
Archives for : Blogs

I can’t think of a Snazzy title.

Hey guys! August is here and it’s been a fun month so far! If you haven’t been paying attention, and I haven’t either, I got my art shop up and running and have been slowly adding things to my portfolio and it’s been a fun hit 😀 I have a few spots open if you need anything done, I’ll post the links before and don’t forget to check out the art tab as well if you happen to lose this blog post.


So, going back the the video game aspect of UMG, I wanted to add that I was aware that my reviews didn’t post. There was a lot of things that happened, and my attention had to to else where. From the Loss of one of my chinchillas, to a very busy schedule due to emergencies. I’m sitting here trying to get everything caught up and up and going before I can take a breath and smile. But that’s about it.

I love you guys! Those who have been here for years since I started this, and those just joining and enjoying the new and old posts! You guys are the best 🙂 Let’s make August great yeah?

Fallen Wish Art


Deviant Art:

Firecrackers in July make for the best Blogs!

So, hey everyone! What’s up? I mean I suppose you can comment but other than that I may never know. So, I bet you’re wondering where I have been….You’ve seen me on twitch and beam/mixer and YouTube of all things so why haven’t I been posting here? Funny story, I had everything saves and ready to go but then my computer had this weird burp, and well let’s say everything got deleted and, gosh darn it I am mad! Several reviews gone!!
So anger aside there are several fun new things going on as well as a few sad things….Let’s get the sad news out of the way. For those who don’t follow on Twitter or Facebook, I sadly annouce one of my chinchillas passed away on the 2nd of this month. It has been rough recovering but for the most part, the wound scabbed over.


Now, for the best news! I got affiliated on twitch. The best part is now I have a subscription button that will give you access to the cutest emote ever! My little chinchilla Zero in sunglasses. In a way it’s telling you to Chin with it 😉 Sorry, bad jokes i know. But that’s what I am here for heh.  So, if you want to use the cuteness, feel free to subscribe! You won’t regret it 😉


That’s really about it for the time being, I’m going to be working on the other reviews now and get them scheduled to post here starting next week hopefully! Gotta get myself back in this groove ya know? Anyways, thank you everyone for all of your support. I do appreciate every single one of you!


Much loves,



April May?

So, this has been an exciting month! One full of fantastic things and wonderful new additions to my gaming library!  I do apologize for the lack of reviews, as I’ve been into the Switch and BotW stuff going on as well as working a lot more! I’ve finally got some free time so I figured I would stop by and let you all know that I’m still alive and well!!!


So, this is actually going to be a rather short blog post since there’s isn’t that much new stuff going on in the life of Lily, and that’s OK! 😀


I’m fairly sure I’ve made a post regarding our Discord but we have an “offical” one now! Basically meaning I made a discord channel and everyone is invited to join!!! Chat with others or just stop by and say hi! I want to talk to all of you guys!!! I will post the link below!

With regards to streaming, I’ve started that up after a few weeks of being gone. My schedule has shifted to morning streams for the time being, but I will keep up with the schedule! WHOOT!!!!

Long story short guys, I’ve managed a way to work around me new schedule and I got this under control now! I can’t wait to hear from you all!!!

Join the official UMG discord!!

Stream Update and everything fancy goin’ on!!!

Hello and happy end of the month and exciting new things and everything!! This is a special blog post for all of you guys who watch my stream! Stuff is going to be changing a little bit with regards to the stream!

I’m throwing way more games in the mix! Mount Runs will still be a thing in my stream, but I’ve decided it’s time to shy away from being the WoW girl we all know and expand a little bit. I’ve added some 3ds games to my list as you’ve noticed! Right now it’s a matter of finding what ones are supported where and find the happy median!! Though I do enjoy WoW, and I don’t think that will ever change. I want to go back to being a full variety streamer 😀 I am open to any and all game suggestions!!!

Twitch has a loyalty program now! You earn points for every 10 minutes you watch the stream and you can redeem the points for songs, invites and all of that fun stuff! As with everything, I want your guys to tell me what I can do to improve 😀 If you want to see a reward just shoot me an email!!! For those watching and Beam and Youtube, I”m working on getting one set up for you guys so don’t worry!!!

This kind of goes with the next streaming point.  I’m going to have different themes of a sort for the streams!!! I’m going to have Q&A streams while playing games. All I do ask, and I will say this every stream, keep them civil and not perverted please. 🙂 I don’t think that’s hard to ask. All stream rules will apply as well.

The biggest news of them all! There is now an official UnicornMuffin Games Discord that I open for all to join!!!

So with all of this being said I’ll let your eyes rest 😀 Hope everyone has a great March and I’ll see you later today during the live stream!!!!

Open to any and all suggestions! Shoot me an email and let’s talk!!!!


So, I promise you guys I’ve written about 6 reviews, and had them scheduled to post, but they never did and for that, I am so very sorry. It’s not like I did this on purpose at all and I legit feel terrible about it! I hope you can forgive me!!!!!

Hello there!

Man, after a bit of finical issues and shit, I finally got the resources to sit down and play around with a few new games and let you know my review on them! I’m currently typing this in the middle of a  Civ 6 game to bear with me….

The podcast is a topic I wanted to talk about. Due to scheduling conflicts with some of the co-hosts, it’s on haiatis until we can either get something figured out or find a replacement. It’s unclear as to what’s going on right now, but I’ll make sure to keep you all posted!!!

Life has been rough here. But that never let me down 😀 I got to visit with my parents after not seeing them for awhile which was great and why I was absent this week from streaming. On top of, my computer liked to Bluescreen! BUT all of this aside, there’s 3 reviews in the making about hopefully many many more to come! So I just wanted to let you guys know that I”m still alive and here!

May showers bring…wait what?

So May is almost here, and with that, new games are arriving! How exciting! With the start of the new month, brings the start of a few updates and changed to UnicornMuffinTV, UnicornMuffin Games and Fallen Wish Art!!!

Let’s begin with Lily! Oh hey that’s me!!! It’s been a fun and exciting April for me! We got our Podcast off to a fantastic start and added another to the crew. Who could ask for something as epic as that?  Me? Or am I just the only one? Hmm I don’t know anymore!!!

So now it’s time for the news everyone is probably super interested in. What changes are coming?!Before I start, Take a big deep breath. It’s nothing bad, I promise!!!

The biggest change I have to announce is that UnicornMuffin Games is now a part of a Podcast, in case anyone missed the news! I am one of the host on 8-Bit Podcast. This is an entertainment podcast around the subject of gaming. We have various topics we go over as well as have debates and discussions.


There is a link in our Contact page for those interested in seeing the past episodes. We are live every Tuesday 10 am Central Standard Time on ! So come support us and enjoy some good laughs 😀


As always, I want to thank every single one of you for your support! I do it all for you guys!!! 😀

So yeh

I’m going to actually try to do a montly blog to keep you guys in the loop with what’s going on and some other neat stuff that’s happening!


I’d like to start off by saying that so far, 2016 has been a fun year with many new titles released and ready to play and that you are all awesome fans! I wouldn’t be here with out you!


Thanks for all your support and everything! You’re the best!!!!

Starting up a podcast

You all heard that right, and as I’m typing this blog out to you all, I’m editing the audio file and then I will post it! How epic is that?

A good friend and I have started up a podcast. We’re calling it 8 bit podcast 😀 Our first episode  wasn’t rehearsed and I enjoyed making it and there’s more to come! How exciting!


Right now just doing some last minute editing but then I’ll have it up and running for you guys to listen to and download. It’s Free too 😀

WHHAAAAAATTTT FREE?!?!?! Hell yeah guys! Donations are accepted but this podcast is totally free 😀

I Have Returned!