
Archives for : Blogs

We now have a Steam Group!

Keep up to date with all the fancy things We do here and UnicornMuffin Games! All are welcome to join and you even have a chance to play with us! How exciting?!

May the Fourth

This time every year, I get super excited. Normally I have the day off so I can enjoy all of the Star Wars movies, but today I do have to work. It’s a slightly sad day but that’s ok! The fact that I can enjoy the day with you guys and my friends makes it alright working!

So with all of that being said, The next reviews are in the making and I will post one of them today and get back in the groove.

May the Fourth be with you!1

UnicornMuffin does the Ice Bucket Challenge

Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter!

Super fun news guys! The first edition of the UnicronMuffin Games newsletter will be going out Tomorrow! This is both exciting and scary at the same time! =D So, if you’re a member of my website, you’ll get happy to know that they will go out the first of February at 00:01 (That’s a minute after midnight)
If you are not a member, then what are you waiting for? It’s easy to do! The website has more updates and fun topics then my tumblr! But don’t fret! If you don’t want to join my website, you can still sign up for the news letter.

Please note: If you do not receive and email and have requested to get the newsletter, please email and explain what’s going on!
I also would like to tell you guys that this email is a easy way to reach me if you have suggestions, questions and even if you want to chat! =D

So until then, stay awesome my friends! And I hope you all enjoy the news letter! There’s going to be a HUGE announcement on it!!! So, Stay tuned!

Donate Button

Hey guys!

I’m sure you have noticed the little button on our Menu Bar that says Donate! I’m sure you’re wondering why it’s there!

UnicornMuffin Games is something that I had planned to do for a very long time. I would like to do this as a full time job, as I am currently unemployed. This has been a dream of mine for a very long time!

If you can donate, that would be appreciated! But please, do not feel pressured to donate!


As always, I want to thank you all for your support. This wouldn’t exists if it wasn’t for your guys, my awesome fans!



January Update

Brr! January sure is cold here!!! And with that comes snow, Ice and other wintery goodness!

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and brought in the New Year with a BANG! We sure did!


With the begining of a new year brings the new Video Game Era. With the release of the Next Gen Consoles, many people have been staying inside their nice warm house and relaxing.


We here at UnbicornMuffin Games have been hard at work playing games for you guys and give you the 101 about them! This month We have a lot of games lined up! From PC to Mobile! You can expect an exciting review every monday from yours truly!


I have fallen a wee bit behind on some of the videos due to the holidays as well as being sick! But don’t worry! I am feeling SO much better and will be catching up on my sick days!!!


If you have any game suggestions, comment below or send us an Email at!


As always, don’t forget to like, subscribe and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!


Let’s bring in the New Year Right!!!

Happy New Year!

Frohes neues Jahr
Happy new year!


With the end of 2013, we would like to remind you guys that this year has been very exciting in the gaming world. Many games have been released as well as the next generation consoles!  We hope that 2014 brings even more enticing games (who am I kidding, it will!!!) and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Be safe and enjoy the beginning of the new year! See you all Friday!

The UnicornMuffin Games team

Happy Holidays from Us!

Hello everyone! With the holidays coming up this week, the UnicornMuffin Team is spending this week with their family and friends. This being said, there is going to be no new video this week.


We here at UnicornMuffin Games want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and hope you have a happy and safe New Year! Bring 2014 in on a wonderful note and hope the year is good to you all.

December Update

Merry December everyone! With the new month comes some pretty exciting news! For those who have been keeping up to date with everything, you know that I have lost my job. Though it sucks and puts a strain on my spending, I couldn’t be happier. My job kind of sucked…But that’s enough about that. If you want to hear more, you know how to reach me!


I also got a early present. A brand new computer =D How awesome is that? Games run more smoothly and more pretty so I can expand to some of the newer games and get to play them in Ultra settings =D I can’t wait to play more!


As  it sits right now, I will be absent for a few days when it comes closer to Christmas. And I will not be posting a new Review, video nor will I be streaming as I will be spending time with my parents and family. I miss them a lot since I moved and I don’t get to see them as often, so what time I get to spend with them is precious to me =3


So what can you look forward to this month? How about Alice: Madness returns, Borderlands 2 Psycho review, and a few other secret games. I’m also doing a run through of a few videos for my Friday videos as well as working on a nice little video for you all that is a even bigger secret =D Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


Now, with all of you guys subscribing, liking and everything, I think it’s time to have some fun! What do you think? I’m holding an art contest. I want you to draw what you think a UnicornMuffin in =D The winner will have their artwork turned into my new Icon and gets to play a game with me =3 How cool is that? I can’t wait to see what you guys draw for me =D


To send me your artwork, please email them to me at make sure you check your emails for a reply from me! The contest will end the 18th is  December =D Winners will be announced the 20th.  So send me those pictures!!!!!!!


That’s all for December!! If you haven’t, and boo on you, please Subscribe to here, Follow me on twitter and like me on facebook =3 Help get my name out there and expand the UnicornMuffin team =D


Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving from the Unicornmuffin Games team =D We are thankful for you guys helping make this a successful team and can’t wait for what there is to come =D Hope you all have a wonderful time and get to spend it with loved ones =D

I’m not sure what tomorrow is going to hold for me, I do believe I’m getting “dragged” out to go shopping but I will defiantly try to get a video up for you guys =D

We want to know if you had a awesome Thanksgiving too! What did you eat? Hmm Turkey hopefully =D Do you have any strange traditions?