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Animal Crossing: New Horizon

I’m going to be honest in the start of this review. I haven’t really sat and played a REAL Animal Crossing game. I have kind of half assed played them and then I got tired of being yelled at by not showing up every day. This is what happened with Nintendogs too. So it’s not just this game. There’s something about this one though that really makes it something I want to play everyday. Whether it’s talking to people or spending bells. This one just feels better.

So let’s start off with the story. I mean it’s not a long one. Tom wants to try out Island life with you. Your goal is to make this island rock everyone’s socks off. Easy enough yea?? That’s it. Tom does go on to explain new things to the game….

Nook Miles are something new added to the game that’s an additional currency in the game. You get them for completing achievements or for jut doing everyday things like talking to villagers or fishing. These points can be used for a few things. New items, new clothes, Bells or for tickets to travel. The traveling is the fun part if you ask me. You travel to random islands where you can meet potential villiagers or new fruits. YOu can also get special fish and items as well by traveling around them.. Just make sure that you don’t leave anything you want to keep behind. Once you leave the island you cannot come back.

Crafting is a lot of fun in this game. you can learn many recipes through your villagers, the Nook Shopping and your friends. You can also shoot them from the sky or find them on your beach. I really wish you could craft multiple things at once, but holding down A speeds everything up and then you have to go through the dialog again. It’s a mixed feeling that’s for sure. But it’s not too bad honestly, just a little annoying.

With the game only being out for a few weeks, I haven’t had the chance to experience a lot of the holidays or seasonal changes. But so far they are pretty dynamic and spring with the cherry blossoms have been super pretty. Bunny day is here in a few days so I can’t wait for that one either. If the other holidays are like this one then I’m excited.
I really like the idea of a little world. It’s by itself but at the same time it’s not. Friends, villagers and you make it something special. The amount of time you put into this game is a lot and somehow, I feel like I can’t ever finish it. I fine more things I want to do, more places to explore. Everything. It’s so neat and just exciting.

Playing with friends is a lot more fun now. One thing that kind of gets me is you can’t swap bugs and fish with them so you just have to wish them luck if they want something you fished up. In my close group of friends we keep everyone up to date on what’s in our stores and our turnip prices so we can get things we like and make them sick bells!

Anything can come true in this game. You make your own style or just be whoever you want to be. There are costumes and clothes for almost anything thing you want. Like today I got some Togas because why not! Maybe I want to host a Toga party or eat a salad. Who knows! I don’t! There are so many silly things you can get but honestly, with being able to change everything about my character, I can change my looks with how I feel. If I want to be a bunny, I can. Geisha? Got it. Power Ranger? Hell to the yeah!! It’s endless. With those as well as custom designs you can be whatever you want to be!

I have nothing but praise for this game to be honest with you guys. Sure there are a few things that I might not like but they don’t effect the game that much. I can go on and one how I rather enjoy the fact I can change every aspect of my character whenever I want and have it be free. Or how I can fish or collect bugs all day and be happy. I can lose myself in this game and as quickly as I do, I can come back to the real world and go about my day.

Animal Crossing is a GOTY contender for me for 2020 as well as a 9/10 Bell rating. Everything is great about the game. I do wish there was a little more you can do with your friends and a little more you can give them. But I love this game and I don’t regret anything about it!!! 😀

Want to check out the game for yourself? Check it out here!

Yoshi’s Crafted World

So, I need to be honest with you guys for a minute here. Unless this is a game I have been looking forward to for a year, or know the series itself is amazing I hardly every buy a game at launch. But here I am, writing this review about a game that launched today, so you can kind of guess what happened.

Let’s start off by saying it was very dead at work today, so I brought out my switch and was like “Why not try out Yoshi, it’ll be a great way to kill time before my relief gets here so I’ll have someone to talk to. It took me about 5 minutes of playing before I realized I needed to get this game in my life. This game NEEDED to join my library…and that’s what happened. heh….This is so unlike me, and normally I’ll wait a but but I just knew, this game needed to come home with me.

So let’s start with the story, as always there’s the bad guy. In this game it’s Baby Boswer and Kamek want to have all of the gems for themselves and end up getting into a tug of war of sorts with several Yoshi causing the stone to basically say screw it and burst all the tiny stones all over this new world. So you, brave little Yoshi, get to go on an adventure and pick up all the stones before Baby Bowser and Kamek.

So here I am, picking WHATEVER COLOR YOSHI I WANT to start the game off with and they throw you into the map area, and you can see where all the stones landed. You then go through the different levels to get the stones and then ya win the game, or something like that. That seems about right hehe. I was rather shocked that I could pick between about 6 or 7 different yoshi and they’re interchangeable throughout the game. Sick of being pink? Blue Yoshi will happily take over. Don’t want to be on Mellow mode? Fantastic! It’s easy to switch.

Wait Mellow mode? What’s that you ask? It’s a easier way to play the game. You’re able to fly around a little and enemies don’t deal as much damage. I found myself wanting to use Mellow mode when I have the switch as a handheld as it was hard to for me to see what was happening around me and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to die or something like that. Ya know, being lazy haha I’m kidding. When I got home thought I did turn it off and was able to enjoy the game like normal. I do enjoy that I can swap whenever I want between modes, it helped during a few parts to not get flustered.

So each map is different and filled with so many cute decorations it was hard for me to focus at first, Everything looks like something you could make out of everyday things and I think that is one of the few things that just made this game something I wanted. To top that off, all of the costumes are unique to the zones your in and are a barrier of sorts. Each costume as a set number of times it can be hit before it disappears, almost like a shield of sorts. Once you use up all of that costume, you’ll have to remember to reequip it before the next round or you won’t start off with it (poo) There are so many costumes to collect it’s insane. The fact that they added Amiibo support expands that closet EVEN more! My Yoshi is a cute little Poochy now with the amiibo from Poochy and Yoshi’s Wooly World 😀

Each level has many different puzzles for you to figure out using your eggs, and enemies to solve them. The game gives you hints on where the flowers are, but that’s about it. Are they above or below you? Maybe in a hidden event? Figure it out man. The idea that this game had me thinking about the same level as Captain Toad was fascinating. I rarely found myself frustrated with the game. Even if I managed to die several times in a row, or get stuck, the fun factor reminded for quite awhile.

The reverse side of the maps is fun too. It’s neat to go in reverse and see the area through a while new angle. I wish I could enjoy the map more personally. I say it like that because the reverse side is a timed quest to find all of the Poochy puppies. Now, you can totally ignore the time limit and just explore but if you want the reward that’s attatched to the area, you’ll have to obey the rules. Each poochy is hidden pretty well or sometimes not at all. Most of the time it’s a little bit of problem solving to find the pup and get him safely following you with a gentle smack of an egg or it’s brethren,

Each area doesn’t feel like the last one. With new types of bosses and new puzzles it kept my interest for hours on end. I struggled very hard to put my switch down. One more level I’d tell myself, and three later I’d realize what I’ve done. With the different ways to go about the problem solving required to finish, I just never felt bored. I loved how much I had to use my poor brain that was getting dusty from Pokemon Let’s go. Haha.

All in all, I love this game, The fact that it just has you do so many things and I never felt like a total failure (there was one time but I don’t have time to get into it ;P ) I love the collection of costumes and how unique every single one is special to the area as well as events (amiibo support btw!!!) I can’t wait to unlock everything in the game costume wise and it’s paining me to sit here and type this instead of playing the game. I’ve never been drawn to a game so quickly before and I think it’s just because of all the different things you can do and they do a lot to ensure you’re having fun.

I give this game a 10/10 Shy Guys. I absolutely love this game, and I love EVERYTHING about it. I highly recommend this game to anyone that has a switch.

Wanna check it out for yourself?

On a side note, I’m still working on some of the other reviews from some older games. This was just a very unexpected turn of events and I just had to get this down. I hope ya guys understand 🙂

South Park: Fractured but Whole

It feels like I’ve been waiting three years for this amazing sequel to join my life and give me hope great offensive games are still out there. I mean, not that I got old of running around as the King and farting on everyone and being a master of everything. But I’ve been waiting for this game for quite a long time and I’m happy to have it.


I don’t really want to get into too much plot details because I don’t want to spoil this masterpiece for you guys, but I do have to talk about some bits. But I do have to talk about some bits, do bear with me.


Cats have gone missing in the town with ample parking day or night and it’s up to Coon and Friends to find the missing cats and defeat Chaos in the process, but you aren’t invited to play.  🙁 But what is the King to do? Crash the super hero party, duh.


You start off getting your super powers, at the time there are three to choose from. I went the Blaster Route which seemed to hit quite well but you also have Speedster and Brutalist. Each class has it’s own perks like the Speedster can get two moves while the Brutalist can bash your face in. Each class from then on just adds to the excitement that is the combat system.


As you progress through the story you unlock more and more classes which give you quite a bit of customization when it comes to Who are you Douchebag? Who are you really? The classes range from close combat to Ranged with heals. I’m a tank/Ranged DPS Personally so I went with the ranged healing classes I could find. I rather enjoy kicking butt at a safe distance and then healing any damage I, or my group takes.

Did I say excitement? I really do mean that. Sometimes though, I will admit, it got very repetitive and when more enemies jump into the fight I did get frustrated but all in all I rather enjoy this combat system. Each character and NPC brings chaos lava and macaroni Star of Davids to the fight to aid them in the fierce battles a head.  To go into the combat more….let’s start with the battlefield. It’s a grid based system much like you would see when you are playing a table top game. Each player has a set amount of moves and their attacks have a certain range. For those “casting” attacks, the areas are marked on the field so you can easily avoid them or cause some friendly fire 😉 Healing in this game is also a lot more fun and almost every class has some sort of heal or can use all the items to heal you or a friend. The best part is YOU control your team!


The NPC’s in the battle also act like they are being controlled by a human, scrolling through all their attacks and find the perfect one to destroy you with….or at least try. Bravo guys! This was most def a very imersive system!

The last thing I want to comment on combat wise were the ultimate.  During combat, you have the option after every enemy hitting you, you hit a button and gather power for an ultimate that any of your party can use. One can be used for a major DPS attack, a giant heal or a cute Guinea pig in  Pirates hate. You decide!!! This made me pay attention a little more in combat phases, though sometimes I would drift off.


So let’s get back to the story. Like the last game, there are a bunch of side quests you can take to help  get you into the game more as well as enhance it. I rather enjoyed all of the little things like finding the drug lords and collecting all the Yaoi (I just wish there was a gallery for the pictures, some of them were too cute.

The mini game were a lot of fun as well, mastering the toilets and doing some fancy Fartkour really made this a SP game if you ask me. The crude humor is here to stay and it’s nice to see that all of my neighbors are their usual selves and nothing ‘s changed in the 3 days (years?) since the installment. I really enjoy this game, though I’m not sure if there’s replay value. I’d love to toy around with all the classes and everything but we’ll have to see.


My only real complaint about this game is the fact that there is a season pass. I get it, this is the direction that video game companies are headed and frankly, I find it distasteful. Now you’re probably saying to yourself…SELF, I know she plays WoW. They release stuff for that you have to pay a lot of money for. And you’re right, reader I do. But when in my honest opinion. If it’s a MMO, I’m fine with paying to expansions ect. But if the game has 0 online interaction, why would I need to buy a season pass? There’s no point? I don’t know, but this grinds me gears.

Give me back the days where when you buy a game it was the full game not the “Full” game plus season passes and micro-transactions out the asshole..


But enough standing on my soap box, I’ll save that for my blog.

My poor Fractured butthole enjoyed the time I played, and I recommend this to anyone looking for a fun way to kill some time while you’re waiting for Assassin’s Creed or CoD WW2. This and Shadow of War are good fillers for the next round of games.


Dispite my issue with the season pass, this game get’s a 9/20 Yaoi. I really enjoyed this game but I ended up making an active effort to avoid combat due to the fact it got boring when you did it very often. I loved the story, the characters and just the over all view of this game.


Want to play this game??  Buy it here!