
Archives for : BFA

First part of BFA Review

So hey guys! I am still alive sorry about that!  With the Release of Uldir yesterday, I feel like it’s a good time to review the first part of BFA. Plus, getting to explore all of the zone and most of the quest lines and the journey to 120…oh boy. I don’t even know where to start, so we’ll just kind of see where my fingers take me.


Let’s start with how I feel. I don’t feel like a hero. I feel like just a run of the mill adventurer. I mean yea….Azeroth chose us for the amulet and all of that shit but man…I understand the system is different. With the whole Global Cooldown system in place, I feel like It’s a RTS game now.  Not that I don’t like RTS, but when I need to heal and I just used a DPS attack, I have to wait several seconds to heal or even use a shield. It’s tough sometimes for me.  Now, some people may not mind the GCD system at all. But it’s frustrating, and I miss not having it.


So why don’t I feel like a hero? Shit hits hard, and you don’t hit hard enough. Now, I wasn’t expecting to be as strong as I  was at the end of Legion, but this is just silly. With the removal of spells and abilities from the loss of our amazing artifacts, it was a slight learning curve. But I got over it. It took awhile, and a lot of mourning over the loss of my bear lust. But nothing beats losing Symbiosis. 🙁 That hit hard.  Anyways, going back to what I was saying. I just don’t feel that powerful anymore. It’s honestly a little discouraging.  Not that I don’t mind playing another spec, and being awesome. But what happened to wanting to have fun and enjoy the game? Bleh I dunno.


So, the story lines. So much gray…so much slaughtering of innocent people from the Horde. So Much damn destruction, and it doesn’t sate their needs…or seemingly.  I mean, they did burn down the World tree, and then when you help the Trolls escape you burn Stormwind. When will this stop? It was one thing to use it as a distraction, but this I don’t know. It might be because I’m a Alliance main but man, there are so many different paths they could have done to get their point across that wasn’t slaughtering innocent children and people. Like seriously.  Am I truly a hero?  I don’t feel like it.


So far, the areas are very inviting and unique. I go from slaying Cthuluhu priest to dealing with witches and then have fun hazing with drunk pirates on the alliance side. Horde you have Trolls, dead trolls, and sneks. Thought I’ve only done Zuldazar, I plan on doing the other ones to get a better idea of what’s going on. I can’t really go over my views on the Horde Quest lines yet, but I’ll add it once i get a chance to do so, so don’t worry.

I fully plan on experiencing this xpac through both sides, since each side has their own thing to offer to explain this expansion so I can’t wait to see what the other side has to offer me lore and quest wise.


So far, I’m enjoying the expansion for what it is. I have some problems with the gameplay and what’s going on.  I’ll do a review later towards the center of the expansion to kind of give some more thoughts on the new expansion.


So far, 7/10 seems right for the start of an expansion. There’s still more coming out, and still so much more to do so it’s hard to see the full spectrum of BFA so we’ll see later on!

Want to play BFA?