
Archives for : 3DS

Minecraft 3DS Edition

Man…I’m not sure what to feel about this game. I am all for Minecraft, and I use to when I’m trying to clear my mind. So when I heard this edition was coming out, I was all for it.


Now, this may be because I’m slightly older than the intended players, so I guess I found it a little difficult.  Though it’s just like the other minecraft games, the one thing I found difficult was using the c-stick the look around, other then that everything made sense.


Now, if you’re looking for a minecraft game, this is perfect, once you get used to the C-stick. It’s just like Final Fantasy Explorers and Monster Hunter 4.


It’s a great time killer and overall a great game. But it wasn’t my cup of tea. I still have it to play once in awhile but I think I’m going to stick with my PC version of MC 🙂


My honest rating is 7/10 thought I don’t like it, I like Minecraft itself. And just because I don’t like one thing about it doesn’t make this a bad game. Literally once I got used to the c-stick it was pretty fun.

Bravely Default

I have been very excited for this game. I was lucky enough to get a chance to play this game, and I must say. This is one of my 2014 top picks.

The game has Final Fantasy feel to it, so I was instantly in love with it. The story line was well written and the players were adorable and powerful.

The game play itself is rather easy to get a hold of. You can do regular attack, Bravely attacks as well as Default/defense. When you attack with Bravery, you’re basically getting multiple attacks.  So it’s good in a lot of battles. Default is really a big defense you have. Both are on a slight cool down.  There are 23 jobs to choose from in the game and I found the Thief to be the most fun. One thing I did notice is that it can be sort of a grind fest sometimes with getting enemies and quests that can be a little too difficult for your level. I do recommend though, getting a few levels before you try to do anything. It will help you out in the long run.

The graphic aspect of this game is pretty awesome. I really liked the game with the 3D on, I found that it makes it a little easier to find your way around the city. Fighting and running in the map looks very nice in 3D as well. It is a very Anime-esk style of game like a few of the hand-held Final Fantasy Games. Each Job having their own unique outfit helps as well with feeling the job.

Once you get a hang on them, the controls are simple and mindless. You use the Stick to move, Left Bumper for Bravely and Right Bumper for Default. It’s pretty standard for a game.

I give this game a thumbs up! I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to pick it up! The intense battles and the opening of new Jobs there’s so much of this game to explore!

This games get 8/10. I felt that this game repeated itself a little too much sometimes and grinding isn’t one of my favorite things to do. But the Good outweighs the bad!!


Also, I do want to apologize for not posting a review last week. There were somethings going on that prevented me from making a review!!!


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Square Enixt and its subsidiaries.