
Archives for : Handheld

Pokemon ORAS


I have been smashing my face against my desk for a few weeks now, the real world decided to test me and so far I passed but who knows nowadays.


I want to start off the new year with a great step! Well…kind of great. I have, I hope you’re sitting down, lost my POkemon X game, and my plan to transfer over my Eveelution team failed. Miserably…so…That was a thing. After so many hours I got all but one back…so that’s a start.


Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are your typical Pokemon games, and with every new game there are new features they add. Many of the features that the game has comes from previous games. I.E Pokemon Amie, Training dummies ect. I do, however, like the sneaking around and DexNav. Though I am set in my ways of the Perfect (and Shiny!!) Eevee trainer, I can’t help but want to be a master.


The DexNav to me is both exciting and depressing. “But Uni….why depressing? You can catch a pokemon with up to 3 perfect IVs!!!” Yea…I know this but…I’ve thought about it and it appears that other have the same thought as well, these are Breedjects. Pokemon trainers didn’t want because they were imperfect. Though you do give them a second chance to find the love they are looking for, they were still released. But that is just a theory.


Getting into the new features, Secret Bases. Oh my gosh…This was a neat little thing they added.  I enjoy the idea of having fake friends that hang out there and give you cool things! They haven’t given me anything too cool yet but I’m hoping!! My favorite part of the Secret Base would have to be the customizable options you have!


Other than those two things, it’s a pokemon game. You go around becoming a master by catching them all, defeating the gym leaders and ultimately the Elite 4 ect.  There isn’t anything more to this game beside the fact you are reliving your childhood in color and 3d (gosh if only…it was around back then!)


I have found it hard to put the game down, and I must say it’s a lot easier for me to balance my time between Warlods of Draenor, ORAS and work. But I am now a Master of Real life! HAZAH!


I’m going to give ORAS a 9/10 PokeBalls. Why not 10/10? This time, I literally feel like certain things are handed to you instead of earning them or finding them as you explore. I like having to work for fancy things instead of them being all “HERE YOU GO BECAUSE IS YOU YES?”  In X and Y i felt more challenged to get certain items and found that the perfect team will get you far. Now I feel like you don’t have to put the time in to achieve greatness.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Gamefreak and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Fantasy Life

I came into this game thinking it was any fantasy rpg knock off but I was mistaken!!!! I haven’t been this addicted to a game since Pokemon and World of Warcraft came out. The only thing I would change is having two 3DS so I can play all of my favorite games at the same time, since wait times are so silly when you DPs stuff. Uuuuuuugh!!!!

You are (insert a random class here) who has to go through many quests to ensure people stay awake, puppies look ferocious and your child king remains happy. You go around this world killing mining fishing and cooking to make your friends and towns folk happy.

When your first start a character you can customize to your hearts content. There are many different things to choose from. From hair with kitty ears to a bald face with big eyes. You can look any way you want and no matter what people will adore you and ask for help. I wanted to make the cutest character possible, and every time I load my game I can’t help but to awe in its cuteness.

Now its time for the important half serious business shiz that makes this a review (I’m kidding about being serious). You get the fantastic option of playing this game how you chose. You can have your name chanted around the town or simply cook for fun. I started off as a wizard (I like a good pew pew in my games). I enjoyed how I could pick what spell to use and you get to level them up. When I got bored (haha that’s a joke) with wizard I swapped over to a few of the other classes to try them out.

Each class has its out outfit weapon and spell layout. You get to kick ass and take names at the same time. When you have a companion it seems to make combat a little easier but sometimes they get a mind of their own and go off and forget to help you. Its a case of the shinies.

Like i said above, you have the options of purchasing pets in this game that will follow you around and make sure you have a fighting buddy. There was one thing I think you should know before I get side tracked…when you are doing the main story line quests any companion that you purchase cannot go with you. I got super excited to have a little white puppy with me on my adventures but was quickly upset that he couldn’t come with me when (spoilers and more spoilers) happened.

I really enjoyed this game and I feel there’s replay value if you’re up for a clean slate. Once you pick a class you have to go through and intro but after that (I’m very happy about this) you can skip the intro and go right into the quests that start you off on your new life. You also get to chose the life you would like to play. You’re never on a time schedule or pressured into doing your quests. Spend the whole day fishing or catching bugs. Its your life. Your fantasy life.

Though I loved this game, the joystick was uncomfortable and I could only play for a certain amount of time before I had to take a break, since I have nerve damage in my hands. I enjoy games that I can change how I move, instead of relying on one stop. I don’t like having to put down a game I am enjoying =(

I give this game a 7/10. I can see many hours playing this game and they are enjoyable but I feel like if you don’t know where to look you can get stuck with nothing to do for a period of time, so you sit there with your woof woof and stare into the open areas.

I also wanted to apologize to you guys for posting a little late. Its been busy here and I have barely found the time to sit down and write this hahah.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Level-5 and their subsidiaries.

Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Throne Rush

Throne Rush is a mobile/Facebook game where you build walls, turrets  and armies to protect your castle as well as defeat other players  in hopes off gaining their riches and food. The game really centers around what you can build to make sure you cannot be defeated when you are attacked by other people. There isn’t much more to the game than that.

There really isn’t a story line to this game. There is a story mode which you just use the army you build and destroy NPC castles and get whatever they had stored. Certain NPC castles will give you extra items such as potions, and gems that you can use for magical spells, as long as you have a certain building. The goal of the game, like I’ve said before, is to build a stronghold to protect your castle. You also need to build a strong army so that you can defeat others who think they are not penetrable.

To get the strong armies, you have to upgrade your castle. It takes a while to get a high level castle. Building time is real time so when it tells you it takes a week…it takes a week. To get the different types of people in your army you have to level up your Barracks. There are many types of classes available for you as you level up. Dragons, Hawks, Gryphons, Orcs, Elves. Anything can be at your fingertips as long as you have the time and patience to level your buildings.

As I said earlier you have the option to purchase spells with Potions and other random things you get when you play against other people. You can have aa max of 5 spells that you will have to repurchase after every use. The same goes with your armies. Even if your game crashes during a fight, you still lose what you used during that game, so play wisely. It takes me an average of 30 minutes to get my army back to full when I play against people, and even in the campaign mode.

The game for the most part is free to play but you have the option to purchase Gems when you will need if you don’t want to wait for a building or to purchase Heroes.  Heroes are strong(ish) NPC’s that you can have to assist your armies during a battle.  When you first begin the game, you have an option to purchase gems at half the price plus get a few extra. I personally went for the 19.99 set which included 130 extra gems. It’s a nice way tto get started if you think you can apply the extra time so it wont feel like you wasted money on the game.

Throne rush to me is a novelty game. After a certain amount of time it becomes a waiting game and eventually turns into down time where you can’t really do anything because you are waiting for your stuff to build. All in all it’s a fun game if you can build quick and have friends to help you.I give this game a 5/10. I don’t really enjoy the down time., and it seems like everything you rely on as down time at certain points in the game and they really make or break you.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to NEXTERS LIMITED and its subsidiaries.


Dragon Coins

Dragon Coins is a great way to kill time. I am a huge fan of the coin dozer games so when you mix it up with some fancy monsters what could go wrong? Besides the slightly addicting side.

I had came across this game while i was at training. I do want to add this is why I have not been posting often.  With training over now i will be back in the game!  I find this game to be a wonderful way to kill time when there’s nothing else to do and you leave your 3DS in your hotel room.

The game play is simple. Your goal is to defeat the rounds by dropping coins into a platform. You have unlimited. Coins but you do have an amount of turns before the opposing monsters fight. Like most games your goal is to become powerful and collect monsters to evolve and fuse.

It’s all touch based, so all you have to do is place the coin on the dozer and knock coins off into your monsters at the bottom of the screen. Each monster has a specific amount of coins needed in order for them to attack. There are also blocks that you can get that gives your monster enough power to use their special ability. The special abilities range from speeding up the dozer to 2X the attack. Throughout the mission, you have chances to get monsters, through gems.  At the end of each round there is a boss fight the boss drops more coins and a possibility of a rare monster.

The graphics are simple and adorable. For a mobile game they’re crisp and clear, but it might be because I have the HD screen, but I was fairly impressed with them. There’s not a lot to them really.

I enjoyed the time I’ve spent playing this game, and have never felt the need to spend money on this game to get extra features. I give this game a 9/10! Give it a try if you have the free time, I can tell you, you won’t be disappointed!!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Sega and its subsidiaries.

Bravely Default

I have been very excited for this game. I was lucky enough to get a chance to play this game, and I must say. This is one of my 2014 top picks.

The game has Final Fantasy feel to it, so I was instantly in love with it. The story line was well written and the players were adorable and powerful.

The game play itself is rather easy to get a hold of. You can do regular attack, Bravely attacks as well as Default/defense. When you attack with Bravery, you’re basically getting multiple attacks.  So it’s good in a lot of battles. Default is really a big defense you have. Both are on a slight cool down.  There are 23 jobs to choose from in the game and I found the Thief to be the most fun. One thing I did notice is that it can be sort of a grind fest sometimes with getting enemies and quests that can be a little too difficult for your level. I do recommend though, getting a few levels before you try to do anything. It will help you out in the long run.

The graphic aspect of this game is pretty awesome. I really liked the game with the 3D on, I found that it makes it a little easier to find your way around the city. Fighting and running in the map looks very nice in 3D as well. It is a very Anime-esk style of game like a few of the hand-held Final Fantasy Games. Each Job having their own unique outfit helps as well with feeling the job.

Once you get a hang on them, the controls are simple and mindless. You use the Stick to move, Left Bumper for Bravely and Right Bumper for Default. It’s pretty standard for a game.

I give this game a thumbs up! I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to pick it up! The intense battles and the opening of new Jobs there’s so much of this game to explore!

This games get 8/10. I felt that this game repeated itself a little too much sometimes and grinding isn’t one of my favorite things to do. But the Good outweighs the bad!!


Also, I do want to apologize for not posting a review last week. There were somethings going on that prevented me from making a review!!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Square Enixt and its subsidiaries.

Pokemon Bank and Pokemon Transporter

Finally, after waiting for so many months, the Pokemon Bank and the Pokemon Transporter have finally been released on the 3DS!  This wonderful little addon is a great way to keep all of your pokemon in a nice safe spot for you to use later.  Just a quick note, In order to have access to the Bank and the Transporter you need to have the respective games in your 3ds. Pokemon X or Y for the Bank. Black/2 and White/2 for the Transporter

The Pokemon Bank, is strictly for the Pokemon X and the Pokemon Y games. You are given 100 boxes to store your caught Pokemon. To gain access to the bank, you will need to download it from the Nintendo store. The app itself is totally free, but they are adding a yearly (Yes, Yearly) charge to it. I will post a link below that goes into more details about the yearly charge. They aren’t that bad so about 5 USD to keep over 3000 Pokemon plus whatever you get from Black and White? That’s a pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.

Now, why did I mention Black and White? Pokemon Transporter, that’s why! The Pokemon Transporter is a neat little download you get from the Pokemon Bank that allows you to add your Pokemon from Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 to your Pokemon x or Pokemon Y game! All you have to do is inside your Black/2 or White/2 game is put what Pokemon you want in your X and Y game they need to be in your PC Box 1 and it moved the entire box to the Pokemon Bank. To get those Pokemon, you open your bank and go to the Transport Box and they will be right there! =D

It tells you in the transporter but just in case you don’t want to read that. Any Pokemon that you transfer from any of the black and white games, will not be able to go back to that game. It will be permanently on the X and Y game. Any nick name given to the Pokemon in Black and white will be reset upon moving them as well.

So anyways, This is a fun and quick way to keep all the Pokemon (All 718 Plus some!) and become a Pokemon Master! WHOO! So go out there and Catch ’em all!!!!


Link to the costs of the Pokemon Bank:


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Pokemon X

The next exciting installment of Pokemon has arrived! You get to explore new worlds and catch even more Pokemon! What are they up to now? 718 or something like that?

This game, I feel, did a great job with the integration of  of the 3D aspect of the game. I wasn’t a big fan of Black and White so I was a little skeptical of this game. But I soon found this game to be fun and “addicting”. I had a super hard time putting it down when I started it up.

The story is pretty much the same. You have to tell the Professor if you’re a boy or a girl. you’d think he’d know by now but that’s ok. Then you are given a starting pokemon with the quest to Catch ’em All! (TM). Seems easy enough? As you leave your home town you meet Pokemon both first gen and even Generation V. I was surprised at the diversity you encountered just in that little section outside of  Vaniville town. Another neat thing they added is as you go through the story and the different towns, you get to pick another Pokemon to join your team. Now, what makes this Pokemon special? It’s one of the first gen starters. I chose Squirtle =3 This is a little weird for me personally because when it comes to the starter Pokemon, I normally choose Fire.

The graphics are spectacular! The 3D element isn’t something that you always have to have on to enjoy the game, but it makes battles seem more “real” in a sense. I like how you can see more of the Pokemon Movement when they are attacking.  For an  example, when I have my Braixen use Ember, she pulled a stick out of her tail and casts flames out of it. I think that’s pretty cool, it gives the battling system a bit more flare instead of watching a cute little sprite move around the screen then stuff happens.  There are also some different times, like when you get a holo cast, you can move your system and it moves the background, like you’re looking around. I think that was pretty cool.

Music and Sounds are pretty up beat too. Like with the other gen games, they kept the original sound they Pokemon had.  The corky little 8bit growls and roars they had even the odd sounds that didn’t sound anything like any living creature. The neat thing that they did add something pretty awesome. Pikachu is avaible to catch in the game when you are walking around, you don’t need anything speical for them. The nifty little thing about them, they don’t have their 8bit sound. They actually say “pikachu” and “pika”  The music is also very beautiful and really helps with setting up not only the towns but the battles too.

There are now fun ways to raise Pokemon stats as well as how much they like you.  There are several mini games you can play with one of your party members, and on if you complete the game or not depends on whether stats raise or stay where they are. You can also feed Pokemon, puffs to make them like you more. But if you’re not into this kind of stuff do it old school style, Breed the best and become the best.

I give the game 8/10 Lily points =3 Pick it up, it’s totally worth it, especially if you are still really into Pokemon!  I enjoyed the time I spent playing it and I haven’t gotten frustrated like I have in some of the other games =D

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