
Archives for : 2019

Lily’s GOTY 2019

So, looking back at everything I realized that I totally didn’t mark every game I wanted at a GOTY. So this is going to be a thing I do every year now where I look back on my games and tell you “yeah this was such a good game! 😀 So, with that being said! Here’s my list of games that are my top 10 with my GOTY Seal of 2019

Some of these games I may not have a review for yet, but they’re coming if there’s on here. I’m sorry for the delay!

1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
2. Yoshi’s Crafted World
3. Kingdom Hearts III
4. BloodStained
5. Cat Quest
6. Resident Evil 2 Remake
7. Far Cry: New Dawn
8. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
9.Dark Pictures: Man of Medan
10.Sinking City (Fuck Epic)

Honorable Mentions:
1. Pokemon Sword/Shield
2. Devil May Cry 5
3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare
4. Beatsaber
5. No Man’s SKy
6.The Outer Worlds
7. Dead or Alive 6
8. Jump Force
9. Tetris 99
10. Borderlands 3

Biggest Flops:
1. Fallout 76
2. Anthem
3. WWE 2K20
4. Left Alive
5. Crackdown 3
6. Fallout 76

Games I am looking forward to in 2020:
1. Final Fantasy 7 Remake
2. Halo Infinite
3. Cyberpunk 2077
4. Doom Eternal
5. Gods and Monsters
6. Vampire: The Masquerade 2
7. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
8. Ori and the Will of the Wisps
9. No More Heroes 3
10: LOZ; Breath of the Wild 2

So, those are my lists guys? Agree or disagree it’s alright 🙂 Feel free to comment below with that YOU think should be on the lists! What’s YOUR GOTY? Your Flops? What are YOU looking forward to in 2020?

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

So, this is a review that I really wanted to wait for because I quite literally wanted to make sure I played this game so I could write about everything you can do. Oh man, it’s worth it I promise.

So, going to be honest with you I have go to play most parts of this game, the only thing I couldn’t get to yet was the Marriage. So when I get to this part, I will post an update 😀

This is my first Fire Emblem game since the GameCube, so when I saw this was coming out for the switch I was excited! The storylines are just how i remember. They’re super detail orientated as well as let you go your own path if you want. There is just so much to do in this game that it’s just so hard to make a review.

So let’s start with the story. It’s amazing. The amount of everything they included is great. Each month there’s always something going on whether it’s a fight or a party. Every character seems to have a very special role in the game as well. They’re not just thrown in there to take up space. As you go on with the game, and listen and pay attention you can find out what makes everyone tick. Each house leader had their own problems as well and as they grow, they effect the outcome of your game. All in all with out spoiling anything (since the game has so much replay and so much to do ) it’s well worth the money.

When you interact with the other people in the game, you can hurt or make a relationship with them. If you don’t care to know anything about anyone, you might not have a good reputation with them, and they wont help you out. However, if you take the time to learn the likes and dislikes of certain people you can end up getting them into you House. I’ve done that with a few people that weren’t in a house, and it makes combat a lot more fun. I’m just sad to cycle out some people but they always seemed to want nothing to do with learning or anything. So what’s best for the house.

Combat is another amazing thing this game has to offer. the various classes you can pick from and how you get there always makes it an adventure. Each phase in the game is turn based when it comes to combat. You have a few options to pick from when it comes to that. The trick to this is to know what type of play style you’re doing, who can best support that and if they’re capable of doing that.

Now, I am more of a fan of RTS and not Turn based, but I like how they did it. You basically have two options, you can do the strategy yourself or you can select the AI to do it you. When you select the character you want to move, they give you a few options you can do, where you can how and who you can attack. You can even select them to heal if they can obviously.

All in all, this game is amazing. The story and the combat really makes it great. The amount of ways you can interact with the characters and students in the game are numerous. From tea parties to giving them a simple present. Nothing at the moment can beat this game.

With everything being said, this game is a total 10/10. This is a game that I can’t seem to fault, even when I lose a fight. It’s so easy to see your mistake and learn from it, or see several mistakes and learn. I can’t seem to put this game down, and the replay value is there. If I dare say, this is a GOTY.

Yoshi’s Crafted World

So, I need to be honest with you guys for a minute here. Unless this is a game I have been looking forward to for a year, or know the series itself is amazing I hardly every buy a game at launch. But here I am, writing this review about a game that launched today, so you can kind of guess what happened.

Let’s start off by saying it was very dead at work today, so I brought out my switch and was like “Why not try out Yoshi, it’ll be a great way to kill time before my relief gets here so I’ll have someone to talk to. It took me about 5 minutes of playing before I realized I needed to get this game in my life. This game NEEDED to join my library…and that’s what happened. heh….This is so unlike me, and normally I’ll wait a but but I just knew, this game needed to come home with me.

So let’s start with the story, as always there’s the bad guy. In this game it’s Baby Boswer and Kamek want to have all of the gems for themselves and end up getting into a tug of war of sorts with several Yoshi causing the stone to basically say screw it and burst all the tiny stones all over this new world. So you, brave little Yoshi, get to go on an adventure and pick up all the stones before Baby Bowser and Kamek.

So here I am, picking WHATEVER COLOR YOSHI I WANT to start the game off with and they throw you into the map area, and you can see where all the stones landed. You then go through the different levels to get the stones and then ya win the game, or something like that. That seems about right hehe. I was rather shocked that I could pick between about 6 or 7 different yoshi and they’re interchangeable throughout the game. Sick of being pink? Blue Yoshi will happily take over. Don’t want to be on Mellow mode? Fantastic! It’s easy to switch.

Wait Mellow mode? What’s that you ask? It’s a easier way to play the game. You’re able to fly around a little and enemies don’t deal as much damage. I found myself wanting to use Mellow mode when I have the switch as a handheld as it was hard to for me to see what was happening around me and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to die or something like that. Ya know, being lazy haha I’m kidding. When I got home thought I did turn it off and was able to enjoy the game like normal. I do enjoy that I can swap whenever I want between modes, it helped during a few parts to not get flustered.

So each map is different and filled with so many cute decorations it was hard for me to focus at first, Everything looks like something you could make out of everyday things and I think that is one of the few things that just made this game something I wanted. To top that off, all of the costumes are unique to the zones your in and are a barrier of sorts. Each costume as a set number of times it can be hit before it disappears, almost like a shield of sorts. Once you use up all of that costume, you’ll have to remember to reequip it before the next round or you won’t start off with it (poo) There are so many costumes to collect it’s insane. The fact that they added Amiibo support expands that closet EVEN more! My Yoshi is a cute little Poochy now with the amiibo from Poochy and Yoshi’s Wooly World 😀

Each level has many different puzzles for you to figure out using your eggs, and enemies to solve them. The game gives you hints on where the flowers are, but that’s about it. Are they above or below you? Maybe in a hidden event? Figure it out man. The idea that this game had me thinking about the same level as Captain Toad was fascinating. I rarely found myself frustrated with the game. Even if I managed to die several times in a row, or get stuck, the fun factor reminded for quite awhile.

The reverse side of the maps is fun too. It’s neat to go in reverse and see the area through a while new angle. I wish I could enjoy the map more personally. I say it like that because the reverse side is a timed quest to find all of the Poochy puppies. Now, you can totally ignore the time limit and just explore but if you want the reward that’s attatched to the area, you’ll have to obey the rules. Each poochy is hidden pretty well or sometimes not at all. Most of the time it’s a little bit of problem solving to find the pup and get him safely following you with a gentle smack of an egg or it’s brethren,

Each area doesn’t feel like the last one. With new types of bosses and new puzzles it kept my interest for hours on end. I struggled very hard to put my switch down. One more level I’d tell myself, and three later I’d realize what I’ve done. With the different ways to go about the problem solving required to finish, I just never felt bored. I loved how much I had to use my poor brain that was getting dusty from Pokemon Let’s go. Haha.

All in all, I love this game, The fact that it just has you do so many things and I never felt like a total failure (there was one time but I don’t have time to get into it ;P ) I love the collection of costumes and how unique every single one is special to the area as well as events (amiibo support btw!!!) I can’t wait to unlock everything in the game costume wise and it’s paining me to sit here and type this instead of playing the game. I’ve never been drawn to a game so quickly before and I think it’s just because of all the different things you can do and they do a lot to ensure you’re having fun.

I give this game a 10/10 Shy Guys. I absolutely love this game, and I love EVERYTHING about it. I highly recommend this game to anyone that has a switch.

Wanna check it out for yourself?

On a side note, I’m still working on some of the other reviews from some older games. This was just a very unexpected turn of events and I just had to get this down. I hope ya guys understand 🙂