
World of Warcraft: Legion

The next, in my opinion, EPIC AWESOME STELLAR expansion came out for World of Warcraft! Now, I wasn’t a big fan of the past two expansions and frankly, I was about to just full on stop playing because I mean, come on. Alternant time time? What’s up with that bull crap!!!! And going back on the whole “We’ll never make Panda’s a playable race.” PFFFFFFTTTTT!!!!!!!!!


Now, this may be my inner fan girl screaming, but when I saw that Illidan was going to be a part of this expansion I instantly felt the hype. I mean full on 1000000000% was into this expansion. But then, I had to start thinking like an adult. Was this game going to be worth it? Was it another Alternate timeline? What was going to be in this game? There were a lot of questions, that didn’t have a lot of answered when this game was revealed.


So, let’s get into the story line a little bit. Gul’Dan decides he isn’t awesome enough and tries to go after Illidan (Squee) and ends up dying or something of that nature. While, the Emerald Dream gets corrupted with the NIghtmare (that’s some Kingdom Hearts shit right there) and of course. Heroes! We need you to save the world and things!!!!


I’m all for this expansion, for quite a few reasons, and have been suggesting this to veterans and new commers a like. The game is great in the fact it’s a new area, a new op class as well as new raids. If you’re all for the MMO aspect of the game, you may be pleased with the return of players, both new and old and young and gnomes. Bleh, gnomes….

Anywhooo….there are so many new things in this game, that it’s a little hard to actually talk into detail about every single thing, but I’m going to start with the fanciest of the things.


Artifact weapons. Now, I know what you’re saying. Look, LIly. I get it. It’s the all mighty weapon that I’ll use for a few levels then I’ll get rid of it for this epic lootz that drops from this boss.

Nope. The artifact weapon is literally only as good as the time you put into it. You get Artifact power and runes that empower them and give you special perks. The best part about these weapons is that they each have a neat little background story that helps tie them into lore. Though some of them are fatfetched. A lore master like myself,can appreciate them a little bit and I was excited to learn about the new pieces.


Demon hunters are now a thing. You fought one back in Burning Crusade. But now, you ar eable to play them and be a tank or DPS. Now, I know what a lot of people thought, it’s another DK scandal. To be honest. Yes. There are a lot of people who are playing Demon hunter. Yes, they are a little OP and can do a lot of shit solo. But, at the very same time. For the moment being, it’s pretty neat being an acrolyte for Illidan and helping stop the legion from pouring into the world until…..*the next is spoiilers so I wont talk about them* (edit, since legion has been out for awhile I will add that you get captured by the wardens only to be released to help save the world and you get to prove your worth to the world)


Class halls/Order Halls


So this is a literal copy and paste from the Garrison in WoD. After they promised us it wouldn’t be. I do feel a little lied to with this. I mean come on. I don’t want to do this shit! The only way to make your weapon epic…Class hall shit. Only way to get certain quests you need: Class hall shit. Come on Blizz. Is this really something you wanted? Like really.


To not fly in this game…is terrible. The landscape is so beautiful! I can’t believe I literally cannot enjoy it by flying! I mean this is my major complaint every single expansion, but it’s so easy to hit a hot key, turn into a bird and fly away to get the next quest ect ect. But I guess as long as they add it soon I can be ok with this. Plus, Flap is a thing. Google that. Balance Druid: Flap.


New lands, new NPC, new raids.

This is going to be a neat thing to talk about because I am actually happy to see some of the old lore play out. My favorite thing is that they have Odyn and Helya and Fenrir and all of that awesome stuff into this area. They play real heavy with the lore that is in the main lands and such and it’s nice!

No more Yrel! Thank GOD on this one, I mean like seriously. I couldn’t be happier. I skipped and jumped when I left my garrison only to return for my pet balttle things because of my collection addiction 😉


But really. I am OK with this expansion. A little sad I haven’t seen Illidan yet, but that’s OK. I’m sure he’ll appear…for now it’s OK.


My heart, does go out to the Anduin. I’ve never really wanted to actually hug any NPC before. Like really mean it. But him. I really needed to. *I wont go into details since this game just came out* (Edit: yeah well…It still hurts to talk about it :?)


All in all, this is one of my favorite expansions besides The Burning Crusade. I’m happy with it and can’t wait to see what direction Blizzard takes it!

Legion get’s a solid 9/10 Demon Souls


Want to play Legion?

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