
Archives for : Crafting

Craft the World

Ever wanted to control dwarves and have them do weird things and listen to cute chatter? Then look no further that Craft the World! This neat little side view game is one of my favorite games of the year!! With that being said, let’s get into this!!!!

To me, this is the perfect mix of a few things from Minecraft, Terraria and Dwarves. I really like all of the aspects of this game with regards to the combat styles, the mining and the crafting. I did run into a few bugs, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the game kind of. It was a game breaking bug in a sense but I will get more into that later.

So, here you are, at the starting portal where you are given a couple dwarves to do your bidding. That’s right, for the most part you are in total control of these people and you can tell them to dig, build eat sleep etc ect. The possibilities are only as limited at well….about 5 maybe 6 items. They can be rather dumb and not get the hint the first time, but their cute little banters and language always got me interested and made me want to learn their language so I can hear them talk bad about me. 😉 Of course, being the almighty one, I am sure I can dish out a nice plate of whoop ass on them.

So. let’s get into some of the aspects of this game, we’ll start with the two that kind of work together, and that would be mining/digging and building/crafting. Each can require training and or pure luck they don’t kill themselves. Though it’s very much fun to watch some of them struggle with the aspect of a ladder or sometimes even using basic tools, it’s more efficient to have a dwarf that’s trained in special abilities to help out when needed. The end game, is literally to craft the best weapons, defeat the waves of undead they send your way, on top of defeating the end boss which is from what I’ve seen very difficult and super skeleton scary. You basically need to find the books which grant your dwarves either levels in a trait, or give them that trait to help you with the end goal, the choice is really yours…

Now, combat is entirely RNG on top of being super frustrating. I can’t tell you how many times I sat there and yelled at my dwarves for being huge scaredy cats for no reason and almost got the base destroyed because they couldn’t handle one little zombie. I couldn’t even imagine what they would do if they met the end boss with them being scared. Now I know in life it’s a literal fight or flight type deal, but when all they do it flight. It gets very annoying. But with that being said, this ties into eating and sleeping. IF there is an enemy in the area, they will stand outside and do nothing but literally complain about being tired and hungry. When you tell them to go eat or sleep they will flat out refuse. Like typical games, when there’s enemies nearby you cannot do certain things.

This is where my beautiful big came in. I was pretty far along in the game when I couldn’t get my guys to sleep or eat. It kept telling me there were enemies in my borders but when I would move around and check them, my bordered would be completely empty, not even a rats nest! My poor guys were almost dead and I had another Zombie Wave coming in 4 minutes and there was nothing I could do but watch my poor guys run for their lives and watch the base I worked so hard for get destroyed by these damn undead! I had to restart my game at this point because no matter what I did, I couldn’t get it fixed. My new game is totally better and I haven’t ran into that problem again so here’s hoping this game is better.

So, I mentioned eating and sleeping. These are both things that you need to keep them up on because they can starve on top of they will not regenerate health. That is something very crucial to this game if you want to survive to the endgame. But there’s nothing you can really make that will do the same thing as food so they have that going for them.

So all in all, I actually rather enjoyed this game minus the fact that I did indeed need to restart my game after spending a few hours on it. I didn’t lose THAT much but it was still rough losing all of that hard work for some dumb glitch.

THe game was easy to follow and really explained things to you as you went on your way. I wouldn’t say that it held your hand, but it walked you through a lot, then would let you go then would come back. I never felt like I would truly be lost in this game.

I give this game a 7/10 dwarves. Though the game is a nice concept I can only build and fight so many times before it looses it’s luster. When you play with other people it’s a competition to see who can beat the bad guy first and you can’t work together on it. The glitch I experienced was also a little frustration but I got over it quickly when I started fresh.

I recommend this game to anyone who has some free time to kill as you can pause the timer and do other things. It’s most definitely a time killer. But it’s fun and that’s all that matters!!

Want to play Craft the World?