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World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

I wanted to wait to write this review until after raiding started to I can get a feel for the game and now just do it off of Dungeoning, Game play ect. I wanted to take the time to take in the game…Yeah that.


Well, now that I have had the chance to experience the expansion I’ve deemed that it’s World of Warcraft in a different story line that unless you don’t have a clue you kind of catch on. What do you mean by that Unicorn?? Same game new graphics. Old characters brought back in a new world and they aren’t really old Characters. Screw the Bronze Dragonflight.


The game.

It’s WoW. For those who have played it you know what I’m talking about. You’re the Hero among millions of Heros out to save the world from something trying to destroy it..Except this is an Alternate universe of a universe we’ve had in the “real” world. But…I think I might be missing a few details…


How to be a hero

I’ve been playing for a long time…I’ve been here for many of the changes Blizzard has done but I must say…a baby could now play this game and be amazing at it. I feel like the game has been dumbed down a lot since it first came out. You choose from a list of Talents that you ever every specific level and you go from there. It’s pretty easy to decide what talents you want for your spec for the most part.


The new wave of mechanics

I’m speechless when it comes down to the mechanics of this xpac. Every dungeon or raid before had straight forward mechanics. Dodge this, hit this do this. Nope. That seems to be thrown out the window.  It’s more like “Burn this, charge this mob into this mob oh shit watch out for vomit! AHHH these need more ghosts!” The heck is wrong with these guys? I’m all for new things, but some of the mechanics are just outright stupid, and a bit infuriating.



New items?

The Garrison are one of my favorite features. It’s so much better than the farms back in Panda land. (for those who played back then you all know the pain). Each garrison is unique to it’s character and you can do many things from Gardening to professions. Did I mention professions are basically useless now? I didn’t? Well they are. Sad to say all the gold and time you use to waste to get to max level Alchemy poof. There’s a plot for that.


Character models got a nice upgrade. Every thing has been redone to fit the new graphics put in the game. It’s a bit more realistic now, but it’s so much more beautiful! With the remake of some common creatures like Wolves and Raptors, it give the game a new outlook from Vanilla up to Cata.



I get that we are supposed to enjoy the beauty of the recreated Draenor but we can enjoy it from the air just as much. I don’t want to see grass and trunks of trees. I want to feel the breeze in my hair while I’m flying around on a giant dragon. Come oooooon!


Warlords Of Draenor is a nift little expansion filled with lore out the wazoo. If you enjoyed BC lore then you will enjoy WoD. With the changing times, Blizzard has to accomidate to the new players, but I feel like they’re almost forgetting about the people who have been playing the game for years. For the time being, I feel like they could have done a bit more with the expansion like add flying or something super fancy like that. But I remain loyal to the game.


WoD get 8/10 warhammers in the skull. Sometimes you just gotta take a breath and do it. Even if you only hit one button, you’re still in a new Era of World of Warcraft.


P.s: Give me flying or give me to the Horde.




DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Blizzard Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Tropico 5

I really enjoy the Civilization games.  So when I finally got a hold of a copy of this game, it’s safe to say that I was not disappointed. This is definently going in my top games for the year. I really enjoyed this game and there aren’t that many things I didn’t like.

You start off on this beautiful island, either by yourself or with friends/random people. You are given a set amount of money and a quest to break away from the crown and be free!!!! Or fail miserably and just stare at the screen and sigh…wondering what could you have done better…There’s  always that ONE thing that you can think of and then when you restart the game it doesn’t matter if you needed more Bananas. Now you need Llama’s to make the people happy!

The story line is pretty much what I had explained above. Gain your freedom and live and thrive on an island. But watch out, you upset the wrong people and it wont be fun for you. No..not really fun. Every once in awhile, a bad choice will result in some of your citizens going insane and rioting. It’s kind of like “WE DON’T LIKE THE LLAMA’S BRING BACK THE BANANAS!!!!!!” As you evolve into history, the more you learn who good or bad you’re doing.

You have the wonderful option to chose between a dictator ship or a democracy. Me, being the every one is equal in the say of the government and how I run it, chose Democracy. Let me tell you something, No matter what I did those people hated me. I filled the town with bars, operas and schools and they slammed me down. During the elections you have a wonderful option to Kill, Banish or bribe the people running against you. But when one person leave another takes his place.  I found it difficult making those people happy.


The graphics are very similar to Civ 5,which made the Catherine* in me happy as can be! I enjoyed the simple graphics for the large area.  The little details of the tiny trees get me every time. There is just so much details in the little buildings. It’s a little taste of what it’s like to be a overseer of a world.  Don’ t like the road? It’s gone! Don’t get me started on the roads..they’re just like the Civ roads. No such thing as straight roads.


Over all, I adore this game. It’s a neat twist of Civ. Tropical Island, fancy dictator (or president) that you can customize. I found myself  sitting down and playing this game for hours and playing story lines, experimenting with different ideas and rules.

I happily give this game a 9/10. I never found myself getting upset with this game. No matter how hard I failed. I love the game with the humor, graphics and just the over all game play.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Kalypso Media and its subsidiaries.



Killing Floor: Carnival Sideshow

If you’re in the mood for a storyline Zombie game, you may be slightly disappointed. However if you’re looking for a fun game to play with your friends, give it a try.

The goal of the game is to shoot a certain number of the same type of zombies with a few different ones thrown in the mix. There’s really only like 4 different types of Zombies in this version of Killing Floor, it was repetitive and got boring at some times.

Each map had it’s unique features. There’s even a Moon Base. How awesome is that? There’s even 0-G. It took some getting use to but when I figured it out, it became my favorite map, easily!!!!

There are a few points that just need to be talked about on their own.

Player’s themselves:

You can choose what kind of player you want to be whether you wish to be a medic or a commando. There is a “class” for anyway you want o play.

No matter the class you choose, you can still level each one. Depending on the weapons you purchase and the way you play, you can select healer and level a commando or vise versa.

Personally, I enjoy being the healer. It’s simple and you can still do damage.

The avatars are very interesting too! I reallly enjoyed being a man in a chicken suit wearing a leather jacket. There’s also a Robot, Army men and a few others just to name a few.

Money in the game:

Ir’s by game. No worrying about how much money you have before the game starts. It’s very simple to get money and the guns you can buy are reasonably priced for how much damage and what not.

It’s easy to get money, like I said before. Kill a mob get money. You can even FIND money in the ground or in some places. Once you get to the next level, it’s even quicker to get money! It’s so nice!

All in all, this game is fun and exciting though it can be very boring at times. I like the gun upgrades you can get and the different classes you can be.

I give this game 8/10 Lily Points =D  You should give it a try!

Technic Pack: Hexxit

Can’t decide if you want to play with Chocobos or build awesome things? Why not both? You can’t really go wrong with it. Can you? Personally, I don’t think so because these are two of my favorite things =D

I have played Hexxit enough to know that it’s Minecraft with chocobos. I get that. So there’s not much to say. We ran our own server and I took over a castle and made it my home.  In my castle I had a house a farm and animals. Whoot! I literally never had to leave my house which was cool.

The boss fights are pretty different! There’s some rares that walk around too. Each boss actually has a strategy to them! Some are weapon to magic others you have to throw stuff at them. There was a lot of thought put into this system! Each drops a special time. When you finish dungeons, bosses drop trophies! They can be a weapon specific to that boss or a miniature of them!

The new area: a beautiful colorful forest! Naga and Hydra reign over the area of multicolored glowing trees! It’s quite a sight! If you are known to have lag problems with Minecraft then this wouldn’t be the best place for you to visit. I had trouble the first time I went there and died.

Some of the mechanics of Hexxit were a little broken. Sometimes their mystery doors would glitch out and I would get stuck. That was super annoying. I’m not one for cheating into creative mode to help escape sticky situations but I didn’t want to die because of that. It was just silly.

The chocobo’s are also a little glitchy too. Several times I would lose control of them while riding them,  though it was exciting to go where they took you it was annoying at times. Regardless, they were so fun to ride!

There is still so much more to Hexxit then I can put to words! It’s defiantly worth playing if you enjoy Minecraft and like new things in the MC universe!

Hexxit gets a 7/10 Lily Points! It’s really worth playing but not if you can’t handle glitches and dying a lot. Learn the strategies and how to play and you’ll be golden! Like a Carrot =D