
Archives for : Action

Pokemon Sword/Shield

So, before I start, I am aware that this game is under a lot of bad rep. Though I do agree with a lot of the fans complaining, they will no have a big part in the review. Even though I believe all reviews are based on personal opinions, like most of my reviews. Please be aware, there are SPOILERS in this review. If you haven’t played and want to, or haven’t beaten it yet just be aware.

The story is alright. Honestly the bad guys (Team Yell) don’t really SEEM like they’re bad. I never felt like they were out to destroy the world. Honestly, it just seemed like they were so into Marnie. Every time I’ve interacted with them as part of the story, they always used phrases like “borrow this” and “I”m just practicing my chant”. Nothing really seemed malicious…You really don’t see who’s really the evil villains until the very end of the game. Even so, were they really evil? I mean yea. Do I think they’re spoiled rotten royal pains in the ass? You betcha!

I honestly think the Wilderness is my favorite part of this game. I really liked it in Let’s Go Eevee/Pikachu. I really like that there are some Pokemon that are a little too high level running around. Why do I like this? Because it was fun being chased by a big HUGE Bewear that is screeching at you. Camping is also a lot of fun. Playing with your Pokemon, visiting random people and cooking just makes it feel real. Now, I am a HUGE fan of Cooking Mama, and cooking made me feel like I was playing it.

The reintroduction of Gyms made the game feel like my childhood. They did get changed up a little bit, but to me it’s a welcomed changed. They added some little trials at the start of the gym. Each gym had little puzzles or little strategy testers before you can fight the gym leader. I am a little sad that each gym leader has like 3 Pokemon though. I was sitting here like “I’m sorry what? I’m allowed to have 6 and you have 3? That doesn’t seem very fair to you…” Of course they respond with a full heal and I rage.

Don’t forget to talk to the Poke-ball man for your free fancy ball šŸ˜€

So boy, these Dynamax raids and fights are something else. As much as I adore new mechanics I feel like it’s kind of boring compared to what could be in the game, or what shouldn’t be in the game. I do like that you can invite your friends to the raids and how they will fill up the party with random NPC’s to fill it up and give you a chance at catching the pokemon. Something I found kind of strange but I think I understand it, is you can only throw a ball once to attempt to catch it. If you fail it is GONE. But Long Meowth kind of fills the void that Elgeym left in my heart.

To be honest, I rather enjoy this game. I’m glad it came out, though I am very sad that there’s not all of the Pokemon in it and I can’t really relive my childhood on this game, it doesn’t make it inherently bad. Recently, Pokemon games have been kind of a hit or miss for me. Either it’s an amazing game and I love it or it’s just a pokemon game.

With that being said, I enjoyed the game, I sat and played for hours when it launched. I laughed a few times and after I got through the gyms the story got kind of stupid..

Sword and Shield is going to get a 8/10. Though I really enjoyed it, it’s not really hitting the real nostalgia mark. I might just be getting to the point in my age where the new forms of X Pokemon are just stupid or what but I still liked the game enough to sit down for literally hours farming Pokemon and progressing through the story.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

So, this is a review that I really wanted to wait for because I quite literally wanted to make sure I played this game so I could write about everything you can do. Oh man, it’s worth it I promise.

So, going to be honest with you I have go to play most parts of this game, the only thing I couldn’t get to yet was the Marriage. So when I get to this part, I will post an update šŸ˜€

This is my first Fire Emblem game since the GameCube, so when I saw this was coming out for the switch I was excited! The storylines are just how i remember. They’re super detail orientated as well as let you go your own path if you want. There is just so much to do in this game that it’s just so hard to make a review.

So let’s start with the story. It’s amazing. The amount of everything they included is great. Each month there’s always something going on whether it’s a fight or a party. Every character seems to have a very special role in the game as well. They’re not just thrown in there to take up space. As you go on with the game, and listen and pay attention you can find out what makes everyone tick. Each house leader had their own problems as well and as they grow, they effect the outcome of your game. All in all with out spoiling anything (since the game has so much replay and so much to do ) it’s well worth the money.

When you interact with the other people in the game, you can hurt or make a relationship with them. If you don’t care to know anything about anyone, you might not have a good reputation with them, and they wont help you out. However, if you take the time to learn the likes and dislikes of certain people you can end up getting them into you House. I’ve done that with a few people that weren’t in a house, and it makes combat a lot more fun. I’m just sad to cycle out some people but they always seemed to want nothing to do with learning or anything. So what’s best for the house.

Combat is another amazing thing this game has to offer. the various classes you can pick from and how you get there always makes it an adventure. Each phase in the game is turn based when it comes to combat. You have a few options to pick from when it comes to that. The trick to this is to know what type of play style you’re doing, who can best support that and if they’re capable of doing that.

Now, I am more of a fan of RTS and not Turn based, but I like how they did it. You basically have two options, you can do the strategy yourself or you can select the AI to do it you. When you select the character you want to move, they give you a few options you can do, where you can how and who you can attack. You can even select them to heal if they can obviously.

All in all, this game is amazing. The story and the combat really makes it great. The amount of ways you can interact with the characters and students in the game are numerous. From tea parties to giving them a simple present. Nothing at the moment can beat this game.

With everything being said, this game is a total 10/10. This is a game that I can’t seem to fault, even when I lose a fight. It’s so easy to see your mistake and learn from it, or see several mistakes and learn. I can’t seem to put this game down, and the replay value is there. If I dare say, this is a GOTY.

Cat Quest

Have you ever wanted to be a cat? Like seriously. A tiny little cat, with an amazing power…or do you think that Legend of Zelda games would be better as a kitten trying to save his sister?! No? Well….I think you’re wrong. Just saying. hehe

So this game was one of those random ones on my list. I’ve heard about it, and frankly I thought it was a myth until it showed up at my work the other day and I just knew I had to play it. So that’s what I did.

The storyline is rather adorably dark. You and your sister are out alone on a boat and then a big bad guy decides your sister is very important and then takes her, and tells you to shove off and then you wake up on a shore with a strange mark on your head and a weird Navi type cat is like “HEY LISTEN”

So, it’s a quasi open world adventure game where you get to play as cute little kittens and you fight various creatures, take on fun puzzles and grow your strength and your magic. It starts off with a great tutorial and really let you do things at your own pace for the most part. When you look into the new towns, there’s quite a few things you can do. You can sleep (you literally fall on the ground and it’s too cute) upgrade/purchase new magic spells and just talk to the different catizens and learns a bit more about the place.

The world scales rather nicely as you level. You can tell when something is a little bit more difficult but it’s literally nothing a little piece of armor or a new magic spell can’t solve. You really have to use the skills you’ve learned when you go after some enemies and I like that I have to e on my toes.

Honestly, I absolutely love this game and I have recommended it to everyone that is looking for a fun new game to play on their switch. Now, I am also aware that the game is a few years old, but I apologize for nothing. This is a great game and it has provided me with a lot of fun and I felt it was worthy of a review. So here you go. This is my review haha

I give this game a purr-fect score of 9/10 I loved this game. It kept me entertained long enough that i lost track of time and went to bed later than I usually do haha. It really knew how to suck me in and was worth the time.

This game is available on all platforms so just look it up šŸ˜€

Don’t forget to check out all of my other links n stuff and like share subscribe ect. There is a huge update that’s going to be made here on Saturday so keep in touch!!!

Pokemon Let’s go

So hi guys! I am not dead haha. The curse of being a retail worker has caught up with me and with Black Friday this week I have been forced to focus on my job than playing games. I know I know. It sucks but that’s what happens when you make money haha. But that’s ok. I’m going to start off by saying, I have had a lot of requests for Fallout 76. It’s going to be a bit before I get the game. I’m having flashbacks from ESO with this game…I’m sorry. I do plan on purchasing BO4 here shortly, but enough of that. Let’s get into this review.


For those of you who know me, then you’re aware of how much of a Pokemon fan I am. I remember pulling out my TCG and trading them on the playground, or fighting my friends and kicking their butt. I remember getting my first card. It was Ponyta. I got it because my friend knew I like horses, and he had an extra one he could give me. Ever since then, I have loved the series. Something about it, the fact I could do about anything in the game, whether it was to be a trainer, or a breeder. You could learn about all the different Pokemon and felt like YOU were actually changing the world. It was a lot of things that made this game and series special for me.


I have been waiting for this game for awhile, and when I finally got my hands on it, I was elated. Why do you ask? Because the new ideas the game had, and the way it makes the game feel to old veteran players, just spoke it me. It spoke the words of love. As I’m sitting here writing this review, I can’t stop but think I could be playing the game instead of typing on my laptop telling you guys how I feel about this game. But at the same time, I could also be playing the game now and typing one handed. You don’t know what I’m doing. You don’t know me!


Haha all joking aside, let’s get into this review. The story line, is basically the same from the first games, and the remakes.  Stop Team Rocket while you defeat your rival and Blue even shows up to make you feel like you’re doing things. I really like the old school feeling as well as the feel of some of the newer games. Not only do I get to relive my childhood in 3d, I get one of my favorite Pokemon to follow me through my journey.  I rather enjoy the little tidbits or lore, and other story ideas that are added to the game as well. Reading the different dialog from the different people are fantastic.


So what makes the dialog so neat? They refer to the other games, and the other regions.  For example, I came across a trainer that was from the Alolan area, and she talked about how she missed the beauty that was there, but the water on this place is almost as pretty.  The nods to previous games, and to the current ones make it worth talking to everyone.  But, besides talking to people to see what they have to say, some of the special moves from TMs and HMs are only obtainable when you talk to them. So, the idea of having to speak to everyone excites me. I do it anyways, but now I feel like it’s worth it.


Battling in this game is different from the other games. Let’s start with Trainer/Gym/other people. The battle system is the same as it has been. You have the same 4 moves, and there’s some fancy animations for each move. They did add some elite trainers you can fight as well as some Coach Trainers that teach you how to do other moves and how to do things during a fight. The Gym leaders are the total same, with some puzzles added in some of the gyms adding to the fun and excitement.


When it comes to wild pokemon, this is a bit different. Why do you ask? Because you don’t actually fight them. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Lily, I don’t like Pokemon Go, why would I want to play this game if I don’t fight wild pokemon?” Three words for you. Mount Moon Cave. Now, with that being said, let me explain why I like how they changed the wild fights. Instead of walking through tall grass then realizing that you left all your repels in your other bag…Wild Pokemon now just appear and run round so you can avoid them all together and with the actual lack of wild pokemon fights, making them easier to run away from as well. So, now you see why I’m rather fond of this mode.


With the addition of the new Pokeball Plus, it gives you the option to really feel like a real trainer with the option to “throw” the ball to catch the pokemon. On top of that, it’s another controller AND a Pokewalker. You know that little devide from Heart Gold ans Soul Silver? Yeah, you can totally take pokemon out with you. They will call out to you for attention an give you gifts along your trip. I couldn’t help but get one of these, and I am so excited that I did!!!


All in all, this is a Pokemon game. It’s a great one and perfect for those starting their adventure and veterans alike. I feel like this is a good title, and up there with Super Mario Party and, dare I say, Red Dead Redemption 2. There’s only been a handful of pokemon games that I didn’t know, and only a few I feel very passionate about. This is one of those titles that I am passionate about.


Check out the Nintendo website or any game selling store to pick up your copy. If you’re lucky enough, get the ball too! TOTALLY worth it!


I give this game 10\10 rare candy. I literally can’t tell you how special this game is to me without sounding like a child. I absolutely enjoy this game and I can’t seem to put it down.  I highly recommend this game if you’re into the series and own a switch!

Black Clover: Quartet Knights

This is one my my underdog animes. It took me a few episodes to get into this, just my My Hero. So when I heard this game was coming out, I couldn’t help but get excited. It’s been awhile since I’ve played an Anime based game or a Japanese fighting game so I was super stoked when I got a hold of a copy.  I couldn’t wait to pop this bad boy in my PS4 and sit on the couch and play it!


So after I waited a long ass time for the game to install, and beat several dungeons on WoW in the mean time, I was excited to hit the X button (I think? Idk man controllers confuse me) and watched the credits roll and then BAM intro movie started. I was sitting on the edge of my couch right now, holding that controller watching in awe as an Anime I love came to life where I controlled what happened!


This game literally throw you into combat right as you start the game. You get a well made animation did some explaining with the story before it throws you back into a fight with Mars, and from there you fight a lot of familiar faces from the Anime like Vetto, Fana and Licht!


Each character has their own magic style like in the show and manga but to be it differed a lot from them as well. Now, yes I understand there are limitations with a controller and even a keyboard and that the wide range of spells everyone knows from the show/manga can’t be condensed into several buttons and such.. This isn’t what I’m getting at. What I am trying to say, is I noticed when I was fighting Vetto, it didn’t FEEL like the beast magic. I didn’t FEEL like he was the rhino or whatever animal that freaky dude becomes.


The same went for a lot of the other people, Asta has a few new moves that almost seem magical and Yami….for the sake of him not trying to kill me. Yami is the best IMO. He feels like what a Captain should be. I haven’t had the chance to play with many other characters but when I do, I wil revise this review. I also haven’t played online at all because I don’t have the extra funds to pay for online time. IMO waste of money, but we’ll talk about that sometime maybe.


So let’s get into the story. I had an interesting time trying to figure out when this was in the time line. But, this seems to be taking place with the anime in a sense but could also be an alternate timeline? Did they learn from Blizzard?! I hope not…at least when you play BC, it feels like your’e actually part of the story and you have to save Clover Kingdom from all of the bad stuff, but I also feel like they kind of just threw Mars in, and extra characters for the sake of having them. I’m not saying this is a terrible idea, I rather like that you learn a little bit more on the lore of the game. After all, I am the Loremaster and my learning never ceases no matter what I am playing.


I like the storyline, a lot. Like more than I thought I was going to as Blizzard left a weird taste in my mouth after WoD and Alternate time lines and yeah….But I like it. I like the new characters they added and I liked how everyone was involved someway or another and it just made it worth it IMO!


So, let’s talk about the combat. As someone that has not played on console in a long time, it was hard for me to get back in the grove of not having a mouse and keyboard to move fight ect. What made it worse is it was a PlayStation contoler, and I will be honest, besides the mouse and keyboard, I am use to the xbox controller. So I feel like I was at a disadvantage, heh. But once I sat down and got used to everything, combat was a lot easier. It took awhile for me to keep my thumb on the camera stick so at first, I couldn’t ever keep an eye on my enemies and it would cause me to almost lose! Now that’s not good for a Knight!


Boiling it down, you have a basic of 4 attacks using all of the differnet triggers then one special one that is triangle? I think that’s the shape.  Anyways, the biggest struggle for me was the use of the camera angle. Now call me Old Fashion but I dislike the full control of the Camera and to me, it causes problems. Now, thought I dislike this, I still very much enjoy the game. Again, once I got used to the controls, the game is so much fun (hell even when I didn’t get them down I was still having fun)


The last thing I wanted to talk about was the graphics. I mentioned above, I was greeted by an amazing cut scene that looked like it was straight from the anime. On top of that, it had amazing graphics both the pre combat and during combat scenes.  I was a little iffy on this style honestly, there are a few games that use it and I feltit took away from the game and what it was but honestly, I really want to say that it matched it perfectly and I loved it!


Though I had a rough start with the game  i love it! The amount of characters you can chose from and the storyline really make you feel like you’re part of the game!  This totally gets 8/10 sheep!  (I love Charmy js)


Want to check out this game?

Check it out on the Sony Store :


Farcry 5

Man, I don’t know where I start with this game. I’ve been talking about it for so long I really started to get nervous that Ubisoft could release a good game. Now that is all, of course, up to debate. So, what I’m going to do, is something a little different from my other reviews, so stick with me here.


The Ugly:

So there’s not a lot, in my opoion that’s wrong with this game. There are some glitches to where a Co-Op groupie can’t interact with items so you end up losing out on a lot of loot, or the ability to help your friends.


There is also, currently, a bit of a server issue. That may be causing the loot glitches, but I’m not sure. Honestly, it was a blast watching my friend take down a whole place by himself while I was struggling with the D/C. He was lucky to have Boomer though.


The Bad:

So, this is stuff that are in the game, but they don’t hinder anything yet I don’t know why they’re there.


Microtransactions: So this is in the game, but I really don’t see why? It’s rather easy to get money in the game. So I don’t see why people are throwing a temper tantrum about it.

My next complaint is about Boomer, HE DOES NOT SIT SHOTGUN! UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Why!! It’s not fair to watch him run behind a car/truck while I’m driving off šŸ™

Random cut scenes kind of get in the way.  Now, they do add to the story, but when I’m in the middle of killing all of the bad guys, I would really like to finish the fight before I’m dragged away. Just saying.


The Good:

Man, this is going to be the best part, so thank you for humoring me with this review. I wanted to get the bad stuff out first because there’s a lot more good!

This game is very beautiful. Sometimes I struggle to remember if I’m in a game or if it’s real…I’m rather impressed with the graphics and just the over all appeal of the story and just over all environment!

The game play is similar to the other Farcrys.  So, it’s easy to get used to once you start which really helped with getting into the story.  I will say I was a little rusty at first but I got back into the groove quickly.

Let’s start with the story. So yes, it’s a typical here’s the bad guy you need to stop them blah blah…..but when you sit there and actually pay attention, it’s quite awesome. It’s really involving when you listen to the background conversations and then follow the main story line. You really get both side of the it when you play through and I will admit, it’s very immersive.  If I honestly had the choice, I would probably join Eden’s Gate. 100%

Now, the weapons are expansive and unique. You have your standard pistols, shotguns Machine guns ect ect. But the real quality lies in the melee weapons.  Why is this a good thing? Dude, metal pats, hoes, shovels ect. I mean there’s so many different object it just makes it so much better to play how you want to play, which leads to the next point…

You can literally play however you want.  With the different NPC’s you have (my personal favorite is Boomer) and the weapon variety you can be whatever you want.  You can be stealthy, or just go in an fuck shit up. Whatever you want it’s all you!


I could literally go on and on about every topic, but I really feel like this is something you guys need to check out. So far this is a top game for the year that I’ve had the time to play!


This gets 9/10 sinners.  Even with all of the down sides, the good notes make it a lot better. I must say, this is one of my favorite games!  So I recommend this game to everyone who isn’t scared of the fbomb or crazy God loving cultists.

I have a few more games in my list and several more to add here shortly. But yeah…


Want to play this amazing game? Go here

Skyrim Switch Edition

So boy, I don’t know what I was expecting with this title. Skyrim has been so over done with remakes, re-releases, and the faint hope there may be another TES game in the near future vanishing.  But, nevertheless, I went in to this with positive mindset before it slowly changed to a “what am I doing with me life”  and curled under my sheets and sighed.

I personally don’t believe this should be a thing. Yes, Skyrim is a great game, worthy of all of it’s titles and mods ect. I don’t believe it should be a thing on the switch, or next gen. consoles because WE NEED A NEW TES GAME! Stop beating a dead horse and put out the next game please, Bethesda! PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU! Nocturnalsave me if it’s coming out on the DS I’m gonna…*coughs* Sorry. I’m composed now.  So, back to this…game.


It’s Skyrim. That’s about all you need to know story wise. Same stupid intro scene, same dragon trying to kill you all, same choices as to who to follow and same quests for the most part from what I’ve played. There’s not much more to say about this. If you’ve played Skyrim you’ve well played Skyrim.


So what’s different that made you regret your life choices, Lily? Quite a few things. Let’s start with character customization. Everything was preset, nothing was truly customizable.  Perfect example, if you know me then you know that I play Khajiit. Tsa’Musa is my baby and has been since the Khajiit was a playable race.  I’ve tried to make them similar because I mean why not? Anyways! Back to the review! There was around 4 colors to choose from, 6 different eyes (3 colors with 2 different pupils) and 8 Hair styles (4 different cuts and same cuts with different earrings). When you go to customize the face, it’s literally all preset noses, mouths lips ect.  So, I mean I get it. It’s a tiny port, you can’t add everything. But still could have literally added more colors, more pupils ect ect ect. :/


So now, let’s talk controls! Holy Laggy joycon Batman! It was so difficult to move, fight and jump. It was really sad. I mean every other game I’ve never had problems with, but it just seems like this was a rushed, messy port and just needed some more love. It had the potential to be fantastic and a great way to slay the dragon’s while on the toilet or hiding in the back room being the best Dark Brotherhood Assassin in all of Tamriel.


All in all, I took it as a mobile game. But I didn’t expect it to be toned down THAT much. This game needs more love. It really does.


I give this game 7/10 Sweet Roles. I’m partial to Bethesda, and TES games. But I’m disappointed with everything else with the game that made it Skyrim. So please, Bethesda. TESVI TESVI TESVI TESVI TESVI TESVI TESVI !!!!!!!!


Want to try this out on your switch? You can go to most retailers and purchase it , or if you think you’re going to just purely love this game, you can purchase it  from Nintendo directly:


Have a game suggestion? Email me at!

South Park: Fractured but Whole

It feels like I’ve been waiting three years for this amazing sequel to join my life and give me hope great offensive games are still out there. I mean, not that I got old of running around as the King and farting on everyone and being a master of everything. But I’ve been waiting for this game for quite a long time and I’m happy to have it.


I don’t really want to get into too much plot details because I don’t want to spoil this masterpiece for you guys, but I do have to talk about some bits. But I do have to talk about some bits, do bear with me.


Cats have gone missing in the town with ample parking day or night and it’s up to Coon and Friends to find the missing cats and defeat Chaos in the process, but you aren’t invited to play.  šŸ™ But what is the King to do? Crash the super hero party, duh.


You start off getting your super powers, at the time there are three to choose from. I went the Blaster Route which seemed to hit quite well but you also have Speedster and Brutalist. Each class has it’s own perks like the Speedster can get two moves while the Brutalist can bash your face in. Each class from then on just adds to the excitement that is the combat system.


As you progress through the story you unlock more and more classes which give you quite a bit of customization when it comes to Who are you Douchebag? Who are you really? The classes range from close combat to Ranged with heals. I’m a tank/Ranged DPS Personally so I went with the ranged healing classes I could find. I rather enjoy kicking butt at a safe distance and then healing any damage I, or my group takes.

Did I say excitement? I really do mean that. Sometimes though, I will admit, it got very repetitive and when more enemies jump into the fight I did get frustrated but all in all I rather enjoy this combat system. Each character and NPC brings chaos lava and macaroni Star of Davids to the fight to aid them in the fierce battles a head.  To go into the combat more….let’s start with the battlefield. It’s a grid based system much like you would see when you are playing a table top game. Each player has a set amount of moves and their attacks have a certain range. For those “casting” attacks, the areas are marked on the field so you can easily avoid them or cause some friendly fire šŸ˜‰ Healing in this game is also a lot more fun and almost every class has some sort of heal or can use all the items to heal you or a friend. The best part is YOU control your team!


The NPC’s in the battle also act like they are being controlled by a human, scrolling through all their attacks and find the perfect one to destroy you with….or at least try. Bravo guys! This was most def a very imersive system!

The last thing I want to comment on combat wise were the ultimate.  During combat, you have the option after every enemy hitting you, you hit a button and gather power for an ultimate that any of your party can use. One can be used for a major DPS attack, a giant heal or a cute Guinea pig in  Pirates hate. You decide!!! This made me pay attention a little more in combat phases, though sometimes I would drift off.


So let’s get back to the story. Like the last game, there are a bunch of side quests you can take to help  get you into the game more as well as enhance it. I rather enjoyed all of the little things like finding the drug lords and collecting all the Yaoi (I just wish there was a gallery for the pictures, some of them were too cute.

The mini game were a lot of fun as well, mastering the toilets and doing some fancy Fartkour really made this a SP game if you ask me. The crude humor is here to stay and it’s nice to see that all of my neighbors are their usual selves and nothing ‘s changed in the 3 days (years?) since the installment. I really enjoy this game, though I’m not sure if there’s replay value. I’d love to toy around with all the classes and everything but we’ll have to see.


My only real complaint about this game is the fact that there is a season pass. I get it, this is the direction that video game companies are headed and frankly, I find it distasteful. Now you’re probably saying to yourself…SELF, I know she plays WoW. They release stuff for that you have to pay a lot of money for. And you’re right, reader I do. But when in my honest opinion. If it’s a MMO, I’m fine with paying to expansions ect. But if the game has 0 online interaction, why would I need to buy a season pass? There’s no point? I don’t know, but this grinds me gears.

Give me back the days where when you buy a game it was the full game not the “Full” game plus season passes and micro-transactions out the asshole..


But enough standing on my soap box, I’ll save that for my blog.

My poor Fractured butthole enjoyed the time I played, and I recommend this to anyone looking for a fun way to kill some time while you’re waiting for Assassin’s Creed or CoD WW2. This and Shadow of War are good fillers for the next round of games.


Dispite my issue with the season pass, this game get’s a 9/20 Yaoi. I really enjoyed this game but I ended up making an active effort to avoid combat due to the fact it got boring when you did it very often. I loved the story, the characters and just the over all view of this game.


Want to play this game??  Buy it here!

Craft the World

Ever wanted to control dwarves and have them do weird things and listen to cute chatter? Then look no further that Craft the World! This neat little side view game is one of my favorite games of the year!! With that being said, letā€™s get into this!!!!

To me, this is the perfect mix of a few things from Minecraft, Terraria and Dwarves. I really like all of the aspects of this game with regards to the combat styles, the mining and the crafting. I did run into a few bugs, but that didnā€™t stop me from enjoying the game kind of. It was a game breaking bug in a sense but I will get more into that later.

So, here you are, at the starting portal where you are given a couple dwarves to do your bidding. Thatā€™s right, for the most part you are in total control of these people and you can tell them to dig, build eat sleep etc ect. The possibilities are only as limited at wellā€¦.about 5 maybe 6 items. They can be rather dumb and not get the hint the first time, but their cute little banters and language always got me interested and made me want to learn their language so I can hear them talk bad about me. šŸ˜‰ Of course, being the almighty one, I am sure I can dish out a nice plate of whoop ass on them.

So. letā€™s get into some of the aspects of this game, weā€™ll start with the two that kind of work together, and that would be mining/digging and building/crafting. Each can require training and or pure luck they don’t kill themselves. Though itā€™s very much fun to watch some of them struggle with the aspect of a ladder or sometimes even using basic tools, itā€™s more efficient to have a dwarf thatā€™s trained in special abilities to help out when needed. The end game, is literally to craft the best weapons, defeat the waves of undead they send your way, on top of defeating the end boss which is from what Iā€™ve seen very difficult and super skeleton scary. You basically need to find the books which grant your dwarves either levels in a trait, or give them that trait to help you with the end goal, the choice is really yoursā€¦

Now, combat is entirely RNG on top of being super frustrating. I canā€™t tell you how many times I sat there and yelled at my dwarves for being huge scaredy cats for no reason and almost got the base destroyed because they couldnā€™t handle one little zombie. I couldnā€™t even imagine what they would do if they met the end boss with them being scared. Now I know in life itā€™s a literal fight or flight type deal, but when all they do it flight. It gets very annoying. But with that being said, this ties into eating and sleeping. IF there is an enemy in the area, they will stand outside and do nothing but literally complain about being tired and hungry. When you tell them to go eat or sleep they will flat out refuse. Like typical games, when thereā€™s enemies nearby you cannot do certain things.

This is where my beautiful big came in. I was pretty far along in the game when I couldnā€™t get my guys to sleep or eat. It kept telling me there were enemies in my borders but when I would move around and check them, my bordered would be completely empty, not even a rats nest! My poor guys were almost dead and I had another Zombie Wave coming in 4 minutes and there was nothing I could do but watch my poor guys run for their lives and watch the base I worked so hard for get destroyed by these damn undead! I had to restart my game at this point because no matter what I did, I couldnā€™t get it fixed. My new game is totally better and I havenā€™t ran into that problem again so hereā€™s hoping this game is better.

So, I mentioned eating and sleeping. These are both things that you need to keep them up on because they can starve on top of they will not regenerate health. That is something very crucial to this game if you want to survive to the endgame. But thereā€™s nothing you can really make that will do the same thing as food so they have that going for them.

So all in all, I actually rather enjoyed this game minus the fact that I did indeed need to restart my game after spending a few hours on it. I didnā€™t lose THAT much but it was still rough losing all of that hard work for some dumb glitch.

THe game was easy to follow and really explained things to you as you went on your way. I wouldnā€™t say that it held your hand, but it walked you through a lot, then would let you go then would come back. I never felt like I would truly be lost in this game.

I give this game a 7/10 dwarves. Though the game is a nice concept I can only build and fight so many times before it looses itā€™s luster. When you play with other people itā€™s a competition to see who can beat the bad guy first and you canā€™t work together on it. The glitch I experienced was also a little frustration but I got over it quickly when I started fresh.

I recommend this game to anyone who has some free time to kill as you can pause the timer and do other things. Itā€™s most definitely a time killer. But itā€™s fun and thatā€™s all that matters!!

Want to play Craft the World?

Gears of War 4

The long awaited installment of the Gears of War series is finally here! Omg! šŸ˜€ Iā€™ve been waiting for a redemption. Judgement was a terrible place to end it! UGH!!!!


Alright so, letā€™s get this started!!!

A new story with new foes and new characters really help you immerse yourself into this game. I like the idea of playing J.D but at the same time, it was so great to see Marcus again. The idea is that the locust have returned but seem to be fascinated with kidnapping people from towns and doing whatever with this (turns out they were messing with their DNA or something and making the Swarm BUM BUM BUMMMMM)


Now, the storyline is short but very intense. You play as JD, who left the Cog and with the help of his friends, try to find out why the Swarm is taking their family and other humans. There you run into Marcus again and then a big mess appears and itā€™s just more fun to experience the fun at this point!!

Combat is very straightforward, and you rely on cover to make sure you donā€™t die. The accuracy of the weapons is always great and itā€™s nice to find a bad ass weapons laying around after you slaughter your foes, and thereā€™s nothing bad with a little blood on your boots.


Now, they do add some horde mode esc type deals in the story line as well. You have to set up certain things to help the story a long. A turret here, a barrier there. You are literally only as strong as your weakest link and itā€™s a make or break situation when itā€™s there!!!


The real awesome thing is the Multiplayer modes :O They have added a portable energy station so you can literally pick the best spot possible and that you are READY for the foes who dare threaten your life ecte ect.


Besides Horde Mode, thereā€™s a few new things they added to make the PvP in this game really competitive and really make you work your noggin to be the best (Like no one ever was DUN DUN DUN..To…wait, wrong game)


Now itā€™s also worth noting, there were some issues I ran into while playing. The major one was there were some situations where events didnā€™t trigger which left me to redo a chapter or an  area and it lead to kind of a boring experience. But who knows, maybe itā€™ll get fixed in the future That’d be awesome!!!!


This is a def. 7/10 cogs. Though I really enjoyed the game, the bugs kinda killed the game for a me a little. Now, donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€m going to keep playing it and until i finish all the levels, but the bugs turned me away a little. But itā€™s def.a noteworthy game šŸ˜€

Want to play Gear of War 4??