
Archives for : Stragety

Lionheart Tactics

I have always enjoyed real time tactic games and this is one of the better ones I have played this year. It’s a free to play game and I feel like I would pay for this game if it came to it, that’s how much I enjoyed it.


The storyline to me is a bit cliché. You are a knight that has to fight an evil presence with a group of people. The more people you gather the more you can do when you fight. You have the option to pick melee classes and some ranged ones. If you plan right you can make the best team. I personally use two melee and two rang with a healer.


In enjoy the fighting style and how the turns work. It reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy Tactics. You start out in a map that you can literally move which ever way you want to get a better view of your enemies and the map to better plan your attack. Once you finish your move it is the enemy’s turn. Whenever someone gets a hit off, there is a retaliation. Sometimes that’s a make or break moment.


When you reach a certain limit you have to combine other heroes to make the ones you want to use stronger. I have noticed this becoming a huge part of mobile games. Combining different heroes to make a certain things and people stronger. So is this a new trend or something? What ever happened to good ol’ leveling?


The graphics are crystal clear. I feel like they’re fit for a PC they’re so clear. I found it hard to put my Shield down. This game was both graphical intriguing as well as easy to play. Its all tap and slide.


This game is enjoyable both gameplay and graphic wise. I had a lot of fun playing it and this will be in my top 10 in January! Don’t miss out on the great chance to play this game OK? If you love tactical games then you should try it out!


I give this game a 8/10. I wasn’t a big fan of the story it was too cliché for me. I did enjoy how you play the game and the different types of game play.

Want to play?

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Tropico 5

I really enjoy the Civilization games.  So when I finally got a hold of a copy of this game, it’s safe to say that I was not disappointed. This is definently going in my top games for the year. I really enjoyed this game and there aren’t that many things I didn’t like.

You start off on this beautiful island, either by yourself or with friends/random people. You are given a set amount of money and a quest to break away from the crown and be free!!!! Or fail miserably and just stare at the screen and sigh…wondering what could you have done better…There’s  always that ONE thing that you can think of and then when you restart the game it doesn’t matter if you needed more Bananas. Now you need Llama’s to make the people happy!

The story line is pretty much what I had explained above. Gain your freedom and live and thrive on an island. But watch out, you upset the wrong people and it wont be fun for you. No..not really fun. Every once in awhile, a bad choice will result in some of your citizens going insane and rioting. It’s kind of like “WE DON’T LIKE THE LLAMA’S BRING BACK THE BANANAS!!!!!!” As you evolve into history, the more you learn who good or bad you’re doing.

You have the wonderful option to chose between a dictator ship or a democracy. Me, being the every one is equal in the say of the government and how I run it, chose Democracy. Let me tell you something, No matter what I did those people hated me. I filled the town with bars, operas and schools and they slammed me down. During the elections you have a wonderful option to Kill, Banish or bribe the people running against you. But when one person leave another takes his place.  I found it difficult making those people happy.


The graphics are very similar to Civ 5,which made the Catherine* in me happy as can be! I enjoyed the simple graphics for the large area.  The little details of the tiny trees get me every time. There is just so much details in the little buildings. It’s a little taste of what it’s like to be a overseer of a world.  Don’ t like the road? It’s gone! Don’t get me started on the roads..they’re just like the Civ roads. No such thing as straight roads.


Over all, I adore this game. It’s a neat twist of Civ. Tropical Island, fancy dictator (or president) that you can customize. I found myself  sitting down and playing this game for hours and playing story lines, experimenting with different ideas and rules.

I happily give this game a 9/10. I never found myself getting upset with this game. No matter how hard I failed. I love the game with the humor, graphics and just the over all game play.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Kalypso Media and its subsidiaries.



Throne Rush

Throne Rush is a mobile/Facebook game where you build walls, turrets  and armies to protect your castle as well as defeat other players  in hopes off gaining their riches and food. The game really centers around what you can build to make sure you cannot be defeated when you are attacked by other people. There isn’t much more to the game than that.

There really isn’t a story line to this game. There is a story mode which you just use the army you build and destroy NPC castles and get whatever they had stored. Certain NPC castles will give you extra items such as potions, and gems that you can use for magical spells, as long as you have a certain building. The goal of the game, like I’ve said before, is to build a stronghold to protect your castle. You also need to build a strong army so that you can defeat others who think they are not penetrable.

To get the strong armies, you have to upgrade your castle. It takes a while to get a high level castle. Building time is real time so when it tells you it takes a week…it takes a week. To get the different types of people in your army you have to level up your Barracks. There are many types of classes available for you as you level up. Dragons, Hawks, Gryphons, Orcs, Elves. Anything can be at your fingertips as long as you have the time and patience to level your buildings.

As I said earlier you have the option to purchase spells with Potions and other random things you get when you play against other people. You can have aa max of 5 spells that you will have to repurchase after every use. The same goes with your armies. Even if your game crashes during a fight, you still lose what you used during that game, so play wisely. It takes me an average of 30 minutes to get my army back to full when I play against people, and even in the campaign mode.

The game for the most part is free to play but you have the option to purchase Gems when you will need if you don’t want to wait for a building or to purchase Heroes.  Heroes are strong(ish) NPC’s that you can have to assist your armies during a battle.  When you first begin the game, you have an option to purchase gems at half the price plus get a few extra. I personally went for the 19.99 set which included 130 extra gems. It’s a nice way tto get started if you think you can apply the extra time so it wont feel like you wasted money on the game.

Throne rush to me is a novelty game. After a certain amount of time it becomes a waiting game and eventually turns into down time where you can’t really do anything because you are waiting for your stuff to build. All in all it’s a fun game if you can build quick and have friends to help you.I give this game a 5/10. I don’t really enjoy the down time., and it seems like everything you rely on as down time at certain points in the game and they really make or break you.


Want to play this game on your Android Device?


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to NEXTERS LIMITED and its subsidiaries.


South Park: Stick of Truth

*****Before I being this review, I want to warn you that there may be words or Phrases that may be offensive to some viewers.. I assure you that everything is part of the game. I found this game fun and amusing. I do enjoy South Park humor as well. I hope you enjoy this review*****


South Park Colorado. Home to Kenny, Cartman, Stan and Kyle.  For many years we have awaited this game!! And with it’s release a few days ago, I couldn’t help but get it! So, as soon as it was done installing I started playing!!!


You start off with your character creation. There are many options you can choose for to start off with.  Hair colors and styles, different outfits. I had a lot of fun making my character. (I posted a picture of him on my Instagram) The entire style of this game is from the TV show. For those who haven’t seen the show yet. It’s a paper based Animation with little movement., Almost like a Stop Animation. They’re basically paper dolls.

As soon as you leave the house, you get to see Butters  fighting an evil elf! You help fend off the elf and then Butters takes you to The Wizard, Cartman. There you pick your Name, but It really doesn’t matter what you pick, they end up calling you Douchebag. From there, you are to pick your class. There are four to choose from. Thief, Warrior, Mage and Jew.  I chose to play a Jew, but I did get to see thief Game play and when you  get the right stats, it is very OP. Jew feels like it would be more of a support class rather than a dps class.

As you go through the story, you get more options open to you, and you are given the Title DragonBorn. (Yes, like   Skyrim) You have the amazing power to control your farts. Yeah, I said that right. You control powerful farts to help you get around the town and defeat your enemies.

Battle-scenes are pretty fun too., when you get use to the controls. I had a difficult time mastering one of the first special techniques you are given. You have your basic attacks that are as powerful as they can depending on how you play/click your mouse.  You also have PP that you can spend on more powerful attacks. For example, my character has a special attacked called “Jew-jitsu”. You have a specific amount of PP, that you can get back by certain spells/attacks, Gear and potions and such.

You find new gear and weapons all over the place. Each gear set has special buffs. There are so many sets too. There’s Elf, doctor, Alien. Just so many!! One of the better weapons is actually a Dildo. It’s pink I believe. I haven’t gotten it yet, but I can’t wait.

Some advice, whatever has a yellow button on it, you can open it. I suggest you do, to get money and to get new items. Don’t forget to look for the chinpokomon that are located all around you, they don’t DO anything but they’re pretty fun to collect. There are 30 all together.


I enjoyed this game, and there is a high replay value. If you haven’t gotten it, you really need to!!! I give this game a 9/10! This is also one of my recommended games as well!!! So go out and have fun!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to South Park Digital Studios, Ubisofft, Obsidian and their subsidiaries.



Orcs Must Die 2

If you really enjoy games like Dungeon Defender and Tower Defense you will enjoy this game!

I will admit to you guys though that I have not played the first game, so I can’t compare the two, but I will be playing the first one sometime this week. I will review the first game and then make another post comparing the two, if there were significant differences!


From what I gathered, you play as a battle mage that fought the hordes of Orcs before and prevented them from entering rifts! You find out that the Orc’s Queen (who is playable as well) lost her seat of power and now is there to help you keep the Orcs from the portals.


The gameplay is very simple and easy. Both the Battle Mage and the Former Queen have unique abilities and items they can use. I played as the Queen. She had this nify door that when an Orc or Orcs got close it would slam them into the wall or just back. The battle Mage had this Dart wall they could put up.


The controls were simples. WSAD to move and mouse and numbers (or clicking if you don’t use a Gaming mouse ) to attack. You hold shift to run ect ect. The norm for most games.


Upgrading cost skulls. You get skulls by completing a level successfully. The amount of skulls that you get depend on how hard the level was as well as how well YOU did personally. I find that system to be fair. I don’t think you should be rewarded well if you don’t do a good job. But the skulls aren’t just based on you. If you are playing with another person, they help the skull count as well.


Skulls are used to Upgrade armor, weapons and traps.  Upgrading will make handling the hordes of Orcs, Trolls and Yeti’s way more manageable. You can only do so much on your character.


The game itself is very simple and easy to use! It takes about one click to do anything from starting a new game and inviting people to play with you! I like not having to search on how to invite people and end up getting frustrated because it doesn’t work or the game doesn’t allow others to join for some odd reason.


The graphics are pretty good! They were a bit Cartoonish, but I didn’t mind. I normally like Realish graphic types but I was ok with these. They were neat and well done! The Orcs were unique in their own way. When I think of Orcs, I kind of go back to WoW and picture those Orcs. These Orcs went from Buff to skinny little nothings. It was pretty awesome. They also added Yeti and Trolls to the mix, and they were unique as well! I really liked the characters and the NPCs. Good job guys!!!!


I didn’t have many problems with the game. It took my friend and I a few minutes to figure out how the traps worked, where they should be placed and how to do basic movement ect.  I reccomend this game to anyone who is new to gaming in general. It really relies on the most basic controls for  most PC games.


I really enjoyed this game! If you want to play, I will post the link below! It is currently $14.99 on the Steam store.  I give this game a 7/10. It was enjoyable but sometimes it got too hard. When you don’t upgrade your traps it makes it harder on you when the Orcs attack. And sometimes you just don’t get enough skulls to do anything.  I ran into that problem a lot. I had to focus on certain traps or we just didn’t do well.


I would also like to take this time to thank you all for your support. We’ve had an explosion of subscribers this week alone and I would not only like to thank you guys, but welcome you tto the UnicornMuffin team! We do this for you guys and give you a heads up about games!

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Plants vs Zombies 2

Plants vs Zombies 2 has finally been released! About time, am I right? I downloaded the game on my phone for free and gave it a whirl while my car was getting worked on, and I kind of liked the game.

It’s almost like the older game but with new, fancy plants and dressed up zombies. I was super impressed with this little mobile game! My only real complaint with this game is that is really overheated my phone and sometimes it didn’t respond well to my commands. I’d end up digging up the wrong plant of not using the plant food when I really needed it, thus losing the level.

The game is visually appealing and the sounds and music go with each stage rather well.  For being played on a tiny screen, I wouldn’t mind staring at this game for long periods of time. It didn’t hurt my eyes at all. The voices they added for the zombies were nice too. Very soft speaking zombies that aren’t yelling. I really enjoyed that. Not a huge fan of the loud screaming Zombies. I did find the Neighbor and His Car to be rather annoying. They popped up in dumb times and the “voices” they had made me end up muting my phone. I’m all for the “rabbl rabbl” of the human but they made the car beep in high pitched tones and so often that I couldn’t stand it.

I found that in some of the levels, I had a difficult time trying to get my defense up before 2 hordes of Zombies were headed my way. It was pretty intense and left my flustered at the end. This game, is a little more harder than the first game. But not so much that it’s near impossible to beat. I just had some problems with a few of the levels that just liked to throw what it could at you. But, if it wasn’t for certain plants, I would have probably just spent some money and make my army.

It’s just really nice of Popcap to release a free game, and have it be free and mean it. When I say that the game is free, it’s free if you own an Android phone, sadly, if you own an iPhone, you will have to pay 99 cents for the game , bummer… There are a few games out there that say the game is free but when you need something that can save you or help you progress to the next level you have to pay so much money for a single item that isn’t real. How lame is that?  I like that they gave you an option to buy everything now or just play and unlock it. So. if you don’t like playing the game all the way through, you have the option of buying, with REAL money, all of the plants you can unlock during the story game play. You can also purchase buffs like, Plant food, as well. they did a nice job with that! So Kudos!

With all said and done, it’s a well put together game that I do enjoy playing. It’s a great time killer and a way to distract yourself. I now prefer the game to be played muted, but if the constant sound of a car horn is one of your favorite sounds then TURN IT UP! =D  I do recommended this game though =D  It gets a 7/10 Lily points =3 Check it out! As always though, please subscurbe for updates. I do post a review every money. I also post a new video on my Youtube every Friday and I stream games every saturday! Follow me on Twitter for all updates =D YAY!


Android download:

iPhone download, Remember this version is $.99:

Civilization V: Brand New World- A look into the New content!


Hey guys! Friday’s video is up! This week I give you guys  a look into the new Civilization expansion back for Civ 5! Brand New World adds new countires, Polices as well as new ways to get in touch with neighboring countries! It’s a very exciting expansion!

If you’re into these kind of games you need to give it a try! =D

I really recomend this game if you have a lot of time to kill and have a couple of awesome friends to play it with! And did I mention Shaka Zulu is there? Awe yeah!!!!!!

Super Monday Night Combat

I can’t begin to think of where I want to start with this game. It’s just that awesome! I think I will begin with what the game is, that’s a good start.


Super Monday Night Combat or Super MNC for short is a third person Shooter meets Dungeon Defenders. You can pick from a few players if you just start the game, and you have the option to purchase new characters, upgrades outfits ect with real money or money you gather and earn as you play. Your goal is to protect your money ball from insane robots that will jump at the opportunity to destroy you.

You get to build turrets as well as shoot the robots. I prefer the assassin they have which is an up close and personal fighter, which can be a bit problematic at times due to the fact some of the robots hurt..really really bad.

The game play is quite simple, and it didn’t take me too long to get the controls down and be a super awesome killer. I didn’t have any lag at all with the settings on high. Another thing I should mention is that it is an Unreal engine game. So you know it has to be awesome =D


There are several different types of characters you can pick when you first start. You have a general gunner, a touch tank type gunner, an up close and personal fighter and you also have a healer. Each character has a few different weapons you can choose from as well as some different moves and character specific talents you can choose from. For example, The Assassin has knife for close comabt and a Shuriken Shooter for ranged fighting. For specialites, she has a super jump, a cloaking device, and a smoke cloud. You also get a pretty awesome finishing move if you get the right timing.


As the levels go on in the game, it gets progressively harder and harder to keep the ball up in the air and away from robots. We played the game with just 3 people and when we got to the giant chicken round, we didn’t fair too well as there were too many robots for our turrets to handle, and we were all up on a different platform trying to kill the chicken. However, you can invite up to 9 people to play with you or against you, depending on your style. We felt like if we had more people we could have done ok. But all in all it was fun and a good laugh.

The graphics were pretty cool for how simple the game is. The effects for the weapons, when you summon or repair a turret as well as the robots were pretty awesome. I really liked them because they were simple but still pretty awesome. When you lose, your ball explodes into so many coins and a weird guy dances on top of it, taunting you. Haha…Yeah the guy kind of gave me nightmares but anyways!


The music is pretty cool too, it’s upbeat and really keeps you in the mood to want to play more. I did have to turn it down a little though because I found that it overpowdered EVERYTHING. I had a hard time hearing my Skype call as well as when a character calling for help.


Over all, it was a super fun game and something we will play when we have some time to spare. It has a decent replay value as you can unlock things by just playing the game and earning coins. And another awesome note about the game: TOTALLY FREE!!!!!!!! All you need is a steam account =D How freaking cool!!!!


Overall, I give the game 8/10 Lily Points. The game is as pretty as it is difficult and the fact that you can play to unlock is a really cool feature =D If you want to check it out, here’s the link (

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Monster Match: Mobile Game

This nifty little puzzle (also it’s FREE) is great if you have done time to kill but it also has some incentive to pay daily. This is a typical elemental game where each monster you have represents a certain element. You have monsters who are weak against one but very setting against another. Each monster also has a special move they can do when toy get enough gems I’d their color.some odd them change gems to their color whine others do a massive amount of damage.

Depending on how you play the game can be really fun or just pain annoying. Sometimes you get dealt a terrible hand while other times you Miss gems

A typical puzzle has several waves followed by a boss stage. During the rounds your goal its to get as many gems as possible with out dying. Each waves has a chance for you to catch a monster that you can use to evolve your team, boost them our even replace them.

If you are one to play a game for days in a row you will be happy to hear that you get two type of rewards. One its daily and of you miss a say our resets.the other one is a reward that builds up and if you miss a say it stops where you left off.

There isn’t much more to this game other than they have events monthly where you can catch super rare monsters that can be used to boost your monsters.

I give the game 6/10 Lily points =D I was hooked the game, but then I had to go to work so I haven’t had much time to play =D But I do still play whenever I h ave free time!

Killing Floor: Carnival Sideshow

If you’re in the mood for a storyline Zombie game, you may be slightly disappointed. However if you’re looking for a fun game to play with your friends, give it a try.

The goal of the game is to shoot a certain number of the same type of zombies with a few different ones thrown in the mix. There’s really only like 4 different types of Zombies in this version of Killing Floor, it was repetitive and got boring at some times.

Each map had it’s unique features. There’s even a Moon Base. How awesome is that? There’s even 0-G. It took some getting use to but when I figured it out, it became my favorite map, easily!!!!

There are a few points that just need to be talked about on their own.

Player’s themselves:

You can choose what kind of player you want to be whether you wish to be a medic or a commando. There is a “class” for anyway you want o play.

No matter the class you choose, you can still level each one. Depending on the weapons you purchase and the way you play, you can select healer and level a commando or vise versa.

Personally, I enjoy being the healer. It’s simple and you can still do damage.

The avatars are very interesting too! I reallly enjoyed being a man in a chicken suit wearing a leather jacket. There’s also a Robot, Army men and a few others just to name a few.

Money in the game:

Ir’s by game. No worrying about how much money you have before the game starts. It’s very simple to get money and the guns you can buy are reasonably priced for how much damage and what not.

It’s easy to get money, like I said before. Kill a mob get money. You can even FIND money in the ground or in some places. Once you get to the next level, it’s even quicker to get money! It’s so nice!

All in all, this game is fun and exciting though it can be very boring at times. I like the gun upgrades you can get and the different classes you can be.

I give this game 8/10 Lily Points =D  You should give it a try!