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I am a big fan of Minecraft and Technic. I like the idea of building things and surviving. There is one thing that this game lacks. Guns. Now in Hexxit you can have guns, I’m very aware of that. But Common…a Minecraft-esk game with guns, helicopters, tanks and other awesome vehicles that you can ride around in and kill people? Yes please!

The controls can be a bit buggy and can hinder your game play slightly but when they work and when you aren’t being shot at, the game is very fun!

There is one interesting bug where you get stuck in a helicopter. Flying around waving your arms in the air going “Wheee I’m flying a helicopter!” Admit it, you’d do it. How can you not?

The guns are fairly accurate..some way more than others…and more then they should be. As with any FPS, You have the “no scope head shot” people and those “HAXOR NOOB” people.

During my game play, as well as watching my friend play, there were people who seemed to be cheated. They’d get shot in the head and not die ( Oh yeah if you get shot in the head in this game you’re dead.)

Other then the controls being silly and some of the people who can’t seem to enjoy the game with out being a cheater, I give this game a 8/10 Lily points. Check it out!!  =D

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Technic Pack: Hexxit

Can’t decide if you want to play with Chocobos or build awesome things? Why not both? You can’t really go wrong with it. Can you? Personally, I don’t think so because these are two of my favorite things =D

I have played Hexxit enough to know that it’s Minecraft with chocobos. I get that. So there’s not much to say. We ran our own server and I took over a castle and made it my home.  In my castle I had a house a farm and animals. Whoot! I literally never had to leave my house which was cool.

The boss fights are pretty different! There’s some rares that walk around too. Each boss actually has a strategy to them! Some are weapon to magic others you have to throw stuff at them. There was a lot of thought put into this system! Each drops a special time. When you finish dungeons, bosses drop trophies! They can be a weapon specific to that boss or a miniature of them!

The new area: a beautiful colorful forest! Naga and Hydra reign over the area of multicolored glowing trees! It’s quite a sight! If you are known to have lag problems with Minecraft then this wouldn’t be the best place for you to visit. I had trouble the first time I went there and died.

Some of the mechanics of Hexxit were a little broken. Sometimes their mystery doors would glitch out and I would get stuck. That was super annoying. I’m not one for cheating into creative mode to help escape sticky situations but I didn’t want to die because of that. It was just silly.

The chocobo’s are also a little glitchy too. Several times I would lose control of them while riding them,  though it was exciting to go where they took you it was annoying at times. Regardless, they were so fun to ride!

There is still so much more to Hexxit then I can put to words! It’s defiantly worth playing if you enjoy Minecraft and like new things in the MC universe!

Hexxit gets a 7/10 Lily Points! It’s really worth playing but not if you can’t handle glitches and dying a lot. Learn the strategies and how to play and you’ll be golden! Like a Carrot =D