
Archives for : Monsters

Monster Match: Mobile Game

This nifty little puzzle (also it’s FREE) is great if you have done time to kill but it also has some incentive to pay daily. This is a typical elemental game where each monster you have represents a certain element. You have monsters who are weak against one but very setting against another. Each monster also has a special move they can do when toy get enough gems I’d their color.some odd them change gems to their color whine others do a massive amount of damage.

Depending on how you play the game can be really fun or just pain annoying. Sometimes you get dealt a terrible hand while other times you Miss gems

A typical puzzle has several waves followed by a boss stage. During the rounds your goal its to get as many gems as possible with out dying. Each waves has a chance for you to catch a monster that you can use to evolve your team, boost them our even replace them.

If you are one to play a game for days in a row you will be happy to hear that you get two type of rewards. One its daily and of you miss a say our resets.the other one is a reward that builds up and if you miss a say it stops where you left off.

There isn’t much more to this game other than they have events monthly where you can catch super rare monsters that can be used to boost your monsters.

I give the game 6/10 Lily points =D I was hooked the game, but then I had to go to work so I haven’t had much time to play =D But I do still play whenever I h ave free time!