
Archives for : GOTY

Pokemon Let’s go

So hi guys! I am not dead haha. The curse of being a retail worker has caught up with me and with Black Friday this week I have been forced to focus on my job than playing games. I know I know. It sucks but that’s what happens when you make money haha. But that’s ok. I’m going to start off by saying, I have had a lot of requests for Fallout 76. It’s going to be a bit before I get the game. I’m having flashbacks from ESO with this game…I’m sorry. I do plan on purchasing BO4 here shortly, but enough of that. Let’s get into this review.


For those of you who know me, then you’re aware of how much of a Pokemon fan I am. I remember pulling out my TCG and trading them on the playground, or fighting my friends and kicking their butt. I remember getting my first card. It was Ponyta. I got it because my friend knew I like horses, and he had an extra one he could give me. Ever since then, I have loved the series. Something about it, the fact I could do about anything in the game, whether it was to be a trainer, or a breeder. You could learn about all the different Pokemon and felt like YOU were actually changing the world. It was a lot of things that made this game and series special for me.


I have been waiting for this game for awhile, and when I finally got my hands on it, I was elated. Why do you ask? Because the new ideas the game had, and the way it makes the game feel to old veteran players, just spoke it me. It spoke the words of love. As I’m sitting here writing this review, I can’t stop but think I could be playing the game instead of typing on my laptop telling you guys how I feel about this game. But at the same time, I could also be playing the game now and typing one handed. You don’t know what I’m doing. You don’t know me!


Haha all joking aside, let’s get into this review. The story line, is basically the same from the first games, and the remakes.  Stop Team Rocket while you defeat your rival and Blue even shows up to make you feel like you’re doing things. I really like the old school feeling as well as the feel of some of the newer games. Not only do I get to relive my childhood in 3d, I get one of my favorite Pokemon to follow me through my journey.  I rather enjoy the little tidbits or lore, and other story ideas that are added to the game as well. Reading the different dialog from the different people are fantastic.


So what makes the dialog so neat? They refer to the other games, and the other regions.  For example, I came across a trainer that was from the Alolan area, and she talked about how she missed the beauty that was there, but the water on this place is almost as pretty.  The nods to previous games, and to the current ones make it worth talking to everyone.  But, besides talking to people to see what they have to say, some of the special moves from TMs and HMs are only obtainable when you talk to them. So, the idea of having to speak to everyone excites me. I do it anyways, but now I feel like it’s worth it.


Battling in this game is different from the other games. Let’s start with Trainer/Gym/other people. The battle system is the same as it has been. You have the same 4 moves, and there’s some fancy animations for each move. They did add some elite trainers you can fight as well as some Coach Trainers that teach you how to do other moves and how to do things during a fight. The Gym leaders are the total same, with some puzzles added in some of the gyms adding to the fun and excitement.


When it comes to wild pokemon, this is a bit different. Why do you ask? Because you don’t actually fight them. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Lily, I don’t like Pokemon Go, why would I want to play this game if I don’t fight wild pokemon?” Three words for you. Mount Moon Cave. Now, with that being said, let me explain why I like how they changed the wild fights. Instead of walking through tall grass then realizing that you left all your repels in your other bag…Wild Pokemon now just appear and run round so you can avoid them all together and with the actual lack of wild pokemon fights, making them easier to run away from as well. So, now you see why I’m rather fond of this mode.


With the addition of the new Pokeball Plus, it gives you the option to really feel like a real trainer with the option to “throw” the ball to catch the pokemon. On top of that, it’s another controller AND a Pokewalker. You know that little devide from Heart Gold ans Soul Silver? Yeah, you can totally take pokemon out with you. They will call out to you for attention an give you gifts along your trip. I couldn’t help but get one of these, and I am so excited that I did!!!


All in all, this is a Pokemon game. It’s a great one and perfect for those starting their adventure and veterans alike. I feel like this is a good title, and up there with Super Mario Party and, dare I say, Red Dead Redemption 2. There’s only been a handful of pokemon games that I didn’t know, and only a few I feel very passionate about. This is one of those titles that I am passionate about.


Check out the Nintendo website or any game selling store to pick up your copy. If you’re lucky enough, get the ball too! TOTALLY worth it!


I give this game 10\10 rare candy. I literally can’t tell you how special this game is to me without sounding like a child. I absolutely enjoy this game and I can’t seem to put it down.  I highly recommend this game if you’re into the series and own a switch!

Sushi Striker: Way of Shushido DS

So this review is for the DS version of the game. I haven’t had a chance yet to play it on the Switch so I can’t really comment on it. I’m going to assume the story line is the same. But, let’s get this review started with this delicious review!!!


The story behind this game is a very unique one, a story that I could totally get behind! So, long story short, your parents went off to fight a war to make sushi available. While trying to find food, you come across a Sushi Striker of sorts who helps you enjoy the taste of the raw fish delicacy before introducing you to a Sushi Spite that helps make sushi! Suddenly you are ambushed by the Empire ( Dun dun dun) where you fight them off and learn the basics of what it means to be a sushi striker. Eventually you get your own sprite and you go off on your own to win back the right for Sushi for everyone!

It’s a healthy mix of Pokemon, Digimon and Candy Crush….something I never thought I would say in the same sentence. Like really. I honestly don’t like the game Candy Crush, but I fell in love with this game. You have to put several of the same color sushi plates together in order to empty your plate WHICH YOU THEN throw at your foe, dealing more damage the more plates you have. Each sprite has their own strengths that you can use and special skills to help you out, or really mess up your foe. I will admit, I found the healing one to be a little weak end game, but the same color attack made it easy to score a HUGE pile of plates to just chuck at my foe. Poor guy probably doesn’t even know what hit him. I mean a small child throwing plates?  Eh it happens.


It’s a quick pace puzzle type game that really strives on the excitement of the matching and throwing rather then the story. I’ll be honest, it a typical be the hero of the country and save the world from the evil government and let’s eat sushi!


This game, thought similar to games I don’t really like, honestly get’s a 9/10 from me.  I had a hard ass time putting it down when I got it and I still do now. If it wasn’t for WoW: BFA I would probably be sleeping with my 3DS for awhile before I finish the game!! I highly recommend it if you’re looking for fast, puzzles and just some cute animals!!!

Want to play?


Super Mario Oddesy

There’s going to be several reviews for some older games on here for a few weeks. I apologize in advanced :3 Forgive me >.<~<3

Man, I really don’t know where to start with this game.  I also mean this in a good way. This is a game that has gotten a lot of hype over the year and every Mario and Nintendo fan was waiting for the next real Mario game. I mean let’s face it. Mario and Rabbids was alright but no replay value and RTS FPS? Really? Sorry, we’ll do this at a different time…really. I promise.


So, I want to start this off with the controls, because I feel like I can spice things up a little with chaning the order I do review, but I want I also want to make this a topic that you should cnsider when getting this game…It really uses the Joy Cons the way they were meant to be used with out taking away from the game itself, but fear not as you can also use the Pro Contoller, Hari Pad and any other sort of device on your switch without losing a lot of the aspects of Cappy and his sick tricks!


So, going back to the actual controls, you can control what Cappy does with a flick of a wrist or even a push of a button, you have all of control. To do a sick spin, move your wirst one way, to do a sicker spin move it the other way. I feel like they really used the Joycons and I feel like it made the game more fun.


There’s a decent amount of puzzles and problem solving in the game as well. Figuring out how to get the extra moons and get from one area to the next kind of makes you think. With the many different ways you can use Cappy, it makes the game a lot more fun and added elements that just make the Mario games more rich and fun to play.  I like games that make me actually THINK instead of “this is your objective. go here. Good gamer. Here’s your treat”

So, what does Cappy do? Boy…let me tell you. First, he gives you the option to jump on him, throw him spin him ect ect ect. But the most important part if you can use Cappy to take control of other creatures or objects!! The video with the T-rex with the mustache? Real. Mario turning into a ball of energy? Real. Goomba? Yes. Frogs? Ribbit! Almost everything living (or electrical) can be Mario! I love how unique this is and how literally every creature has it’s own powers and ways to play. Bravo guys! This is an amazing element to the game!!!

I will admit, I didn’t use any walk through or stuff during my initial play through. I wanted to experience everything in the raw. But when I got stuck, I was amazed on how many things I MISSED while playing. Luckily you’re able to go back and do them. Phew! With so much to do after you finish, this game was well worth the 60 USD and much more!


The story line is really the same as all of the other Mario games. Peach gets captured and you have to save her ect ect ect. I mean you get to crash a wedding and if you get the Peach Amiibo you can have Mario is a wedding dress. So that’s pretty fun. There’s not really much more to the story. I mean you meet Cappy and he tells you about the Odyssey and how it’s powered and what to do. But then it’s straight back to “Save the Princess Mario!”


All in all, I loved the game. I still do. It’s one of the few Switch games I own currently and so far I don’t regret it. Hopefully that won’t change 😀


I give Super Mario Odyssey 7/10 moons. I love the challenge, the puzzles and the game play.  It’s a fun game with decent replay value and so many hidden things you have to explore! Check it out!

Want to play this game?
Check out any game retailer or you can go here and get a digital copy for your switch!