
Archives for : sailing


Who hasn’t had the dream of being a pirate? I mean sailing the open seas killing other pirates, getting treasure and most importantly, getting the best looking ship out there! Arrrr!!!


Well your dream can finally come true! Windward is a pirate game where the goal is to be the best out there!!! Whao! A pirate game that’s not cartoonish? Oh yeah! You read that you are pirate sailing around in the openish waters fighting other pirates and doing quests to get money to buy upgrades. Yarrr!!


So you start out picking your map, if you’re playing by yourself or starting out a new server to play on with your friends. Once you pick or make your map you pick a side. The Map creation in this game is pretty neat. It’s a click and drag deal and you can make it ito any shape or size you want. It’s pretty fun if you’re into that type of map making. There are 4 different sides to pick from. Each had their own uses.


The Valiant, Exchange, Consulate and the Sojourn are the four factions you can choose from when you select your map. Each faction is unique like I said before.  For example, The Valiant get more experience and gold from fighting enemies while the Consulate gets more from Questing. The factions really don’t matter much besides starting locations, how your ship looks and that’ just about it.  There is a 5th faction, but it’s not playable but bribable. I’m not one to actually fight things so some of my gold I had went to bribing pirates to join me, and eventually they become part of your faction


Navigation isn’t terrible hard. You can use your WSAD keys or just your mouse. I find tho using the WSAD keys easier to manoeuvre through the seas and turn  and fight. However, starting out was a little difficult since if you hit land you take damage. The turning system for the ship is very wide, like an actual ship.  This is also very helpful but at the same time can be a huge pain. If you’re in the middle of a battle you want to turn wide to give yourself a better advantage to unleash the stinky fish barrels but if you catch yourself going in the wrong direction, a wide turn can do damage to you.


The graphics are actually very well done, and was one of the things that brought me to this game. Besides being a pirate of course. The water effects are actually very realistic. Every turn, movement or wobble your ship does, creates a ripple that looks to be in place. The ships art is also very unique to the game.  FIghting is also really engulfphing with the effects. Smoke, fire cannon balls, everything in this game was well done.


You can dye about everything on your ship, making it unique and personalized. You want a bright pink ship? Go for it! Blue and Purple ship? You betcha! Even the emblems are unique. Spiders, flowers, lions ect. Everything is at your fingertips to make the ship what you want it. Don’t forget the upgrades either. Each town has different dyes, emblems paints upgrade ect. You can buy new crew, cannonballs, captains and even throwable grossness to hurl at your enemies. The better the upgrades, the better you will be in battle.


The battle system in this game is a little different. You actually have blind spots and positions where you are unable to attack your foe, like a real ship battle. You can shoot your canons at them, throw fish guts or even give them gold and befriend them. There are multiple ways to play this game, and that’s one great thing about it.


All in all, this game is fun but each section of the maps repeat. Some of them you have to fight all the pirates to save the area while others you just get to quest. But each town offers something new with regards to ship modifications and crew. But, don’t let that bore you. The possibilities of being amushed by pirates always make the game exciting


I give this game 8\10 parrots. The game itself is beautiful and unique. I haven’t seen too many games like this. I do find the game exciting, and a surprise at every turn. I do however find a almost identical map and quest line boring after hours of question to get to use this upgrade I found in a shipwreck, But this is a recommended game!


Want to play this game?


I wanted to apologize to you guys for taking so long to post this review. I have had a lot going on, and I had to make some choices. I think everything has calmed down finally so I’m going to get back in the rhythm! I’m sorry again!



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Tasharen Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


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