Man, has this been a year or what? Everything going on and what not has really worn me out. But I’m sure you’re wondering what has been going on? I haven’t been streaming, posting or much of anything the past few months. I’m very sorry. I can assure you that I have a good reason 🙂 With out any more delay here we go!
2020 has been rough on a lot of us, with everything going on it was a little hard for me to stay positive and with my town shutting down it was harder to see the bright side. But, that was last year. This year I have some big things to talk about, and I hope you get excited for them as well!!!
To start, I have offically decided that I will be a WoW Streamer. So a majority of my streams will be in World of Warcraft. But don’t worry! I will throw in some other games randomly, so check my weekly schedule! I will try to keep it up to date. I also added a basic schedule that gives you an idea of what my streamss will be like going forward. I’m so excited to get this going!
I also want to add, that I have also decided to call my followers guildmates, or guildies for short. Subscribers will be my Hardcore raiders and so forth. I am also going to be redoing some badges to reflect this status as well so look forward to all of that madness!
I am also going to keep up with my blogging, reviews and everything else. I still have a back log of reviews from last year I need to get out so I will be doing my best to do so in a timely fashion! This does bring up another point that I wanted to talk about and go into why they were delayed.
After one of my last blog posts, I had started to fall ill. Towards the end of December I had a covid scare where I had lost my ability to taste and smell for several weeks on top of feeling like total garbage. There wasn’t a lot I could have done during this time but I will do my best to make up for it this year! Trust me 😀
I am happy to have you all with me and I’m so happy to have a journey with you guys in 2021. Thank you for being a guildie and I hope to go on many adventures with you guys! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me at lily@unicornmuffin.TV