
Archives for : System

Little Friends Dogs & Cats

It was only a matter of time before we had some version of Nintendogs on the Switch. I have been patiently waiting for something to occupy my time when I don’t have my 3DS on me or busy playing World of Warcraft. I can hear it now….”But Lily, you have a real cat” Yes. But my need for a dog is fulfilled through this game haha.

Since the launch of the Switch, it was only a matter of time for a Nintendogs clone. When I saw the information about it, I was rather excited! I mean, how can this game be bad? I mean….it’s a clone, that’s for sure…

Little Friends, starts off the same way like the 3DS/DS games. You have a choice between a few dogs in a tiny little yard, and when you pick one, and name it you then make them comfortable in the house. The first time I noticed, it doesn’t matter what I name my dog, and even if I scream it’s name it doesn’t her me. The lack of mic is disturbing. One of the features I really miss honestly, besides some of the other lacking mini games.

There’s really only around 4 things you can do with your dog. Take care of it,walk it/train, dress it up, and disc competitions. I’ll go over the different things below. But I do have one question for you guys. You can get different flavors of food (and only food btw )….why would a dog want Fish flavored food? Or…better yet, Chicken Beef Fish flavored food? Personally I have never met a dog that enjoyed fish, but maybe I just met weird dogs. So I don’t know

Now, that you have this dog you have to take care of it. How do you do this? Well there’s quite a few ways you can do this. You can pet them, brush them and oh, and keep their toilet clean (wtf?) So there’s two ways you can do the petting and the brushing. The easiest one for me, want keeping the joycons on the console and using the buttons or the touch screen. There’s a little meter on the bottom of the screen that tells you how clean or happy they are. The other way to do so is use the joycons as motion controllers. I had a little bit of problems with this feature. I think it’s because the Switch doesn’t sit in front of me like the developers were hoping for. No matter how many times I “calibrated” the joy cons I was always off center and never could do anything right. It was frustrating and made it near impossible to keep Beuker clean.

Walking your dog is a strange mini game in itself. It’s an enclosed track where you have a set goal to achieve for a reward. Example, dig up two treasures, mark 5 locations and walk 200km. Pretty simple right? Not too hard. these are something you can easily do with little to no problems. The lack of different areas you can walks is a little boring. It’s one long track, and honestly by your 3rd or 4th walk, you have seen it all. You don’t encounter others, you can’t do anything besides dig at balloons, walk in a giant circle and pee on sign posts. Training your dog is super easy too. Since there’s only one event you can do with your dog, it takes no effort to train their secret catching stat to help you win the competitions. Once more, it was easy to do the motions with the Frisbee when the joy-cons were attached to the actual Switch, rather than me using the motion controls. Again, I’m not entirely sure if it’s just where my Switch is compared to me but calibrating never fixed my problem. Even so, this caused a few losses that I’m not going to get into right now.

So, like I said above, there’s only one event you can par take in and it’s disc throwing. I don’t know if Nintendogs just pampered me or something, but I like having multiple things I can do with my dog. I liked training new tricks with commands. Where as, tricks here and manually learned and you really don’t have any say in them. I mean, come on. Really? The disc throwing stuff is the same thing no matter what level you pick. From Armature to Master, the only thing that’s different is the AI have a high catching skill. You have to use tickets to participate in the events too. I was “lucky” to never have run out of tickets but I can’t imagine how screwed you’d be if you did. It’s strange that you have to pay to enter these games, but you do.

The did add a little bit of a dress up function to this game. They have hats, shirts, scarves, pants, ect ect ect. There’s a lot you can purchase, unlock or use tickets for. You can also spice up your house a little with set pieces of furniture, set layouts and that’s about it. Literally the most exciting thing was dressing up Beuker with nifty glasses and a weird onsies with spots.

Once you hit level 15, you can unlock the friend plaza, and all this place does is gives you the chance to unlock more breeds for you to own. I mean there’s not much more to this place then that.

Being honest. I think this game is lacking compared to Nintendogs, but I will admit to sitting down for several hours at a time to play this game. The one thing I want to note about this game is it is by a different company, but I think they were trying too hard to compare it to Nintendogs,l and ended up lacking in some of the features that made Nintendogs fun. Yes you can take care of a virtual pet, and you can do s few fun things with it. But that’s about it. The animal never feels any sort of real. I think the switch is a great system, but this is a game that deserves a mic.

I’m going to give this game a 4/10. I had fun with the parts that I played, but I didn’t feel fulfilled. I really needed more to keep my interest in the game more than a disc throwing event, and feeding the dog fish flavored food.

Cat Quest

Have you ever wanted to be a cat? Like seriously. A tiny little cat, with an amazing power…or do you think that Legend of Zelda games would be better as a kitten trying to save his sister?! No? Well….I think you’re wrong. Just saying. hehe

So this game was one of those random ones on my list. I’ve heard about it, and frankly I thought it was a myth until it showed up at my work the other day and I just knew I had to play it. So that’s what I did.

The storyline is rather adorably dark. You and your sister are out alone on a boat and then a big bad guy decides your sister is very important and then takes her, and tells you to shove off and then you wake up on a shore with a strange mark on your head and a weird Navi type cat is like “HEY LISTEN”

So, it’s a quasi open world adventure game where you get to play as cute little kittens and you fight various creatures, take on fun puzzles and grow your strength and your magic. It starts off with a great tutorial and really let you do things at your own pace for the most part. When you look into the new towns, there’s quite a few things you can do. You can sleep (you literally fall on the ground and it’s too cute) upgrade/purchase new magic spells and just talk to the different catizens and learns a bit more about the place.

The world scales rather nicely as you level. You can tell when something is a little bit more difficult but it’s literally nothing a little piece of armor or a new magic spell can’t solve. You really have to use the skills you’ve learned when you go after some enemies and I like that I have to e on my toes.

Honestly, I absolutely love this game and I have recommended it to everyone that is looking for a fun new game to play on their switch. Now, I am also aware that the game is a few years old, but I apologize for nothing. This is a great game and it has provided me with a lot of fun and I felt it was worthy of a review. So here you go. This is my review haha

I give this game a purr-fect score of 9/10 I loved this game. It kept me entertained long enough that i lost track of time and went to bed later than I usually do haha. It really knew how to suck me in and was worth the time.

This game is available on all platforms so just look it up 😀

Don’t forget to check out all of my other links n stuff and like share subscribe ect. There is a huge update that’s going to be made here on Saturday so keep in touch!!!

Yoshi’s Crafted World

So, I need to be honest with you guys for a minute here. Unless this is a game I have been looking forward to for a year, or know the series itself is amazing I hardly every buy a game at launch. But here I am, writing this review about a game that launched today, so you can kind of guess what happened.

Let’s start off by saying it was very dead at work today, so I brought out my switch and was like “Why not try out Yoshi, it’ll be a great way to kill time before my relief gets here so I’ll have someone to talk to. It took me about 5 minutes of playing before I realized I needed to get this game in my life. This game NEEDED to join my library…and that’s what happened. heh….This is so unlike me, and normally I’ll wait a but but I just knew, this game needed to come home with me.

So let’s start with the story, as always there’s the bad guy. In this game it’s Baby Boswer and Kamek want to have all of the gems for themselves and end up getting into a tug of war of sorts with several Yoshi causing the stone to basically say screw it and burst all the tiny stones all over this new world. So you, brave little Yoshi, get to go on an adventure and pick up all the stones before Baby Bowser and Kamek.

So here I am, picking WHATEVER COLOR YOSHI I WANT to start the game off with and they throw you into the map area, and you can see where all the stones landed. You then go through the different levels to get the stones and then ya win the game, or something like that. That seems about right hehe. I was rather shocked that I could pick between about 6 or 7 different yoshi and they’re interchangeable throughout the game. Sick of being pink? Blue Yoshi will happily take over. Don’t want to be on Mellow mode? Fantastic! It’s easy to switch.

Wait Mellow mode? What’s that you ask? It’s a easier way to play the game. You’re able to fly around a little and enemies don’t deal as much damage. I found myself wanting to use Mellow mode when I have the switch as a handheld as it was hard to for me to see what was happening around me and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to die or something like that. Ya know, being lazy haha I’m kidding. When I got home thought I did turn it off and was able to enjoy the game like normal. I do enjoy that I can swap whenever I want between modes, it helped during a few parts to not get flustered.

So each map is different and filled with so many cute decorations it was hard for me to focus at first, Everything looks like something you could make out of everyday things and I think that is one of the few things that just made this game something I wanted. To top that off, all of the costumes are unique to the zones your in and are a barrier of sorts. Each costume as a set number of times it can be hit before it disappears, almost like a shield of sorts. Once you use up all of that costume, you’ll have to remember to reequip it before the next round or you won’t start off with it (poo) There are so many costumes to collect it’s insane. The fact that they added Amiibo support expands that closet EVEN more! My Yoshi is a cute little Poochy now with the amiibo from Poochy and Yoshi’s Wooly World 😀

Each level has many different puzzles for you to figure out using your eggs, and enemies to solve them. The game gives you hints on where the flowers are, but that’s about it. Are they above or below you? Maybe in a hidden event? Figure it out man. The idea that this game had me thinking about the same level as Captain Toad was fascinating. I rarely found myself frustrated with the game. Even if I managed to die several times in a row, or get stuck, the fun factor reminded for quite awhile.

The reverse side of the maps is fun too. It’s neat to go in reverse and see the area through a while new angle. I wish I could enjoy the map more personally. I say it like that because the reverse side is a timed quest to find all of the Poochy puppies. Now, you can totally ignore the time limit and just explore but if you want the reward that’s attatched to the area, you’ll have to obey the rules. Each poochy is hidden pretty well or sometimes not at all. Most of the time it’s a little bit of problem solving to find the pup and get him safely following you with a gentle smack of an egg or it’s brethren,

Each area doesn’t feel like the last one. With new types of bosses and new puzzles it kept my interest for hours on end. I struggled very hard to put my switch down. One more level I’d tell myself, and three later I’d realize what I’ve done. With the different ways to go about the problem solving required to finish, I just never felt bored. I loved how much I had to use my poor brain that was getting dusty from Pokemon Let’s go. Haha.

All in all, I love this game, The fact that it just has you do so many things and I never felt like a total failure (there was one time but I don’t have time to get into it ;P ) I love the collection of costumes and how unique every single one is special to the area as well as events (amiibo support btw!!!) I can’t wait to unlock everything in the game costume wise and it’s paining me to sit here and type this instead of playing the game. I’ve never been drawn to a game so quickly before and I think it’s just because of all the different things you can do and they do a lot to ensure you’re having fun.

I give this game a 10/10 Shy Guys. I absolutely love this game, and I love EVERYTHING about it. I highly recommend this game to anyone that has a switch.

Wanna check it out for yourself?

On a side note, I’m still working on some of the other reviews from some older games. This was just a very unexpected turn of events and I just had to get this down. I hope ya guys understand 🙂

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

So, this review is a week or so late, sorry about that. I’ve been going though some  things and it’s caused me to fall behind on quite a few things. Since I am feeling better, now is the best time as any to get this review out and ready for you guys!

So, let’s get down to it and I’m going to start with the controls. I couldn’t get the hang on using the Joy Cons…I think it’s because of my fat hands, but I just couldn’t get it. Thankfully, I have my old gamecube controllers and it made it easier for me, minus the fact I had to relearn all of my characters since they redid some of the move sets. For the most part, I got the hang of the controls rather quickly, and could transfer the set from character to character.

So the story line, I think from that I grabbed besides the “Hey these guys took your souls and now they’re evil and you have to defeat them to get them into your party so You can actually fight them and all of that stuff” Then you add, Darkness and light work together or they don’t? I have no idea. I just kind of went with the flow.

The fights in the campaign mode can be super difficult. I found myself getting pretty flustered so, I’d take a break to just play against NPC’s and I had like 5 people to pick from. So back to the campaign I suppose.

Now, I know. you can unlock the characters by playing against NPC’s but I kind of missed having a rather big selection at the start. So it might be petty, I’m aware. But the selection, the game varitey and everything, made the hard work worth it. Between working, and trying to get my 2019 plan working, it took a few days (or hours I do believe)

So let’s talk spirits. They’re pretty nifty. There are so many of them, each unique. At first, it’s hard to decide what’s the best, and what’s the worst. But soon you learn what the combos are, what spirit goes with this one ect ect. The possibilities are almost endless, and once you get it down, it’s pretty dope. I loved seeing what worked best for me and what didn’t.

The new trophy system is rather neat. It’s a little puzzle board that you can either unlock with certain items you get on special missions, or you do what it says you need to do to unlock them. Though the pictures really don’t go together, they make a really neat collage. So don’t worry if your puzzle looks funky. So does mine :3

All in all, it was a rough start for me, and that’s fine. I didn’t expect me to be the best around with not playing a smash game since the Wii U. So it’s been a few years. I also felt spoiled by having access to 10+ characters at launch and not having to work for them. I don’t have a lot negative to say about this game that isn’t how I feel.

I know that’s how this kind of website works, this is all how I feel about games, but besides being spoiled with fat hands, this game is great. The amount of time it takes to actually unlock everything, and everyone is fairly reasonable for someone like me that works a full time job.

Super Smash Bros Ulitmate I think deserved a 8/10 trophies. I really enjoyed the game, and i like to feel like a child again. It’s fantastic and I do recommend this to everyone.

Want to play it?

Pokemon Let’s go

So hi guys! I am not dead haha. The curse of being a retail worker has caught up with me and with Black Friday this week I have been forced to focus on my job than playing games. I know I know. It sucks but that’s what happens when you make money haha. But that’s ok. I’m going to start off by saying, I have had a lot of requests for Fallout 76. It’s going to be a bit before I get the game. I’m having flashbacks from ESO with this game…I’m sorry. I do plan on purchasing BO4 here shortly, but enough of that. Let’s get into this review.


For those of you who know me, then you’re aware of how much of a Pokemon fan I am. I remember pulling out my TCG and trading them on the playground, or fighting my friends and kicking their butt. I remember getting my first card. It was Ponyta. I got it because my friend knew I like horses, and he had an extra one he could give me. Ever since then, I have loved the series. Something about it, the fact I could do about anything in the game, whether it was to be a trainer, or a breeder. You could learn about all the different Pokemon and felt like YOU were actually changing the world. It was a lot of things that made this game and series special for me.


I have been waiting for this game for awhile, and when I finally got my hands on it, I was elated. Why do you ask? Because the new ideas the game had, and the way it makes the game feel to old veteran players, just spoke it me. It spoke the words of love. As I’m sitting here writing this review, I can’t stop but think I could be playing the game instead of typing on my laptop telling you guys how I feel about this game. But at the same time, I could also be playing the game now and typing one handed. You don’t know what I’m doing. You don’t know me!


Haha all joking aside, let’s get into this review. The story line, is basically the same from the first games, and the remakes.  Stop Team Rocket while you defeat your rival and Blue even shows up to make you feel like you’re doing things. I really like the old school feeling as well as the feel of some of the newer games. Not only do I get to relive my childhood in 3d, I get one of my favorite Pokemon to follow me through my journey.  I rather enjoy the little tidbits or lore, and other story ideas that are added to the game as well. Reading the different dialog from the different people are fantastic.


So what makes the dialog so neat? They refer to the other games, and the other regions.  For example, I came across a trainer that was from the Alolan area, and she talked about how she missed the beauty that was there, but the water on this place is almost as pretty.  The nods to previous games, and to the current ones make it worth talking to everyone.  But, besides talking to people to see what they have to say, some of the special moves from TMs and HMs are only obtainable when you talk to them. So, the idea of having to speak to everyone excites me. I do it anyways, but now I feel like it’s worth it.


Battling in this game is different from the other games. Let’s start with Trainer/Gym/other people. The battle system is the same as it has been. You have the same 4 moves, and there’s some fancy animations for each move. They did add some elite trainers you can fight as well as some Coach Trainers that teach you how to do other moves and how to do things during a fight. The Gym leaders are the total same, with some puzzles added in some of the gyms adding to the fun and excitement.


When it comes to wild pokemon, this is a bit different. Why do you ask? Because you don’t actually fight them. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Lily, I don’t like Pokemon Go, why would I want to play this game if I don’t fight wild pokemon?” Three words for you. Mount Moon Cave. Now, with that being said, let me explain why I like how they changed the wild fights. Instead of walking through tall grass then realizing that you left all your repels in your other bag…Wild Pokemon now just appear and run round so you can avoid them all together and with the actual lack of wild pokemon fights, making them easier to run away from as well. So, now you see why I’m rather fond of this mode.


With the addition of the new Pokeball Plus, it gives you the option to really feel like a real trainer with the option to “throw” the ball to catch the pokemon. On top of that, it’s another controller AND a Pokewalker. You know that little devide from Heart Gold ans Soul Silver? Yeah, you can totally take pokemon out with you. They will call out to you for attention an give you gifts along your trip. I couldn’t help but get one of these, and I am so excited that I did!!!


All in all, this is a Pokemon game. It’s a great one and perfect for those starting their adventure and veterans alike. I feel like this is a good title, and up there with Super Mario Party and, dare I say, Red Dead Redemption 2. There’s only been a handful of pokemon games that I didn’t know, and only a few I feel very passionate about. This is one of those titles that I am passionate about.


Check out the Nintendo website or any game selling store to pick up your copy. If you’re lucky enough, get the ball too! TOTALLY worth it!


I give this game 10\10 rare candy. I literally can’t tell you how special this game is to me without sounding like a child. I absolutely enjoy this game and I can’t seem to put it down.  I highly recommend this game if you’re into the series and own a switch!

Super Mario Party Switch

I have really been looking forward to this game for awhile. Since we had out extra copies checked out, I wasn’t able to do Assassin’s creed but that’s ok! I’m still happy with my choice regardless of what game is today’s review.

So first, I’m excited that I was able to play this game alone. As someone who has very little friends that I could play with, I’m excited that i could rely on NPCs  to be there for me and want us to win. I am so grateful I have them in my shy guy life.

So I’m going to be rather honest here, and let you all know it’s been a few years since I’ve actually sat and played a Mario Party game. I honestly can’t really remember the last time I played one, so from what I DO remember (I’m pretty sure I played on the Wii) I had a lot of fun, and with the new additional play modes, I think it has done the game a lot of justice.  I really liked that I could play three different ways.


Old Way: Board game. I forgot how fun it was to watch the NPCs roll, mess up  and all of that other fun stuff. That’s about the only thing I really remember from Mario party games. That and the cute mini games that remind me of Warioware. God, I love that game. If you ever want a fun game to play with your friends hitting the booze, this is it. So the one thing I really love is that each character has their own dice. Which I love. I am a huge Shy guy fan, and my dice was pretty good mix. I think it was like 04446. I don’t really remember haha. You can set up how many turns you have per game and it’s nice enough to give you the average time it takes to do one game.  You can get allies too that can help you with rolls and such. It’s great. When you get them at least haha. When your npc foes get them, it’s a little


Rhythm or Rhyme! Both, I’m terrible at.  So safe to say, I was total garbage for these games.  But, the great variation there was made it fun even though I was super terrible I liked the whack a mole and the batting cage. I don’t have too much more to say on that

I also rather enjoy the rafting mode as well, but this one really requires teamwork, and a lot of us  screaming at the NPCs Mostly. “MARIO CALM DOWN” or “YOSHI WHAT ARE YOU DOINg?!?!” It made for a lot of fun in the long run. With the endless outcomes, it’s safe to say that none of the games will play the same. I really like these kind of games.


All in all, I lost several hours into this game, and I’m sure if I wasn’t really paying attention,  trust me. All in all, I recommend this game if you have friends and want to play with them. The only caution I have is that the game is only compatible with Joycons. That was kind of turn off for me …that or you can pay to play with your friends on another switch. Not that I’m against the pay to play, but I am against paying for more controllers (jk).


At the end of the day, I give this game a 9/10 stars. I really liked it. It was fun to play alone as well with other people. It’s a great way to kill several hours or just a minute.


Want to play it?

Black Clover: Quartet Knights

This is one my my underdog animes. It took me a few episodes to get into this, just my My Hero. So when I heard this game was coming out, I couldn’t help but get excited. It’s been awhile since I’ve played an Anime based game or a Japanese fighting game so I was super stoked when I got a hold of a copy.  I couldn’t wait to pop this bad boy in my PS4 and sit on the couch and play it!


So after I waited a long ass time for the game to install, and beat several dungeons on WoW in the mean time, I was excited to hit the X button (I think? Idk man controllers confuse me) and watched the credits roll and then BAM intro movie started. I was sitting on the edge of my couch right now, holding that controller watching in awe as an Anime I love came to life where I controlled what happened!


This game literally throw you into combat right as you start the game. You get a well made animation did some explaining with the story before it throws you back into a fight with Mars, and from there you fight a lot of familiar faces from the Anime like Vetto, Fana and Licht!


Each character has their own magic style like in the show and manga but to be it differed a lot from them as well. Now, yes I understand there are limitations with a controller and even a keyboard and that the wide range of spells everyone knows from the show/manga can’t be condensed into several buttons and such.. This isn’t what I’m getting at. What I am trying to say, is I noticed when I was fighting Vetto, it didn’t FEEL like the beast magic. I didn’t FEEL like he was the rhino or whatever animal that freaky dude becomes.


The same went for a lot of the other people, Asta has a few new moves that almost seem magical and Yami….for the sake of him not trying to kill me. Yami is the best IMO. He feels like what a Captain should be. I haven’t had the chance to play with many other characters but when I do, I wil revise this review. I also haven’t played online at all because I don’t have the extra funds to pay for online time. IMO waste of money, but we’ll talk about that sometime maybe.


So let’s get into the story. I had an interesting time trying to figure out when this was in the time line. But, this seems to be taking place with the anime in a sense but could also be an alternate timeline? Did they learn from Blizzard?! I hope not…at least when you play BC, it feels like your’e actually part of the story and you have to save Clover Kingdom from all of the bad stuff, but I also feel like they kind of just threw Mars in, and extra characters for the sake of having them. I’m not saying this is a terrible idea, I rather like that you learn a little bit more on the lore of the game. After all, I am the Loremaster and my learning never ceases no matter what I am playing.


I like the storyline, a lot. Like more than I thought I was going to as Blizzard left a weird taste in my mouth after WoD and Alternate time lines and yeah….But I like it. I like the new characters they added and I liked how everyone was involved someway or another and it just made it worth it IMO!


So, let’s talk about the combat. As someone that has not played on console in a long time, it was hard for me to get back in the grove of not having a mouse and keyboard to move fight ect. What made it worse is it was a PlayStation contoler, and I will be honest, besides the mouse and keyboard, I am use to the xbox controller. So I feel like I was at a disadvantage, heh. But once I sat down and got used to everything, combat was a lot easier. It took awhile for me to keep my thumb on the camera stick so at first, I couldn’t ever keep an eye on my enemies and it would cause me to almost lose! Now that’s not good for a Knight!


Boiling it down, you have a basic of 4 attacks using all of the differnet triggers then one special one that is triangle? I think that’s the shape.  Anyways, the biggest struggle for me was the use of the camera angle. Now call me Old Fashion but I dislike the full control of the Camera and to me, it causes problems. Now, thought I dislike this, I still very much enjoy the game. Again, once I got used to the controls, the game is so much fun (hell even when I didn’t get them down I was still having fun)


The last thing I wanted to talk about was the graphics. I mentioned above, I was greeted by an amazing cut scene that looked like it was straight from the anime. On top of that, it had amazing graphics both the pre combat and during combat scenes.  I was a little iffy on this style honestly, there are a few games that use it and I feltit took away from the game and what it was but honestly, I really want to say that it matched it perfectly and I loved it!


Though I had a rough start with the game  i love it! The amount of characters you can chose from and the storyline really make you feel like you’re part of the game!  This totally gets 8/10 sheep!  (I love Charmy js)


Want to check out this game?

Check it out on the Sony Store :


Sushi Striker: Way of Shushido DS

So this review is for the DS version of the game. I haven’t had a chance yet to play it on the Switch so I can’t really comment on it. I’m going to assume the story line is the same. But, let’s get this review started with this delicious review!!!


The story behind this game is a very unique one, a story that I could totally get behind! So, long story short, your parents went off to fight a war to make sushi available. While trying to find food, you come across a Sushi Striker of sorts who helps you enjoy the taste of the raw fish delicacy before introducing you to a Sushi Spite that helps make sushi! Suddenly you are ambushed by the Empire ( Dun dun dun) where you fight them off and learn the basics of what it means to be a sushi striker. Eventually you get your own sprite and you go off on your own to win back the right for Sushi for everyone!

It’s a healthy mix of Pokemon, Digimon and Candy Crush….something I never thought I would say in the same sentence. Like really. I honestly don’t like the game Candy Crush, but I fell in love with this game. You have to put several of the same color sushi plates together in order to empty your plate WHICH YOU THEN throw at your foe, dealing more damage the more plates you have. Each sprite has their own strengths that you can use and special skills to help you out, or really mess up your foe. I will admit, I found the healing one to be a little weak end game, but the same color attack made it easy to score a HUGE pile of plates to just chuck at my foe. Poor guy probably doesn’t even know what hit him. I mean a small child throwing plates?  Eh it happens.


It’s a quick pace puzzle type game that really strives on the excitement of the matching and throwing rather then the story. I’ll be honest, it a typical be the hero of the country and save the world from the evil government and let’s eat sushi!


This game, thought similar to games I don’t really like, honestly get’s a 9/10 from me.  I had a hard ass time putting it down when I got it and I still do now. If it wasn’t for WoW: BFA I would probably be sleeping with my 3DS for awhile before I finish the game!! I highly recommend it if you’re looking for fast, puzzles and just some cute animals!!!

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Final Thoughts: WoW: Legion

With the fall of the Burning Legion, this chapter of World of Warcraft is coming to an end. With the rise of war and a psycho Warchief, the next expansion is dropping this week, making this one of the best times to give my final thoughts on this expansion, and my hopes for the next one.


I’m going to start with the story. You really got an in depth look into some of the Lore that was unseen between the Second War and The Burning Crusade. You get an in depth look into the Illidari as well as Illidan himself.  I have always been in support that Illidan was just misunderstood, and it turns out I was correct. He did everything he could to save the world, and in the end, he sacrificed himself to end the Burning Legion. and keep Azeroth alive (well for the most part)


We also get a glance at the end of the First War, where Turalyon and Alleria went through the portal to fight of the Orcish Horde and then vanished. (At least that’s how the book ended ;P ) Well they came back, with a vengance. Seeing them, and their hatred for the Orcs/Horde was real. This is coming from someone who doesn’t main a Paladin or see’s The Light, it was fascinating to watch Turalyon become blinded by faith forcing a few and Illidan to work for the light.


There was just so much lore, and so much that filled in several holes the game had, and helped explain a few more things. To witness the Prince’s suffering and to see why he did what he did, or to help Odyn and watching the rebellion of Suramar, there was just so much it’s hard to write about it with out well, making it a lore post. Heh. But that’s for a stream ;P


So the gameplay is rather important. They added Artifact Weapons that came equipted with Artifact powers to make them powerful (which now they’re broken and useless ugh) Each weapon came with it’s own Backstpry that tied into the Lore and really made you feel special, until of course you came across another one of your class with the same weapon, but that’s an MMO for you. All in wall, once more then dumbed down the play style.


I main a Guardian Druid, as you know, and I literally only used around 6 buttons, and 2 buffs before they got rid of one with the loss of my artifact weapon. Thought I liked the idea of it being simpler to play the class, I do miss the use of stragety and a REAL rotation that I’ve had to do for years. But with the increase of new players, and the loss of the Vanilla players, I can see the why they’re going. I may not agree, but that’s just me ( I hope).



With the close of Legion. I honestly feel that I literally saved the world, and I am the hero. Well I did. So what changed? War of Thorns, the Battle for Azeroth Pre launch updates. I have never felt like I didn’t do something in the world. And the writing for this, made it really hard for me to feel like I did something. The story line really kept me into the game and it made it a lot of fun to go through the different areas and explore, capture pets and quests. It almost felt like BC for a second, before I realized I wasn’t level 60-70 and I could do what I want, when I want.



So, why do I feel this way? For those who haven’t played the pre launch and care about it, don’t go on. Please note Legion gets a 8/10 from me. I loved the lore and the game play and It’s a wow expansion. I will forever play this game until the day the shut the servers down. Don’t forget to check out to check out more info about Legion as well as get your copy of BFA today 😀


Now, for those who don’t care about spoilers, here we go. As you are aware, in the pre launch Sylvanas burns down Teldrassil. Now why is this a thing? Why does this make me feel terrible? Let’s start on the Horde Side. You end up killing a lot of innocent people, people you could have saved. Not to mention Syl felt like she really needed to off her own army to prove a point that she could bring back the dead and use them for her own bidding. Like really? You really needed to kill YOUR OWN PEOPLE?! WTF?!?!?!


The Alliance side wasn’t much better if I’m going to be totally honest with you guys. Sure, you don’t do as much killing as the Horde, but you’re literally left with the feeling that you’re not a hero. You couldn’t save all of the people in Darnassus. I felt like a total failure, allowing so many people to burn alive. I actually started to question if I should keep playing a Night Elf. It really hit close to home.


Blizz really hit some grey areas at the end of Legion, and those made me really think about how I felt about where I am, and who I am. I actually kind of liked it. I liked that I still am emotionally involved with this game, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. The lore, storytelling and even the people in the game keep me here.


With the close of this expansion, the doors open to a new horizon. The new areas, allied races and raids ect are exciting. So far I am really liking the two that are already in the game and I can’t wait to expedience the new ones they have lined up. The full idea of the allied races is amazing and I am anxious to see what they have planned. Holy undead maybe? Who knows, they have so much to work with lore wise, it’s going to be an interesting road.

With that being said, those are my thoughts and Legion, I can’t wait to see what BFA has in store for us, both Horde and Alliance.


Farcry 5

Man, I don’t know where I start with this game. I’ve been talking about it for so long I really started to get nervous that Ubisoft could release a good game. Now that is all, of course, up to debate. So, what I’m going to do, is something a little different from my other reviews, so stick with me here.


The Ugly:

So there’s not a lot, in my opoion that’s wrong with this game. There are some glitches to where a Co-Op groupie can’t interact with items so you end up losing out on a lot of loot, or the ability to help your friends.


There is also, currently, a bit of a server issue. That may be causing the loot glitches, but I’m not sure. Honestly, it was a blast watching my friend take down a whole place by himself while I was struggling with the D/C. He was lucky to have Boomer though.


The Bad:

So, this is stuff that are in the game, but they don’t hinder anything yet I don’t know why they’re there.


Microtransactions: So this is in the game, but I really don’t see why? It’s rather easy to get money in the game. So I don’t see why people are throwing a temper tantrum about it.

My next complaint is about Boomer, HE DOES NOT SIT SHOTGUN! UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Why!! It’s not fair to watch him run behind a car/truck while I’m driving off 🙁

Random cut scenes kind of get in the way.  Now, they do add to the story, but when I’m in the middle of killing all of the bad guys, I would really like to finish the fight before I’m dragged away. Just saying.


The Good:

Man, this is going to be the best part, so thank you for humoring me with this review. I wanted to get the bad stuff out first because there’s a lot more good!

This game is very beautiful. Sometimes I struggle to remember if I’m in a game or if it’s real…I’m rather impressed with the graphics and just the over all appeal of the story and just over all environment!

The game play is similar to the other Farcrys.  So, it’s easy to get used to once you start which really helped with getting into the story.  I will say I was a little rusty at first but I got back into the groove quickly.

Let’s start with the story. So yes, it’s a typical here’s the bad guy you need to stop them blah blah…..but when you sit there and actually pay attention, it’s quite awesome. It’s really involving when you listen to the background conversations and then follow the main story line. You really get both side of the it when you play through and I will admit, it’s very immersive.  If I honestly had the choice, I would probably join Eden’s Gate. 100%

Now, the weapons are expansive and unique. You have your standard pistols, shotguns Machine guns ect ect. But the real quality lies in the melee weapons.  Why is this a good thing? Dude, metal pats, hoes, shovels ect. I mean there’s so many different object it just makes it so much better to play how you want to play, which leads to the next point…

You can literally play however you want.  With the different NPC’s you have (my personal favorite is Boomer) and the weapon variety you can be whatever you want.  You can be stealthy, or just go in an fuck shit up. Whatever you want it’s all you!


I could literally go on and on about every topic, but I really feel like this is something you guys need to check out. So far this is a top game for the year that I’ve had the time to play!


This gets 9/10 sinners.  Even with all of the down sides, the good notes make it a lot better. I must say, this is one of my favorite games!  So I recommend this game to everyone who isn’t scared of the fbomb or crazy God loving cultists.

I have a few more games in my list and several more to add here shortly. But yeah…


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