
Archives for : Fighting

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

The Dragon Ball series has a lot of history. The whole series started back on April 26, 1989. Who’s would have known it would have over 30 games, and over 800 episodes with the name. It has to be one of the well known animes of it’s time.

But have you ever thought…what would it be like to have control over the world? To explore the world of Dragon Ball Z and defeat the BBEG of the franchise? Well fear not, for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is here to feed those urges. I must say, if you’re a fan this is a game for you! This year has been very hard on my wallet. With many games coming out that I have been watching for awhile it was hard to say no to this one.

I have always been a fan of the Dragon Ball Games. I love their unique fighters and some of their new ones added to the story. This game is no exception. I feel like there is a lot to do in this game over the others, but I still like that it feels like a DB game. The story mode for this game it what sets it apart from the rest.

Once you get through the start of the game, you can explore the world that is opened up to you. You’re able to explore the world while flying around as the good ol’ Kakarot. Between fighting minions, no names and other worthless NPC’s you eventually get through and fight the end saga bosses and hopefully you succeed.

Let’s talk about gameplay for a moment. Combat is a strong point in the game. You are able to pick and choose your combat style by what buttons or triggers you hit. Just like in the show, when you go Super Saiyan you become stronger. Over time, you run out of Ki and revert back to your normal state. Just like in their lore, you can’t stay Super Saiyan forever.

You have the power to pick and choose your attacks through the level up system and each character can have their own set. It’s a in depth system that involves level up as well as utilizing other characters you get to help progress your arc and your attacks. The more you play the more you can unlock, just like in the show.

The story line of the game, is a pretty good tie in for the show. If you haven’t seen the show or you have forgotten all of the fun parts of it this is a pretty good game for you. I can’t speak for everyone but I didn’t find the story boring. I remembered all of the sagas well so I would have assumed it would be boring to repeat it all but I loved the sense of power I had and feeling like Goku made it for me. Obviously, this is just for me but I still say it’s an enjoyable game and I think you guys will like it to.

It was so nice being able to see older characters from the arc as well as the new characters. I feel like this game has a lot to offer new and old fans alike. Though I did find the damage numbers to be a little annoying and the lack of outfit customization, I found the game to be enjoyable. I did, however, feel like there wasn’t a big call to be replayed right away but it’s a game I’ll keep in my library.

DBA Kakarot gets a solid 7/10 Dragon Balls from me. I loved the game itself but I could be picking on some details that are meaningless. Some of the arcs I found to be a little lack luster but it’s still solid. The good out weighs the bad in my opinion and I feel like you should check it out!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

So, this review is a week or so late, sorry about that. I’ve been going though some  things and it’s caused me to fall behind on quite a few things. Since I am feeling better, now is the best time as any to get this review out and ready for you guys!

So, let’s get down to it and I’m going to start with the controls. I couldn’t get the hang on using the Joy Cons…I think it’s because of my fat hands, but I just couldn’t get it. Thankfully, I have my old gamecube controllers and it made it easier for me, minus the fact I had to relearn all of my characters since they redid some of the move sets. For the most part, I got the hang of the controls rather quickly, and could transfer the set from character to character.

So the story line, I think from that I grabbed besides the “Hey these guys took your souls and now they’re evil and you have to defeat them to get them into your party so You can actually fight them and all of that stuff” Then you add, Darkness and light work together or they don’t? I have no idea. I just kind of went with the flow.

The fights in the campaign mode can be super difficult. I found myself getting pretty flustered so, I’d take a break to just play against NPC’s and I had like 5 people to pick from. So back to the campaign I suppose.

Now, I know. you can unlock the characters by playing against NPC’s but I kind of missed having a rather big selection at the start. So it might be petty, I’m aware. But the selection, the game varitey and everything, made the hard work worth it. Between working, and trying to get my 2019 plan working, it took a few days (or hours I do believe)

So let’s talk spirits. They’re pretty nifty. There are so many of them, each unique. At first, it’s hard to decide what’s the best, and what’s the worst. But soon you learn what the combos are, what spirit goes with this one ect ect. The possibilities are almost endless, and once you get it down, it’s pretty dope. I loved seeing what worked best for me and what didn’t.

The new trophy system is rather neat. It’s a little puzzle board that you can either unlock with certain items you get on special missions, or you do what it says you need to do to unlock them. Though the pictures really don’t go together, they make a really neat collage. So don’t worry if your puzzle looks funky. So does mine :3

All in all, it was a rough start for me, and that’s fine. I didn’t expect me to be the best around with not playing a smash game since the Wii U. So it’s been a few years. I also felt spoiled by having access to 10+ characters at launch and not having to work for them. I don’t have a lot negative to say about this game that isn’t how I feel.

I know that’s how this kind of website works, this is all how I feel about games, but besides being spoiled with fat hands, this game is great. The amount of time it takes to actually unlock everything, and everyone is fairly reasonable for someone like me that works a full time job.

Super Smash Bros Ulitmate I think deserved a 8/10 trophies. I really enjoyed the game, and i like to feel like a child again. It’s fantastic and I do recommend this to everyone.

Want to play it?

Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

I have always been a fan of this series. From Dynasty Warriors to now, this game has always been in my top 10. Once more, I am very pleased with it.


(Slight spoilers ahead!)

As the game starts out, you are fighting a giant hydra that has appeared. As you play through, you find the game slowly growing more difficult until you are told retreat…and the Hydra wins. As you retreat, you are confronted by a spirit who drags you into this world and tells you she can help you defeat the hydra, and basically gives you a redo. Depending on how you play, you can defeat the hydra or let History replay itself.


The actual story line as you play is heartwarming as well and exciting. You get to see what each person was doing before the Hydra came forth and set out to destroy the entire world. You help them gather points as well as Allies.  Each character had their own set of allies you can play as well as specific talents each hold. I like making custom teams and building those up. I’ve never been one to enjoy pre-made teams!


The controls, like with their other games, are easy when you get the hang on them. I found myself hitting the wrong buttons or using moves accidently due to them being close together. I’ve accidently swapped characters during a fight and it almost cost my that battle. I wasn’t very happy with that. I feel like if i had used the Wii U’s touch pad I would have done a lot better then using the actual controller. But I’ve stuck with the controller. I also found that using the Wand to be more of a pain than in the butt than convenience as I do have nerve problems and after awhile controllers hurt.


I really enjoyed this game! There were some points of it where it was difficult but the key point it had always remained fun for me.  I give this game a 6/10. Though I really enjoyed the game, Some parts were a little bugged or just kinda silly. There were just some points where I lost interest a little bit but I always managed to get back into it.

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game.