
Archives for : 7 Star

Craft the World

Ever wanted to control dwarves and have them do weird things and listen to cute chatter? Then look no further that Craft the World! This neat little side view game is one of my favorite games of the year!! With that being said, let’s get into this!!!!

To me, this is the perfect mix of a few things from Minecraft, Terraria and Dwarves. I really like all of the aspects of this game with regards to the combat styles, the mining and the crafting. I did run into a few bugs, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the game kind of. It was a game breaking bug in a sense but I will get more into that later.

So, here you are, at the starting portal where you are given a couple dwarves to do your bidding. That’s right, for the most part you are in total control of these people and you can tell them to dig, build eat sleep etc ect. The possibilities are only as limited at well….about 5 maybe 6 items. They can be rather dumb and not get the hint the first time, but their cute little banters and language always got me interested and made me want to learn their language so I can hear them talk bad about me. 😉 Of course, being the almighty one, I am sure I can dish out a nice plate of whoop ass on them.

So. let’s get into some of the aspects of this game, we’ll start with the two that kind of work together, and that would be mining/digging and building/crafting. Each can require training and or pure luck they don’t kill themselves. Though it’s very much fun to watch some of them struggle with the aspect of a ladder or sometimes even using basic tools, it’s more efficient to have a dwarf that’s trained in special abilities to help out when needed. The end game, is literally to craft the best weapons, defeat the waves of undead they send your way, on top of defeating the end boss which is from what I’ve seen very difficult and super skeleton scary. You basically need to find the books which grant your dwarves either levels in a trait, or give them that trait to help you with the end goal, the choice is really yours…

Now, combat is entirely RNG on top of being super frustrating. I can’t tell you how many times I sat there and yelled at my dwarves for being huge scaredy cats for no reason and almost got the base destroyed because they couldn’t handle one little zombie. I couldn’t even imagine what they would do if they met the end boss with them being scared. Now I know in life it’s a literal fight or flight type deal, but when all they do it flight. It gets very annoying. But with that being said, this ties into eating and sleeping. IF there is an enemy in the area, they will stand outside and do nothing but literally complain about being tired and hungry. When you tell them to go eat or sleep they will flat out refuse. Like typical games, when there’s enemies nearby you cannot do certain things.

This is where my beautiful big came in. I was pretty far along in the game when I couldn’t get my guys to sleep or eat. It kept telling me there were enemies in my borders but when I would move around and check them, my bordered would be completely empty, not even a rats nest! My poor guys were almost dead and I had another Zombie Wave coming in 4 minutes and there was nothing I could do but watch my poor guys run for their lives and watch the base I worked so hard for get destroyed by these damn undead! I had to restart my game at this point because no matter what I did, I couldn’t get it fixed. My new game is totally better and I haven’t ran into that problem again so here’s hoping this game is better.

So, I mentioned eating and sleeping. These are both things that you need to keep them up on because they can starve on top of they will not regenerate health. That is something very crucial to this game if you want to survive to the endgame. But there’s nothing you can really make that will do the same thing as food so they have that going for them.

So all in all, I actually rather enjoyed this game minus the fact that I did indeed need to restart my game after spending a few hours on it. I didn’t lose THAT much but it was still rough losing all of that hard work for some dumb glitch.

THe game was easy to follow and really explained things to you as you went on your way. I wouldn’t say that it held your hand, but it walked you through a lot, then would let you go then would come back. I never felt like I would truly be lost in this game.

I give this game a 7/10 dwarves. Though the game is a nice concept I can only build and fight so many times before it looses it’s luster. When you play with other people it’s a competition to see who can beat the bad guy first and you can’t work together on it. The glitch I experienced was also a little frustration but I got over it quickly when I started fresh.

I recommend this game to anyone who has some free time to kill as you can pause the timer and do other things. It’s most definitely a time killer. But it’s fun and that’s all that matters!!

Want to play Craft the World?

Gears of War 4

The long awaited installment of the Gears of War series is finally here! Omg! 😀 I’ve been waiting for a redemption. Judgement was a terrible place to end it! UGH!!!!


Alright so, let’s get this started!!!

A new story with new foes and new characters really help you immerse yourself into this game. I like the idea of playing J.D but at the same time, it was so great to see Marcus again. The idea is that the locust have returned but seem to be fascinated with kidnapping people from towns and doing whatever with this (turns out they were messing with their DNA or something and making the Swarm BUM BUM BUMMMMM)


Now, the storyline is short but very intense. You play as JD, who left the Cog and with the help of his friends, try to find out why the Swarm is taking their family and other humans. There you run into Marcus again and then a big mess appears and it’s just more fun to experience the fun at this point!!

Combat is very straightforward, and you rely on cover to make sure you don’t die. The accuracy of the weapons is always great and it’s nice to find a bad ass weapons laying around after you slaughter your foes, and there’s nothing bad with a little blood on your boots.


Now, they do add some horde mode esc type deals in the story line as well. You have to set up certain things to help the story a long. A turret here, a barrier there. You are literally only as strong as your weakest link and it’s a make or break situation when it’s there!!!


The real awesome thing is the Multiplayer modes :O They have added a portable energy station so you can literally pick the best spot possible and that you are READY for the foes who dare threaten your life ecte ect.


Besides Horde Mode, there’s a few new things they added to make the PvP in this game really competitive and really make you work your noggin to be the best (Like no one ever was DUN DUN DUN..To…wait, wrong game)


Now it’s also worth noting, there were some issues I ran into while playing. The major one was there were some situations where events didn’t trigger which left me to redo a chapter or an  area and it lead to kind of a boring experience. But who knows, maybe it’ll get fixed in the future That’d be awesome!!!!


This is a def. 7/10 cogs. Though I really enjoyed the game, the bugs kinda killed the game for a me a little. Now, don’t get me wrong. I”m going to keep playing it and until i finish all the levels, but the bugs turned me away a little. But it’s def.a noteworthy game 😀

Want to play Gear of War 4??



Creativerse is just one of those games that you use to kill time. A Minecraft Remake, it adds new lands, creatures and adventure to your gaming history.

I rather enjoyed the game, but I finished the story line in less than a day and it left me yearning way more.  It is an early access title, so I will be keeping my eye on it 🙂

You start out at a spawn point with nothing in your inventory except a note…In my opinion, a super creepy note written by someone I don’t know that told me to run away from home and hopefully I’d survive in the wilderness.

Yes, you read that right. You’re a runaway. A runaway. I mean you’re literally a little kid alone in the woods hoping to survive the night. How? Why? No idea. It’s literally one of those things where you’re scared to question it, but at the very same time…WHAT’S WITH THE NOTE MAN COMMON! What’s in the note?!?!?!

The beauty of  the game.

The beauty lies with the blocks in this game. Everything is unique and different and not pixelates. It reminds me of Trove, but with more details. From the Bark on the tree to the spots on the giant crabs. This game is a great remake of classics and I think does some sort of Honor to the genre, for those who just do vanilla graphics and doesn’t touch mods. (JS!!).

The total amount of detail spend on this game is pretty nice. I can tell what dirt is, dying grass, logs animals. I’m not sitting here like “Hm this looks like water, nope it’s a hole annnnnnnd I’m dead. Crap.”

Taming, mining and farming. Oh my!

There’s a lot more to this game then surviving your first night. You can Thrive! If you follow me on Instagram (link in my contact section) You’ve probably noticed me posting picture of things I’ve tamed. Taming is HUGE in this game if you can’t find the right materials in a timely manner. If you know me, then  you know I’m all about taming and farming and being one with Nature. Heh.

Taming creatures is beneficial only if you’re looking at drops. Right now, they don’t fight with you. But all creatures are tameable. If you have the health, patience and the time 🙂

Farming is a bit fun. You gather Turnips, melons cabbage and wheat, grind them into seeds and Vu la! Food. Food that can be made into sandwiches, soups, weapons, bombs. Or you can just feed animals that like the veggie. That works too. When you feed your tamed companion, you can later harvest them and get what they would normally drop plus a few extra things. Who knew a sammich would be useful!

Oh where to start with mining….Mining.  It’s just like it sounds. YOu start off mining wood and dirt. Ooo. Exciting. You have to mining a mining tool, that attaches to your wrist and sucks up stones and other things. I will admit, this is pretty neat. No more running around picking up blocks for me! Nope! This is when my only real issue with the games comes in. To advance, you have to FIND materials to make the more advanced tools. And I had a hard time finding the elements i needed to go on. I still trudged on tho and got to the third mining level, but then that was it. I was heartbroken.

It may have just been luck, but that’s what made me change to my farmer-self that I know and love.

To play or not to play?

Though this game is in early release, there are bugs and a short story. I’m sure as they start adding to the game, it won’t be a let down. The game has the exact same aspects as Minecraft. There’s the surface layer, then you mine down and you get to an end layer called, Corruption. There are tougher creatures there to fight and phat loots.  

Personally, I found it harder to gather materials, and was happy that i had a team with me. Like with some games, I ended up being the supplier of foods and good, in exchange for weapons, armor and mining tools.  Which I’m OK with. It was still super fun, I got to follow people to the Corruption and just plain enjoy the game 🙂

I give this game a 7/10. I do suggest to you guys, to give the game a try. If you don’t like it, you’ll only be out on time 🙂 It’s free to play! So common! Give it a gooooo!!!!!!

Want to play Creativerse?

Fallout Shelter

Hey everyone! Hope you have all been well! I’ve been stuck in a Shelter waiting for the perfect time to get out and I thought now would be a good time to tell you about what I have been up to! Well, by being stuck in a Shelter, I mean I’ve been having some major back problems which have been preventing me from doing pretty much anything I wanted to do. Not fun at all!!!!! But, So far so good!!!


Before we get into the review, I have a few announcement for everyone! I’m in the process of getting a little Etsy store up and running. Show your support for UMG and check it out when it’s done 🙂 All purchases go to improving UMG and who know! Maybe even more :0


I’ve been hooked on Fallout Shelter! The new Mobile game where you’re in charge of your very own Shelter! How epic is that? I discovered this game right after I heard the fantastic news about Fallout 4. For those who have been living a secluded Shelter for a while, Bethesda has announced the next awesome installment of Fall Out Coming out November 10th of this year! I mean WHAT!!?!?! that’s so close! I think I may go crazy while I wait for it!


Now, Fallout Shelter is a lot different than the games. I know there have been some MObile version of games like Oblivion etc that have some of the story line in it but this one isn’t one of those.


You are the Overseer, the ruler of the might vault. It’s your job and yours alone (well…maybe Mr. Handy can help…) to make sure all of your dwellers are happy and not radioactive (I’m Radioactive, radioactive…). Those dwellers you deem worthy, can get sent out to the wastelands and collect bottle caps, gear and weapons to arm their fellow dwellers incase you get attacked by those Radroaches, Raiders and Mole Rats. God I hate Mole Rats….For those dwellers that have the stats you want to populate jobs or even just the shelter in general, you can breed them.  That’s right. You have little children running around your shelter like it’s nobody’s business. One time I forgot I had two people in the Barracks and I was overran by children. it was kind of scary.


Now, if breeding people isn’t your thing, you can always expaned your shelter with the hopes of getting new Dwellers for your place. RaideoStations work wonders for this. Now, not only do you have to worry about saving people, you can to worry about keeping them alive. Each person has their own unique trait that makes them useful. And I use that in a very light way. You have to train them basically to be totally awesome at their job, and even then sometimes that’s not enough. There are stats that each person has that makes them terrible or epic at a job. Those high in Agility help out in the Diner (why I am not terribly sure) Intelligence is for the Medpay and things like that Perception is Water Treatment and so forth. Once you get the right amount of dwellers you can train them in c talent to make them more useful and do what you need them to do.


Each room has something special about it. Diners make you food, Water Treatment water and you can’t forget energy. You can also build classrooms ect to train particular skills to make someone more perficiant in one place. The more you upgrade the better off your community will thrive. And thriving is good!


Of course, you think you’re safe and hidden away in the wastelands, but I’ll tell you what. You’re wrong. You are so wrong it’s not even funny. Hahaha! Ok, maybe it’s a little funny. There are multiple creatures that are out to make sure everyone dies, and you fail as an overseer. My favorite thing was my first Raider attack, because I didn’t have any weapons or anything. They just kinda came in, and took over everything and that was about it. However, once you get people with guns and armor, you’re basically unstoppable!


Graphics are pretty nice for a mobile game. The dwellers are Vault Boy variants, and I find that really neat. Even though sometimes I find it hard to tell my dwellers apart, but that kept me playing. The creatures that spawn are easily identified as well so that was hard to mix up.


For the most part, the sounds are pretty generic sounds. Nothing terribly special there. Default gun sounds, alarms and retro 60’s style music blips when you level up someone.


All in all if you’re looking for an addictive time killer, this may not be the one for you. It takes time to do anything, and everything takes time. Harvesting, exploration, breeding. It all can take a few mionutes for the minium amount and longer for even more. There’s also set backs if you’re looking to play it all at once.


I liked the game, it was enjoyable and something to do every hour or so for a few minutes before opening a book or playing another game.


I give it 7/10 bottle caps. Thought the game itself is part of a Legacy, it took a lot of time to ensure everything worked and even then, I had issued with the game. Random attack slaughtering my guys and even fires and Radiation killing off everyone. But, I still had fun with it. 🙂


Want to play?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Bethesda and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


I’ve been playing this game since it was in closed Beta, and I fell in love instantly. With the game being released, I was anxious to see what was added. With the many new classes and dungeons, I’m excited about this game.


I’ve been a fan of this game since I came across it. I enjoyed the unique style of of the game, as well as how you play with the different races. It reminds me of Minecraft/Hexit. When you start out, you’re given the Warrior and the Dracolyte. I’ve always been a huge fan of Dracolyte. Trove has classes for almost every style of game play. You have your straight Up Melee like your Warrior and Candy Barbarian. Then you spell casters like Dracolyte and Ice Sage. They even introduced Stealthy classes like Shadow Hunter and Neon Ninja to the game. The only type of play I don’t see in the game is a healing/support type of class. Some fights can get tough, and with Corner Stone Plots scattered, sometimes it’s hard to fill your health flask.


Wait a minute, what’s a Corner Stone plot, Unicorn? Only one of the best things about Trove! You’re given a house plot, for FREE and you have the power to make it look like whatever you want! =o How awesome is that? You can go up and down in the plot. Of course, you can’t build anything outside of the plot area, even a square or it will stay when you move your house. In the plots, you can create just about anything, torches, portals and even different colored blocks. \


So let’s talk Class. There’s so many to choose from, but there are some repeats in my opinion. Like Boomeranger and Shadow Hunter. Each offers their own flair to dungeoneering. There’s no customization save the Masks, Hats and weapons you get. If you feel like spending the money, you can buy costumes that really just kinda change colors with small variabilities. I really don’t mind this, but it would be cool to see some fancy things you can do that are free.


Dungeoneering is another great addition to this game. Dungeons tend to repeat themselves a lot, and you do the same fight over and over again, but they do offer a fair amount of Xp when completed. Some dungeons offer up something called “Scrolls” these fancy Do dads give you the ability to create new items for your Corner Stone that you find in specific areas. Like Candoria, you can get Candy Chimneys and pipes, that look delicious.


All in all, this game is unique in it’s own way. With the different classes and areas, it’s only a matter of time before you hit a repeat button on the area, it can get a little boring doing the same thing over and over again, or even seeing the same dungeon next to each other. The randomization in some area’s is silly. But that’s something neat about the game.


I’m giving Trove a 7/10. Though this game is fun and exciting, there’s so much they could have done but didn’t. Different classes (By different i mean like no repeats of a few classes), new dungeons just things like that, to be different from the Beta. At least it’s free to play! So anyone can enjoy the game!


Want to play?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Trion Worlds and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Elder Scrolls Online

I have put off this review for awhile for a few reasons. Though I am a big fan of the Elder Scroll series, this game has been sweet and sour for me and I know I needed to make a review and try very hard to be non bias. This review is so late after the release due to the fact, I didn’t feel good about paying for a subscription to a game that I may not want to continue playing. So, let’s begin yes?


ESO is the next big thing, it’s what Skyrim should have been but that’s another story. Now, the Story for ESO is rather short. I came into this game knowing it was NOT going to be like the other Elder Scrolls games. So I wasn’t disappointed with the fact it’s literally NOTHING nothing the other games.



Molag Bal has made a plan to bring Oblivion and Nirn together to create a giant hell. With all of the Chaos, Three groups formed to capture the Imperial City and the White Gold tower. High Rock, Sentinel, and Orsinium stand as one, united under the rule of the High King in Wayrest. Valenwood and Elsweyr have forged an alliance of their own with Summerset, while Black Marsh, Morrowind, and Skyrim have formed a third. And then there’s you, picking your side and your story.


Character Creation and Classes

Like Oblivion and Skyrim, the character creation can take a single click of Randomize or it can take hours to create the perfect character you want. I’ve played Khajiit since I started ES and I was happy I was able to recreate my little kitty in ESO.


Once you get that task done it’s time to select your class. There’s four you can choose from, unlike the customization you had with the other games. You have the Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade and Templar. Unlike the other games, each class has a set number of points you get with 3 unique skill lines. Each class has their own set of roles as well. For example, as a DragonKnight you can role as a tank or DPS. Sorcerer can be Heals or DPS. It just depends on your style of play. I happened to start off as a Nightblade since My Kitty was always a sneaky lil bugger. The class wasn’t what I expected. I assumed I would rely more on stealth than I actually do.


Game play: Is it worth being a MMO?

ESO is a typical MMO with a few issues along the way, that I will get into later.

The controls are simple and you have to know what to do and where to look to get some of th default hot keys for the game. I got the imperial edition so I was also given the white horse which you could level at about anytime you wanted but There was no guide on how to use it. When I looked it up, all I saw was buy it for a gold and then it’s yours. Turns out I had already learned it and I ended up wasting all of my gold to fire out all I had to do was hit H.  This wasn’t actually a big deal. The PC controls are like that of the game with the fun fact it’s in MMO form.

With PVP and Solo play there isn’t much you can’t do. LIke the other games you have the option to join the guilds, steal and have a great time….when you’re alone. Once you join a party is when things start to get interesting. Unlike many other MMO’s out there today, even if you’re in a party you find yourself working Solo instead of together. Even with Dungeons, you had to rely on yourself more than others to get the job done. So I ask, what’s the point in being an MMO then? If you can’t work with your group then why?


Support and final thoughts:

I will give this game kudos on their support staff. They are friendly and will work with you to get your account back in working order. I had some issues with my Beta account and I was unable to get my game tied to it. Working with a staff member, I was able to get my Beta title on my new account, thus able to get the pet.


With all of the things I find annoying in the game. It’s still a good one. I think I had a bit of a head start with my mindset that this wasn’t another ES Game, and that it was going to be different. I am super excited to revisit some areas I played with in games and see what they have done to make them different to match the time line.


With everything being said, I give this game 7/10 Skooma. It’s a typical MMO with hopes of you playing Solo. As much as I can see the effort made to try to make it so you can play with your friends. But if I wanted to play by myself, I would pick up Skyrim or Oblivion.


Want to play it?



DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Bethesda and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


7 days to die

7 Days to die, or as I’m going to call it “7 Days to die then respawn run back to your group then die again”. this Minecraft Apocalypse wanna be has got to be the most headache inducing game of all time.


I am all for the surviving death, disease and all of that. I find those games to be the most fun so My friends and I thought we would try this game out. I must say, this is something that I wasn’t expecting….and at the end of the time playing it, I made some tea and hit my head against my desk.


Let’s start off with what happens. You are thrown into some random location where you have to collect anything you can find to help build things and items while you dodge a lot of zombies to make sure you can live to make it to either your friends or a safe spot. Now, a lot of zombies is an understatement…a HUGE one mind you. In one area I came across 20+ zombies who all magically knew where I was and where I was going and I swear they were like rabbits…They kept multiplying.


It’s literally a “let’s see how many seconds I can live before I die” type of game, and if you watched my stream you say how many times I died so close together (and if you were watching I apologize for my words…It was super frustrating..)


The graphics themselves are decent, more like early 2000 graphics. YOu can easily identify what’s what and who is who but they’re still not clear or flowing. But this game is still in an early release so I’m hoping something will happen. Now the graphics aren’t detrimental to the game play though. But it reminded me a lot of Beast of Prey.


So now I’m sure you’re like “You said Minecraft but I don’t read minecraft!” I”m getting there! Gosh….


With  the resources you collect you can build things, like walls sleeping bags ect. The way you place things is very minecraft esk and like Beasts of Prey, the envrionment really makes or breaks stuff. I LOVE when my frames go through the ground and then everything looks off center. That’s always great!


The amount of difficulty in this game made it a real headache. We actually had a difficult time getting start and staying together. There were several times we had to pause and regather ourselves before going on.


I’m giving this game a 7/10 Cinderblocks. I liked the game for the most part. I didn’t enjoy having to walk to my friends only to get killed again. The zombie population in this game is too damn high. But since this game is in early access I will be watching it closely and will definitely keep you all posted on the game!

Want to give this game a try?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to The Fun Pimps and their subsidiaries.


Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!


Fantasy Life

I came into this game thinking it was any fantasy rpg knock off but I was mistaken!!!! I haven’t been this addicted to a game since Pokemon and World of Warcraft came out. The only thing I would change is having two 3DS so I can play all of my favorite games at the same time, since wait times are so silly when you DPs stuff. Uuuuuuugh!!!!

You are (insert a random class here) who has to go through many quests to ensure people stay awake, puppies look ferocious and your child king remains happy. You go around this world killing mining fishing and cooking to make your friends and towns folk happy.

When your first start a character you can customize to your hearts content. There are many different things to choose from. From hair with kitty ears to a bald face with big eyes. You can look any way you want and no matter what people will adore you and ask for help. I wanted to make the cutest character possible, and every time I load my game I can’t help but to awe in its cuteness.

Now its time for the important half serious business shiz that makes this a review (I’m kidding about being serious). You get the fantastic option of playing this game how you chose. You can have your name chanted around the town or simply cook for fun. I started off as a wizard (I like a good pew pew in my games). I enjoyed how I could pick what spell to use and you get to level them up. When I got bored (haha that’s a joke) with wizard I swapped over to a few of the other classes to try them out.

Each class has its out outfit weapon and spell layout. You get to kick ass and take names at the same time. When you have a companion it seems to make combat a little easier but sometimes they get a mind of their own and go off and forget to help you. Its a case of the shinies.

Like i said above, you have the options of purchasing pets in this game that will follow you around and make sure you have a fighting buddy. There was one thing I think you should know before I get side tracked…when you are doing the main story line quests any companion that you purchase cannot go with you. I got super excited to have a little white puppy with me on my adventures but was quickly upset that he couldn’t come with me when (spoilers and more spoilers) happened.

I really enjoyed this game and I feel there’s replay value if you’re up for a clean slate. Once you pick a class you have to go through and intro but after that (I’m very happy about this) you can skip the intro and go right into the quests that start you off on your new life. You also get to chose the life you would like to play. You’re never on a time schedule or pressured into doing your quests. Spend the whole day fishing or catching bugs. Its your life. Your fantasy life.

Though I loved this game, the joystick was uncomfortable and I could only play for a certain amount of time before I had to take a break, since I have nerve damage in my hands. I enjoy games that I can change how I move, instead of relying on one stop. I don’t like having to put down a game I am enjoying =(

I give this game a 7/10. I can see many hours playing this game and they are enjoyable but I feel like if you don’t know where to look you can get stuck with nothing to do for a period of time, so you sit there with your woof woof and stare into the open areas.

I also wanted to apologize to you guys for posting a little late. Its been busy here and I have barely found the time to sit down and write this hahah.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Level-5 and their subsidiaries.

Haven’t seen a game you think I should review? Have a suggestion? Send us an email!

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2

I know what you guys are probably thinking. UnicornMuffin, why are you doing this game? It’s not scary. Not at all. You’re right. It’s not. But it is a spooky scary theme. What’s scarier than Zombies? Nazi Zombies. But this is one of my favorite sequel type games to a fun FPS Stand alone game.

You are a member of an elite group of group of fancy snipers who were sent out during WW2. Close to the end of the war, Hitler decided to unleash his final weapon. Zombies. Only you, with the guns and others, can defeat this army. Or so the story says. I played with my friends because I really don’t trust NPC’s in games like this. Sometimes they go out of their way to ruin your chance at winning. It’s like “Hey I”m going to stand over here in this bush and do something”. Ugh. I mean sometimes playing with people have the same response but at least you can unfriend these people.

When you wake up, your find yourself in Hell. Well I’m assuming it’s hell. It’s full of Zombies and fire. You think you’re safe, but no. You are never safe. You are sent through mazes and buildings and tanks and everything else you can think Zombies can throw at you. Except limbs. They don’t throw those at you.  I wish, you know how cool that would be? “Braiiiin….oh who am I kidding? ARMS AWAY!” Unlike a lot of zombie games, these little shits sneak up on you when you least expect it. Pile of Bones? ZOMBIES! Huge tree? ZOMBIES! Eyes tired? ZOMBIES. Yeah…be prepared for Zombies, everywhere you can think of.

Did I mention heads exploding? I don’t think I did. Well they do. Organs burst out from the abdomen, heads bursting with brains! What’s not to love? Unless you don’t like gore…and if you don’t like gore, why do you want to play a ZOMBIE SHOOTER? I guess the world may never know or something.  I’m a big fan of when you shoot someone you want to see the blood guts and gore. Nothing like a rolling head in the morning, am I right? I am right.

Anyways, The controls are typical of a PC FPS. WSAD and click to fire. I found that you have to watch where you step. I would go to tun away from Zombies only to get caught on something silly and almost die while my mates went on with out me. My undying gratitude to these guys. The scope system is super nice but sometimes it was a little cheating. I didn’t notice the scope waving around like you , well…you were a zombie. I enjoy the more realistic scopes but sometimes during times like this easier scopes make it nice. I mean you are an Elite Sniper.

With everything becoming more about the Zombie Apocalypse, can you really afford not to start training now as a elite Sniper? I sure hope you can’t! There are so many vital bits of information regarding the zombies, Hitler and the world war itself. A lot of the game is realistic. I say that because the anatomy of your enemies  is very accurate to that of an actual living human being.


I liked this game, graphics and all. I enjoyed relying on my  (ex)friends for help and killing in the zombies. I give this game 7/10 brains. It’s a nice gam ebut some of the tiny bugs like getting caught and stuff caused me to die a few times. That wasn’t too much fun, but I wish I became a Zombie and so I could take over the world with my brainless allies and then…Well..that’s for an other time.


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this game. The game belongs to Rebellion Developments and their subsidiaries.


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Path of Exile

Path of Exile has to be one of my top games for this year! The amount of customization you can do with your characters is simply amazing. I reccomend this game if you really enjoyed Diablo!


Each character you can choose from are set with no appearance customizations. Each has their own story as to why they have been Exiles.  Some of their stories are very absurd while others are simple. I happened to choose the Witch as my character. She was made fun of and taunted in her town but as time went on she got even and stole the towns children.


Questing is very fun in this game! You get the chance to explore the area, which changes when you log in and out. There are different areas you can explore each having a waypoint so you can return to town and then return to adventuring.


Leveling and gearing up are fairly simple to do as well. You fly by levels so quick it’s hard to keep track of what level you are! In just under 3 hours I went from level 3 to level 17! As you kill mobs, gear drops. But like a few games, what drops on the ground isn’t just yours. It’s shared loot. So if you’re playing with a fried, it’s best to work out loot rules. When I played with my Friend, we ended up quite lucky as we needed different stats on our gear so we haven’t butt heads yet.


When you level up, you gain points to use in the gigantic talent tree.Each time you add a point to a branch you get more powerful or gain more health/mana. When it comes to learning spells however, you have to find gems. Each Gem is a certain color and those colors coordinate with slots on your gear. Some gems are just for stats while other increase a spell you have or just grant you an al new spell. You also get the option to level up your gems too. This increases the stats of the gems making them more powerful. YOu can also remove a gem before you sell an Item so you are not at a loss of spells.


For the size of this game, it’s very neat and tidy. The graphics are pretty well put together. You feel like you are in the area you spawn in. Foot steps in the water, trickling sounds from the ceiling. The environment is fairly interactive in the sense that if you run into it it moves or makes a sound.


All in all, this game is pretty fun. I do feel that once the game is beaten there may not be much of a replay value. But this game is Free to Play so it never hurts to make new characters and try out the other classes.  I give this game a 7/10!


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