
Archives for : Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

If you’ve played a Mario Kart game, then you know what it’s all about. Pick your favorite character and race against your friends, mortal enemies, or NPC’s to earn point to upgrade and just have plain bragging right. So, what makes this game so fancy? It’s on the Switch, it’s got everything unlocked, and Tanooki Mario is a jerk. A huge JERK! I mean come on! How Dare you get Red and Blue shells! What a butthole…..


So the major thing that I wanted to type about this game, is everything is unlocked by racing. Everything is unlockable through game play so there’s no need to purchase anything extra to enjoy your game, and customize what you can. I will say though, I find it a little easier to use on the Switch, than the Wii U, and easier on my hands than the Wii and the N64..SNES….. Not that I’m dating myself or anything. I’m not old…..I just happen to have flashbacks to the original Rainbow road….*shudders* So, yeah….


The AI are, rather vicious…and I LOVE it! I mean, besides screaming profanity and considering throwing something at Tanooki Mario I realize that the AI knows what to do with the cheap tricks and dumb antics and I mean COME ON! How did they get so good? The Shells? Bombs? PEELS?! How evil…so very very evil….Hissssssss


So, is there anything bad to this game? I mean if you don’t like losing, racing, Mario, Karts, and the number 8 or word Deluxe. Then yes. Yes you will have a bad time. I’m sorry. But if none of that does anything, then fantastic! I have the game for you! Even with the tiny wheels and all 😀 And I mean TINY! So cute 😀


I do want to make it known, they did add a fancy feature to help the newer players. It’s like a Drive assist to help you not well, fall off Painful, I mean Rainbow Road, or into sand or anything bad. I mean, when I’m looking to just have a good time and secretly wish evil things to Tanooki Mario, I like to keep it on when I just want to relax. I mean, it’s possible in Mario Kart……Right?


All in all, it’s the Mario Kart from the Wii U just on a tiny, portable system. I’ve been a huge fan of this series since I was a kid, and I mean there’s not much you can do to mess up a MK game, at least that’s how I feel!

This game get 9/10 Blue Shells. 😀 As angry as I get, I love this game, and so far it’s a great hold over for Super Mario Odyssey 😀

Mario Kart 8

I’ve been a big fan of Mario Kart for years now, since I was about 10 years old. I was first introduced to the Series in the N64 and I fell in love with it. Once I got Toad, there was NO stopping me! Except for Rainbow Road…Yeah that was pretty hard!

With the new installment of Mario Kart, you get to travel to different locations, both new and remastered, and race some old friends and some new ones. Like with each game, the goal is to win the race in 3 laps.  I must say, to actually have the time to sit down and place this, I realized how much I actually miss the other games.  I fancy using the Game Pad instead of controllers (something that I don’t recommend for multi player as the tiny screen splits off and it’s harder to see) so that it’s easier for me to see what’s going on. The Game Pad also lets you see where others are on the race track as well as the score, and of course my favorite part, the horn!!! The controls are easy to get use to, only took me about 1 minutes. A is accelerate, left bumper is item ect ect.

One of the things I found interesting if when you play with more people, the NPC’s get more intelligent when one person is doing better than the others, they don’t tend to go after the better player but seem to harass the players who are following behind.  I feel it to be an incentive to whoop butt, but of course when you start to, the NPC shut you down…Oh well! Just means you have to be first next time!!!

The graphics, oh my gosh, are awesome. N64 Rainbow Road remake is so beautiful. I loved it back in the day but I really love it now! The course itself is still like it was, a wee bit difficult but once I got my grasp, it was a piece of cake! I especially enjoy the looks the characters give when they pass or hit you with an item. Sometimes they are just too funny it’s hard to concentrate on the next race.  For a kids game, they put a lot of time and effort into making it both visually and audio appealing. There is no sound that I don’t like in this game, as there have in the past.  I’m very happy with this game!

Mario Kart 8 is not only a fun installment to the Mario Kart Series, it offers a bit of Nostalgia for those who have been a loyal follower, and an exciting new game for those who are new to the series. I enjoy this game when I have the free time to kill or just to relax with some friends.  The NPC intelligence is very nice but can get super annoying, especially in Multi Player. I love the graphics and music! They’re unique to each Track. player and NPC!

I give this game a 8/10!


The NPC intelligence is very nice but can get super annoying, especially in Multi Player. I love the graphics and music! They’re unique to each Track. player and NPC!