in awhile you’re give 1-3 gems whether it’s from leveling or doing specific quests. At the end of every fight, your hero must sleep to renew it’s energy.  It can be a bit annoying especially when you’re trying to explore.

The exploration is very time consuming, and a bit annoying. You can only explore in a certain areas and it makes your town a strange shape and a bit hard to worth with in the start until you’re about level 10, when it’s a nice open area.  When you open a new area, you have to fight a lizard of some sort to open the area to get it’s resources or heroes. When you start out the exploration goes by quickly, but after that it drags on. The fights you had to do to unlock the area now require more than one go, but they’re roughly the same fight. Exploration is beneficial to you as you can unlock heroes for free. Other heroes can be purchased through their store using gems.

The graphics are simple. The mouse seem to be clip art type mice with paper doll like movements. Everything is made out of items you’d throw away or have somewhere in your house. A table made from a thimble and a spool of thread, a tea house  made from a tea pot. All little items a mouse could find useful.

Beside the fact that almost everything neat is only purchased with cash or gems, it’s a game that would be a great way to kill boredom for a few hours. Assuming you like waiting a period off time before you can progress in the game then it’s perfect! I feel like if the game didn’t have as much down time it could really be fun!!! I give this game a 5/10.  Though I do enjoy the game, the fact that I have to wait to do anything makes it slightly annoying. I feel that the  way the levels of exploration were poorly placed and made the area a little difficult to place objects you need to even go on in the game.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Nintendo and its subsidiaries.

Mario Kart 8

I’ve been a big fan of Mario Kart for years now, since I was about 10 years old. I was first introduced to the Series in the N64 and I fell in love with it. Once I got Toad, there was NO stopping me! Except for Rainbow Road…Yeah that was pretty hard!

With the new installment of Mario Kart, you get to travel to different locations, both new and remastered, and race some old friends and some new ones. Like with each game, the goal is to win the race in 3 laps.  I must say, to actually have the time to sit down and place this, I realized how much I actually miss the other games.  I fancy using the Game Pad instead of controllers (something that I don’t recommend for multi player as the tiny screen splits off and it’s harder to see) so that it’s easier for me to see what’s going on. The Game Pad also lets you see where others are on the race track as well as the score, and of course my favorite part, the horn!!! The controls are easy to get use to, only took me about 1 minutes. A is accelerate, left bumper is item ect ect.

One of the things I found interesting if when you play with more people, the NPC’s get more intelligent when one person is doing better than the others, they don’t tend to go after the better player but seem to harass the players who are following behind.  I feel it to be an incentive to whoop butt, but of course when you start to, the NPC shut you down…Oh well! Just means you have to be first next time!!!

The graphics, oh my gosh, are awesome. N64 Rainbow Road remake is so beautiful. I loved it back in the day but I really love it now! The course itself is still like it was, a wee bit difficult but once I got my grasp, it was a piece of cake! I especially enjoy the looks the characters give when they pass or hit you with an item. Sometimes they are just too funny it’s hard to concentrate on the next race.  For a kids game, they put a lot of time and effort into making it both visually and audio appealing. There is no sound that I don’t like in this game, as there have in the past.  I’m very happy with this game!

Mario Kart 8 is not only a fun installment to the Mario Kart Series, it offers a bit of Nostalgia for those who have been a loyal follower, and an exciting new game for those who are new to the series. I enjoy this game when I have the free time to kill or just to relax with some friends.  The NPC intelligence is very nice but can get super annoying, especially in Multi Player. I love the graphics and music! They’re unique to each Track. player and NPC!

I give this game a 8/10!


The NPC intelligence is very nice but can get super annoying, especially in Multi Player. I love the graphics and music! They’re unique to each Track. player and NPC!

Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

I have always been a fan of this series. From Dynasty Warriors to now, this game has always been in my top 10. Once more, I am very pleased with it.


(Slight spoilers ahead!)

As the game starts out, you are fighting a giant hydra that has appeared. As you play through, you find the game slowly growing more difficult until you are told retreat…and the Hydra wins. As you retreat, you are confronted by a spirit who drags you into this world and tells you she can help you defeat the hydra, and basically gives you a redo. Depending on how you play, you can defeat the hydra or let History replay itself.


The actual story line as you play is heartwarming as well and exciting. You get to see what each person was doing before the Hydra came forth and set out to destroy the entire world. You help them gather points as well as Allies.  Each character had their own set of allies you can play as well as specific talents each hold. I like making custom teams and building those up. I’ve never been one to enjoy pre-made teams!


The controls, like with their other games, are easy when you get the hang on them. I found myself hitting the wrong buttons or using moves accidently due to them being close together. I’ve accidently swapped characters during a fight and it almost cost my that battle. I wasn’t very happy with that. I feel like if i had used the Wii U’s touch pad I would have done a lot better then using the actual controller. But I’ve stuck with the controller. I also found that using the Wand to be more of a pain than in the butt than convenience as I do have nerve problems and after awhile controllers hurt.


I really enjoyed this game! There were some points of it where it was difficult but the key point it had always remained fun for me.  I give this game a 6/10. Though I really enjoyed the game, Some parts were a little bugged or just kinda silly. There were just some points where I lost interest a little bit but I always managed to get back into it.

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game.


Path of Exile

Path of Exile has to be one of my top games for this year! The amount of customization you can do with your characters is simply amazing. I reccomend this game if you really enjoyed Diablo!


Each character you can choose from are set with no appearance customizations. Each has their own story as to why they have been Exiles.  Some of their stories are very absurd while others are simple. I happened to choose the Witch as my character. She was made fun of and taunted in her town but as time went on she got even and stole the towns children.


Questing is very fun in this game! You get the chance to explore the area, which changes when you log in and out. There are different areas you can explore each having a waypoint so you can return to town and then return to adventuring.


Leveling and gearing up are fairly simple to do as well. You fly by levels so quick it’s hard to keep track of what level you are! In just under 3 hours I went from level 3 to level 17! As you kill mobs, gear drops. But like a few games, what drops on the ground isn’t just yours. It’s shared loot. So if you’re playing with a fried, it’s best to work out loot rules. When I played with my Friend, we ended up quite lucky as we needed different stats on our gear so we haven’t butt heads yet.


When you level up, you gain points to use in the gigantic talent tree.Each time you add a point to a branch you get more powerful or gain more health/mana. When it comes to learning spells however, you have to find gems. Each Gem is a certain color and those colors coordinate with slots on your gear. Some gems are just for stats while other increase a spell you have or just grant you an al new spell. You also get the option to level up your gems too. This increases the stats of the gems making them more powerful. YOu can also remove a gem before you sell an Item so you are not at a loss of spells.


For the size of this game, it’s very neat and tidy. The graphics are pretty well put together. You feel like you are in the area you spawn in. Foot steps in the water, trickling sounds from the ceiling. The environment is fairly interactive in the sense that if you run into it it moves or makes a sound.


All in all, this game is pretty fun. I do feel that once the game is beaten there may not be much of a replay value. But this game is Free to Play so it never hurts to make new characters and try out the other classes.  I give this game a 7/10!


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Before I begin the review, I would like to apologize for posting late for not only my review but for my video. I have been very busy with the holidays coming up and I ran out of time and that’s why I’m sitting here now typing a review. Heh. So let’s begin shall we?


If you are looking for a game that really tests your mind, this is the perfect game. Anna is definitely a different type of game. It begins with you in a fenced in yard with a building that is obviously abandoned.  There is a puzzle to do about everything in this game. So it really makes you think. I got stuck a few times. They’re not very obivious puzzles like most games. You have to actually explore to get things done and you always have to check the what you least expect to be helpful to you.


The graphics are quite beautiful. The detail they put into everything really amazed me. When you interact with something, the effect it has or causes were very realistic. I felt like I was actually in the game playing. Literally everything do you causes something to happen in the game. Even a simple step causes grass to bend, ripped in the water, dust to stir. It’s very awesome!


The controls were very easy. I was use to them early on in the game and nothing was out of the ordinary. I did find that sometimes it was a little hard to move items in the game and target them but once I figured out where I needed to have my cursor, it was a piece of cake!! Hmm…Cake.


There were a few times where the game caught me off guard. You can be minding your own business and trying to solve a puzzle then your screen will flicker and a weird figure appears then it vanishes, like nothing ever happened. Sometimes you may hear a weird noise like something falling but when you turn around, nothing happened at all. Are you going insane? Who knows. But I do know that I jumped out of my chair a good amount of times with the “scary” things they threw at you. I won’t go into much detail because that will ruin the game. But just be prepared to get scared!!


The puzzles, like I said before, can be a little difficult. A good example is, to get into the Sawmill, you need to solve a puzzle on the door. The pieces are hidden somewhere in the yard that requires another puzzle to open. You also have to find items that you can use to move other items so you have access to new areas or create new items. It’s really a hit and miss sometimes. But if you don’t do a puzzles you might not have access to other parts of the game or even get items you’ll need later. It’s  a very detail oriented game. So look under everything you can!! You don’t want to miss out on the spooky scary stuff that awaits you!!!!


You control what happens. That’s right. You can decide what happens by how you act in situations. If you don’t do something, it may change the outcome. If you don’t explore an area or even read a book, that can change what happens. There are 8 different endings that can happen, and you decide what one.


This game, is available on Steam for $9.99 USD. If you are wanting a game that messes with your mind and makes you think, you need to check this out. I really enjoyed the game! And it even gave me some weird dreams afterwords too!!! I give this awesome game 8/10 Lily points!!!

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Neverwinter: The D&D MMO

I enjoy Dungeons and Dragons. Its  got to be my favorite table top game of all time. Becoming one with your character, going on amazing adventures and making new friends and enemies  along the way! I tended to befriend too many people..and..creatures in the last game we fully played. Heh. But I’ll get into that later =D


Neverwinter helps bring the idea of D&D to those who don’t have an imagination. An evil witch has come to overtake the world with her army of the dead. First, this sounds like Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft. She kind of looks like him too. So I’m already a little like “Yay..another let’s kill the evil lich before zombies eat my brains”


The controls..Its  the standard WASD movement keys with space to jump. You have 2 attacks that are linked to your mouse,  and then you have some keyboard attacks. One attack is q  then it goes 1 and 3. You have an F attack then its potions 4-6. You’re pretty much all over the keyboard, so I’m happy that I have a g13. Whoo.


For a free to play game now, the graphic are rather nice. They’re not as advanced and other games, but they create a beautiful atmosphere and really bring the NPC’s, Creatures and landscapes alive. I would have liked to see a free ranging camera added to the game and a tab targeting system, but mousing over your target works too. I found myself missing a lot  and hitting another group of mobs a few times. Whee..that was fun.


The Customization you can do with your characters are rather nice as well. Its almost like games like the Elder Scrolls. I really enjoyed that! You you choose presets if you want to get out and kill things quickly or you can take your time and make the character the way you want.  You have 6 races and 6 classes. They are working on another class, but its not been introduced yet. For those who like to complete every race and every class, you only have 2 slots available.  You can buy more slots or you can just make another account since they’re free to make.


Questing is a lot of fun, you have a sparkly trail that guides you to your objectives and on items that you need to grab. If you don’t want to quest, you can take jobs which are player created or you have qued up for skirmishes. There really isn’t an end of what you can do as Jobs scales with your level.  Playing with others is nice too as some loot is unique to yourself while there is also a rolling system. I find the rolling kind of difficult on my Wizard because the button you use also teleports me so When I’m rolling on loot Poof! I’m gone!  It wouldn’t be so bad except for the aggro range on some mobs are kind of large.

Social aspects? There are many different “servers” in the game and when you’re in a party with people you get put on the different servers often, but thankfully you can move servers.


Leveling up can be a little slow, and when you do you can level up your spells and become powerful. You can also get new spells with your points. So that’s kind of like DnD. But these spells are already set up for you to choose what you want.


All in all this game is fun, but it has its ups and downs.  I didn’t actually feel like I was playing DnD, it felt like an actual MMO where I worked with other people to do something or I worked on my own.

I give this awesome game 7/10 Lily points. You should check it out if you enjoy DnD =3 I enjoyed playing this game a lot with my friends =D

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Feed the Beast: Minecraft Mod Pack

Feed the Beast sounds like it would be one of those simulation games that you have to feed some sort of monster, does it not? I can assure you that it is not that. Infact you may be surprised as to what it is.


Feed the Beast is actually Mod packs to Minecraft. Though the items in the game are similar to that of the Technic Pack, the game is still unique in it’s own ways.


For those of you who have played Minecraft. The idea of the game has not changed at it, but with every mod pack, there are awesome additions to the game!!!


My favorite Mod pack would have to be Forestry. This nifty little pack adds so much to the game! It adds different ores, farming and new items! The item I found the most interesting was the Bee Keeping. You build a Apiary and mate bees to get better bees then you put them in the house and let them do their magic. they can produce special saplings for different trees and Honey! I have a few houses and Apiaries set up in my tree ranch =D They’re a Huge help!


FTB also includes IndustrialCraft2. This adds Solar Panels and such to the game for more ways to interact with specific blocks. If you played Technik, then you’d understand this Mod and why its so awesome =D


Another interesting feature this mod pack has, is texture packs built in. It’s rather nice not having to take the time and finding a pack then installing it, then if it’s not right having to use the patcher and fix it and go through that huge mess. You don’t have to do it with that =D It does it for you!

There is still so much I don’t know about the scary world I’m in, but I hope to explore it all very son! If you enjoy minecraft and Technic, you’d really enjoy this =D Give it a try, you really should!!

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