
Archives for : DND

Session 5

When we last left off, the group was in the Witchy Woods on their way to kill the witch or so you’d think. As you remember from the last game, the group was doing the WoW quest for Abby Lewis, the little girl who wanted to find her friends to have her tea party with. The group, after some fun little hints ans clues and a lot of nose wiggling from yours truly, reunited the little girl with her toys. As they left, Abby game them pictures of her friends before she vanishes in the door way. From there the group gets lost in the woods.

They eventually came to a dead end with two Ravens sitting on a rock, and here they learned how much Miss Mary liked them. I had created such a nice poem for them, and I think it did too much of a good job getting them out of the woods.

Here it is:
Abby’s new friends we have quickly found
Miss Mary wants you to hear our sound.
Miss Mary says that the friends need to go
Or else she’ll put you Six feet below.
Miss Mary has plans for each one of you,
And trust us, this will be nothing new!
A fine purse out of you, a new boney servent of you.
The deer and the giant are not wanted here so go get shoo!

I guess that was enough for the group to be ike whoa nope we’re outta here. Because that’s exactly what they did. The idea to kill Miss Mary vanished as fast as the illusion to allow them to escape disappeared.

So, with that the group make it to the town and where Vinny has to roll another saving throw. Which they failed. Causing them to get to the next level of the plague. Poor thing 🙁 They manage to make it to a town where they get a doctor to look at them and they inform them this is something they haven’t seen in several years and the only true cure wqas a gods blessing. From there the Doctor informs them the gods that cured the people before was named Yuri. (oh no)
The group then calls up Yuri but her assistant answered and they began taking. he confirms it’s the same Yuri then asks why. They tell him that Vinny is super sick. He then asks, a very important question.
Fitz: Well did you guys go to her Shrine and get her blessing?
Vinny: I think so
Me: Nope. You guys bought the alcohol and wanted to go but instead you got super excited to leave the town you didn’t go. (I then showed them the notes I had made)
Vinny: Oh I guess we didn’t….How long do I have?
Fitz: Well It seems like about a week in a half or so. I suggest coming home and getting fixed, there’s things you need to do here.
The group then comes back home because it was made clear they were about a week and a half from the giant quest not including the time to kill them. They joked about letting Vinny die but they did end up coming back.
So the group meet up with Fitz who takes them into the war room where everyone has gathered. They see their boss seemingly able to see (this is important)

After the warlords disperse, Yuri greets the group as her eyes go from Jade to white and she’s unable to see again. They ask her what was going on ans she explained how she was blinded by a god trying to seek her powers after brother passed away. It was a common thing among gods. Innocent right?
DM Mistake 3: I began to explain the process to the group and two of them started to get an idea…

Yuri: So during a fight for my god powers he threw poison at me and it caused me to lose my sight,
Liet: So gods can fight other gods for their powers?
Yuri: Yes, they can.
Liet: Can mortals do it?
Yuri: None have succeeded why?
Liet: But it’s possible?
Yuri: I mean….I don’t know.
Liet to Kit: We should try to Kill Yuri and gain her powers
Kit: *nods*
Me: oh come on guys……haha….don’t.
Liet: What do you think of this type of barbarian with htis race?
Me: are you serious?
Liet: I mean if I die….I’d want to reroll.
Me: You’re serious

And that’s where the session ended for the most part. The group walked and talked and were told they are going to Yuri’s home country and castle to see what’s going on. There’s a lot of rumors out there so they need to prepare.

Will the group succeed in the new land? Will they kill their boss? Find out next session!

First few sessions

So I know this is going to include the first few sessions. Before the story gets deeper I felt it would be best to include the first few sessions before each get their own. Now, here’s the tale of Vinny the Snakeborn Gunslinger, Meh the Obitu Warrior, Kit the Tiefling Rogue and Liet the Half Giant Monk. Vinny and Meh have been ruled the leaders of the group.

Session 1: Boy this one started really nice. I gave the group several letters that explained that whey were wanted and they had to follow clues to find the right person to talk to. Now, the group was able to narrow down what race they were looking for but the location wasn’t right. I was so confused, I had worked everything out to the key and they should have been able to find it. I was so wrong. What I didn’t realize, I had wrote out one of the clue incorrectly and it somehow managed to work haha. Not sure what is going on. The was about it. The big bad DM messed it up haha With that being said, the group still figured out where they needed to go after they head to the wrong spot.
From there, the group heads to meet with their boss who explains what they are to be doings, and that was it. They are then given their first mission when they wake up the next day.

Session 2: Now this one is a lot of fun. The group is given their first mission. Discover the truth behind the false princess. Pretty good idea. The group was informed about bandits in the area and to be careful. The group appears next to a town where a distraught mans comes up to them begging them to find his daughter. Meh agrees to help the man and then just leaves town. Like peace boiiii.

As the group leaves town, they come across a strange encampment with a fairly nice number of armored men. The conversation went like this.

Armored guy: Hey, what brings you guys out here?
Meh: Um, we’re trying to find the Kinstone(these are stones used for teleportation)
Armored guy: Oh well it’s back that way.
Meh: I heard there were goblins in the area.
AG: Goblins? What?
Meh: Oh shit sorry Bandits! Well we need to go now bye!
And then the group keeps going down the road like they don’t even care. After a few days they reach the false princess.

Session 3: The group comes back and sees one of the Warlords who tell them that the bandits are right outside of the town they came in. They then go into the abandoned town and start to search the area before learning the town isn’t vacant. From there they manage to convince they town to help out the plague survivors and such. Noting too exciting happened this one. When they come back, I commit DM Mistake 2. I gave them so much money. I totally wasn’t thinking realistically and was like ‘here’s several thousand gold enjoy it. Well shit.

Session 4: This day, the group set off to search the guilds. At this point I panic. I didn’t come up with guild names so I just make up two. Twin Breakers and Shadowell. The group thinks Shadowell is awesome so they go to see what quests they have to offer for the most gold. I realized how much I messed up so I said “ok you can take on a succubus for 500g. They group realized that they had no magic users so they decided to go to the Twinbreakers. They gave them a job to kill a giant for 1000g and they deemed it more suited for their skills. So they ask their boss for a horse and cart and head off on their way.

Session 5: So this was a fun session. The group decided to take the shortcut through the Witchy Woods to get to their target faster. During their trip (2 weeks ingame btw) they get snucked up on by a group of Kobolds. I was like “This is gonna be cute innocent fun and the’ll just scare them off.” How wrong was I that day. Instead of just being nice people they slaughter all but one of the Kobolds. WhenI say slaughter I legit mean slaughter. They were like destroyed, dismembered and beheaded. Those poor Kobolds 🙁

The group finally made it to the Witchy Woods and they come across the village that was there before the witch took over. They are greeted by a little girl. Now, if you play Alliance on WoW, you can feel the groups pain in this.
Me: So this little girl seems super happy to see new people and she wants your help.
Meh: With what?
Me: She wants you to help her find her friends since they’re late for a tea party.
Liet/Kit: *sighs loudly*
Liet: No, I am not doing this you know how many times I’ve had to do this in WoW?
Kit: Right? Ughhhhh
Me: hehe I couldn’t resist you were in Witchy Woods!
Vinny/Meh: have no idea what’s going on
Liet then begins to explain the quest to the two. Hahaha Oh boy.

Session six is tomorrow, I can’t wait to see what we do but I will totally be sharing it with all of you!!!

Neverwinter: The D&D MMO

I enjoy Dungeons and Dragons. Its  got to be my favorite table top game of all time. Becoming one with your character, going on amazing adventures and making new friends and enemies  along the way! I tended to befriend too many people..and..creatures in the last game we fully played. Heh. But I’ll get into that later =D


Neverwinter helps bring the idea of D&D to those who don’t have an imagination. An evil witch has come to overtake the world with her army of the dead. First, this sounds like Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft. She kind of looks like him too. So I’m already a little like “Yay..another let’s kill the evil lich before zombies eat my brains”


The controls..Its  the standard WASD movement keys with space to jump. You have 2 attacks that are linked to your mouse,  and then you have some keyboard attacks. One attack is q  then it goes 1 and 3. You have an F attack then its potions 4-6. You’re pretty much all over the keyboard, so I’m happy that I have a g13. Whoo.


For a free to play game now, the graphic are rather nice. They’re not as advanced and other games, but they create a beautiful atmosphere and really bring the NPC’s, Creatures and landscapes alive. I would have liked to see a free ranging camera added to the game and a tab targeting system, but mousing over your target works too. I found myself missing a lot  and hitting another group of mobs a few times. Whee..that was fun.


The Customization you can do with your characters are rather nice as well. Its almost like games like the Elder Scrolls. I really enjoyed that! You you choose presets if you want to get out and kill things quickly or you can take your time and make the character the way you want.  You have 6 races and 6 classes. They are working on another class, but its not been introduced yet. For those who like to complete every race and every class, you only have 2 slots available.  You can buy more slots or you can just make another account since they’re free to make.


Questing is a lot of fun, you have a sparkly trail that guides you to your objectives and on items that you need to grab. If you don’t want to quest, you can take jobs which are player created or you have qued up for skirmishes. There really isn’t an end of what you can do as Jobs scales with your level.  Playing with others is nice too as some loot is unique to yourself while there is also a rolling system. I find the rolling kind of difficult on my Wizard because the button you use also teleports me so When I’m rolling on loot Poof! I’m gone!  It wouldn’t be so bad except for the aggro range on some mobs are kind of large.

Social aspects? There are many different “servers” in the game and when you’re in a party with people you get put on the different servers often, but thankfully you can move servers.


Leveling up can be a little slow, and when you do you can level up your spells and become powerful. You can also get new spells with your points. So that’s kind of like DnD. But these spells are already set up for you to choose what you want.


All in all this game is fun, but it has its ups and downs.  I didn’t actually feel like I was playing DnD, it felt like an actual MMO where I worked with other people to do something or I worked on my own.

I give this awesome game 7/10 Lily points. You should check it out if you enjoy DnD =3 I enjoyed playing this game a lot with my friends =D

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