
Archives for : Fire emblem three houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

So, this is a review that I really wanted to wait for because I quite literally wanted to make sure I played this game so I could write about everything you can do. Oh man, it’s worth it I promise.

So, going to be honest with you I have go to play most parts of this game, the only thing I couldn’t get to yet was the Marriage. So when I get to this part, I will post an update 😀

This is my first Fire Emblem game since the GameCube, so when I saw this was coming out for the switch I was excited! The storylines are just how i remember. They’re super detail orientated as well as let you go your own path if you want. There is just so much to do in this game that it’s just so hard to make a review.

So let’s start with the story. It’s amazing. The amount of everything they included is great. Each month there’s always something going on whether it’s a fight or a party. Every character seems to have a very special role in the game as well. They’re not just thrown in there to take up space. As you go on with the game, and listen and pay attention you can find out what makes everyone tick. Each house leader had their own problems as well and as they grow, they effect the outcome of your game. All in all with out spoiling anything (since the game has so much replay and so much to do ) it’s well worth the money.

When you interact with the other people in the game, you can hurt or make a relationship with them. If you don’t care to know anything about anyone, you might not have a good reputation with them, and they wont help you out. However, if you take the time to learn the likes and dislikes of certain people you can end up getting them into you House. I’ve done that with a few people that weren’t in a house, and it makes combat a lot more fun. I’m just sad to cycle out some people but they always seemed to want nothing to do with learning or anything. So what’s best for the house.

Combat is another amazing thing this game has to offer. the various classes you can pick from and how you get there always makes it an adventure. Each phase in the game is turn based when it comes to combat. You have a few options to pick from when it comes to that. The trick to this is to know what type of play style you’re doing, who can best support that and if they’re capable of doing that.

Now, I am more of a fan of RTS and not Turn based, but I like how they did it. You basically have two options, you can do the strategy yourself or you can select the AI to do it you. When you select the character you want to move, they give you a few options you can do, where you can how and who you can attack. You can even select them to heal if they can obviously.

All in all, this game is amazing. The story and the combat really makes it great. The amount of ways you can interact with the characters and students in the game are numerous. From tea parties to giving them a simple present. Nothing at the moment can beat this game.

With everything being said, this game is a total 10/10. This is a game that I can’t seem to fault, even when I lose a fight. It’s so easy to see your mistake and learn from it, or see several mistakes and learn. I can’t seem to put this game down, and the replay value is there. If I dare say, this is a GOTY.