
Archives for : System

The Nintendo Switch

So hi. It’s been awhile. In case you forgot, I am Lily. The amazing UnicornMuffin. Your awesome guide to the Gaming world and avid chinchilla lover.  So, first, I’ve been working a lot more and I am super sorry about it.  So, long story short someone quit which opened up more hours, and the original plan was to write reviews at work….but then ya know of course the works wifi will block it haha….Haha….ha….Well, look forward to this months blog that’s in the works right now too so let’s get this started!!!!

With all the hype around the Wii U a few years back, and the amount of pure disappointment I felt when I finally got the console,  I was actually a little skeptical about this system. I didn’t want to drop the money on a system I’d regret. But I will say, so far this is a pretty neat system.


The initial launch was a little rough for me. The only game I was interested was Zelda, like a lot of people heh. The down side of this was, I didn’t want to get burned out on the game while I waited for the all mighty Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to be released.  So I took the game real slow.  I couldn’t bear the thought of myself getting BORED with a game and be forced to watch this beautiful system collect chinchilla dust as I wait for new games to be released.


The concept of this system is actually pretty freaking neat. I like that I can play full HD games on the go. Sure, there’s the DS, Vita PSP ect ect, but you can’t just tear apart your system and be like ‘Here we go here’s part of my system let’s play”  I, for one, really enjoy the idea of dismantling my controller so I can play with a friend. I mean what’s better than enjoying a game with your bestie? Nothing. This brings me back to my couch CoOp days, ya know?


So why pick a switch over another console? Obiviously the exclusives.  Yeah, you can play Breath of the Wild and a few other games on the Wii U, but at the same time if something comes up and you can’t be home, then you really wont be able to play them. The idea of a full scale console with the option to become a mobile device is inticing.


Would I recomend the switch? So far, maybe. If you are totally into the games that are already out, then this is the perfect match for you! The greatness that ou have been waiting for is avaiable when you are ready and they’re in stock!

If you want a system that has more games, roll with a 3DS or something like that. That way you have a wider selection of games, and you can take it where you go. šŸ™‚

It’s all about you!

All in all, I really enjoy this console. I love my switch and the games I have for it. I like that I can pick up a game when I’m on break or just super bored in the bathroom.


All in all, I say this is a great system, but it might not be for everyone….right NOW. With only a few titles out for it. It’s going to be hard to say “this is a must buy for everyone”  I do suggest, if you know someone who has one, ask to see it and play with it a little and gage whether it’s the system for you!

I give this fancy system 7/10 Joy-Cons.


I wish there were way more games out for it then what there currently is. I really enjoy the system but I kind of feel myself going back to my 3ds due to the lack of entertainment. I can only play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so much until I get mad at Tanooki Mario. (That cheating asshole)

Craft the World

Ever wanted to control dwarves and have them do weird things and listen to cute chatter? Then look no further that Craft the World! This neat little side view game is one of my favorite games of the year!! With that being said, letā€™s get into this!!!!

To me, this is the perfect mix of a few things from Minecraft, Terraria and Dwarves. I really like all of the aspects of this game with regards to the combat styles, the mining and the crafting. I did run into a few bugs, but that didnā€™t stop me from enjoying the game kind of. It was a game breaking bug in a sense but I will get more into that later.

So, here you are, at the starting portal where you are given a couple dwarves to do your bidding. Thatā€™s right, for the most part you are in total control of these people and you can tell them to dig, build eat sleep etc ect. The possibilities are only as limited at wellā€¦.about 5 maybe 6 items. They can be rather dumb and not get the hint the first time, but their cute little banters and language always got me interested and made me want to learn their language so I can hear them talk bad about me. šŸ˜‰ Of course, being the almighty one, I am sure I can dish out a nice plate of whoop ass on them.

So. letā€™s get into some of the aspects of this game, weā€™ll start with the two that kind of work together, and that would be mining/digging and building/crafting. Each can require training and or pure luck they don’t kill themselves. Though itā€™s very much fun to watch some of them struggle with the aspect of a ladder or sometimes even using basic tools, itā€™s more efficient to have a dwarf thatā€™s trained in special abilities to help out when needed. The end game, is literally to craft the best weapons, defeat the waves of undead they send your way, on top of defeating the end boss which is from what Iā€™ve seen very difficult and super skeleton scary. You basically need to find the books which grant your dwarves either levels in a trait, or give them that trait to help you with the end goal, the choice is really yoursā€¦

Now, combat is entirely RNG on top of being super frustrating. I canā€™t tell you how many times I sat there and yelled at my dwarves for being huge scaredy cats for no reason and almost got the base destroyed because they couldnā€™t handle one little zombie. I couldnā€™t even imagine what they would do if they met the end boss with them being scared. Now I know in life itā€™s a literal fight or flight type deal, but when all they do it flight. It gets very annoying. But with that being said, this ties into eating and sleeping. IF there is an enemy in the area, they will stand outside and do nothing but literally complain about being tired and hungry. When you tell them to go eat or sleep they will flat out refuse. Like typical games, when thereā€™s enemies nearby you cannot do certain things.

This is where my beautiful big came in. I was pretty far along in the game when I couldnā€™t get my guys to sleep or eat. It kept telling me there were enemies in my borders but when I would move around and check them, my bordered would be completely empty, not even a rats nest! My poor guys were almost dead and I had another Zombie Wave coming in 4 minutes and there was nothing I could do but watch my poor guys run for their lives and watch the base I worked so hard for get destroyed by these damn undead! I had to restart my game at this point because no matter what I did, I couldnā€™t get it fixed. My new game is totally better and I havenā€™t ran into that problem again so hereā€™s hoping this game is better.

So, I mentioned eating and sleeping. These are both things that you need to keep them up on because they can starve on top of they will not regenerate health. That is something very crucial to this game if you want to survive to the endgame. But thereā€™s nothing you can really make that will do the same thing as food so they have that going for them.

So all in all, I actually rather enjoyed this game minus the fact that I did indeed need to restart my game after spending a few hours on it. I didnā€™t lose THAT much but it was still rough losing all of that hard work for some dumb glitch.

THe game was easy to follow and really explained things to you as you went on your way. I wouldnā€™t say that it held your hand, but it walked you through a lot, then would let you go then would come back. I never felt like I would truly be lost in this game.

I give this game a 7/10 dwarves. Though the game is a nice concept I can only build and fight so many times before it looses itā€™s luster. When you play with other people itā€™s a competition to see who can beat the bad guy first and you canā€™t work together on it. The glitch I experienced was also a little frustration but I got over it quickly when I started fresh.

I recommend this game to anyone who has some free time to kill as you can pause the timer and do other things. Itā€™s most definitely a time killer. But itā€™s fun and thatā€™s all that matters!!

Want to play Craft the World?


Before I wanted to do this review, I wanted to actually sit and play this game for awhile to get a real taste of the release, before patches are made. This is about a week late. We had a lot going on…My chinchilla got hurt and we had to take care of him for awhile but everything is better now! So, let’s get started!!!


Overwatch. A game that’s had a lot of Hype as well as a lot of controversy.  For those who are unaware, Overwatch is a FPS release by Blizzard entertainment. You have 21 heroes you can pick from and 12 randomly picks maps with 4 different play styles, minus the practice ring. I will say, that I am not a big FPS fan, but I fell in love with this game. I like all the aspects so far, but I’m nervous about the patch notes. I’ve been a blizzard fan for awhile, but some of their patches…:/ But that’s for another time šŸ™‚ Like Legion.


21 Hero Street

21 unique heroes, from numerous countries,  that bring a unique feel to the game. You can’t go wrong with any of them, unless you choose Bastion (Or like 4 of them on one team…yeah screw you). There are several Heroes right now that are OP, but there are several that take some skill to play. Each character has an attack, and alt attack and finally an Ult attack. Unless you’re a healer then you have a Heal, ect ect ect….Mercy (Heroes should die when it’s the opposite team). You have about five different “kinds” of Heroes. Offense (high Damage), Tank, Defense(Low Damage), Support, Bastion.  Lily, what do you have against Bastion? You’ve never played the game if you don’t know…


Any who, the different ranks, really make the game. The Offense and Defense pretty much self explain themselves. You have Heroes who just BLAST away their enemies, with out a Tracer…then you have the heroes that aren’t meant to do a lot of damage but can still hurt, the Dragon eats all enemies. Tanks are almost a must for certain types of games, and My go to right now, if Reinhardt. It’s almost hard to mess up Reinhardt…..yeah that’s probably a lie but eh….He wants to Arm Wrestle soon!


My oh My Maps!


There are 12 maps, three assigned to different types. Escort (ugh), Assault (Whoot!), Assault/Escort (F’n really?!), Control (AWE YEAH). You travel around the world for every map, where you’re then asked to summon your team and do whatever the objective is. Whether you escort a slow truck through Hollywood, or you defend a Meiji style castle from your foes, and bring honor back to your family. I’ve played every map so many times, I’m yearned for more. I can only set up turrets on this one ledge so many times before I just can’t take it anymore. Let’s go over the different map types super fast.

Assault: For those who don’t make a while Bastion Team, this is a map where you and your team either defend or attack certain points across the map. Who ever has the most points win the game.

Escort: Do I really need to go over this? You know, you follow this thing around and protect it.

Assault/escort: Literally combine the other two maps.  Defend a point, then escort something then DEFEAT!

Control: My favorite map type so far! You control points, contest them and VICTORY!


I hope they add more maps, and more game typed.


To game or not to game? That is the Bastion.

My beef with Bastion. I’m going to lay this out for you, but I wanted to talk about the game a little. Bastion is a very OP character, and it seems to be a “noob” character in my opinions. I say this because Bastion has three forms, I call them Mobile assault, Turret and Tank. Screw every single one of these. I only play him when we’re in dire need of a big push but I tend to stick to other characters.


My Overview


I love this game. I didn’t think I was going to, but it was an awesome surprise when I installed the game and loaded it. I may lose a lot, but that doesn’t turn me away at all. It just means I get to play again. This game has its ups and downs.  Your team and Teamwork will literally make or break the game, or being cheap.  Meh, Bastion.


I give this game a 8/10. Once the first patch comes out, I will edit this review and post another one. I’m interested to see what’s going to happen next patch.


Want to play Overwatch?


Console: GameStop Or  Walmart?


Who hasn’t had the dream of being a pirate? I mean sailing the open seas killing other pirates, getting treasure and most importantly, getting the best looking ship out there! Arrrr!!!


Well your dream can finally come true! Windward is a pirate game where the goal is to be the best out there!!! Whao! A pirate game thatā€™s not cartoonish? Oh yeah! You read that you are pirate sailing around in the openish waters fighting other pirates and doing quests to get money to buy upgrades. Yarrr!!


So you start out picking your map, if youā€™re playing by yourself or starting out a new server to play on with your friends. Once you pick or make your map you pick a side. The Map creation in this game is pretty neat. Itā€™s a click and drag deal and you can make it ito any shape or size you want. Itā€™s pretty fun if youā€™re into that type of map making. There are 4 different sides to pick from. Each had their own uses.


The Valiant, Exchange, Consulate and the Sojourn are the four factions you can choose from when you select your map. Each faction is unique like I said before.  For example, The Valiant get more experience and gold from fighting enemies while the Consulate gets more from Questing. The factions really donā€™t matter much besides starting locations, how your ship looks and thatā€™ just about it.  There is a 5th faction, but itā€™s not playable but bribable. Iā€™m not one to actually fight things so some of my gold I had went to bribing pirates to join me, and eventually they become part of your faction


Navigation isnā€™t terrible hard. You can use your WSAD keys or just your mouse. I find tho using the WSAD keys easier to manoeuvre through the seas and turn  and fight. However, starting out was a little difficult since if you hit land you take damage. The turning system for the ship is very wide, like an actual ship.  This is also very helpful but at the same time can be a huge pain. If youā€™re in the middle of a battle you want to turn wide to give yourself a better advantage to unleash the stinky fish barrels but if you catch yourself going in the wrong direction, a wide turn can do damage to you.


The graphics are actually very well done, and was one of the things that brought me to this game. Besides being a pirate of course. The water effects are actually very realistic. Every turn, movement or wobble your ship does, creates a ripple that looks to be in place. The ships art is also very unique to the game.  FIghting is also really engulfphing with the effects. Smoke, fire cannon balls, everything in this game was well done.


You can dye about everything on your ship, making it unique and personalized. You want a bright pink ship? Go for it! Blue and Purple ship? You betcha! Even the emblems are unique. Spiders, flowers, lions ect. Everything is at your fingertips to make the ship what you want it. Donā€™t forget the upgrades either. Each town has different dyes, emblems paints upgrade ect. You can buy new crew, cannonballs, captains and even throwable grossness to hurl at your enemies. The better the upgrades, the better you will be in battle.


The battle system in this game is a little different. You actually have blind spots and positions where you are unable to attack your foe, like a real ship battle. You can shoot your canons at them, throw fish guts or even give them gold and befriend them. There are multiple ways to play this game, and thatā€™s one great thing about it.


All in all, this game is fun but each section of the maps repeat. Some of them you have to fight all the pirates to save the area while others you just get to quest. But each town offers something new with regards to ship modifications and crew. But, donā€™t let that bore you. The possibilities of being amushed by pirates always make the game exciting


I give this game 8\10 parrots. The game itself is beautiful and unique. I havenā€™t seen too many games like this. I do find the game exciting, and a surprise at every turn. I do however find a almost identical map and quest line boring after hours of question to get to use this upgrade I found in a shipwreck, But this is a recommended game!


Want to play this game?


I wanted to apologize to you guys for taking so long to post this review. I have had a lot going on, and I had to make some choices. I think everything has calmed down finally so Iā€™m going to get back in the rhythm! Iā€™m sorry again!



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Tasharen Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Havenā€™t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Elder Scrolls Online

I have put off this review for awhile for a few reasons. Though I am a big fan of the Elder Scroll series, this game has been sweet and sour for me and I know I needed to make a review and try very hard to be non bias. This review is so late after the release due to the fact, I didn’t feel good about paying for a subscription to a game that I may not want to continue playing. So, letā€™s begin yes?


ESO is the next big thing, itā€™s what Skyrim should have been but thatā€™s another story. Now, the Story for ESO is rather short. I came into this game knowing it was NOT going to be like the other Elder Scrolls games. So I wasnā€™t disappointed with the fact itā€™s literally NOTHING nothing the other games.



Molag Bal has made a plan to bring Oblivion and Nirn together to create a giant hell. With all of the Chaos, Three groups formed to capture the Imperial City and the White Gold tower. High Rock, Sentinel, and Orsinium stand as one, united under the rule of the High King in Wayrest. Valenwood and Elsweyr have forged an alliance of their own with Summerset, while Black Marsh, Morrowind, and Skyrim have formed a third. And then thereā€™s you, picking your side and your story.


Character Creation and Classes

Like Oblivion and Skyrim, the character creation can take a single click of Randomize or it can take hours to create the perfect character you want. Iā€™ve played Khajiit since I started ES and I was happy I was able to recreate my little kitty in ESO.


Once you get that task done itā€™s time to select your class. Thereā€™s four you can choose from, unlike the customization you had with the other games. You have the Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade and Templar. Unlike the other games, each class has a set number of points you get with 3 unique skill lines. Each class has their own set of roles as well. For example, as a DragonKnight you can role as a tank or DPS. Sorcerer can be Heals or DPS. It just depends on your style of play. I happened to start off as a Nightblade since My Kitty was always a sneaky lil bugger. The class wasnā€™t what I expected. I assumed I would rely more on stealth than I actually do.


Game play: Is it worth being a MMO?

ESO is a typical MMO with a few issues along the way, that I will get into later.

The controls are simple and you have to know what to do and where to look to get some of th default hot keys for the game. I got the imperial edition so I was also given the white horse which you could level at about anytime you wanted but There was no guide on how to use it. When I looked it up, all I saw was buy it for a gold and then itā€™s yours. Turns out I had already learned it and I ended up wasting all of my gold to fire out all I had to do was hit H.  This wasnā€™t actually a big deal. The PC controls are like that of the game with the fun fact itā€™s in MMO form.

With PVP and Solo play there isnā€™t much you canā€™t do. LIke the other games you have the option to join the guilds, steal and have a great timeā€¦.when youā€™re alone. Once you join a party is when things start to get interesting. Unlike many other MMOā€™s out there today, even if youā€™re in a party you find yourself working Solo instead of together. Even with Dungeons, you had to rely on yourself more than others to get the job done. So I ask, whatā€™s the point in being an MMO then? If you canā€™t work with your group then why?


Support and final thoughts:

I will give this game kudos on their support staff. They are friendly and will work with you to get your account back in working order. I had some issues with my Beta account and I was unable to get my game tied to it. Working with a staff member, I was able to get my Beta title on my new account, thus able to get the pet.


With all of the things I find annoying in the game. Itā€™s still a good one. I think I had a bit of a head start with my mindset that this wasnā€™t another ES Game, and that it was going to be different. I am super excited to revisit some areas I played with in games and see what they have done to make them different to match the time line.


With everything being said, I give this game 7/10 Skooma. Itā€™s a typical MMO with hopes of you playing Solo. As much as I can see the effort made to try to make it so you can play with your friends. But if I wanted to play by myself, I would pick up Skyrim or Oblivion.


Want to play it?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Bethesda and their subsidiaries.


Havenā€™t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Dungeon Defenders II

I have always enjoyed tower defense games, and I must say I have had more fun with Dungeon Defenders more than any other game I have played, even the Star Craft II ones.


The beautiful installation do the Dungeon Defender line brings the legacy to a new beginning. I don’t think I have enjoyed a DD game more than I have this.


Those who know about the franchise knows that in the first game you play as children of great heroes and its up to you to save your parents. This game is a bit later and you play as an older version of the children you played years ago. With that being said, the gameplay is almost identical to the first game, same controls same fancy things but don’t let that fool you!!!! This is a new game!


With every game there’s more and more things to explore and defend. The maps have to be one of my favorite things with this game. There are more interactive things. Many of the maps require a fair amount of teamwork and strategy that I find intriguing. What’s the point of games like this if you don’t have to actually think? I don’t know about you guys but I like games that make me use may Britain!!!


I started playing the apprentice, but I have changed to the huntress since then. I like the thought I have to put in with her traps and I like her special moves. Thought I like the idea of powerful continuous bursts of magic, I like the idea of strategy. Each character has their own strengths that compliment the other characters but its a matter preference and how much fun you’re having.


There is only one complaint I have about the game. Why is this game not out yet? I love the idea of starting from fresh I love the new story line I can literally think of nothing negative about the game. Well maybe the fact the squirrel on the first map doesn’t come out of the tree when I wanted him to.


I am also a little confused by the censor in the game. There a few everyday non curse words that are blocked and it makes working with other people a little hard.


This game gets a 9/10 Crystals! I loved this game I want to forever play it until a 3rd one comes out!!!!!  Its really the chat system that knocked off a 10/10 game. If it wasn’t some this that didn’t interfere with the game I would not have cared too much, but it happens. This is still a fantastic game and would recommend it!!!!!!


Want to play it?


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Trendy Entertainment and their subsidiaries.


Havenā€™t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Don’t Starve Together

So I know I said I would be on the ball and actually be on time with reviews…well once moreā€¦*sigh* Life just doesn’t like me…Anyways…yeah so New plan…a new better plan that involves planning! AWAY!!!!

I have the most wonderful chance to get to play Donā€™t Starve Together! This game…is so much fun and challenging at the same time. This review is also delayed, but if you were watching my stream a bit a go, youā€™d see how much fun I had playing with friends and getting attacked by a giant tree creature… (Positng the link below!)

The concept of this game is simpleā€¦.donā€™t starve, donā€™t go insane and donā€™t die. Each is difficult in itā€™s own manner.

Donā€™t Starve

You go around the world and collect item that may or may not be edible. Most of the time I found if you throw something in the fire youā€™d be safe but other times I wasnā€™t as lucky. If you donā€™t make a cooler or something similar your food will spoil and make you sick..and then you can skip to the third step, donā€™t die.

Donā€™t go Insane

This one I found to be difficult when you forget simple things like a camp fire or anything with light for the night time. Once you are at a certain point in your sanity the creepy shadow creatures you see at night start to attack you…and it leave your friend wondering what is wrong with you…A lot. The answer is a lot.

Donā€™t Diā€¦..arrrrrrgh!

Everything can and will kill you if given the right motive. Whether you try to eat their young or you burn down their home. Nothing is safe, almost like Australiaā€¦.We had Wolves, bees, Tall legged birds and even Trees (You know…the things with Bark and leaves that aren’t supposed to move?) attack usā€¦.It was rough but at least I could see my Sister, Anabell, again.

Did you see the graphics?

I sure did! The unique style this game brings a new Idea that simple is better (kind of like Minecraft but not so Pixelated ya know?). Each character, item and creature have their own special colors, shapes and characteristics. This game really stands out to me!

Shake, shake that game gurl!

Itā€™s a click to play game, like Diablo, Wildstar and many other games. I feel you have a little less control of where you stop moving than controller and WSAD games, but I feel like that may just be me! I found myself walking into the wrong areas because I misclicked or held my mouse buttons down for too long. I mean, I donā€™t mind trouble, but sometimes it happened at the worse times! Oops!

All joking aside, I fell in love with this game. I like the lack of voice particularly. Each character had itā€™s own unique sound so even if you weren’t looking at your screen you could tell when someone needed your attention. The graphics and the points of survival made this one of my top games for 2015… I only wish I had more hours in the day to enjoy this game!!

Donā€™t stave Together gets 9/10 carrots. I highly recommend this game to anyone whoā€™s looking for a great way to spend time and a little money. This game becomes more fun when you bring your friends with you! Survive or perish together!

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Want to give this game a try?

Our LIttle Tree Friend:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Klei Entertainment and their subsidiaries.

Havenā€™t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

7 days to die

7 Days to die, or as Iā€™m going to call it ā€œ7 Days to die then respawn run back to your group then die againā€. this Minecraft Apocalypse wanna be has got to be the most headache inducing game of all time.


I am all for the surviving death, disease and all of that. I find those games to be the most fun so My friends and I thought we would try this game out. I must say, this is something that I wasnā€™t expectingā€¦.and at the end of the time playing it, I made some tea and hit my head against my desk.


Letā€™s start off with what happens. You are thrown into some random location where you have to collect anything you can find to help build things and items while you dodge a lot of zombies to make sure you can live to make it to either your friends or a safe spot. Now, a lot of zombies is an understatement…a HUGE one mind you. In one area I came across 20+ zombies who all magically knew where I was and where I was going and I swear they were like rabbits…They kept multiplying.


Itā€™s literally a ā€œletā€™s see how many seconds I can live before I dieā€ type of game, and if you watched my stream you say how many times I died so close together (and if you were watching I apologize for my words…It was super frustrating..)


The graphics themselves are decent, more like early 2000 graphics. YOu can easily identify whatā€™s what and who is who but theyā€™re still not clear or flowing. But this game is still in an early release so Iā€™m hoping something will happen. Now the graphics arenā€™t detrimental to the game play though. But it reminded me a lot of Beast of Prey.


So now Iā€™m sure youā€™re like ā€œYou said Minecraft but I donā€™t read minecraft!ā€ Iā€m getting there! Goshā€¦.


With  the resources you collect you can build things, like walls sleeping bags ect. The way you place things is very minecraft esk and like Beasts of Prey, the envrionment really makes or breaks stuff. I LOVE when my frames go through the ground and then everything looks off center. Thatā€™s always great!


The amount of difficulty in this game made it a real headache. We actually had a difficult time getting start and staying together. There were several times we had to pause and regather ourselves before going on.


Iā€™m giving this game a 7/10 Cinderblocks. I liked the game for the most part. I didnā€™t enjoy having to walk to my friends only to get killed again. The zombie population in this game is too damn high. But since this game is in early access I will be watching it closely and will definitely keep you all posted on the game!

Want to give this game a try?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to The Fun Pimps and their subsidiaries.


Havenā€™t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Beast of Prey

I apologize for this review being late! A lot has been going on, like losing my jobs….Yeah that’s not TOO fun but it’s ok! Something will happen =D It always does! So here goes nothing!


If you have a spot in your heart for MineCraft that you should clear a spot for Beasts  of Prey.  This Survival Dinosaur game found it’s way into my list of games to play. This may still be in a Beta form, but I must say…it was worth it for the most part.

Your goal is to survive…that’s it. Kill dinosaurs, other players, build weapons and survive. The game is very much like minecraft, except it’s not blocky. You start off as a bald man, and as far as I can figuure out, you can’t change that. So you’re forever a bald man, not that I’m complaining. You gather resources to build areas to make a living while fending off herds of dinosaurs and other scavenger people…The community itself isn’t a very nice one. I say this  because we tried setting up a private game and we had people enter the game and literally STEAL everything we had. Items that we have worked for 10+ hours for. Not that I’m complaining but that was a HUGE kick bellow the belt to us.  I hope they add a lock or something later on.


Gathering items is super easy in the game.  If you’re lucky to find a forest that you can grow in then you have it made for wood! Each tree respawns it’s bounty in about 4 minutes. I  did find it hard to get Ores and rocks. Those were a bit more tricky.  For the longest time, nothing would spawn and we eventually ran out of ore/stone to use. That wasn’t very fun! Luckily after a quick refresh we were okay and back on track!


Now the controls and game play are very similar to Minecraft, (I know I”m making a lot of comparisons! ) With that it’s WSAD and you use your mouse to guide the camera. Every once in a while you will catch yourself getting trapped in a ore node or even better, a dinosaur spazzing out after you hit it. Honestly, it’s that sort of thing that makes me really love this game! Minus the stealing community, I have nothing to complain about with this game. Everything  is pretty much straight forward and easy to do.


All n all, this game to me is worth the beta access through purchase. If you can find people to play with that wont steal your items and or your places then the MMO is very fun and exciting. It’s nothing like food teamwork that makes this game even more fun.  If you can’t find those people then you can always put a Baby triceratops in your area, You make that mistake ones. I thought it would be cute to have a baby one in my camp…he game me a headache. Non stop “RAWR RAWR RAWR” o.o ugh.

I give this game a 6/10. The fact that a “private” server isn’t private is a real killer for me. I love everything else about this game. This is defiantly one game that I will revisit once it’s released, but for now it’s going to be a 6/10.


Want to play?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Octagon Interactive and its subsidiaries.

Havenā€™t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


A Stanley Parable

This is a  game where you are controlled by the voice in your many ways to choose your fate.  The perfect way to end the work week.  I rather enjoyed this game.

You play as Stanley-number 427, a brain washed man who loves his job, or so he thinks.

You begin in your office and there is no one there, that is when youre introduced the voice that tells you where to go and what to do. There are a few different ways you can play.

If you choose to follow the voice you remain a brainwashed person, who does end up “leaving” the office and you are free to live your life…or are you? You are then brought back to your office, given the exact same paths You were given before.

If you choose to not follow your mind, you begin the story. You play a long for the moat part. Go up and down a hall way open doors. Over time the voice in your head gets very upset with you and “restarts your life” over and over again, trying to.get you to listen.

I won’t say anymore about the storyline as I.dont want to spoil Anything for you guys.


The controls were very easy to.use. WSAD to move and click on the mouse to move, but wait….when you mose creates a keyboard sound? Am…am I really dreaming? Or is this reality…..

This was a fun game. Listening to your mind talk was funny at times. I give the game a 8/10! This was a genuinely a fun game. If you get the free time you.really should check it out!




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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game.