
Archives for : ORAS

Pokemon ORAS


I have been smashing my face against my desk for a few weeks now, the real world decided to test me and so far I passed but who knows nowadays.


I want to start off the new year with a great step! Well…kind of great. I have, I hope you’re sitting down, lost my POkemon X game, and my plan to transfer over my Eveelution team failed. Miserably…so…That was a thing. After so many hours I got all but one back…so that’s a start.


Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are your typical Pokemon games, and with every new game there are new features they add. Many of the features that the game has comes from previous games. I.E Pokemon Amie, Training dummies ect. I do, however, like the sneaking around and DexNav. Though I am set in my ways of the Perfect (and Shiny!!) Eevee trainer, I can’t help but want to be a master.


The DexNav to me is both exciting and depressing. “But Uni….why depressing? You can catch a pokemon with up to 3 perfect IVs!!!” Yea…I know this but…I’ve thought about it and it appears that other have the same thought as well, these are Breedjects. Pokemon trainers didn’t want because they were imperfect. Though you do give them a second chance to find the love they are looking for, they were still released. But that is just a theory.


Getting into the new features, Secret Bases. Oh my gosh…This was a neat little thing they added.  I enjoy the idea of having fake friends that hang out there and give you cool things! They haven’t given me anything too cool yet but I’m hoping!! My favorite part of the Secret Base would have to be the customizable options you have!


Other than those two things, it’s a pokemon game. You go around becoming a master by catching them all, defeating the gym leaders and ultimately the Elite 4 ect.  There isn’t anything more to this game beside the fact you are reliving your childhood in color and 3d (gosh if only…it was around back then!)


I have found it hard to put the game down, and I must say it’s a lot easier for me to balance my time between Warlods of Draenor, ORAS and work. But I am now a Master of Real life! HAZAH!


I’m going to give ORAS a 9/10 PokeBalls. Why not 10/10? This time, I literally feel like certain things are handed to you instead of earning them or finding them as you explore. I like having to work for fancy things instead of them being all “HERE YOU GO BECAUSE IS YOU YES?”  In X and Y i felt more challenged to get certain items and found that the perfect team will get you far. Now I feel like you don’t have to put the time in to achieve greatness.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Gamefreak and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!