
Archives for : Blogs

ESO Beta? Yes please!

I have received a ESO Beta Key! How exciting is that? I get to try out the new installment of the Elder Scrolls Universe! I want to share this opportunity with you all! Tomorrow evening, I will be doing astream while playing. Sadly, I cannot show you any game play or screen shots or really talk about it =( Boo I know but this can still be something very exciting for everyone to enjoy =D So just come in and say hi =D

If you have gotten a key as well, I’d love to know what you think of it so far =D I have a few things I dislike, but this is a first wave beta and I’m pretty sure they will change as it gets close to the release!!!

So, don’t forget tomorrow Evening keep an eye out for my stream! If you don’t want to keep hitting the refresh button, please follow me on twitter @UnicornMuffinTV =D

Comment Update!

Hi guys! A lot of you have been leaving comments, and I appreciate it! However, most of the comments don’t have anything to do with the reviews.  It’s not that I don’t want to hear from you guys, I really do! I like knowing what you have to say to me…it’s more that I would like comments to be about the review, the blog or about my videos.
Right now, we are working on an easier way for you guys to get a hold of me with out going through a long process of coping my email/skype name and so forth.

Until then, if you have comment that is not about the game, a game suggestion or some constructive criticism, please email me at or add me on skype at UnicornMuffinTV!!

I do like hearing from you guys so keep up the comments! I can’t wait to hear from you all more!!!

As always, please subscribe to here to keep updated on what’s going on, Send a thumbs up to my Facebook page to receive daily screenshots, jokes and twitter updates. You can also follow me on twitter (@unicornmuffintv) to keep posted on what’s goin on with my Twitch and my Tumblr!

Thank you all for your support! Together, we can make this happen!!



November Update

Hi guys! It’s sure been a slow but  exciting month! Like with any dreams, it’s best to start small and work your way up.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has subscribed to my website. It’s nice to know that there are people out there who enjoy what I say and actually listen to it. I don’t plan on letting you guys down.

I’ve been trying to get my name out there with some success, and with that I am adding a slight update on what is going on.

I plan on doing a written game review every Monday. I’ve been keeping my eye on a few titles I feel you might enjoy, and hopefully get you guys to try them. I don’t mind reviewing a horrible game. I play the games for the sake of experiencing them.

You can read all of my reviews on this website as well as my Tumblr. If you follow me on twitter, you will get updates on when there is something posted whether it’s on Tumblr or YouTube. You can also like my page on Facebook and keep up to date that way if you don’t have a twitter. All of my information is on the front page as well as the frontage page up on the menu.


There will be a video review, or just a random video of something video game related every Friday, starting today the 1st of November.  I plan on making this video about a game that I have already written about but I feel like that review didn’t do it justice at all, and seeing is believing for this.

If you are one of those people who likes to watch other people stream, you will be happy to know that I do stream. I try to stream when I play a game, but I will for sure be streaming every Saturday. I will try for a different game every week but who knows =D

If you haven’t already, please take the time to like my pages and keep updated on what’s going on in the world of UnicornMuffin gaming. There’s a lot you could be missing!