
Archives for : Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey guys! I wanted to take the time to write this month’s blog and catch up on what I’ve missed, and what you’ve missed. I want to start off with wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you spend it with your loved ones and enjoy being in their company. The holidays are about spending time with your family. Cherish the time you have. 🙂  Each year, we open our house to those who can’t be with their loved ones, and it’s been a tradition for quite a few years. I always make enough to feed everyone that come over. I just want my friends to know how much I truly care about them. Everyone is special to me. Everyone matters.


Now that this is out of the way, how is everyone doing? It’s been awhile since I’ve posted things. Due to the holidays and everything, work has been quite busy and time consuming. I’ve barely had enough time to play games. I picked up Pokemon Leaf Green again, only to restart it because for some reason, all that was in my possession was a Kakuna haha.  According to my Pokedex, I had a lot of other Pokemon captured and even had my Charmander evolve.  So who knows what happened haha.


In my down time, when I’m not playing games, I have picked up writing my book again. So far, from the tidbits I’ve released to close friends, I’m headed in the right direction. I’ve done quite a few stories in the past, all can be read on my Deviant art.  I’m rather excited to be honest about working on these types of things again. I rather enjoy writing and bringing my fantasy world to life. With that being said, I haven’t forgotten about streaming of gaming.  It’s just a matter of time.


With regards to streaming, I’m going to make an attempt to stream me making Harry Potter robes I was commissioned to make by a friend of mine for their kids Christmas presents. I’m working on a way to get good camera angles so I can get everything perfect for the stream. I feel like this is a good opportunity to show off I’m more than just a streamer and an artist. Haha. But we’ll see.


For those of you who don’t know about the recent addition to the UnicornMuffin Family…I’m proud to announce that I now own a cat…or rather I’m now owned by a cat. Happy has been in my house for a little over the month now. I have never thought of my self as a cat person, but I have fallen in love with this little fur ball. She was a stray living outside of our house for about a week before it started to get super cold. I brought her inside, took her to the vet and waited a fair bit of time for someone to claim her before I took her as my own. She’s a little under a year old and has been such a good kitty. I’m very lucky to have her in my life.


All in all, November has been eventful, exciting and everything else. I hope the month is treating you all well, and I can’t wait to get into this new schedule with you guys! As always, I appreciate every single one of you. Don’t forget, if you have any game suggestions, or just want to reach out, feel free to send me an email at .


Happy November everyone <3

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving from the Unicornmuffin Games team =D We are thankful for you guys helping make this a successful team and can’t wait for what there is to come =D Hope you all have a wonderful time and get to spend it with loved ones =D

I’m not sure what tomorrow is going to hold for me, I do believe I’m getting “dragged” out to go shopping but I will defiantly try to get a video up for you guys =D

We want to know if you had a awesome Thanksgiving too! What did you eat? Hmm Turkey hopefully =D Do you have any strange traditions?