
Beast of Prey

I apologize for this review being late! A lot has been going on, like losing my jobs….Yeah that’s not TOO fun but it’s ok! Something will happen =D It always does! So here goes nothing!


If you have a spot in your heart for MineCraft that you should clear a spot for Beasts  of Prey.  This Survival Dinosaur game found it’s way into my list of games to play. This may still be in a Beta form, but I must say…it was worth it for the most part.

Your goal is to survive…that’s it. Kill dinosaurs, other players, build weapons and survive. The game is very much like minecraft, except it’s not blocky. You start off as a bald man, and as far as I can figuure out, you can’t change that. So you’re forever a bald man, not that I’m complaining. You gather resources to build areas to make a living while fending off herds of dinosaurs and other scavenger people…The community itself isn’t a very nice one. I say this  because we tried setting up a private game and we had people enter the game and literally STEAL everything we had. Items that we have worked for 10+ hours for. Not that I’m complaining but that was a HUGE kick bellow the belt to us.  I hope they add a lock or something later on.


Gathering items is super easy in the game.  If you’re lucky to find a forest that you can grow in then you have it made for wood! Each tree respawns it’s bounty in about 4 minutes. I  did find it hard to get Ores and rocks. Those were a bit more tricky.  For the longest time, nothing would spawn and we eventually ran out of ore/stone to use. That wasn’t very fun! Luckily after a quick refresh we were okay and back on track!


Now the controls and game play are very similar to Minecraft, (I know I”m making a lot of comparisons! ) With that it’s WSAD and you use your mouse to guide the camera. Every once in a while you will catch yourself getting trapped in a ore node or even better, a dinosaur spazzing out after you hit it. Honestly, it’s that sort of thing that makes me really love this game! Minus the stealing community, I have nothing to complain about with this game. Everything  is pretty much straight forward and easy to do.


All n all, this game to me is worth the beta access through purchase. If you can find people to play with that wont steal your items and or your places then the MMO is very fun and exciting. It’s nothing like food teamwork that makes this game even more fun.  If you can’t find those people then you can always put a Baby triceratops in your area, You make that mistake ones. I thought it would be cute to have a baby one in my camp…he game me a headache. Non stop “RAWR RAWR RAWR” o.o ugh.

I give this game a 6/10. The fact that a “private” server isn’t private is a real killer for me. I love everything else about this game. This is defiantly one game that I will revisit once it’s released, but for now it’s going to be a 6/10.


Want to play?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Octagon Interactive and its subsidiaries.

Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


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