
Archives for : Real Time

Pokemon/Ultra Sun/Moon

Another late game but here we go!!


So, this is going to be a two in one review. Let’s begin with the first game in this series, Pokemon Moon/Sun. Now this adventure takes us to the Alola region where there’s new Pokemon and variants  of Kanto (some are cool others..make me go WTF).

There are many new ways to enjoy this game, with multiple mini games to kill time as well as. There’s also the option to be a berry farmer where you and your Pokemon can raise berries to turn into the Pokemon treats and even have a chance to catch wild Pokemon who really enjoy your island so much in fact they want you to catch them.

So let’s get into some details about parts of this game I liked. I really liked the Poke Pelago, there’s a lot you can do with it from growing berries to collecting Pokebeans and random items. It’s a great addition and it’s a great way to kill time and feel like you’re doing everything you can to help your team be the best it can be. I really feel like the trainer I can be 🙂

The hands on giving your Pokemon attention after a hard battle is also great. This is how I’ve always thought real trainers should act.  I always felt that the more compassion you gave your Pokemon, the more they’d be willing to help you out where it counted, and I stand firm on that.

I am also a big fan of the customization you have with your trainer, and it also helps in making me feel like I’m the one in the game.  The different colors and styles you can pick from really make it easy to make me a trainer. It’s great!


The idea of Ultra Beasts are pretty neat, but to be honest I really miss just having the regular Pokemon, then have the legendary and maybe a few super rare Pokemon. I think they could tone it down a little big because I feel like 700+ Pokemon is like whoa. Too much. I still remember the original pokerap. So let’s go!

Now, let’s get to the negatives I have. I miss the gyms. I miss training my Pokemon and REALLY feeling like I’m winning. I mean, I get what they’re going for but I just don’t feel like I’m making a big impact as I did when I’d fight gyms leaders and win. I kind of miss that feeling.


The tutorial is also awful for veteran players. Who wants their hand held for hours before being “set free” only to get caught by another hour or so of cut scenes with little to no action. I just I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m a fan of what direction this series is going. I’m a Pokemon fan, and I’m always going to be one. This was the first real game series I was into when I was a child and maybe this is my own fault. But I’m old school.


The story line is well I’m not sure….one person goes completely crazy and tries to take control of Pokemon for their own schemes and then you foil their plans and be the hero. Copy and paste almost every other Pokemon game.  But I personally had more questions then I did answers. Like what really ARE the ultra beasts and why are they so damn special? Eh…..




So now about Ultra Sun and Moon? Please re-read the review and let’s add 20% different story adding new bad guys and new mysteries and the ability to collect stickers to get big Pokemon. That’s it. Worth it? Eh….Debatable.  They only REALLY added a new organization that’s supposed to explain what’s going on from another perspective.


So I mean, I’ve played and beat this game, and I do enjoy it. I’m anxious to see what’s going to happen and how far this series goes what are they adding to it.


I give this game 7/10 Pokebeans!


I really like Pokemon, but I feel like they dumbed down these games. Now I wish they had options to skip tutorials or stop holding hands so much. But, that’s just me. I just miss the challenge from the older games. And that seems to be gone to me. I don’t really have motivation to keep playing after I defeat everyone.

Want to play? Check out the Nintendo game store, or any game retailer 🙂

Gears of War 4

The long awaited installment of the Gears of War series is finally here! Omg! 😀 I’ve been waiting for a redemption. Judgement was a terrible place to end it! UGH!!!!


Alright so, let’s get this started!!!

A new story with new foes and new characters really help you immerse yourself into this game. I like the idea of playing J.D but at the same time, it was so great to see Marcus again. The idea is that the locust have returned but seem to be fascinated with kidnapping people from towns and doing whatever with this (turns out they were messing with their DNA or something and making the Swarm BUM BUM BUMMMMM)


Now, the storyline is short but very intense. You play as JD, who left the Cog and with the help of his friends, try to find out why the Swarm is taking their family and other humans. There you run into Marcus again and then a big mess appears and it’s just more fun to experience the fun at this point!!

Combat is very straightforward, and you rely on cover to make sure you don’t die. The accuracy of the weapons is always great and it’s nice to find a bad ass weapons laying around after you slaughter your foes, and there’s nothing bad with a little blood on your boots.


Now, they do add some horde mode esc type deals in the story line as well. You have to set up certain things to help the story a long. A turret here, a barrier there. You are literally only as strong as your weakest link and it’s a make or break situation when it’s there!!!


The real awesome thing is the Multiplayer modes :O They have added a portable energy station so you can literally pick the best spot possible and that you are READY for the foes who dare threaten your life ecte ect.


Besides Horde Mode, there’s a few new things they added to make the PvP in this game really competitive and really make you work your noggin to be the best (Like no one ever was DUN DUN DUN..To…wait, wrong game)


Now it’s also worth noting, there were some issues I ran into while playing. The major one was there were some situations where events didn’t trigger which left me to redo a chapter or an  area and it lead to kind of a boring experience. But who knows, maybe it’ll get fixed in the future That’d be awesome!!!!


This is a def. 7/10 cogs. Though I really enjoyed the game, the bugs kinda killed the game for a me a little. Now, don’t get me wrong. I”m going to keep playing it and until i finish all the levels, but the bugs turned me away a little. But it’s def.a noteworthy game 😀

Want to play Gear of War 4??

Skyrim Special Edition

This is going to be a short and sweet review.


Literally, It’s Skyrim but prettier. Now, I got it for free since I had it on PC, and my thoughts are the same.

It’s Skyrim, with the DLC and prettier. I really don’t feel the need to say more than that. I mean the story line is the same. The game play is the same. The glitches are the same. It’s Skyrim. 


I’m aware there are a lot of people who are very pissed off about this, but I have to ask. What did you expect? They never promised it would be a new game. They never said they were ADDING anything. Just it was prettier. SO everyone giving this game a bad review can suck it.


I still and always will give this game 8/10. Some of the bugs make it unplayable/completable but that’s fine! It’s a great remastering of a great series and I just can’t get enough of it!!

Fallout Shelter

Hey everyone! Hope you have all been well! I’ve been stuck in a Shelter waiting for the perfect time to get out and I thought now would be a good time to tell you about what I have been up to! Well, by being stuck in a Shelter, I mean I’ve been having some major back problems which have been preventing me from doing pretty much anything I wanted to do. Not fun at all!!!!! But, So far so good!!!


Before we get into the review, I have a few announcement for everyone! I’m in the process of getting a little Etsy store up and running. Show your support for UMG and check it out when it’s done 🙂 All purchases go to improving UMG and who know! Maybe even more :0


I’ve been hooked on Fallout Shelter! The new Mobile game where you’re in charge of your very own Shelter! How epic is that? I discovered this game right after I heard the fantastic news about Fallout 4. For those who have been living a secluded Shelter for a while, Bethesda has announced the next awesome installment of Fall Out Coming out November 10th of this year! I mean WHAT!!?!?! that’s so close! I think I may go crazy while I wait for it!


Now, Fallout Shelter is a lot different than the games. I know there have been some MObile version of games like Oblivion etc that have some of the story line in it but this one isn’t one of those.


You are the Overseer, the ruler of the might vault. It’s your job and yours alone (well…maybe Mr. Handy can help…) to make sure all of your dwellers are happy and not radioactive (I’m Radioactive, radioactive…). Those dwellers you deem worthy, can get sent out to the wastelands and collect bottle caps, gear and weapons to arm their fellow dwellers incase you get attacked by those Radroaches, Raiders and Mole Rats. God I hate Mole Rats….For those dwellers that have the stats you want to populate jobs or even just the shelter in general, you can breed them.  That’s right. You have little children running around your shelter like it’s nobody’s business. One time I forgot I had two people in the Barracks and I was overran by children. it was kind of scary.


Now, if breeding people isn’t your thing, you can always expaned your shelter with the hopes of getting new Dwellers for your place. RaideoStations work wonders for this. Now, not only do you have to worry about saving people, you can to worry about keeping them alive. Each person has their own unique trait that makes them useful. And I use that in a very light way. You have to train them basically to be totally awesome at their job, and even then sometimes that’s not enough. There are stats that each person has that makes them terrible or epic at a job. Those high in Agility help out in the Diner (why I am not terribly sure) Intelligence is for the Medpay and things like that Perception is Water Treatment and so forth. Once you get the right amount of dwellers you can train them in c talent to make them more useful and do what you need them to do.


Each room has something special about it. Diners make you food, Water Treatment water and you can’t forget energy. You can also build classrooms ect to train particular skills to make someone more perficiant in one place. The more you upgrade the better off your community will thrive. And thriving is good!


Of course, you think you’re safe and hidden away in the wastelands, but I’ll tell you what. You’re wrong. You are so wrong it’s not even funny. Hahaha! Ok, maybe it’s a little funny. There are multiple creatures that are out to make sure everyone dies, and you fail as an overseer. My favorite thing was my first Raider attack, because I didn’t have any weapons or anything. They just kinda came in, and took over everything and that was about it. However, once you get people with guns and armor, you’re basically unstoppable!


Graphics are pretty nice for a mobile game. The dwellers are Vault Boy variants, and I find that really neat. Even though sometimes I find it hard to tell my dwellers apart, but that kept me playing. The creatures that spawn are easily identified as well so that was hard to mix up.


For the most part, the sounds are pretty generic sounds. Nothing terribly special there. Default gun sounds, alarms and retro 60’s style music blips when you level up someone.


All in all if you’re looking for an addictive time killer, this may not be the one for you. It takes time to do anything, and everything takes time. Harvesting, exploration, breeding. It all can take a few mionutes for the minium amount and longer for even more. There’s also set backs if you’re looking to play it all at once.


I liked the game, it was enjoyable and something to do every hour or so for a few minutes before opening a book or playing another game.


I give it 7/10 bottle caps. Thought the game itself is part of a Legacy, it took a lot of time to ensure everything worked and even then, I had issued with the game. Random attack slaughtering my guys and even fires and Radiation killing off everyone. But, I still had fun with it. 🙂


Want to play?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Bethesda and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Who hasn’t had the dream of being a pirate? I mean sailing the open seas killing other pirates, getting treasure and most importantly, getting the best looking ship out there! Arrrr!!!


Well your dream can finally come true! Windward is a pirate game where the goal is to be the best out there!!! Whao! A pirate game that’s not cartoonish? Oh yeah! You read that you are pirate sailing around in the openish waters fighting other pirates and doing quests to get money to buy upgrades. Yarrr!!


So you start out picking your map, if you’re playing by yourself or starting out a new server to play on with your friends. Once you pick or make your map you pick a side. The Map creation in this game is pretty neat. It’s a click and drag deal and you can make it ito any shape or size you want. It’s pretty fun if you’re into that type of map making. There are 4 different sides to pick from. Each had their own uses.


The Valiant, Exchange, Consulate and the Sojourn are the four factions you can choose from when you select your map. Each faction is unique like I said before.  For example, The Valiant get more experience and gold from fighting enemies while the Consulate gets more from Questing. The factions really don’t matter much besides starting locations, how your ship looks and that’ just about it.  There is a 5th faction, but it’s not playable but bribable. I’m not one to actually fight things so some of my gold I had went to bribing pirates to join me, and eventually they become part of your faction


Navigation isn’t terrible hard. You can use your WSAD keys or just your mouse. I find tho using the WSAD keys easier to manoeuvre through the seas and turn  and fight. However, starting out was a little difficult since if you hit land you take damage. The turning system for the ship is very wide, like an actual ship.  This is also very helpful but at the same time can be a huge pain. If you’re in the middle of a battle you want to turn wide to give yourself a better advantage to unleash the stinky fish barrels but if you catch yourself going in the wrong direction, a wide turn can do damage to you.


The graphics are actually very well done, and was one of the things that brought me to this game. Besides being a pirate of course. The water effects are actually very realistic. Every turn, movement or wobble your ship does, creates a ripple that looks to be in place. The ships art is also very unique to the game.  FIghting is also really engulfphing with the effects. Smoke, fire cannon balls, everything in this game was well done.


You can dye about everything on your ship, making it unique and personalized. You want a bright pink ship? Go for it! Blue and Purple ship? You betcha! Even the emblems are unique. Spiders, flowers, lions ect. Everything is at your fingertips to make the ship what you want it. Don’t forget the upgrades either. Each town has different dyes, emblems paints upgrade ect. You can buy new crew, cannonballs, captains and even throwable grossness to hurl at your enemies. The better the upgrades, the better you will be in battle.


The battle system in this game is a little different. You actually have blind spots and positions where you are unable to attack your foe, like a real ship battle. You can shoot your canons at them, throw fish guts or even give them gold and befriend them. There are multiple ways to play this game, and that’s one great thing about it.


All in all, this game is fun but each section of the maps repeat. Some of them you have to fight all the pirates to save the area while others you just get to quest. But each town offers something new with regards to ship modifications and crew. But, don’t let that bore you. The possibilities of being amushed by pirates always make the game exciting


I give this game 8\10 parrots. The game itself is beautiful and unique. I haven’t seen too many games like this. I do find the game exciting, and a surprise at every turn. I do however find a almost identical map and quest line boring after hours of question to get to use this upgrade I found in a shipwreck, But this is a recommended game!


Want to play this game?


I wanted to apologize to you guys for taking so long to post this review. I have had a lot going on, and I had to make some choices. I think everything has calmed down finally so I’m going to get back in the rhythm! I’m sorry again!



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Tasharen Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Dungeon Defenders II

I have always enjoyed tower defense games, and I must say I have had more fun with Dungeon Defenders more than any other game I have played, even the Star Craft II ones.


The beautiful installation do the Dungeon Defender line brings the legacy to a new beginning. I don’t think I have enjoyed a DD game more than I have this.


Those who know about the franchise knows that in the first game you play as children of great heroes and its up to you to save your parents. This game is a bit later and you play as an older version of the children you played years ago. With that being said, the gameplay is almost identical to the first game, same controls same fancy things but don’t let that fool you!!!! This is a new game!


With every game there’s more and more things to explore and defend. The maps have to be one of my favorite things with this game. There are more interactive things. Many of the maps require a fair amount of teamwork and strategy that I find intriguing. What’s the point of games like this if you don’t have to actually think? I don’t know about you guys but I like games that make me use may Britain!!!


I started playing the apprentice, but I have changed to the huntress since then. I like the thought I have to put in with her traps and I like her special moves. Thought I like the idea of powerful continuous bursts of magic, I like the idea of strategy. Each character has their own strengths that compliment the other characters but its a matter preference and how much fun you’re having.


There is only one complaint I have about the game. Why is this game not out yet? I love the idea of starting from fresh I love the new story line I can literally think of nothing negative about the game. Well maybe the fact the squirrel on the first map doesn’t come out of the tree when I wanted him to.


I am also a little confused by the censor in the game. There a few everyday non curse words that are blocked and it makes working with other people a little hard.


This game gets a 9/10 Crystals! I loved this game I want to forever play it until a 3rd one comes out!!!!!  Its really the chat system that knocked off a 10/10 game. If it wasn’t some this that didn’t interfere with the game I would not have cared too much, but it happens. This is still a fantastic game and would recommend it!!!!!!


Want to play it?


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Trendy Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

7 days to die

7 Days to die, or as I’m going to call it “7 Days to die then respawn run back to your group then die again”. this Minecraft Apocalypse wanna be has got to be the most headache inducing game of all time.


I am all for the surviving death, disease and all of that. I find those games to be the most fun so My friends and I thought we would try this game out. I must say, this is something that I wasn’t expecting….and at the end of the time playing it, I made some tea and hit my head against my desk.


Let’s start off with what happens. You are thrown into some random location where you have to collect anything you can find to help build things and items while you dodge a lot of zombies to make sure you can live to make it to either your friends or a safe spot. Now, a lot of zombies is an understatement…a HUGE one mind you. In one area I came across 20+ zombies who all magically knew where I was and where I was going and I swear they were like rabbits…They kept multiplying.


It’s literally a “let’s see how many seconds I can live before I die” type of game, and if you watched my stream you say how many times I died so close together (and if you were watching I apologize for my words…It was super frustrating..)


The graphics themselves are decent, more like early 2000 graphics. YOu can easily identify what’s what and who is who but they’re still not clear or flowing. But this game is still in an early release so I’m hoping something will happen. Now the graphics aren’t detrimental to the game play though. But it reminded me a lot of Beast of Prey.


So now I’m sure you’re like “You said Minecraft but I don’t read minecraft!” I”m getting there! Gosh….


With  the resources you collect you can build things, like walls sleeping bags ect. The way you place things is very minecraft esk and like Beasts of Prey, the envrionment really makes or breaks stuff. I LOVE when my frames go through the ground and then everything looks off center. That’s always great!


The amount of difficulty in this game made it a real headache. We actually had a difficult time getting start and staying together. There were several times we had to pause and regather ourselves before going on.


I’m giving this game a 7/10 Cinderblocks. I liked the game for the most part. I didn’t enjoy having to walk to my friends only to get killed again. The zombie population in this game is too damn high. But since this game is in early access I will be watching it closely and will definitely keep you all posted on the game!

Want to give this game a try?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to The Fun Pimps and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Lionheart Tactics

I have always enjoyed real time tactic games and this is one of the better ones I have played this year. It’s a free to play game and I feel like I would pay for this game if it came to it, that’s how much I enjoyed it.


The storyline to me is a bit cliché. You are a knight that has to fight an evil presence with a group of people. The more people you gather the more you can do when you fight. You have the option to pick melee classes and some ranged ones. If you plan right you can make the best team. I personally use two melee and two rang with a healer.


In enjoy the fighting style and how the turns work. It reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy Tactics. You start out in a map that you can literally move which ever way you want to get a better view of your enemies and the map to better plan your attack. Once you finish your move it is the enemy’s turn. Whenever someone gets a hit off, there is a retaliation. Sometimes that’s a make or break moment.


When you reach a certain limit you have to combine other heroes to make the ones you want to use stronger. I have noticed this becoming a huge part of mobile games. Combining different heroes to make a certain things and people stronger. So is this a new trend or something? What ever happened to good ol’ leveling?


The graphics are crystal clear. I feel like they’re fit for a PC they’re so clear. I found it hard to put my Shield down. This game was both graphical intriguing as well as easy to play. Its all tap and slide.


This game is enjoyable both gameplay and graphic wise. I had a lot of fun playing it and this will be in my top 10 in January! Don’t miss out on the great chance to play this game OK? If you love tactical games then you should try it out!


I give this game a 8/10. I wasn’t a big fan of the story it was too cliché for me. I did enjoy how you play the game and the different types of game play.

Want to play?

Google Play:


Mario Kart 8

I’ve been a big fan of Mario Kart for years now, since I was about 10 years old. I was first introduced to the Series in the N64 and I fell in love with it. Once I got Toad, there was NO stopping me! Except for Rainbow Road…Yeah that was pretty hard!

With the new installment of Mario Kart, you get to travel to different locations, both new and remastered, and race some old friends and some new ones. Like with each game, the goal is to win the race in 3 laps.  I must say, to actually have the time to sit down and place this, I realized how much I actually miss the other games.  I fancy using the Game Pad instead of controllers (something that I don’t recommend for multi player as the tiny screen splits off and it’s harder to see) so that it’s easier for me to see what’s going on. The Game Pad also lets you see where others are on the race track as well as the score, and of course my favorite part, the horn!!! The controls are easy to get use to, only took me about 1 minutes. A is accelerate, left bumper is item ect ect.

One of the things I found interesting if when you play with more people, the NPC’s get more intelligent when one person is doing better than the others, they don’t tend to go after the better player but seem to harass the players who are following behind.  I feel it to be an incentive to whoop butt, but of course when you start to, the NPC shut you down…Oh well! Just means you have to be first next time!!!

The graphics, oh my gosh, are awesome. N64 Rainbow Road remake is so beautiful. I loved it back in the day but I really love it now! The course itself is still like it was, a wee bit difficult but once I got my grasp, it was a piece of cake! I especially enjoy the looks the characters give when they pass or hit you with an item. Sometimes they are just too funny it’s hard to concentrate on the next race.  For a kids game, they put a lot of time and effort into making it both visually and audio appealing. There is no sound that I don’t like in this game, as there have in the past.  I’m very happy with this game!

Mario Kart 8 is not only a fun installment to the Mario Kart Series, it offers a bit of Nostalgia for those who have been a loyal follower, and an exciting new game for those who are new to the series. I enjoy this game when I have the free time to kill or just to relax with some friends.  The NPC intelligence is very nice but can get super annoying, especially in Multi Player. I love the graphics and music! They’re unique to each Track. player and NPC!

I give this game a 8/10!


The NPC intelligence is very nice but can get super annoying, especially in Multi Player. I love the graphics and music! They’re unique to each Track. player and NPC!

Dragon Coins

Dragon Coins is a great way to kill time. I am a huge fan of the coin dozer games so when you mix it up with some fancy monsters what could go wrong? Besides the slightly addicting side.

I had came across this game while i was at training. I do want to add this is why I have not been posting often.  With training over now i will be back in the game!  I find this game to be a wonderful way to kill time when there’s nothing else to do and you leave your 3DS in your hotel room.

The game play is simple. Your goal is to defeat the rounds by dropping coins into a platform. You have unlimited. Coins but you do have an amount of turns before the opposing monsters fight. Like most games your goal is to become powerful and collect monsters to evolve and fuse.

It’s all touch based, so all you have to do is place the coin on the dozer and knock coins off into your monsters at the bottom of the screen. Each monster has a specific amount of coins needed in order for them to attack. There are also blocks that you can get that gives your monster enough power to use their special ability. The special abilities range from speeding up the dozer to 2X the attack. Throughout the mission, you have chances to get monsters, through gems.  At the end of each round there is a boss fight the boss drops more coins and a possibility of a rare monster.

The graphics are simple and adorable. For a mobile game they’re crisp and clear, but it might be because I have the HD screen, but I was fairly impressed with them. There’s not a lot to them really.

I enjoyed the time I’ve spent playing this game, and have never felt the need to spend money on this game to get extra features. I give this game a 9/10! Give it a try if you have the free time, I can tell you, you won’t be disappointed!!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Sega and its subsidiaries.