So hi. It’s been awhile. In case you forgot, I am Lily. The amazing UnicornMuffin. Your awesome guide to the Gaming world and avid chinchilla lover. So, first, I’ve been working a lot more and I am super sorry about it. So, long story short someone quit which opened up more hours, and the original plan was to write reviews at work….but then ya know of course the works wifi will block it haha….Haha….ha….Well, look forward to this months blog that’s in the works right now too so let’s get this started!!!!
With all the hype around the Wii U a few years back, and the amount of pure disappointment I felt when I finally got the console, I was actually a little skeptical about this system. I didn’t want to drop the money on a system I’d regret. But I will say, so far this is a pretty neat system.
The initial launch was a little rough for me. The only game I was interested was Zelda, like a lot of people heh. The down side of this was, I didn’t want to get burned out on the game while I waited for the all mighty Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to be released. So I took the game real slow. I couldn’t bear the thought of myself getting BORED with a game and be forced to watch this beautiful system collect chinchilla dust as I wait for new games to be released.
The concept of this system is actually pretty freaking neat. I like that I can play full HD games on the go. Sure, there’s the DS, Vita PSP ect ect, but you can’t just tear apart your system and be like ‘Here we go here’s part of my system let’s play” I, for one, really enjoy the idea of dismantling my controller so I can play with a friend. I mean what’s better than enjoying a game with your bestie? Nothing. This brings me back to my couch CoOp days, ya know?
So why pick a switch over another console? Obiviously the exclusives. Yeah, you can play Breath of the Wild and a few other games on the Wii U, but at the same time if something comes up and you can’t be home, then you really wont be able to play them. The idea of a full scale console with the option to become a mobile device is inticing.
Would I recomend the switch? So far, maybe. If you are totally into the games that are already out, then this is the perfect match for you! The greatness that ou have been waiting for is avaiable when you are ready and they’re in stock!
If you want a system that has more games, roll with a 3DS or something like that. That way you have a wider selection of games, and you can take it where you go. š
It’s all about you!
All in all, I really enjoy this console. I love my switch and the games I have for it. I like that I can pick up a game when I’m on break or just super bored in the bathroom.
All in all, I say this is a great system, but it might not be for everyone….right NOW. With only a few titles out for it. It’s going to be hard to say “this is a must buy for everyone” I do suggest, if you know someone who has one, ask to see it and play with it a little and gage whether it’s the system for you!
I give this fancy system 7/10 Joy-Cons.
I wish there were way more games out for it then what there currently is. I really enjoy the system but I kind of feel myself going back to my 3ds due to the lack of entertainment. I can only play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so much until I get mad at Tanooki Mario. (That cheating asshole)