
Fantasy Life

I came into this game thinking it was any fantasy rpg knock off but I was mistaken!!!! I haven’t been this addicted to a game since Pokemon and World of Warcraft came out. The only thing I would change is having two 3DS so I can play all of my favorite games at the same time, since wait times are so silly when you DPs stuff. Uuuuuuugh!!!!

You are (insert a random class here) who has to go through many quests to ensure people stay awake, puppies look ferocious and your child king remains happy. You go around this world killing mining fishing and cooking to make your friends and towns folk happy.

When your first start a character you can customize to your hearts content. There are many different things to choose from. From hair with kitty ears to a bald face with big eyes. You can look any way you want and no matter what people will adore you and ask for help. I wanted to make the cutest character possible, and every time I load my game I can’t help but to awe in its cuteness.

Now its time for the important half serious business shiz that makes this a review (I’m kidding about being serious). You get the fantastic option of playing this game how you chose. You can have your name chanted around the town or simply cook for fun. I started off as a wizard (I like a good pew pew in my games). I enjoyed how I could pick what spell to use and you get to level them up. When I got bored (haha that’s a joke) with wizard I swapped over to a few of the other classes to try them out.

Each class has its out outfit weapon and spell layout. You get to kick ass and take names at the same time. When you have a companion it seems to make combat a little easier but sometimes they get a mind of their own and go off and forget to help you. Its a case of the shinies.

Like i said above, you have the options of purchasing pets in this game that will follow you around and make sure you have a fighting buddy. There was one thing I think you should know before I get side tracked…when you are doing the main story line quests any companion that you purchase cannot go with you. I got super excited to have a little white puppy with me on my adventures but was quickly upset that he couldn’t come with me when (spoilers and more spoilers) happened.

I really enjoyed this game and I feel there’s replay value if you’re up for a clean slate. Once you pick a class you have to go through and intro but after that (I’m very happy about this) you can skip the intro and go right into the quests that start you off on your new life. You also get to chose the life you would like to play. You’re never on a time schedule or pressured into doing your quests. Spend the whole day fishing or catching bugs. Its your life. Your fantasy life.

Though I loved this game, the joystick was uncomfortable and I could only play for a certain amount of time before I had to take a break, since I have nerve damage in my hands. I enjoy games that I can change how I move, instead of relying on one stop. I don’t like having to put down a game I am enjoying =(

I give this game a 7/10. I can see many hours playing this game and they are enjoyable but I feel like if you don’t know where to look you can get stuck with nothing to do for a period of time, so you sit there with your woof woof and stare into the open areas.

I also wanted to apologize to you guys for posting a little late. Its been busy here and I have barely found the time to sit down and write this hahah.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Level-5 and their subsidiaries.

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