
Archives for : Action

World of Warcraft: Legion

The next, in my opinion, EPIC AWESOME STELLAR expansion came out for World of Warcraft! Now, I wasn’t a big fan of the past two expansions and frankly, I was about to just full on stop playing because I mean, come on. Alternant time time? What’s up with that bull crap!!!! And going back on the whole “We’ll never make Panda’s a playable race.” PFFFFFFTTTTT!!!!!!!!!


Now, this may be my inner fan girl screaming, but when I saw that Illidan was going to be a part of this expansion I instantly felt the hype. I mean full on 1000000000% was into this expansion. But then, I had to start thinking like an adult. Was this game going to be worth it? Was it another Alternate timeline? What was going to be in this game? There were a lot of questions, that didn’t have a lot of answered when this game was revealed.


So, let’s get into the story line a little bit. Gul’Dan decides he isn’t awesome enough and tries to go after Illidan (Squee) and ends up dying or something of that nature. While, the Emerald Dream gets corrupted with the NIghtmare (that’s some Kingdom Hearts shit right there) and of course. Heroes! We need you to save the world and things!!!!


I’m all for this expansion, for quite a few reasons, and have been suggesting this to veterans and new commers a like. The game is great in the fact it’s a new area, a new op class as well as new raids. If you’re all for the MMO aspect of the game, you may be pleased with the return of players, both new and old and young and gnomes. Bleh, gnomes….

Anywhooo….there are so many new things in this game, that it’s a little hard to actually talk into detail about every single thing, but I’m going to start with the fanciest of the things.


Artifact weapons. Now, I know what you’re saying. Look, LIly. I get it. It’s the all mighty weapon that I’ll use for a few levels then I’ll get rid of it for this epic lootz that drops from this boss.

Nope. The artifact weapon is literally only as good as the time you put into it. You get Artifact power and runes that empower them and give you special perks. The best part about these weapons is that they each have a neat little background story that helps tie them into lore. Though some of them are fatfetched. A lore master like myself,can appreciate them a little bit and I was excited to learn about the new pieces.


Demon hunters are now a thing. You fought one back in Burning Crusade. But now, you ar eable to play them and be a tank or DPS. Now, I know what a lot of people thought, it’s another DK scandal. To be honest. Yes. There are a lot of people who are playing Demon hunter. Yes, they are a little OP and can do a lot of shit solo. But, at the very same time. For the moment being, it’s pretty neat being an acrolyte for Illidan and helping stop the legion from pouring into the world until…..*the next is spoiilers so I wont talk about them* (edit, since legion has been out for awhile I will add that you get captured by the wardens only to be released to help save the world and you get to prove your worth to the world)


Class halls/Order Halls


So this is a literal copy and paste from the Garrison in WoD. After they promised us it wouldn’t be. I do feel a little lied to with this. I mean come on. I don’t want to do this shit! The only way to make your weapon epic…Class hall shit. Only way to get certain quests you need: Class hall shit. Come on Blizz. Is this really something you wanted? Like really.


To not fly in this game…is terrible. The landscape is so beautiful! I can’t believe I literally cannot enjoy it by flying! I mean this is my major complaint every single expansion, but it’s so easy to hit a hot key, turn into a bird and fly away to get the next quest ect ect. But I guess as long as they add it soon I can be ok with this. Plus, Flap is a thing. Google that. Balance Druid: Flap.


New lands, new NPC, new raids.

This is going to be a neat thing to talk about because I am actually happy to see some of the old lore play out. My favorite thing is that they have Odyn and Helya and Fenrir and all of that awesome stuff into this area. They play real heavy with the lore that is in the main lands and such and it’s nice!

No more Yrel! Thank GOD on this one, I mean like seriously. I couldn’t be happier. I skipped and jumped when I left my garrison only to return for my pet balttle things because of my collection addiction 😉


But really. I am OK with this expansion. A little sad I haven’t seen Illidan yet, but that’s OK. I’m sure he’ll appear…for now it’s OK.


My heart, does go out to the Anduin. I’ve never really wanted to actually hug any NPC before. Like really mean it. But him. I really needed to. *I wont go into details since this game just came out* (Edit: yeah well…It still hurts to talk about it :?)


All in all, this is one of my favorite expansions besides The Burning Crusade. I’m happy with it and can’t wait to see what direction Blizzard takes it!

Legion get’s a solid 9/10 Demon Souls


Want to play Legion?

ARK: Survival Evolved

Hey everyone! Lily here, finally! Sorry about the stupid long absence. A lot has happened since my last review…The big thing was I did lose my job, so we’ve had to concentrate our time with other things, but it seems like stuff may be calming down now. I have the time to sit down and write a review for you guys!


With that being said. I was to let you guys know I am in the process of opening a tiny little online store to sell some nerdy things. From Earrings to Phone Charms! Whoot! I’m also looking into expanding my reviews to a few other areas, but that’s for another post!

So let’s get this bad boy out!


Ark is one of those neat little games that you either love or hate. It’s still in a beta stage, so there are some buggies and glitches but for the most part it’s easy to see where the game is going. But this review isn’t going to go on and on about those, because in my eyes, this game has SO much more to offer it’s players!!!


The Game Play


Imagine a world where you build homes, famr your materials and ultimately tame the biggest most bad ass dinosaur around. . I know what you’re thinking. “LIly, come on now this is Minecraft on steroids in prehistoric times” Pft…way to be a kill joy…


Though this game has characteristics of Minecraft, it is it’s own game with the respect…THERE ARE NO DINOSAURS IN MINECRAFT! (Disclaimer: Mods don’t count!) Now, this game isn’t all about dinosaurs now. There is so much to do, and even more to explore! But be careful. It is a dangerous world out there. One that can and will kill you without a second thought.


Curiosity can be a deadly thing in this game. Death isn’t something to take lightly in this game, and I’ll touch base on that a little alter. When it comes to ARKS, oh boy name of the game, you will want to check them out. With good intentions too. They have better gear, plans and other objects you’ll need to progress further into the game. One huge problem we came across is a lot of the ARKs in the spawning area, were wayyyy too high level, and eventually went to waste. It was so sad


Death in this game, is a serious deal. It’s very easy to lose yourself in the game and find a hungry velociraptor that wants to make you it’s next meal.  When you die, you lose everything. Clothes, gear, weapons, food. Everything. You do though, have a set amount of time to retrieve your items. Failure to do so, and you can kiss your work good bye.  🙁


But Lily, why is this such a HUGE deal? I’ll tell you guys why. It takes a lot of time and work to collect items, and a lot of concentration to realize, hey these berries are going bad in 30 seconds what do? Or you spend HOURS collecting enough materials to finish your little tiny hut to protect yourself against dinosaurs and the cold.  But one wrong move. Blip. Everything you gathered, crafted made. Gone.


No matter where you put food, it will always spoil. At least, that’s what we had an issue with. It made it hard to survive starting out, and tame some bad ass dinosaurs to run with us. ( I will always remember you Fluffy! You fought well beside me!)


Let’s get into taming dinosaurs really quick before. Depending on the type of Dinosaur, you either have to use precious meat, or common berries. I use the term precious because a dinosaur can be level 2, and kick your ass back to the pre-metazoa age. BA BAM, Science. Ok back on topic…meat and berries can and will spoil even if you feed them to the dinosaur. The time it takes to tame? Depends on the level from what we found. A level 3 dinosaur, once you knock it out, took us up to 20 minutes (this is real life time!!) to tame. I had time to collect some items, kick the dinosaur a few times, and finish building my house before I had a nice Triceratops following me around wanting to murder anything that touched me.


I lost that Triceratops….I got ambushed by two velociraptors. They killed me first, then killed him. Oh…I was so sad…..

How’s the game feel?


The graphics for the most part are fantastic and beautiful. You could see the dinosaur eyelids, the veins in the grass. Oh this game was so pretty.  I posted a few pictures on my Instagram of Fluffy. You can see every scale, claw and tooth on that bad boy. There were a few things that clipped and kind of floated….Floating grass seemed to be a big thing in this little grove we found.


I found myself, lost a lot and totally focusing on the game. I knew it was a game but at the same time, I just wanted to see everything I could in there. I will say though, this is one of the better visually appealing games I’ve played in awhile.


Now, when I said that I found myself lost in this game, it wasn’t the graphics alone. The sound effects in the game also drew me in. From the bird chirps to the sound of my impending doom (raptor calls), I just felt like I was in the forest. I was on the beach. I was getting eaten alive. I think you get the picture. Though a lot of the sound repeated, it was easy to identify the dinosaurs, and made calling out to my friends easy.


“Hey, Trombones, Raptor ahead, let’s go this way” or “Oh hey! Tire, I hear a turtle! Let’s kill it for food!”  #justdinothings


What do you think of the game?


Well, with everything being said. I like the game. The idea of losing progress is something that would technically happen in the real world. The idea of taming dinosaurs to have them hunt with you and eventually irde is one of the best things about this game. I’m not a biig fan of the time it takes to collect items to make shelter, fires and other things needed to basically stay alive, and the amount of stuff it takes to maintain them…you can kiss exploration goodbye sometimes. All in all, I liked the game, and can’t wait to play again. My ultimate goal, is to be a Raptor Queen and kill everyone in my clan, I mean path. I mean….oh who am I kidding. No one would mess with raptors.


I give this game 6/10. I liked the game, but losing hours of progress all because a level 2 dinosaur snuck up on you when you’re level 20 isn’t fun. I was literally scared to leave the Brotto (I didn’t name it)  It’s easy to lose, but at the same time when you get what you need it’s  easy to be ahead.



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Studio Wildcard and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Elder Scrolls Online

I have put off this review for awhile for a few reasons. Though I am a big fan of the Elder Scroll series, this game has been sweet and sour for me and I know I needed to make a review and try very hard to be non bias. This review is so late after the release due to the fact, I didn’t feel good about paying for a subscription to a game that I may not want to continue playing. So, let’s begin yes?


ESO is the next big thing, it’s what Skyrim should have been but that’s another story. Now, the Story for ESO is rather short. I came into this game knowing it was NOT going to be like the other Elder Scrolls games. So I wasn’t disappointed with the fact it’s literally NOTHING nothing the other games.



Molag Bal has made a plan to bring Oblivion and Nirn together to create a giant hell. With all of the Chaos, Three groups formed to capture the Imperial City and the White Gold tower. High Rock, Sentinel, and Orsinium stand as one, united under the rule of the High King in Wayrest. Valenwood and Elsweyr have forged an alliance of their own with Summerset, while Black Marsh, Morrowind, and Skyrim have formed a third. And then there’s you, picking your side and your story.


Character Creation and Classes

Like Oblivion and Skyrim, the character creation can take a single click of Randomize or it can take hours to create the perfect character you want. I’ve played Khajiit since I started ES and I was happy I was able to recreate my little kitty in ESO.


Once you get that task done it’s time to select your class. There’s four you can choose from, unlike the customization you had with the other games. You have the Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade and Templar. Unlike the other games, each class has a set number of points you get with 3 unique skill lines. Each class has their own set of roles as well. For example, as a DragonKnight you can role as a tank or DPS. Sorcerer can be Heals or DPS. It just depends on your style of play. I happened to start off as a Nightblade since My Kitty was always a sneaky lil bugger. The class wasn’t what I expected. I assumed I would rely more on stealth than I actually do.


Game play: Is it worth being a MMO?

ESO is a typical MMO with a few issues along the way, that I will get into later.

The controls are simple and you have to know what to do and where to look to get some of th default hot keys for the game. I got the imperial edition so I was also given the white horse which you could level at about anytime you wanted but There was no guide on how to use it. When I looked it up, all I saw was buy it for a gold and then it’s yours. Turns out I had already learned it and I ended up wasting all of my gold to fire out all I had to do was hit H.  This wasn’t actually a big deal. The PC controls are like that of the game with the fun fact it’s in MMO form.

With PVP and Solo play there isn’t much you can’t do. LIke the other games you have the option to join the guilds, steal and have a great time….when you’re alone. Once you join a party is when things start to get interesting. Unlike many other MMO’s out there today, even if you’re in a party you find yourself working Solo instead of together. Even with Dungeons, you had to rely on yourself more than others to get the job done. So I ask, what’s the point in being an MMO then? If you can’t work with your group then why?


Support and final thoughts:

I will give this game kudos on their support staff. They are friendly and will work with you to get your account back in working order. I had some issues with my Beta account and I was unable to get my game tied to it. Working with a staff member, I was able to get my Beta title on my new account, thus able to get the pet.


With all of the things I find annoying in the game. It’s still a good one. I think I had a bit of a head start with my mindset that this wasn’t another ES Game, and that it was going to be different. I am super excited to revisit some areas I played with in games and see what they have done to make them different to match the time line.


With everything being said, I give this game 7/10 Skooma. It’s a typical MMO with hopes of you playing Solo. As much as I can see the effort made to try to make it so you can play with your friends. But if I wanted to play by myself, I would pick up Skyrim or Oblivion.


Want to play it?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Bethesda and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Dungeon Defenders II

I have always enjoyed tower defense games, and I must say I have had more fun with Dungeon Defenders more than any other game I have played, even the Star Craft II ones.


The beautiful installation do the Dungeon Defender line brings the legacy to a new beginning. I don’t think I have enjoyed a DD game more than I have this.


Those who know about the franchise knows that in the first game you play as children of great heroes and its up to you to save your parents. This game is a bit later and you play as an older version of the children you played years ago. With that being said, the gameplay is almost identical to the first game, same controls same fancy things but don’t let that fool you!!!! This is a new game!


With every game there’s more and more things to explore and defend. The maps have to be one of my favorite things with this game. There are more interactive things. Many of the maps require a fair amount of teamwork and strategy that I find intriguing. What’s the point of games like this if you don’t have to actually think? I don’t know about you guys but I like games that make me use may Britain!!!


I started playing the apprentice, but I have changed to the huntress since then. I like the thought I have to put in with her traps and I like her special moves. Thought I like the idea of powerful continuous bursts of magic, I like the idea of strategy. Each character has their own strengths that compliment the other characters but its a matter preference and how much fun you’re having.


There is only one complaint I have about the game. Why is this game not out yet? I love the idea of starting from fresh I love the new story line I can literally think of nothing negative about the game. Well maybe the fact the squirrel on the first map doesn’t come out of the tree when I wanted him to.


I am also a little confused by the censor in the game. There a few everyday non curse words that are blocked and it makes working with other people a little hard.


This game gets a 9/10 Crystals! I loved this game I want to forever play it until a 3rd one comes out!!!!!  Its really the chat system that knocked off a 10/10 game. If it wasn’t some this that didn’t interfere with the game I would not have cared too much, but it happens. This is still a fantastic game and would recommend it!!!!!!


Want to play it?


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Trendy Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

I wanted to wait to write this review until after raiding started to I can get a feel for the game and now just do it off of Dungeoning, Game play ect. I wanted to take the time to take in the game…Yeah that.


Well, now that I have had the chance to experience the expansion I’ve deemed that it’s World of Warcraft in a different story line that unless you don’t have a clue you kind of catch on. What do you mean by that Unicorn?? Same game new graphics. Old characters brought back in a new world and they aren’t really old Characters. Screw the Bronze Dragonflight.


The game.

It’s WoW. For those who have played it you know what I’m talking about. You’re the Hero among millions of Heros out to save the world from something trying to destroy it..Except this is an Alternate universe of a universe we’ve had in the “real” world. But…I think I might be missing a few details…


How to be a hero

I’ve been playing for a long time…I’ve been here for many of the changes Blizzard has done but I must say…a baby could now play this game and be amazing at it. I feel like the game has been dumbed down a lot since it first came out. You choose from a list of Talents that you ever every specific level and you go from there. It’s pretty easy to decide what talents you want for your spec for the most part.


The new wave of mechanics

I’m speechless when it comes down to the mechanics of this xpac. Every dungeon or raid before had straight forward mechanics. Dodge this, hit this do this. Nope. That seems to be thrown out the window.  It’s more like “Burn this, charge this mob into this mob oh shit watch out for vomit! AHHH these need more ghosts!” The heck is wrong with these guys? I’m all for new things, but some of the mechanics are just outright stupid, and a bit infuriating.



New items?

The Garrison are one of my favorite features. It’s so much better than the farms back in Panda land. (for those who played back then you all know the pain). Each garrison is unique to it’s character and you can do many things from Gardening to professions. Did I mention professions are basically useless now? I didn’t? Well they are. Sad to say all the gold and time you use to waste to get to max level Alchemy poof. There’s a plot for that.


Character models got a nice upgrade. Every thing has been redone to fit the new graphics put in the game. It’s a bit more realistic now, but it’s so much more beautiful! With the remake of some common creatures like Wolves and Raptors, it give the game a new outlook from Vanilla up to Cata.



I get that we are supposed to enjoy the beauty of the recreated Draenor but we can enjoy it from the air just as much. I don’t want to see grass and trunks of trees. I want to feel the breeze in my hair while I’m flying around on a giant dragon. Come oooooon!


Warlords Of Draenor is a nift little expansion filled with lore out the wazoo. If you enjoyed BC lore then you will enjoy WoD. With the changing times, Blizzard has to accomidate to the new players, but I feel like they’re almost forgetting about the people who have been playing the game for years. For the time being, I feel like they could have done a bit more with the expansion like add flying or something super fancy like that. But I remain loyal to the game.


WoD get 8/10 warhammers in the skull. Sometimes you just gotta take a breath and do it. Even if you only hit one button, you’re still in a new Era of World of Warcraft.


P.s: Give me flying or give me to the Horde.




DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Blizzard Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

7 days to die

7 Days to die, or as I’m going to call it “7 Days to die then respawn run back to your group then die again”. this Minecraft Apocalypse wanna be has got to be the most headache inducing game of all time.


I am all for the surviving death, disease and all of that. I find those games to be the most fun so My friends and I thought we would try this game out. I must say, this is something that I wasn’t expecting….and at the end of the time playing it, I made some tea and hit my head against my desk.


Let’s start off with what happens. You are thrown into some random location where you have to collect anything you can find to help build things and items while you dodge a lot of zombies to make sure you can live to make it to either your friends or a safe spot. Now, a lot of zombies is an understatement…a HUGE one mind you. In one area I came across 20+ zombies who all magically knew where I was and where I was going and I swear they were like rabbits…They kept multiplying.


It’s literally a “let’s see how many seconds I can live before I die” type of game, and if you watched my stream you say how many times I died so close together (and if you were watching I apologize for my words…It was super frustrating..)


The graphics themselves are decent, more like early 2000 graphics. YOu can easily identify what’s what and who is who but they’re still not clear or flowing. But this game is still in an early release so I’m hoping something will happen. Now the graphics aren’t detrimental to the game play though. But it reminded me a lot of Beast of Prey.


So now I’m sure you’re like “You said Minecraft but I don’t read minecraft!” I”m getting there! Gosh….


With  the resources you collect you can build things, like walls sleeping bags ect. The way you place things is very minecraft esk and like Beasts of Prey, the envrionment really makes or breaks stuff. I LOVE when my frames go through the ground and then everything looks off center. That’s always great!


The amount of difficulty in this game made it a real headache. We actually had a difficult time getting start and staying together. There were several times we had to pause and regather ourselves before going on.


I’m giving this game a 7/10 Cinderblocks. I liked the game for the most part. I didn’t enjoy having to walk to my friends only to get killed again. The zombie population in this game is too damn high. But since this game is in early access I will be watching it closely and will definitely keep you all posted on the game!

Want to give this game a try?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to The Fun Pimps and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Beast of Prey

I apologize for this review being late! A lot has been going on, like losing my jobs….Yeah that’s not TOO fun but it’s ok! Something will happen =D It always does! So here goes nothing!


If you have a spot in your heart for MineCraft that you should clear a spot for Beasts  of Prey.  This Survival Dinosaur game found it’s way into my list of games to play. This may still be in a Beta form, but I must say…it was worth it for the most part.

Your goal is to survive…that’s it. Kill dinosaurs, other players, build weapons and survive. The game is very much like minecraft, except it’s not blocky. You start off as a bald man, and as far as I can figuure out, you can’t change that. So you’re forever a bald man, not that I’m complaining. You gather resources to build areas to make a living while fending off herds of dinosaurs and other scavenger people…The community itself isn’t a very nice one. I say this  because we tried setting up a private game and we had people enter the game and literally STEAL everything we had. Items that we have worked for 10+ hours for. Not that I’m complaining but that was a HUGE kick bellow the belt to us.  I hope they add a lock or something later on.


Gathering items is super easy in the game.  If you’re lucky to find a forest that you can grow in then you have it made for wood! Each tree respawns it’s bounty in about 4 minutes. I  did find it hard to get Ores and rocks. Those were a bit more tricky.  For the longest time, nothing would spawn and we eventually ran out of ore/stone to use. That wasn’t very fun! Luckily after a quick refresh we were okay and back on track!


Now the controls and game play are very similar to Minecraft, (I know I”m making a lot of comparisons! ) With that it’s WSAD and you use your mouse to guide the camera. Every once in a while you will catch yourself getting trapped in a ore node or even better, a dinosaur spazzing out after you hit it. Honestly, it’s that sort of thing that makes me really love this game! Minus the stealing community, I have nothing to complain about with this game. Everything  is pretty much straight forward and easy to do.


All n all, this game to me is worth the beta access through purchase. If you can find people to play with that wont steal your items and or your places then the MMO is very fun and exciting. It’s nothing like food teamwork that makes this game even more fun.  If you can’t find those people then you can always put a Baby triceratops in your area, You make that mistake ones. I thought it would be cute to have a baby one in my camp…he game me a headache. Non stop “RAWR RAWR RAWR” o.o ugh.

I give this game a 6/10. The fact that a “private” server isn’t private is a real killer for me. I love everything else about this game. This is defiantly one game that I will revisit once it’s released, but for now it’s going to be a 6/10.


Want to play?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Octagon Interactive and its subsidiaries.

Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!



I want to apologize for not posting a review last week. A lot has been going on but fingers crossed it’s all better now! I’ve had time to play Destiny. Oh man, I’ve been waiting FOREVER to write this review. I may be late but here I go! A heads up, this review may contain spoilers.


This review has been in the making for a while now, since I heard about the game I knew this would be a keeper. I’m going to say right now, this is in the top 5 games. I feel like the game is worth the money and will be worth it even more with the seasonal pass.


The storyline is different but has an eerie Halo feel. It’s almost like the same Company…Oh they did!! Well, It starts off with you behind dead and be revived by your Ghost, voiced by Peter Dinklage. I won’t lie, During the Beta I was super excited to hear his voice. I feel it was perfect for a Ghost! As you go on you discover more things about what had happened during the period you were dead.  The storyline is very detailed and doesn’t stray away at any point. It sticks with the story and character.  My one major complaint right now is that once you finished the story, you’re kind of stuck since there is nothing released yet. Now the game feels like a major grind.


Once you finish the story, like I said above. The game turns into a grind, especially if you don’t get to 20. You can chose to do patrols, which basically means  running around an area you have been before killing, collecting and transmitting data over and over again. I found them to be fun, then I didn’t have to grind them out for a level. Public events also grant a lot of experience as well. it’s just a matter of being there when they  happen. You can chose to do PvP for exp at any point in the story line. I’m all for PvP but my one down side is that they don’t scale down. If you’re a level 13 you may be paired with a Level 25. You can expect to get a little owned in that match.


You can unlock new spaceships and sparrows various ways.  Pre order gave you a new Sparrow, a red one. I like it except for I can’t take a hit to save my life on it. One wrong turn and it’s bye bye Birdie! To me, right now spaceship mods mean nothing in the sense of Purpose. They all just feel like a visual improvement. I’m hoping they add something where modifications actually mean something other then Oh hey my ship is prettier than yours.


Weapons have the same feel as they do in Halo and other Bungie Games. I haven’t noticed that you have to arch anything except grenades, and that’s OK to me.  It’s fun to look up at the sky, throw your grenades and watch them destroy your enemy. I do wish the cool down wasn’t as long though. But that’s OK. Gives me more time to kick butt and take names later.


For a console game, I found it to be visually pleasing. Some time if you turn your camera wrong, it goes out of focus on certain parts. For example when you’re in the Tower and you’re trying to see your character’s face, it becomes super blurry and all you see if two bright blue orbs glowing in the sea of fuzzy….Won’t lie, that kind of creeped me out the first time it happened.


Even with all of the problems I have personally with the game. This is one of the best comebacks I’ve seen from Bungie. It brought back old memories from Halo and well and made new ones.  My, honest, only problem is that cut scenes aren’t skipable. That’s annoying when You’ve already played through the story and want to go back through to help a friend out or even for the experience. Once you’re done with the quest, there you are stuck watching a cut scene that you’ve seen before. It’s annoying, but eh.


I give this game happily a 10/10. Just because I found parts of this game annoying or even unattractive doesn’t mean that you guys will. This has to be one of my favorite games for 2014. It has a high replay value as you can experience it as different classes. The community for the most part seems to be kind and polite. They help out when they can and they really work well together as a team.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Bungie and its subsidiaries.

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Lionheart Tactics

I have always enjoyed real time tactic games and this is one of the better ones I have played this year. It’s a free to play game and I feel like I would pay for this game if it came to it, that’s how much I enjoyed it.


The storyline to me is a bit cliché. You are a knight that has to fight an evil presence with a group of people. The more people you gather the more you can do when you fight. You have the option to pick melee classes and some ranged ones. If you plan right you can make the best team. I personally use two melee and two rang with a healer.


In enjoy the fighting style and how the turns work. It reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy Tactics. You start out in a map that you can literally move which ever way you want to get a better view of your enemies and the map to better plan your attack. Once you finish your move it is the enemy’s turn. Whenever someone gets a hit off, there is a retaliation. Sometimes that’s a make or break moment.


When you reach a certain limit you have to combine other heroes to make the ones you want to use stronger. I have noticed this becoming a huge part of mobile games. Combining different heroes to make a certain things and people stronger. So is this a new trend or something? What ever happened to good ol’ leveling?


The graphics are crystal clear. I feel like they’re fit for a PC they’re so clear. I found it hard to put my Shield down. This game was both graphical intriguing as well as easy to play. Its all tap and slide.


This game is enjoyable both gameplay and graphic wise. I had a lot of fun playing it and this will be in my top 10 in January! Don’t miss out on the great chance to play this game OK? If you love tactical games then you should try it out!


I give this game a 8/10. I wasn’t a big fan of the story it was too cliché for me. I did enjoy how you play the game and the different types of game play.

Want to play?

Google Play:


Tropico 5

I really enjoy the Civilization games.  So when I finally got a hold of a copy of this game, it’s safe to say that I was not disappointed. This is definently going in my top games for the year. I really enjoyed this game and there aren’t that many things I didn’t like.

You start off on this beautiful island, either by yourself or with friends/random people. You are given a set amount of money and a quest to break away from the crown and be free!!!! Or fail miserably and just stare at the screen and sigh…wondering what could you have done better…There’s  always that ONE thing that you can think of and then when you restart the game it doesn’t matter if you needed more Bananas. Now you need Llama’s to make the people happy!

The story line is pretty much what I had explained above. Gain your freedom and live and thrive on an island. But watch out, you upset the wrong people and it wont be fun for you. No..not really fun. Every once in awhile, a bad choice will result in some of your citizens going insane and rioting. It’s kind of like “WE DON’T LIKE THE LLAMA’S BRING BACK THE BANANAS!!!!!!” As you evolve into history, the more you learn who good or bad you’re doing.

You have the wonderful option to chose between a dictator ship or a democracy. Me, being the every one is equal in the say of the government and how I run it, chose Democracy. Let me tell you something, No matter what I did those people hated me. I filled the town with bars, operas and schools and they slammed me down. During the elections you have a wonderful option to Kill, Banish or bribe the people running against you. But when one person leave another takes his place.  I found it difficult making those people happy.


The graphics are very similar to Civ 5,which made the Catherine* in me happy as can be! I enjoyed the simple graphics for the large area.  The little details of the tiny trees get me every time. There is just so much details in the little buildings. It’s a little taste of what it’s like to be a overseer of a world.  Don’ t like the road? It’s gone! Don’t get me started on the roads..they’re just like the Civ roads. No such thing as straight roads.


Over all, I adore this game. It’s a neat twist of Civ. Tropical Island, fancy dictator (or president) that you can customize. I found myself  sitting down and playing this game for hours and playing story lines, experimenting with different ideas and rules.

I happily give this game a 9/10. I never found myself getting upset with this game. No matter how hard I failed. I love the game with the humor, graphics and just the over all game play.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Kalypso Media and its subsidiaries.